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garth nichols

The dumbest generation? No, Twitter is making kids smarter - The Globe and Mail - 1 views

    A great article in favour of social media in education: ""Student writers today are tackling the kinds of issues that require inquiry and investigation as well as reflection,""
Justin Medved

Global Weekly Twitter Chat Hashtags and Times - 3 views

    Amazing global list
Adam Caplan

Twitter Illiterate? Mastering the @BC's - - 5 views

  • An important technical rule governs the use of the “@” sign, which is the beginning of every account’s handle. If you start a tweet to someone with “@,” only that person and those who follow both of you will see the tweet. This is so you can have a semi-private conversation with that person without cluttering up others’ timelines. To make the tweet appear in the timelines of everyone who follows you, add a word or character before the “@” sign, even just a period.
    Make sure you tweets are making it to your intended audience!
Erin O'Rourke

Twitter4Teachers - Create - Connect - Share - 0 views

    Great resource that a former colleague created.
garth nichols

Who Is Afraid of Knowledge? | Moments, Snippets, Spirals - 1 views

  • Back to my statement: Knowledge of facts is critical to building understanding. In-depth understanding. And yet, knowledge is slowly becoming a Cinderella in the broader context of education for reasons that escape me. Cognitive science tells us that “thinking” well depends on activating knowledge effectively: “The power of human cognition depends on the amount of knowledge encoded and the effective deployment of it.” (A Simple Theory of Complex Cognition, John R. Anderson, 1995) We all know that there are two types of knowledge: declarative knowledge (yes, those “irrelevant”, googlable facts), and procedural knowledge (more commonly known as “skills”). These two are intertwined and as student-friendly as you might want to be in dismissing the former (because, well, “knowing” stuff is hard and we want students to have only great experiences or “fun”), you cannot. These facts (“units” in scientific terminology) are the building blocks of skills (“rules”). Simply put, you cannot build a skill or develop deep conceptual understanding in the absence of facts.
    Great article that was going around our twitter feed, but I thought I would add it here to juxtapose with Sarah's recent post from Wired.
garth nichols

great technology requires an understanding of the humans who use it - 0 views

  • Clearly, MIT BLOSSOMS (the name stands for Blended Learning Open Source Science Or Math Studies) isn’t gaining fans by virtue of its whiz-bang technology. Rather, it exerts its appeal through an unassuming but remarkably sophisticated understanding of what it is that students and teachers actually need. It’s an understanding that is directly at odds with the assumptions of most of the edtech universe.
  • For example: BLOSSOMS is not “student-centered.” In its Twitter profile, the program is described as “teacher-centric”—heresy at a moment when teachers are supposed to be the “guide on the side,” not the “sage on the stage.” The attention of students engaged in a BLOSSOMS lesson, it’s expected, will be directed at the “guest teacher” on the video or at the classroom teacher leading the interactive session.
  • All this is blasphemy in view of the hardening orthodoxy of the edtech establishment. And all this is perfectly aligned with what research in psychology and cognitive science tells us about how students learn. We know that students do not make optimal choices when directing their own learning; especially when they’re new to a subject, they need guidance from an experienced teacher. We know that students do not learn deeply or lastingly when they have a world of distractions at their fingertips. And we know that students learn best not as isolated units but as part of a socially connected group. Modest as it is from a technological perspective, MIT BLOSSOMS is ideally designed for learning—a reminder that more and better technology does not always lead to more and better education.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • The creators of BLOSSOMS also candidly acknowledge that many teachers are threatened by the technology moving into their classrooms—and that they have reason to feel that way. Champions of educational technology often predict (with barely disguised glee) that computers will soon replace teachers, and school districts are already looking to edtech as a way to reduce teaching costs. The message to teachers from the advocates of technology is often heard as: Move aside, or get left behind.
  • Should the creators of educational technology care so much about the tender feelings of teachers, especially those inclined to stand in the way of technological progress? Yes—because it’s teachers who determine how well and how often technology is used.
  • Edtech proponents who think that technology can “disrupt” or “transform” education on its own would do well to take a lesson from the creators of BLOSSOM, who call their program’s blend of computers and people a “teaching duet.” Their enthusiasm for the possibilities of technology is matched by an awareness of the limits of human nature. 
    A very important message to all who are trying to integrate Tech into their school...
garth nichols

World Economic Forum on Twitter: "These are the #skills you'll need to get a job in 202... - 2 views

    The Future Skills !
Justin Medved

Column: Futile fight on student tweets - 0 views

    "Taking a cue from The Scarlet Letter, the website Jezebel compiled racially insensitive tweets directed toward President Obama by high school students across the country, naming names and even calling the students' schools. The tweets - posted by students under their real identities - covered the full range of bigotry, from racial epithets to basketball stereotypes, with the N-word in abundance. In response, Giga OMasked, "When does shaming racist kids turn into online bullying?" The answer to that is never. It would be a mistake to mischaracterize the denunciation of racially offensive speech as abusive. To the contrary, that give-and-take (or more precisely "say something deeply offensive and get verbally pummeled") is what free speech in America is all about. That's the flaw in virtually every strategy to keep students in both high school and college on the social media straight and narrow. High school is all about preparing the next generation for citizenship. We teach them civics, history, a smattering of math and science and hand them a diploma. But we too often also try to control their every move. That's literally the case with the news last week that a sophomore at John Jay High School in San Antonio was expelled after refusing to carry an ID with a computer chip designed to track the movements of every student in the school."

Changing democracy, 140 characters at a time - The Globe and Mail - 2 views

    Written by John Boyko (LCS faculty)

Inquiry is Differentiation | Discovering the Art of Mathematics (DAoM) - 2 views

  • explains some of the individual differences that influence problem solving
  • psychologist David Jonassen
  • Given the reality of all these differences, how can I even dream of a functional classroom in which every student is learning at their own learning edge?
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • I believe that inquiry helps tremendously in reaching learners on different levels at the same time
  • work at their own pace
  • This is kind of funny because whole class discussions actually help make knowledge more equal which makes the classroom experience less differentiated. So while this is not really a tool to help students at their individual learning edges, it is a tool to bring out the differences and spread ideas and questions around the class.
    • mrdanbailey61
      This is a puzzle - how do we democratize input? This is why I like the idea of Twitter in the classroom - can be a way for reluctant speakers to particpate.
  • Ok, by now I know that it is impossible to find one particular task that will be just at the right level for all my students.
  • Another way of bringing in differentiation into your class is by letting students work on two different topics simultaneously. The students choose when they are ready to switch tasks for a while and then come back later to pick up the first topic again.
  • students know pretty well how they compare to other students and that they don’t like having to fit in and be the same all the time
  • Assessment and differentiation is a tricky subject,
    I am not a math teacher, but I really like the ideas here. I am working at getting a handle on differentiation and inquiry-based learning for my subjects and classes (Our classes typically have 5-10 students with assessments and IEPs)..
garth nichols

35 Psychology-Based Learning Strategies For Deeper Learning - 4 views

    Brain-based learning strategies
James Trood

3 Ways to Be Less Boring | Edutopia - 6 views

  • Use Wait Time Two
  • Try "Do Not Call On Me" Signals
  • Enjoy Your Students
    How can we help those who never put up there hands?
    Lately I have tried something where I tell the students I will be asking at least 21 questions (the number of students in my class) and for them to choose the question they will answer. Some of the questions were simple yes/no, but it got those who never say anything, putting their hand up and answering a question. I even got a smile from some of them.
Derek Doucet

Personalize Learning: Put the "Person" in "Personalization" - 2 views

  • It's time to put the "person" in "personalization" and stop the conversations going in directions that take us off course.
  • It's not about technology. It's not about the test or improving test scores. It's really not about school. It's all about the learner, how they learn best and that what they learn is meaningful and for a purpose.
  • Teachers and learners can work together to develop learning goals and design activities that are authentic and relevant for the learner so they are engaged in learning. Learning has to have a context that learners can grasp and understand.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • When we put the focus on each learner and how they can own and drive their learning, then we see engaged, self-directed learners with agency.
  • eachers also think they have to teach like a champion because they are the ones responsible for the learning. Don't you think that this is backwards?
  • This is just the beginning of a new world of learning and it's time to put the "Person" back in "Personalization."
  • When we focus on learning and not on curriculum, teachers roles change. We still can teach to standards but let's involve learners in the process and give them a voice so they own the learning.
  • If we teach as we taught yesterday,we rob our children of tomorrow.”
  • There are companies that frame "personalized learning" as adaptive learning systems using algorithms to choose the right path for learning. So we're going to end this blog emphasizing learners need to be the ones who choose their path with their teacher guiding the process. It is about encouraging learners to have a voice and choice in their learning. It's happening now all over the world.
  • They probably don't realize that their digital footprint is actually a "digital tattoo" that can never be removed.
    • Derek Doucet
      "It's about learners having a voice and choice in their learning ... leading to engaged and self-directed learners with agency..."
  • They also need to understand who they are, how they learn best, and how to be global digital citizens.
    A great clarification on what personalized learning is... 
Tim Rollwagen

Canada needs the long view, urgently - The Globe and Mail - 1 views

  • For example, what sort of education will it take for future Canadian graduates to reach their potential in a world where the pace of technological change is unlikely to slacken? If the next 15 years are anything like the last, during which we restructured how we work (Internet, mobile), communicate (smartphones), interact (Facebook, Twitter), shop (Amazon, eBay), listen to music (iTunes, iPods), plan trips (TripAdvisor, Expedia) and find information (Google, Yahoo), then literacy, numeracy, creativity, adaptability and entrepreneurship will be the name of the talent game.
    Digital Literacy - What Canada needs.
Carolyn Bilton

Five-Minute Film Festival: 8 Interactive Video Tools for Engaging Learners | Edutopia - 3 views

    8 sites/apps to help create/curate/add notes etc to video!
    8 sites/apps to help create/curate/add notes etc to video!

Tips on building a personal learning network on Twitter | eSchool News | eSchool News - 2 views

    "Learn how to leverage Twitter's 140-character microblogging platform into your global Personal Learning Network (PLN)" This article (and its links) is a reminder of PLN benefits and a good place to start...
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