mLearning at Franklin & Marshall - 11 views
Content Curation by Lucian Duma | ZEEF - 0 views
Dear teachers, researchers and social media curators if you like my online research with more than 100 edtools, ipad and windows phone apps to mLearning please share: tweet, Like, G+ my #startup #curation page If I achieve more than 200 shares I will add other 100 killer #ipad apps to #mlearning on the page and if you know a killer app please suggest it on the page topic and if you like my page leave a comment or mail me .þff
The Internet Curator's role is to seek on the web information related to a specic domain,fillter them, select them,organise,share,present them in a unique mode.Curation-Art of:searching,selecting, sharing/bookmarking ,organizing online informations.Discover more than 300 ipad apps in my Startup Portfolio A very large and organized collection of Ed Tech resources
Creating a Robust and Safe BYOD Program | District Administration Magazine - 0 views
March in Review : Most Popular Posts in Educational Technology and mLearning - 0 views
12 most popular articles in educational technology and mlearning - 0 views
Explain Everything in 1 Minute - Explain Everything - 0 views
Here is a video, made by one of EE's creators using only an iPad, about some of the thinking behind the design and choices that have gone into the application. Below the video is a list of the apps that were used to make the video, and over the next week or two we will be sharing 'How To' videos to show how the different parts of the video were made and how certain effects were achieved.
THE END OF TEACHING by @agalorda - 0 views
Amidst a Mobile Revolution in Schools, Will Old Teaching Tactics Work? | MindShift - 0 views
"With all these direct applications for learning, it's easy to justify using mobile devices in school. But what real and lasting effect will they have on the "formal" learning equation?" As we introduce mobile learning devices to students, we must avoid a mechanised education horror. It s time to remember the rich and complex nature of learning.
Infographic: Benefits of Mobile Studying - 0 views
The Mobile Native: 5 Can't Miss Mobile Learning Resources - 0 views
Bring Your Own Device | FOTE - Future of Technology in Education - 0 views
A question: If all students are expected to bring in their own mobile device(s) are universities preparing to install more power sockets for recharging or will we see a growth of chargebox like stations ( where students will be charged to recharge?
iLearn: 100+ iPad Apps Perfect For High School - 0 views
There are actually thousands of educational apps hiding in the bowels of the app store.But how do you find them? .. The Palm Beach School System has an incredible wiki where members of the community share their favorite apps for specific disciplines. Below I've embedded their list for the top high school apps but they also have a curated list of apps for middle school and elementary school.
Donald Clark Plan B - 0 views
Anyone who says cross-platform, m-learning content development and delivery is easy, is lying. A wander round the Learning Technologies exhibition induced a rash of promises that were at best economical with the truth. Mobile leaning vendors seem addicted to the word 'YES' in answer to any question. It ain't that simple
Mobile Assisted Language Learning - 27 views
Smartphones and tablets give students access to all types of multimedia. Mobile access to Internet services offers a virtually constant, uninterrupted connection to learning resources. Access to sound files, mobile apps, podcasts, and video files from around the globe make mobile technology ideal for any student who would like to learn to speak a foreign language through multimedia.
Without a course or program, it could be difficult for an independent learner to organize a curriculum; but what if vocabulary lessons were at your fingertips?
Top 100 #edtools discovered through #iste13 ;20 #curation tools,50 #ipad apps to #mlear... - 0 views
Feel free to comment your favorite tool and add new tools after blog post and join our google plus community
The Innovative Educator: 5 Steps to Harnessing the Power of Cells in Education Today - 28 views
Even teachers like this can begin harnessing the power of cell phones to enrich teaching and learning starting now...even if they're banned, even if your students don't all have them, and even if you haven't done anything in advance to prepare introducing them into your class. You can begin today by following these five steps which you can implement in your own classroom as well as share with administrators and other teachers so they can begin doing the same.