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Gary Patton

The Art of Asking Questions - Ron Ashkenas - Harvard Business Review - 0 views

  • But asking questions effectively is a major underlying part of a manager's job
    • Gary Patton
      I'd argue effective questioning is everyone's job and a major life ...not just business... skill! It "blows my mind" that theis powerful relationship communication skill is not taught at school. But then, some argue, that John Dewey, one of the Founders of the Humanist Society and principal author of the "Humanist Manifesto"
  • three areas where improved "questioning" can strengthen managerial effectiveness
  • Good managers therefore are always asking themselves and others about what they could do better or differently.
    • Gary Patton
      Both getting and giving good feedback is another major life-skill challenge for many of us. Ask me for my S-M-A-R-TBriefing™ on each of these life-skills because ... "All feedback you get or, better, can encourage, is helpful and able to assist you irrespective of it being complimentary, contrarian or contentious!"~ gfp '42™
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Many managers don't know how to probe the thought process of their subordinates, colleagues, and bosses — and instead make assumptions about the basis of their actions. And when those assumptions are wrong, all sorts of dysfunctional patterns can be created.
  • probing needs to be in the spirit of accelerating progress, illuminating unconscious assumptions and solving problems
  • many of the best managers I've seen have an uncanny ability to engage in Socratic dialogue that helps people reach their own conclusions about what can be done to improve a plan or project, which of course leads to much more ownership and learning.
  • Asking these questions in a way that does not trigger defensiveness and that is seen as constructive is an important skill for managers.
    Few of us are effective questioners. And being good at the skill of asking questions effectively is not just a major underlying part of a manager's job as is the focus in this excellent article. I'd argue effective questioning is everyone's job and a major life ...not just business... skill! A major life challenge of many of us is that we don't know how to probe the thought process of our bosses, colleagues, friends, neighbours ...and especially our partners and other relatives. Instead we make ill-informed and unwise assumptions about the basis of their actions and behaviours. And when those assumptions are wrong they usually are..., all sorts of dysfunctional patterns can result. gfp (2011-11-23)
    Discover in this article why what you weren't taught in school can be a major draw-back in your career and life!
Gary Patton

Senior Adult Health | Health News Magazine - 0 views

    50% of the North American population dying with some form of cardiovascular disease that both cuts their lives short and often impairs their quality of life for many years prior to death. And the other biggies, cancer and diabetes are not far behind in terms of the percentage of people who are also being ravaged by these killers. This short article includes a number of Biblically based wellness truths that will
Gary Patton

Seth's Blog: Don't expect applause - 0 views

  • Don't expect applause
  • you have sold yourself short
    When you expect applause, when you do your work in order (and because of) applause, you have sold yourself short. gfp (2012-04-26)
Gary Patton

How To Solve Difficult Problems - 0 views

  • Remember when you were staring at the ceiling in elementary school, and the teacher asked you whether the answer was on the ceiling? Maybe it was.
    • Gary Patton
      You guys NEVER ever did that ...right? gfp (2011-10-04)
  • One potentially appropriate therapy for procrastination lies in teaching something akin to time management
  • it is desirable that not only that there should be an interval free from conscious thought on the particular problem concerned, but also that that interval should be so spent that nothing should interfere with the free working of the unconscious or partially unconscious processes of the mind. In those cases, the stage of incubation should include a large amount of actual mental relaxation"
    • Gary Patton
      Might it not have been more understandable for his readers for this academic to have simply said: "When you have a really difficult problem ...go to sleep!" Or: "Take a shower!" The latter usually works best for me. And to enhance the former, I keep a pad & pen on my bed-side table so I can jot down a quickie reminder, without really waking up, because I seldom can rember my brialliant idea in the morning? What do you do? gfp (2011-10-04)
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  • Helmholz described how new thoughts came to him: After previous investigation, "in all directions," .. " happy ideas come unexpectedly without effort, like an inspiration ... they have never come to me when my mind was fatigued, or when I was at my working table ... They came particularly readily during the slow ascent of wooded hills on a sunny day" (p. 91).
    • Gary Patton
      Athiestic scientists describe the event this way! Some call it 'serindipity' to similarily disguise the real source! I more accurately and unasamably call it what it is: GOD! gfp (2011-10-04)
  • Einstein would "allow the subconscious to solve particularly tricky problems
    • Gary Patton
      Apropos my note above re 'serendipity', and contrary to common myth, Einstein was at best a diest late in life but not a Christian, according to those who knew him well. gfp (2011-10-04)
  • They engage in the "preliminary period of conscious work which also precedes all fruitful unconscious labor" (Poincare, 1924).
    • Gary Patton
      Don't you just love academic writing? gfp (2011-10-04)
  • Of course, the "illumination" that is the result of incubation needs to be followed by more conscious work. Ideas that arise as a result of incubation need to be evaluated (Smith, 1994);
    • Gary Patton
      Really? Duh!! gfp
  • Incubation sometimes requires a very long break:
  • can also occur with breaks of shorter duration.
  • it can also happen in very short breaks, a few minutes or even moments.
    • Gary Patton
      God seldom works the same way ...every time! gfp
  • I have found that these breaks work best when they are devoted to something fairly mindless: washing just a few dishes, filing just a few papers, or doing some light exercise.
  • In fact, high achievers may actually take more time.
  • perhaps some of the "non-stop" working was staring at the ceiling. If high achievers appear to accomplish tasks more quickly than others, I suspect it is only because they put in so much more time.1
    • Gary Patton
      "Type "A' Personalities", please take note! (This is a note to myself!! :-) ) gfp
    In this helpful, short article the author outlines, simply, how to unleash your creativity best by using the simple process of incubation. gfp (2011-10-04)
Gary Patton

Call People By Their Name for Value-Added Names - Brain Leaders and Learners - 1 views

  • Expect Value Added in Names
    • Gary Patton
      According to brain researcher, Ellen Weber, neuroscience has proven the power of using people's names. Speak people's names when in their presence, and research confirms you also spark their brain's sense of worth, add value to their day and motivate them when you use their name to encourage them. gfp (2012-04-01)
  • Your handle’s a brand of sorts – one that defines you, and the brain associates certain unique traits with your name.
    • Gary Patton
      This is a profound and also scary thought in the context of TV and other advertising.
  • pack a punch when comments link to names.
    • Gary Patton
      You also stand out from the crowd when you use other's name in converstaion because so few do it. Doing so has particular power when you're encouraging the named person for a job well done or other commendable act because of it's motivational value.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • It’s not easy to remember names, since brains are more equipped to forget a name than to remember one. How so?
  • To hear your name spoken respectfully, is to spike wellbeing in the area of the brain that operates personal self-awareness.
Gary Patton

The Green Superstate - what the left-leaning, progressive, global warming activists rea... - 0 views

  • In other words, are the Greens looking after the dolphins, or are the dolphins looking after the Greens?
  • Green is the natural world view of what sociologists call the ‘New Class’.
  • it is a disproportionately powerful class; it is also an ambitious class and frustrated class.’
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • ‘The growth of [public] research and development funds, particularly after 1956 has multiplied the claimants of funds for science.  Universities have become active political entities in the search for money. Scientists and engineers have started hundreds of profit and non-profit companies to do research and evaluation.
    • Gary Patton
      And the biggest disgrace in this "big grab" by the "Scientific-Administrative Complex" is the so-called "War on Cancer" which has bilked billions from a public terrified by the "C Word". All the so-called "experts" knew the natural cure for cancer over 40 years ago when the Scientific-Administartive Complex launched, with the help of bumbling government bureaucrats, "The War on Cancer". Billions of raised, charity dollars later, we have a bigger problem with cancer and more people dying horrible deaths than ever. Meanwhile "researchers", "all wellness societies' management", and three different "physician specialities" are making huge salaries . The Scientific-Administrative Complex will NEVER find a pill or a treatment cure for cancer ...never mind the fact that only God "cures"... because you can't cure a lifestyle or genetic problem with a pill or a treatment. And we all know that the majority of cancers result from lifestyle issues. gfp
  • the influence of the military-industrial complex has been exaggerated, compared to the scientific-administrative complex, which represents ‘an intermingling of government, science and the university, unprecedented in American history.’
  • Oliver (being left wing) decided to edit President Eisenhower’s original sentence, to remove an equally dire warning about the growing influence of the ‘scientific-administrative complex’.
  • Galbraith says, ‘the educational and scientific estate is becoming a decisive instrument of political power.’   And he reminds us that this New Class, ‘owes its modern expansion and eminence to the requirements of the planning system.’
  • a bureaucracy inevitably tends to develop and articulate its own vested interests. 
  • And if no problem can be found, then there must be the threat of a problem – they call it the precautionary principle. 
  • Just as nature abhors a vacuum, every unregulated activity taunts them. 
  • ‘Modern, liberal secular society is based on the revolutionary premise that there is no superior, authoritative information available about the good life or the true nature of human happiness, that this information is implicit only in individual preferences, and that therefore the individual has to be free to develop and express these preferences.
  • “new class” is not easily defined but may be vaguely described.  It consists of a goodly proportion of those college-educated people whose skills and vocations proliferate in a “post-industrial” societ
  • scientists, teachers and educational administrators, journalists and others in the communication industries, psychologists, social workers, those lawyers and doctors who make their career in the expanding public sector, city planners, the staffs of larger foundations, the upper levels of government bureaucracy and so on
    The so called "Climate Crisis" is a green-washing application of "The Precautionary Principle" by the new "Scientific-Administrative Complex" in this author's opinion. And they're one scary group with more clout even than the Military-Industrial Complex". It matters not one jot if it's getting cooler or warmer. There must be a problem, the problem must be industrial capitalism (ie, freedom), and the solution must be more State control ...of course. gfp (2011-11-30)
    The so called "Climate Crisis" is a green-washing application of "The Precautionary Principle" by the new "Scientific-Administrative Complex" in this author's opinion. And they're one scary group with more clout even than the Military-Industrial Complex". gfp
Gary Patton

Don't Confuse Passion with Competence : Harvard Business Review - 0 views

  • And without passion it's hard to do something that's meaningfully different from what has been done before. It's next to impossible to prove that a new idea will work. Passion and intuition are necessary ingredients for disruptive success.
    Scott Anthony makes some excellent points about both innovation and evaluation in this article. gfp (20120-2-28)
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