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Les magistrats avaient essayé, à travers la grève, de bloquer les cours et les tribunaux,en manifestant devant la Cour dAppel de Bangui, pour que ce projet de loi soit annulé ou retouché.Algérie: 3...
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Barbara Van Dahlen is an American psychologist who founded a non-profit organization called Give an Hour in order to help emotionally and mentally injured war veterans through offering free counselling. Give an Hour was founded in 2005 and is now composed of nearly 7,000 volunteers who have given an estimate of 57,000 hours of free service to soldiers who have served in the Middle East. Barbara has taken part in discussions concerning mental issues of men in uniform in Pentagon, Veterans Administration, White House, and Congress.
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La Corée stalinienne, souvent considérée comme une relique du passé avec à sa tête un tyran ubuesque, vient de décrocher l'ultime garantie de sa survie. À supposer même que Kim Jong-il retourne un ...
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