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garth nichols

Who Is Afraid of Knowledge? | Moments, Snippets, Spirals - 1 views

  • Back to my statement: Knowledge of facts is critical to building understanding. In-depth understanding. And yet, knowledge is slowly becoming a Cinderella in the broader context of education for reasons that escape me. Cognitive science tells us that “thinking” well depends on activating knowledge effectively: “The power of human cognition depends on the amount of knowledge encoded and the effective deployment of it.” (A Simple Theory of Complex Cognition, John R. Anderson, 1995) We all know that there are two types of knowledge: declarative knowledge (yes, those “irrelevant”, googlable facts), and procedural knowledge (more commonly known as “skills”). These two are intertwined and as student-friendly as you might want to be in dismissing the former (because, well, “knowing” stuff is hard and we want students to have only great experiences or “fun”), you cannot. These facts (“units” in scientific terminology) are the building blocks of skills (“rules”). Simply put, you cannot build a skill or develop deep conceptual understanding in the absence of facts.
    Great article that was going around our twitter feed, but I thought I would add it here to juxtapose with Sarah's recent post from Wired.
Justin Medved

The Teacher Curse No One Wants to Talk About | Edutopia - 1 views

    "The Curse of Knowledge The Curse of Knowledge has been variously described in articles by Chip and Dan Heath, Carmen Nobel, and Steven Pinker, and also in books such as The Sense of Style and Made to Stick. It has been applied to a variety of domains: child development, economics, and technology are just a few. All of the resources describe the same phenomena -- that a strong base of content knowledge makes us blind to the lengthy process of acquiring it. This curse has implications for all teachers: We do not remember what it is like to not know what we are trying to teach. We cannot relive the difficult and lengthy process that learning our content originally took. As a result, we end up assuming that our lesson's content is easy, clear, and straightforward. We assume that connecti"
Bob Loiselle

If You Want Innovation, You Have to Invest in People - Mehran Mehregany - Harvard Busin... - 1 views

    • Bob Loiselle
      "knowledge leak" - great phrasing.  Easy to condescendingly look at others, but as I struggle to incorporate and use emerging technology, I have to realize that I too am guilty of not being current in my field, in the area of technology.  A humbling realization!
  • employee education and training can be hard to sustain
  • human tendency that to overestimate our depth of knowledge and the strength of our abilities.
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  • Sheer IQ is not sufficient for innovation, or even as important as current knowledge.
    "Every discipline is experiencing accelerated development, and the rapid knowledge obsolescence that goes with it. Cushing Anderson of IDC puts it well:  "Knowledge leak is the degradation of skills over time, and it … can kill organizational performance in as little as a couple of years." While it might have seemed reasonable in an era of slower change to put the onus on the individual to maintain his or her currency, firms today must make it their business to counter this leakage."

Life in a 21st-Century English Class | MindShift | KQED News - 4 views

  • Finally, technology is embedded into the structure of all we do. It’s part of how we research, how we capture information, and how we display our learning. It’s never an accessory tacked on at the end.
    • tantoniades
      This is where I need to get.  I'm still very much in the "tacking on" phase.
  • My students started by creating a Flickr feed, Facebook page, a YouTube account, a Tumblr blog, and a Twitter account. They decided that visual representations of their knowledge would be the most powerful. So some of my students created photographs depicting images that they felt best represented modern trafficking. These photos were then edited in Picnik, and posted to our blog.
    • tantoniades
      I dont know what half of these things are, but I'm going to find out - we do Beloved, which is really similar thematically, and my assessment for the unit is really similar (even if it's not tech-based...yet).
  • A few years ago I tried to teach this idea to a grade 12 class when we were studying essay writing. They didn’t get it. But in the context we were using, after comparing social media content, it made perfect sense to my grade 11 students.
    • tantoniades
      I find this really annoying.  
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  • The Museum Box site allows you to build  an argument or description of an event, person or historical period by placing items in a virtual box. Students can display anything from a text file to a movie. My students will be using this platform to argue their thesis, rather than writing a traditional essay.
    • tantoniades
      Intriguing.  Go on...
  • My students have started designing our curriculum units. Seriously. While transitioning to our current unit, we discussed the possibilities as a class.
    • tantoniades
      I dont mean to be a crank, but this has everything to do with teaching, and nothing to do with technology.
  • Before the technology/constructivist shift in my classsroom, I would have taught all of this quite traditionally. We’d read books, answer questions, and then address those questions in class. I’d lecture a lot, with supplemental grammar lessons here and there, and I’d include some type of artistic project to achieve viewing and representing objectives. The whole design would have been extremely teacher centered. And at the end of it all, I’d hope they learned something about writing and thinking. Instead, inquiry and technology are a natural part of our English classes.
    • tantoniades
      Again, I know I'm being a cynical old grump, but you cannot use "technology" and "constructivist" like they're two parts of the same idea.  I think it's perfectly feasible to imagine a constructivist classroom that runs without tech, and vice versa.  Both of them running in harmony...that's the dream, all right.
    An article about some ways technology can be used to help an inquiry-based high school English class...
    Hey Tony - I think you'd be really interested in TPACK - a tech integration framework that looks at pedagogical knowledge, content knowledge and tech knowledge. For more info check out! We'll be looking at these in our third face to face but it sounds like you're ready to delve!
Walco Solutions

Instrumentation Training, Embedded System Training, PLC Training Kerala | Walco Solutions - 0 views

    We provide an inflammatory platform to burn and fire your knowledge in technical horizon.Our industry molding program will take you from theoretical simulation world into real life engineering designs, which will be a propellant to an engineering career. Instrumentation training Kerala, Instrumentation training, Embedded System training Kerala, Embedded training, PLC training Kerala, PLC training
    We provide an inflammatory platform to burn and fire your knowledge in technical horizon.Our industry molding program will take you from theoretical simulation world into real life engineering designs, which will be a propellant to an engineering career. Instrumentation training Kerala, Instrumentation training, Embedded System training Kerala, Embedded training, PLC training Kerala, PLC training

Cultivating the Habits of Self-Knowledge and Reflection | Edutopia - 1 views

  • As a teacher, your "self" is embedded within your teaching -- which is how it goes from a job to a craft. The learning results are yours.
  • it makes sense that students' self-defense mechanisms kick in when they're challenged.
  • Lack of apparent curiosity Apathy Refusal to take risks Decreased creativity Defeated tones Scrambles for shortcuts
  • ...29 more annotations...
  • Help them to separate themselves from their work and related performance. Help them to understand that our lives aren't single decisions, but a vast tapestry of connections, with any single moment, performance or failure barely visible, and only important as it relates to their lives as a whole.
  • How do I respond when I'm challenged, both inwardly and outwardly? Which resources and strategies do I tend to favor, and which do I tend to ignore? What can I do to make myself more aware of my own thinking and emotions? What happens if I don’t change anything at all?
  • Like anything, it is first a matter of visibility -- understand what is necessary, seeing it when it happens, emphasizing and celebrating it, etc.
  • The more that students see themselves face major and minor challenges in the classroom, and then see the effects of how they respond, the more conditioned they'll become to responding ideally on their own.
  • How we feel and think about ourselves matters in learning.
  • tudents' self-defense mechanisms kick in when
  • they're challenged
  • STEM concepts,
  • matter of visibility -- understand what is necessary,
  • seeing it when it happens, emphasizing and celebrating it
  • atter of pra
  • tice.
  • epetition.
  • aching to student
  • can’t fully separate the person from the task
  • students' self-defense mechanisms kick in when they're challenged.
  • symptoms
  • not wanting to make mistakes, to fail, to be corrected, or to be thought less of by peers
  • in the face of a challenge
  • four questions they can use to begin this kind of reflection
  • how can we begin to promote self-knowledge and reflection in the classroom?
  • establish these actions as habits
  • irst a matter of visibility
  • nderstand what is necessary,
  • having them journal, share
  • reflect on both the challenge and their response.
  • matter of practice
  • The more that students see themselves face major and minor challenges
  • responding ideally on their own
    things to think about with reflection exercises
    Reflection in the classroom
Sarah Bylsma

Wonderful Visual on SAMR As A Framework for Education 3.0 ~ Educational Technology and ... - 0 views

  • In web 1.0, users are viewed as mere receivers and consumers of content. Knowledge is centralized and expert-based and hence the use of taxonomies and directories to organize and store it. In the same vein, education 1.0 is also based on a notion of one way communication where teachers are the sages on the stage and students are pails to be filled with facts to be regurgitated and spewed back in standardized tests.
    • Sarah Bylsma
      I think that we have identified that we need to move beyond this at this stage in technology. 
  • In web 2.0 things are a bit different. Users are empowered with tools that permit them more  interaction and participation in knowledge building. Web tools such as blogs, wikis, and social media websites have decentralized knowledge and enhanced collaboration and communication. Web 2.0 foregrounded concepts of collective intelligence, distributed-expertise, and wisdom of the mob. Similarly, in education 2.0 learning is student-centred and involves continuous interaction between learners and their teachers and also with the content being studied. Collaborative approaches to instruction such as PBL, game based learning, flipped learning have been adopted as  teaching modes.
    • Sarah Bylsma
      Many of us may still be at this stage. 
  • education3.0 is based on the belief that content is freely and readily available as is characteristic of web 3.0. It is self-directed, interest-based learning, where problem-solving, innovation and creativity drive education. Education 3.0 is also about the three Cs: connectors, creators, and constructivists.
    • Sarah Bylsma
      I love this and want to move in this direction. 
garth nichols

An innovative pilot project in Alberta asks …"Do credit hours equal learning?... - 1 views

  • Many years ago we might have been able to argue that schools were organized in ways that fit with conventional knowledge about how young people learn. Our knowledge about learning has grown immensely since the turn of the twentieth century and yet the school day, especially in high schools, looks very much the same as it did 100 years ago.
  • Outcomes of the project will likely be available in 2013, but regular updates will be posted on the project website where you can also find a copy of the literature review written to stimulate thinking about innovative practices for high school redesign including, Increasing learning opportunities for students; Enhancing engagement of students in their learning; Addressing diverse learning needs of students; Enhancing relationships in the school community; and, Enhancing teacher collaboration.
    Do credits = hours?

Framework for 21st Century Learning - P21 - 4 views

  • “21st century student outcomes”
  • are the skills, knowledge and expertise students should master to succeed in work and life in the 21st century.
  • Disciplines include: English, reading or language artsWorld languagesArtsMathematicsEconomicsScienceGeographyHistoryGovernment and Civics
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • In addition to these subjects,
  • promoting understanding of academic content at much higher levels by weaving 21st century interdisciplinary themes into curriculum:
  • Global awareness Financial, economic, business and entrepreneurial literacy Civic literacy Health literacy Environmental literacy 
  • Learning and innovation skills increasingly are being recognized as the skills that separate students who are prepared for increasingly complex life and work environments in the 21st century, and those who are not.
  • A focus on creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration is essential to prepare students for the future.
  • To be effective in the 21st century, citizens and workers must be able to create, evaluate, and effectively utilize information, media, and technology.
  • Today's students need to develop thinking skills, content knowledge, and social and emotional competencies to navigate complex life and work environments. P21's essential Life and Career Skills include:: Flexibility & Adaptability Initiative & Self Direction Social & Cross-Cultural Skills Productivity & Accountability
  • Leadership & Responsibility
    This page gives an overview of a framework for 21st century skills and learning. I like how it values all of the academic disciplines and gives links to different sites that focus on broader interdisciplinary themes, innovation skills, information, media, and technology skills, and life and career skills.
garth nichols

SAMR as a Framework for Moving Towards Education 3.0 | User Generated Education - 1 views

  • Briefly, Education 1.0, 2.0. and 3.0 is explained as: Education 1.0 can be likened to Web 1.0 where there is a one-way dissemination of knowledge from teacher to student.  It is a type of essentialist, behaviorist education based on the three Rs – receiving by listening to the teacher; responding by taking notes, studying text, and doing worksheets; and regurgitating by taking standardized tests which in reality is all students taking the same test. Learners are seen as receptacles of that knowledge and as receptacles, they have no unique characteristics.  All are viewed as the same.  It is a standardized/one-size-fits-all education. Similar to Web 2.0, Education 2.0 includes more interaction between the teacher and student; student to student; and student to content/expert.  Education 2.0, like Web 2.0, permits interactivity between the content and users, and between users themselves.  Education 2.0 has progressive roots where the human element is important to learning.  The teacher-to-student and student-to-student relationships are considered as part of the learning process.  It focuses on the three Cs – communicating, contributing, and collaborating. Education 3.0 is based on the belief that content is freely and readily available as is characteristic of Web 3.0. It is self-directed, interest-based learning where problem-solving, innovation and creativity drive education. Education 3.0 is also about the three Cs but a different set – connectors, creators, constructivists.  These are qualitatively different than the three Cs of Education 2.0.  Now they are nouns which translates into the art of being a self-directed learner rather than doing learning as facilitated by the educator. Education 3.0: Altering Round Peg in Round Hole Education
    What's the difference between Education 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0? #SAMR
Justin Medved

Sarah Bylsma » Blog Archive » Hard Times Calls for Educational Reform - 2 views

    "Forbes Magazine recently released a survey by the American Management Association which found that knowledge in the three Rs (Reading, Writing and Arithmetic) is no longer sufficient for managers (Quast). It suggests "to ensure success in the workforce of the future, the three Rs need to be fused with the four Cs: Critical thinking and problem-solving skills, communication skills, collaboration skills and creativity and innovation skills" (Quast)."
celeste Kirsh

Diving Into Deeper Learning: Marc Chun | TedX DenverTeachers - 1 views

    "The complex issues we face today require a key set of problem-solving skills.  How can schools best prepare students to be ready to take on these challenges?  How can they help ensure students have the "deeper learning" skills of critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and metacognition, as well as have the content knowledge they need?  Presented by Marc Chun, Education Program Officer at the Hewlett Foundation. "
    Hi Celeste, This is a great video for me! I'm going to be looking at building grit and perseverance in the classroom context, and these skills are all a part of "intellectual character" that I am exploring. thanks, garth.
garth nichols

Change the Subject: Making the Case for Project-Based Learning | Edutopia - 0 views

  • What should students learn in the 21st century? At first glance, this question divides into two: what should students know, and what should they be able to do? But there's more at issue than knowledge and skills.
  • For the innovation economy, dispositions come into play: readiness to collaborate, attention to multiple perspectives, initiative, persistence, and curiosity. While the content of any learning experience is important, the particular content is irrelevant. What really matters is how students react to it, shape it, or apply it. The purpose of learning in this century is not simply to recite inert knowledge, but, rather, to transform it.1 It is time to change the subject.
  • Expanding the "Big Four" Why not study anthropology, zoology, or environmental science? Why not integrate art with calculus, or chemistry with history? Why not pick up skills and understandings in all of these areas by uncovering and addressing real problems and sharing findings with authentic audiences? Why not invent a useful product that uses electricity, or devise solutions to community problems, all the while engaging in systematic observation, collaborative design, and public exhibitions of learning?
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  • What might students do in such schools, in the absence of prescribed subjects? They might work together in diverse teams to build robots, roller coasters, gardens, and human-powered submarines. They might write and publish a guide to the fauna and history of a nearby estuary, or an economics text illustrated with original woodcuts, or a children's astronomy book. They might produce original films, plays, and spoken word events on adolescent issues, Japanese internment, cross-border experiences, and a host of other topics. They might mount a crime scene exhibition linking art history and DNA analysis, or develop a museum exhibit of World War I as seen from various perspectives. They might celebrate returning warriors, emulating the bard in Beowulf, by interviewing local veterans and writing poems honoring their experiences. The possibilities are endless.
  • Changing the subject, then, means deriving the curriculum from the lived experience of the student. In this view, rather than a collection of fixed texts, the curriculum is more like a flow of events, accessible through tools that help students identify and extract rich academic content from the world: guidelines and templates for project development, along with activities and routines for observation and analysis, reflection, dialogue, critique, and negotiation.
garth nichols

Sugata Mitra and the new educational Romanticism - a parody - 0 views

  • ll children are born to drive their education. The problem is that prior to the digital age there were no child-friendly pedagogic vehicles. Now that the military-industrial complex has created them, parents and teachers should give the keys to the kids as soon as possible and let them head off on their own down the beautifully linear highway of knowledge.
  • One of the empires is the empire of fear. Surely we are not free if our lives are dominated by fear. Although Mitra’s minimal model blithely assumes that children greet everything new with a calm curiosity, Rousseau recognises that children can just as easily respond to the new with fear. To avoid this requires early training. A snippet of his advice on this subject:
  • At another junction on the same road is the empire of habit. We are not free if we are too firmly set in our ways. Hence Rousseau’s advice: “the only habit that a child should be allowed to contract is none. Do not carry him on one arm more than the other; do not accustom him to give one hand rather than the other, to use one more than the other, to want to eat, sleep, or be active at the same hours…Prepare from afar the reign of his freedom…” (63) (Sir Ken Robinson’s critique of the school bell is but a footnote to this.)
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  • If tools are needed, he suggested, it is better that we make them ourselves, and for the sake of the children’s freedom it is better that they acquire the belief that the imperfect tools they make themselves are better than perfect tools made by others.
  • he great Romantic pedagogy of liberation becomes a parody of itself when it loses sight of how vulnerable the child is to a myriad imperial forces, reducing itself to the myopic claim that the only thing children need to be liberated from is teachers.
  • Of course, the child must feel at every step of the way that she is making the discoveries, or, as Rousseau says of his Emile in his now outdated language: “let him always believe he is the master” but, he reminds the tutor, “let it always be you who are.” (120)
  • Rousseau suggests beginning the scientific part of a child’s education with some geographical discovery learning. He has a nice criticism of his EdTech contemporaries: “You want to teach geography to this child, and you go and get globes, cosmic spheres, and maps for him. So many devices! Why all these representations? Why do you not begin by showing him the object itself so that he will at least know what you are talking about?” (168)
  • If curiosity and attention need cultivation and direction, they also need protection. Rousseau sees a particular risk with the sciences – and this is one which online learning surely magnifies, not diminishes. He puts it beautifully, describing the entry into science as something that can be like entering “into a bottomless sea…When I see a man, enamoured of the various kinds of knowledge, let himself be seduced by their charm and run from one to the other without knowing how to stop himself, I believe I am seeing a child on the shore gathering shells and beginning by loading himself up with them; then, tempted by those he sees next, he throws some away and picks up others, until, overwhelmed by their multitude and not knowing anymore which to choose, he ends by throwing them all away and returning empty-handed.” (172)
  • In a parallel way, learning emerges at the edge of chaos where children meet Google, and it emerges with the same spontaneity seen when the first amoeba dragged itself out of the primordial soup.
  • “The man who did not know pain would know neither the tenderness of humanity nor the sweetness of commiseration. His heart would be moved by nothing. He would not be sociable; he would be a monster among his kind.” (87)
  • Rousseau makes a point more specifically about the psychology of the child, arguing that it is damaging for children to be encouraged to learn things that are beyond the developing sphere of their experience.
  • Children become accustomed to parroting the truth instead of perceiving for themselves that something is true.
  • No child ever came face to face with his mortality when his avatar was struck by a pixelated bullet. No, the child learns infinitely more about the human condition from a single bout of toothache than from 1,000 hours of online gaming.
  • Mitra’s minimalism is not just the minimalism of a hands-off approach to teaching; it is also the minimalism of a theory that – in that questionable analytic tradition – wants to limit itself to technique. All we are given is a methodology – the theoretical equivalent of the automotive machinery that children can drive.
    This is a real eye-opener for the counter-digital-revolution perspective. It's good to keep these perspectives in mind as we chart our way forward because these ideas can help temper our enthusiasm for tech as a panacea
garth nichols

Harvard Education Publishing Group - Home - 1 views

  • Teachers can use the QFT at different points: to introduce students to a new unit, to assess students’ knowledge to see what they need to understand better, and even to conclude a unit to see how students can, with new knowledge, set a fresh learning agenda for themselves. The technique can be used for all ages.
  • Dupuy, Muhammad, and many other teachers are using a step-by-step process that we and our colleagues at the Right Question Institute have developed called the Question Formulation Technique (QFT)
  • In health care, for example, research funded by the National Institutes of Health has shown that the QFT produces dramatic increases in levels of patient activation and improved patient-provider communication. In the classroom, teachers have seen how the same process manages to develop students’ divergent (brainstorming), convergent (categorizing and prioritizing), and metacognitive (reflective) thinking abilities in a very short period of time.
    How important are questions? Just ask!
garth nichols

What Students Will Learn In The Future - 0 views

  • ust as advances in technology enabled the growth of science, the extremely rapid growth of technology we’re experiencing today is impacting our perspectives, tools, and priorities now. But beyond some mild clamor for a focus on “STEM,” there have been only minor changes in how we think of content–this is spite of extraordinary changes in how students connect, access data, and function on a daily basis.
  • What kind of changes might we expect in a perfect-but-still-classroom-and-content-based world? What might students learn in the future? Of course any response at all is pure speculation, but if we draw an arc from classical approaches to the Dewey approach to what might be next–factoring in technology change, social values, and criticisms of the current model–we may get a pretty decent answer. This assumes, of course a few things (all of which may be untrue): 1. We’ll still teach content 2. That content will be a mix of skills and knowledge 3. Said skills and knowledge will be thematically arranged into “content areas”
  • The Content Of The Future: 8 Content Areas For Tomorrow’s Students 1. Literacy Big Idea: Reading and writing in physical & digital spaces Examples of traditional ideas and academic content areas included: Grammar, Word Parts, Greek & Latin Roots, The Writing Process, Fluency; all traditional content areas 2. Patterns Big Idea: How and why patterns emerge everywhere under careful study Examples of traditional ideas and academic content areas include: Grammar, Literature, Math, Geometry, Music, Art, Social Studies, Astronomy 3. Systems Big Idea: The universe—and every single thing in it–is made of systems, and systems are made of parts. Examples of traditional ideas and academic content areas include: Grammar, Law, Medicine, Science, Math, Music, Art, Social Studies, History, Anthropology, Engineering, Biology; all traditional content areas by definition (they’re systems, yes?) 4. Design Big Idea: Marrying creative and analytical thought Examples of traditional ideas and academic content areas include: Literature, Creativity, Art, Music, Engineering, Geometry 5. Citizenship Big Idea: Responding to interdependence Examples of traditional ideas and academic content areas include: Literature, Social Studies, History; Civics, Government, Theology 6. Data Big Idea: Recognizing & using information in traditional & non-traditional forms Examples of traditional ideas and academic content areas include: Math, Geometry, Science, Engineering, Biology; 7. Research Big Idea: Identifying, evaluating, and synthesizing diverse ideas Examples of traditional ideas and academic content areas include: English, Math, Science; Humanities 8. Philosophy Big Idea: The nuance of thought Examples of traditional ideas and academic content areas include: Ethics, Literature/Poetry, Art, Music; Humanities
    Great article to frame long term planning. What aspects of learning in the future do you already do? Set one as your goal for implementation next year...

Rethinking Education: Self-Directed Learning Fits the Digital Age | Innovation Insights... - 3 views

  • Education should not be about teaching to the next level
  • True learning is intrinsically motivated and the reward is knowledge.
  • Our teachers are stuck within the confines of a system that no longer serves our children.
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  • Our educational system is built on the premise that the adult teacher has all the information which he or she will impart onto the child who will then show that he has mastered the grade level material by filling in answer choices where the test provides you with the desired answer.
  • Imagine providing children with the tools to learn in a prepared environment and then giving them the freedom to explore and experience that environment driven solely by their own curiosity
  • expose them to ideas, provide resources and then allow children the freedom to let their imaginations wander in a supportive environment
  • we do not need a society solely made up of generalists
  • Allow your child to be a specialist who learns deeply and see how they fluorish when they are in the driver’s seat of their own education.
  • more useful to be able to think critically, brainstorm ideas and figure out how to solve problems then it is to be able to recite a list of facts.
    • Sarah Bylsma
    Thanks for this Sarah! It's an article that is hitting on a key concept we discussed in our last F2F in November: what is the role of knowledge in becoming a specialist. Thanks for this!
Justin Medved

Academic Branding - Your Online Presence, By Design « New Images of Education - 0 views

    "Establishing an online presence as an academician increases dissemination of research and improves impact.  It also allows for discovery of others with similar interests, potential collaborations, and richer knowledge construction.  This is how PLNs are born and expanded.  The presentation below by Sidneyeve Matrix is full of excellent suggestions."
garth nichols

The chasm between high school and university - 0 views

  • Let's start with the secondary system. As this level of education becomes significantly student focused, there are many of us in the system who fear we are coddling students in the extreme and not preparing them at all for the realities of the work world or college/university. Here are samples of policies, largely instituted by the Ministry of Education, that added together, have lead to concerns re: coddling.
  • •Late work: Student work is not penalized for lateness. Late work is viewed as a behavioural issue, not an academic one. •Plagiarism: This is also seen as a behavioural issue, and usually does not result in any academic penalty, even in a grade 12 University level course. •Evaluation: Policies are moving away from grades being derived from an average of all student assignments in favour of a more general approach that reflects "most recent and/or most consistent" achievement. •Lower limits: Students getting failing grades are assessed by this policy which requires teachers to give a mark of 30 to students who are, on paper, achieving anywhere from 1-29 per cent. This is designed to 'give them hope' of success. •Credit rescue/recovery: A policy designed to give students who fail a course the opportunity to make up key missed work with the goal of achieving a passing grade. •Memorization: The idea of students actually memorizing material is viewed as "old fashioned" and is rejected in favour of "inquiry based learning'." The world of the university student is decidedly different, as evidenced by their policies. •Late work: Most courses do not accept late work. Period. •Plagiarism: This is viewed as academic dishonesty, and harsh academic penalties are in place. •Evaluation: Most courses feature few evaluations that are weighted heavily, and grades are based on the average of all assignments. •Evaluation: The move toward knowledge-based evaluation is epidemic. Exams, even in courses like literature studies and philosophy, are commonly multiple choice and short answer exams.
  • •If students are trained for the 14 years they attend school that there really are few consequences to academic problems, how will they fare in the much more rigorous world of post-secondary education? A history professor recently asked me what we (high school teachers) were doing to our kids.
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  • The idea that we have largely abandoned 'knowledge based learning' in no way prepares students for the new reality of university
  • As for the world of work, students who have struggled to graduate by submitting work late, gaining credits through credit rescue, and who have not developed responsibility for their work may improve rates of graduation, but will not serve them in the work world, where the safety nets they have come to rely on do not exist.
    Interesting perspective on how the MoE is/is not preparing our students for post-secondary and the work force
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