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Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - Teaching Tools - 0 views

    A list of links that might prove to be helpful in your planning a 21st Century lesson/unit.
Tracy Watanabe

Information Skills - 0 views

  • The Big 6 provides a framework to systematically find, use, apply, and evaluate information for specific tasks.
  • Information Literacy The ability to assess the validity and usefulness of information has always been a critical skill. Given the ease of publishing information on the Internet, and our increasing reliance on Web based resources these skills are even more important. These resources are designed to help students develop the ability to evaluate information.
  • Evaluating Web Pages: Techniques to Apply and Questions to AskThis UC Berkeley site offers a useful four-part process for evaluating Web pages, including examining the URL, the perimeter of the page, indicators of quality, and what others say
    You need to sign into partners in learning to access this.
shana myers

Kindergarten Thanksgiving Investigation - 2 views

    I love the real world connections your students will be making and the authentic audience. They are going to love it and learn so much about Thanksgiving! I am wondering how you plan to have the kindergarteners reflect on their learning? I'd love to know so I have a better understanding for how to help Kinder with this.
Bethany Avery

Johnny Appleseed and Westward expansion persuasive writing - 0 views

    I love how the two of you worked together to create something so strong. I'm wondering how you will have them reflect on their learning.
    I love how you both worked together to come up with such a strong learning experience for your students. They will get so much out of this because of how deep it goes. I'm wondering how you will have them reflect on their learning when the unit is done.
Tracy Watanabe

Student Film Festival | The White House - 0 views

  • We’re looking for videos that highlight the power of technology in schools. Your film should address at least one of the following themes: How you currently use technology in your classroom or school. The role technology will play in education in the future.
  • Submissions for the White House film festival will be accepted from November 25 through January 29, 2014. Videos must be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo to be submitted. You and a parent/guardian must complete the form below and submit a link to your video.
    The White House is looking for videos that highlight the power of technology in schools. *Submissions for the White House film festival will be accepted from November 25 through January 29, 2014. Videos must be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo to be submitted. You and a parent/guardian must complete the form below and submit a link to your video.* (See site for more details). -- Note: It's a 3 minute video. Your film should address at least one of the following themes: How you currently use technology in your classroom or school. The role technology will play in education in the future. (See site for more themes)
Tracy Watanabe

iLearn Technology » Blog Archive » Post-it Plus: Digitize your Post-it Notes ... - 1 views

  • Post-it Plus is an app that lets you snap pictures of a Post-it note brainstorm session, and then arrange, refine, and organize the notes on a virtual board. The newly organized digital board can then be shared out.  Students can capture 50 Post-it notes at a time and collect and combine ideas from multiple categories. Notes can be organized on a grid, or free form any way that you would like. Boards can be shared via email, PowerPoint, Excel, Dropbox, by PDF, etc. After the work has been shared, anyone can help contribute and arrange the notes to create a great idea! The app is free and optimized for iOS 8.
    digitize your paper post-it notes and continue to organize the digital version genius!
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