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Top 10 Memorable Quotes from the CIO-CMO Forum - Chief Marketing Technologist - 0 views

    There is more and more a tension between IT and Marketing. New tools put IT prowess in marketers' hands. The quotes from the CIO-CMO Forum show us an emerging strength in marketing. But IT is our friend in the process. They just need to realize that they can materially impact revenue in the enterprise. Marketing is a way IT can assert itself as a profit center, not just a utility. Great quotes.

Boost Social Media's Content Value With Email | MarketingProfs Daily Fix Blog - 0 views

    It might help to look at email as a social network. It is, only it is VERY large. My 91-year-old grandmother "friended" me years ago on email. We share video, pictures, posts … everything via email. So, if you have a social media strategy that ignores the biggest social network on the planet, is it a complete strategy? Not even close.

4 Things To Get Right Before You Pay For Traffic - 0 views

     @bennyblum We don't champion conversion for the fun of it, although it is fun. We do it because it makes us money on the bottom line and gives us leverage when finding more traffic.

    Marketing Land's Benny Blum lays out the things you should do to find this leverage for your online advertising, SEO and PPC. Determine: What's a visit worth? Design for Conversion Get Your Message Right Establish an Organic Strategy

6 Sure-Fire Signs of a Real Digital Marketing Agency - 0 views

    No no no no NO! "Each campaign is a roll of the dice. If it succeeds, great! But if it fails to meet expectations, then it becomes more wasted time during which the competition could gain an upper hand."

    Are you still rolling the dice? in 2018? Stop it.

Get a Free Copy of my Book for Your Kindle, iPad or Smartphone Your Customer Creation E... - 0 views

    I'm giving away free copies of my book Your Customer Creation Equation: Unexpected Website Formulas of The Conversion Scientist. There are no strings attached.

    Starting December 15 and running through December 19th, my book will be completely free in the Amazon Kindle Store. Just click on "One Click Buy" during the promo dates, and it'll be delivered right to your Kindle free of charge.

    Don't have a Kindle? Never fear. You can read it on the Amazon Cloud Reader on your computer, or through the free Kindle App available for your Smartphone or iPad.  

      So what is this book I am offering for free? It's called The Customer Creation Equation: Unexpected Website Formulas of The Conversion Scientist™. It gives readers the foolproof formulas to creating a website that not only gets the right traffic, but converts that traffic to customers, returning customers and advocates.  

    Some of the great things you'll learn in this book:

    - Identify the unique customer creation formula for your site. - Set up your own digital conversion lab to measure your progress. - Develop landing pages for your site that actually deliver. - Charge your marketing "batteries" to reduce your advertising expenditures. - Communicate authoritatively with designers, developers, and executives.

    So please, do not buy this book.  

    Go over to the Kindle Store and get your copy absolutely free. Your website will thank you for it.

What makes a 30 second movie go viral? | Webreep Blog - 0 views

    This is a very geeky look at what makes video go viral. Very geeky. That's why I love it. Dr. Brent Coker introduces us to the Branded Viral Movie Predictor (BVMP). Yes, it even has an acronym. If you've considered doing a video in the hopes that it might "go viral," read this first and be sure you have the appropriate doses of congruency, emotive strength, network involvement and paird meme synergy. Don't you love science?

What makes a 30 second movie go viral? | Webreep Blog - 0 views

    This is a very geeky look at what makes video go viral. Very geeky. That's why I love it. Dr. Brent Coker introduces us to the Branded Viral Movie Predictor (BVMP). Yes, it even has an acronym. If you've considered doing a video in the hopes that it might "go viral," read this first and be sure you have the appropriate doses of congruency, emotive strength, network involvement and paird meme synergy. Don't you love science?

Rotating Banners? Just Say No! | ClickZ - 0 views

    It is astounding that these rotating hero shots are so common on e-commerce sites. We have seen in the lab that they are a sure way to reduce site engagement and crater conversion rates. Don't believe it? Tim Ash would know and lists the reasons in this eye-opening article. Please read it.

    There is more on hero sliders in my most recent Search Engine Land column.

What The Highest Converting Websites Do - KISSMetrics - 0 views

     @KISSMetricsYou want to have a high-converting website. You really do. I'm not kidding.

    It makes all of your marketing much cheaper by turning more of your paid and organic traffic into sales. It grows your business more efficiently because your visitors are finding what they want. It gets you off of the "more traffic" treadmill so you can focus on providing great products or great services.

    Here is another awesome summary of the things you could be doing to make your site convert better.

Email Clicks Are Only Step One | Scott Bratcher - 0 views

    It's great to meet email professionals that 'get it." By "It" I mean conversion, or "What to do after the email recipient clicks through."

    If you have any doubts about "It" then you will appreciate Scott Bratcher's summary check list. He even links to one of my stories.

4 Email Subject Lines That Are Proven to Get Opened - 0 views

    Your conversion rate is affected by a series of "micro-conversions", and this is especially true of email. To get your emails to convert, you must get the recipient to open it, and three components affect open rates: Who it is fromThe Subject LineThe first lines of text, which are shown by many email clientsThis article focuses on subject lines that work for those of us offering training and education. These may have more limited success with other audiences. It is interesting nonetheless.

E-Commerce Customer Acquisition Snapshot | Custora Blog - 1 views

     The interesting graphic shown in this post by Custora shows how e-commerce businesses are gaining customers and how that has changed since 2009.

    It is no surprise to see cost-per-click (CPC) search advertising growing over that time. However, it is gratifying to see that email has grown the fastest, far outstripping banner advertising, Facebook and Twitter.

    In my book I say that email is the biggest social network on the planet. It appears to be so for e-commerce companies as well.

Rotating Offers - the Scourge of Home Page Design - 0 views

    @widerfunnel "We have tested rotating offers many times and have found it to be a poor way of presenting home page content." Enough said.

    Businesses love rotating banners because they are cowards. They are afraid of picking something and running with it. They don't want to lose a chance to get everyone. Well, when you try to sell to everyone, you sell to no one. If you won't listen to me, please, read Chris Goward's article. When it comes to testing, the Wider Funnel people konw what they're doing.  
1More - 0 views

    This article turns much "good advice" about writing on its ear. And it passes the test of an article on writing: It's well-written.

It's Not My Job: Why Marketing is Broken - - 0 views

     @TheGrok (Bryan Eisenberg) is one of the founders of the performance marketing movement -- we've called it conversion marketing. He has the cred to ask the hard questions. In this very impactful article, he asks "Really, is this so hard to do?" of the email marketers whom he sees as "broken."

    These examples should leave you with a feeling of, "Oh yes. I get it now."

    That can be a very valuable feeling.

26 Time Management Hacks I Wish I'd Known at 20 - 0 views

    If there was one thing that defeats your efforts to market with data, it would be lack of resources. Marketing departments are notoriously under-staffed for the workload delegated by executives. It can become overwhelming to imagine doing tests when you're just trying to get communications out the door.

    In the interest of helping you find more time and happiness in your work, I offer this excellent list of 26 "time hacks."

    Please. Do some split testing with the extra time you find. Your visitors will thank you.

    26 Time Management Hacks I Wish I'd Known at 20 from Etienne Garbugli @egarbugli

The Ultimate UX Design of Form Validation - Designmodo - 0 views

    Forms are a key component of Landing Pages (in addition to Offer, Image, Trust and Proof). When a visitor considers completing a form — for lead gen, to subscribe or to purchase — it is the moment of truth.

    So, it is sad that so many forms work to chase these ready customers and prospects away.

    This article will give you some things to consider as you guide development of your website forms in these areas: Right time of informing about problems/success Right place for validation messages Right color Clear language

Daniel H Pink: employees are faster and more creative when solving other people's probl... - 0 views

    Bryan and Jeffery Eisenberg often say, "You can't read the label from inside the bottle." It means that you can't really see the solution to a problem if you're too close to it.

    This may be a good argument for bringing in consultants for your most important business processes. After working with a client for a year or more, we often find ourselves inside the bottle with them and have to get outside influences to read the label.

    Apparently, there is a firm psychological principle at work here that can be measured. What does the label say on your business bottle?

Regular Expressions Guide for SEO, Google Analytics & Google Tag Manager - 0 views

    Regular expressions rear their ugly head in more and more places. Google Analytics is just one.

    For me the regular expression showed up in the excellent Yoast SEO plugin for Wordpress. I needed to redirect a URL that had parameters, like this:

    To do this, I could not use a regular redirect, as everything after the ? would be stripped away. I needed to use a Regular Expression Redirect. However, this sort of thing -- using query parameters -- wasn't covered in any of the Yoast documentation.

    This article gave me the hint I needed, and the technique that ended up working. To summarize, I used the following regular expression to match my URL with the parameters:


    The parentheses save the matching contents into a variable, which I can access using $1 in the new URL, like this:


    It worked great. Give it a try:

    Thanks to Himanshu.

The Lean UX Canvas - Jeff Gothelf - Medium - 0 views

    I love it when designers talk about hypotheses and tests. "I use this process to help teams frame their work as a business problem to solve (rather than a solution to implement) and then dissect that business problem into its core assumptions. We then weave those assumptions into hypotheses. Finally, we design experiments to test our riskiest hypotheses."
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