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Tracy Watanabe

Class registration | Student Blogging Challenge - 0 views

    The student blogging challenge starts next week. Here's the page to register your class. Remember, you can choose which challenges to participate in. It's a great way to build an authentic audience for your students!
Tracy Watanabe

Attracting Blog Comments | Integrating Technology in the Primary Classroom - 0 views

  • Be part of the blogging community: To put it simply, you can’t expect people to comment on your blog if you don’t ever comment on theirs.
  • Finish your post with questions: Take some of the guesswork out of commenting and give readers some suggestions on what they could comment on
  • Make sure you include open-ended questions that appeal to a wide audience.
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  • Don’t write all the answers: I may be a little guilty of this with this post but if you write an open-ended/incomplete post then people feel like they have something to contribute and will be more likely to comment
  • Publish in a timely manner: People won’t be very interested in commenting on an event that happened three weeks ago. We try to publish a post as soon as possible after a class event on the 2KM and 2KJ blog. Students and families are more likely to comment when their enthusiasm about an event is high
  • Reply to comments: I have said this before but I believe that it is basic blogging etiquette to reply to all/most comments. Acknowledge your readers’ comments, interact with them and they will be encouraged to comment again
  • Be original and diverse: I encourage my students to post about not only what appeals to them but what they think might appeal to their audience.
  • Educate readers on how to comment: Don’t assume that all teachers/parents/students know how to leave a comment. I provide parent handouts and a video on how to comment. You might choose to have a “how to comment” page on your class blog like I have.
  • Publicly read and praise comments: We start each school day with 20 minutes of whole-class blogging. This provides a chance for students to read out the comments they have left at home and school in the past 24 hours. We have found that there was a big increase in comments when we started doing this. Students respond well to praise and are eager to get their five minutes of fame
  • Hold a commenting event: We have held a few special class events to stir up some new enthusiasm for commenting with great success. Some of these events included the Family Blogging Afternoon and Family Blogging Month competition
  • Invite people to comment:
  • Inform people of new posts:
  • Have a pattern to publishing:
  • Remember, it takes work and ongoing effort to attract comments on your blog, however once you build up the momentum the effort decreases and the rewards increase
Meaghan Davis

E Pals - 1 views

    "The mission of ePALS Classroom Exchange is to offer safe, innovative ways for learners to make contact with other cultures. They currently connect over 4.5 million users from 191 countries, speaking 136 languages, by providing built-in Webmail language translation and safety features such as monitored e-mail and profanity filters. All of the tools and resources on the site are free to anyone with a computer, anywhere in the world. The site also offers collaborative projects that students can join, as well as tools for creating projects and contacting students in remote locations."
  • ...2 more comments...
    This is the site that I found our Kenya buddies project.
    ePals is the social network optimized for K-12 learning. Over half a million classrooms in 200 countries and territories have joined the ePals Global Community to connect, collaborate and exchange ideas. ePals now translates in 35 languages! It looks like a great way to connect with other students and classes around the world. It had projects you can collaborate on with other classrooms. I noticed many of these topics were about content we worked on this year in second grade.
    ePals is the social network optimized for K-12 learning. Over half a million classrooms in 200 countries and territories have joined the ePals Global Community to connect, collaborate and exchange ideas. ePals now translates in 35 languages! The benefits of the site are that the students can connect with other students and classrooms around the globe. You connect with them by the projects that you are working on in the classroom. This gives the common ground to talk about back and forth. The possible pitfalls are if you get a classroom that is not as involved as yours. It could be a let down and you may have to find another classroom that you could connect with.
    This site is free and connects you with other educators seeking to connect classrooms for global projects. It has great safety features and has a variety of projects for all content areas and grade levels. You can form e-mail pen pal connections with classrooms around the world. Very cool!
Tracy Watanabe

The Paperless Classroom with Google Docs - Google Drive - 1 views

    What an easy way for students to share documents and teachers to keep track of them. See the sections on "How to use folders as student turn-in folders" and "How to use forms to turn in assignments"
Tracy Watanabe

Quest2Matter - What It Is & How to Join - Choose 2 Matter - 0 views

    "Help your kids submit their idea and work to Quest to matter. This is a great way to showcase what your students are doing. It will also open up opportunities for mentoring. If you know a kid who is doing something cool to change the world - SUBMIT IT. The end date is June 7th. Why not have your class create a quest to matter. If you haven't had a chance to do a genius project or some creative teacherpreneurship with passion projects - USE THIS opportunity. My friend Angela Maiers had this idea and many have joined in (like me) to help create a website showcasing and promoting all the great work that students are doing as social entrepreneurs to change the world. There will be a winning project that is showcased and mentored. " Vicki Davis
Tracy Watanabe

There's Blogging and There's Blogging… | Primary Tech - 0 views

  • When it comes to classroom blogging, I am an advocate of a program that: begins with a class blog before allowing students to work on their own blogs is integrated into a literacy program on a regular basis (while incorporating other curriculum areas) sets high standards for writing, design, netiquette etc. is regularly maintained and is an evolving space allows students to express themselves while improving their educational outcomes provides feedback and explicit teaching to students begins with a high level of teacher guidance, before increasingly offering students more responsibility.
Tracy Watanabe

STEM related contests and competitions | Generation YES Blog - 1 views

  • Trash Transformation Challenge from Tech Directions
  • The deadline is January 31, 2013
  • Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision Launches 2013 Program Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision, the world’s largest K-12 science and technology competition is now accepting entries for 2013. Students research scientific principles and current technologies as the basis for designing inventions that could exist in 20 years.
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  • The deadline is January 31, 2013.
  • The Extreme Redesign 3D Printing Challenge 2013 is Now Open! Calling all engineering, design, art, and architecture students and teachers across the globe: The 2013 Extreme Redesign contest is now accepting entries.
  • “Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge” Opens Call for Entries As global environmental challenges increase, the Siemens Foundation and Discovery Education are looking to our country’s future leaders for innovative solutions.
  • The deadline for all entries is March 5, 2013.
  • National MASTERMIND BrainTwister Challenge In the first annual MASTERMIND BrainTwister Challenge, students will be challenged to come up with their own games, puzzles, and riddles for the MASTERMIND BrainTwister Challenge. Children ages 7 through 12 are eligible and can enter online. Deadline December 31, 2012.
  • SpaceTech Engineering Design Challenge Challenge: Design a Thermal Control System for a space station in lunar orbit.
  • Call for Entries for 2012 Digital Media Teacher Innovator Awards PBS LearningMedia and The Henry Ford are sponsoring the third annual Teacher Innovator Awards, recognizing PreK-12 educators using media in new and unique ways to enhance students’ learning.
  • The deadline to apply for the awards is December 12, 2012.
    Great opportunities here for authentic learning...
Tracy Watanabe

Zero Alternatives - 1 views

    "Zeros are seldom an accurate description of a student's achievement and skew average grades dramatically. Instead of prompting greater effort, zeros and the low grades they yield more often cause students to withdraw from learning. One alternative to zeros is to assign an "I" or "Incomplete" grade with explicit requirements for completing the work." .... "If the grade is to represent how well students have learned, mastered established learning standars, or achieved specified learning goals, then the practice of assigning zeros clearly misses the mark." **"Teachers must consider what message they want to communicate through grading, who the primary audience for the message is, and what the intended goal of the communication is." ...
Colleen Tucker

The Square of Life Project - 2 views

    Square of Life: Studies in Local and Global Environments is an Internet-based collaborative project in which students will investigate their local environment and share that information with other students from around the country and the world. Participants will: Identify living and non-living things in their school yards. Revisit this site in mid-August for information about the Fall 2012 run of the project.
    Colleen, I love this project. I would totally do this with my 4th grade students. :) It would be fun to post our findings on our blog and try and get others involved too.
    This looks like neat project to do. I would be interested having a "Key Pal" through the project to really engage students and introduce them to who will be their audience.
Tracy Watanabe

Chromebooks and Chrome Web Store | AJUSD Campus Blogs - 3 views

    Info about what's different with using a Chromebook vs other devices, and what teachers (and students) need to know to use them. Note: 9th-10th students will use Chromebooks as their 1-to-1 device; Title will get some carts at CCJH: and each elementary school will get 6 carts at each of their schools
Tracy Watanabe

Out My Window | Smore - 1 views

    global collab The Project Launched at the 2013 Global Education conference, "Out My Window" was born from a quest to have students gain global perspective. "Out My Window" classrooms share their world. Inspired by the five themes of geography, students reveal cultural awareness and understanding through original poetry and photography. The Process 1. Take a photo "out your window". 2. Write a poem incorporating the 5 themes of geography - place, location, human environment interaction, region, and movement. Look below for poetry and 5 themes resources 3. Edit your photo to your liking. Look below for editing tips. -We suggest overlaying the text onto the image like the example shown, but you can also add it separately if you'd like. 4. Share! Sharing 1. Create a Flickr account if you don't already have one. The Flickr #outmywindow group is public and by submitting you agree to the group norms 2. Once you have logged into Flickr and been added to the #outmywindow group, you can start uploading your finished product! 3. Be sure to use our Twitter hashtag - #omw1415 to continue sharing your work!
Tracy Watanabe

Bugscope: Home - 0 views

    You sign up, ask your students to find some bugs, and mail them to us. We accept your application, schedule your session, and prepare the bugs for insertion into the electron microscope. When your session time arrives, we put the bug(s) into the microscope and set it up for your classroom. Then you and your students login over the web and control the microscope. We'll be there via chat to guide you and answer the kids' questions.
Tracy Watanabe

Global School Net - 1 views

    Global SchoolNet's mission is to support 21st century learning and improve academic performance through content driven collaboration. We engage teachers and K-12 students in meaningful project learning exchanges worldwide to develop science, math, literacy and communication skills, foster teamwork, civic responsibility and collaboration, encourage workforce preparedness and create multi-cultural understanding. We prepare youth for full participation as productive and effective citizens in an increasing global economy.
    Global SchoolNet partners with schools, communities, and businesses to provide collaborative learning activities that prepare students for the workforce and help them become literate and responsible global citizens. The Project Registry has more than 800 online projects providing teachers a chance to collaborate and share learning experiences. The most recent partner programs include "Mosaics of Life" (a global art project culminating in the creation of eight collaborative glass tile murals made up of original art and expressing understanding, concerns, and insights in themes that affect and shape lives both locally and globally) and the U.S. State Department-sponsored "Doors to Diplomacy Competition" (an educational challenge for middle and high school students about the importance of international affairs and diplomacy, with prizes including scholarships, cash, and a trip to Washington, D.C.).
Sandy Lorance

It's about Chime (Science middle/high school) - 1 views

    The goal of It's About Chime is to have the students explore the mathematics & physics behind sound waves and wind chimes. The students will engineer chime machines that ride the wind to produce melodic tunes for enjoyment. This project offers a great way to incorporate a real world audience into teaching the physics and math of sound waves. The pitfalls of this may be the materials and time required, but the project is well laid out and has a great deal of resources.
Tracy Watanabe

Project Densho - 0 views

    Project Densho The Densho Educational Web site gives students access to a wealth of primary source material relating to the incarceration of Japanese-Americans during World War II. Project Densho's partnership with historians at Stanford University produced curriculum to help students and teachers use these valuable resources in classroom activities. This is a powerful tool to bring inquiry-based learning into middle and high school social studies classrooms. This is a powerful site for inquiry-based learning for upper grades; however, there isn't anything already created that we can enroll our classes in... unless it's there and I'm missing it.
Tracy Watanabe

Class registration March 2013 | Student Blogging Challenge - 0 views

    The Student Blogging Challenge for spring is starting in March. Here's wehre you can register your class. Note, ECE is preschool-1st grade; LP is lower primary which we call Primary; UP is upper primary which we call Elementary. =) Their Aussie terms are a little different than ours. For more info on the challenge, visit

Mystery Class - 0 views

    The Mystery Class investigation is an eleven week hunt in which students try to find ten secret "Mystery Classes" hiding around the globe. The changing amount of sunlight at each site is the central clue.
    I think that this could potentially be a great anchor activity for students.
    I've seen it done with 5th grade years ago and it was great! Mrs. Hamman's class did it this year also. See her post
Tracy Watanabe

Managing Student Work in Google Apps | AJUSD Campus Blogs - 0 views

  • This is absolutely awesome for managing student work in Google Apps. Doctopus allows you to share a document with your entire class without having to share individually and without having to place it in the Template Gallery. Plus, it collects all of the data in one spreadsheet! You can share the document for the whole class to work on it, for group work, or for individual work.
    This is worth your taking the time to look at.
Tracy Watanabe

4 Tools for Building Academic Vocabulary - Getting Smart by Susan Oxnevad - 2 views

  • There is a wealth of research to suggest that vocabulary knowledge is the single best predictor of student academic achievement across all curriculum areas.
  • Technology is an effective and engaging tool that can be used to improve vocabulary acquisition for all learners and engage them in the learning process.
  • Engaging students in activities to build vocabulary is all about the learning that occurs during the process of creating, not about ending up with an impressive final project.  Use student centered learning activities like these to make good use of technology as an efficient and effective tool for learning.
Erik Nesheim

ThinkQuest Business - 2 views

    This site brings local, global, and regional business together for students to collaborate with.
    This is a good site for older kids. It could provide them with an overview of what it is they will be learning and how they can interact with the teacher and other students.
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