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Martin Burrett

Climate Science Info Zone - - Science Museum - 0 views

    This is a great set of video and other resources from London's science museum about climate change and its mitigation.
Martin Burrett

Climate Challenge - 0 views

    A climate game where players must make key decisions for the world's environment.
Nigel Coutts

The Power of Relationship for Positive School Climate - The Learner's Way - 7 views

    In teaching and for learning relationships are everything.   This is one of those statements that cannot be overstated, it is true now, it has always been true.To craft a truly positive school climate demands our fullest attention to every detail of every relationship we build but the effort is well worth it.  
Martin Burrett

Student's Guide to Global Climate Change - 0 views

    A good child-friendly site from the US EPA about Climate Change. Learn about why it's happening and what they can do to help.
Judy Robison

Climate Change: Video Series - 23 views

    Global Climate Change videos from NASA
intermixed intermixed

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Le chef du gouvernement irakien fait écho à des accusations déjà formulées par la Russie. Il y a six jours, le ministère russe de la Défense a déclaré même détenir la preuve de transactions financi...

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started by intermixed intermixed on 08 Dec 15 no follow-up yet

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technology learning tools

started by shahbazahmeed on 12 Apr 21 no follow-up yet
Martin Burrett

CEO2 Climate Game - 0 views

    This is a set of environmental games where players take the role of a CEO of a company and try to please everyone and make the best decisions.
Susan Gaer

Cool It - 22 views

    Climate Change resource
intermixed intermixed

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Fusillé des ouvriers qui sabotaient Défense nationale » ; « Pas cédé face à dictature juif Mandel », etc.C'est ce parti, longtemps dissimulateur d'un tel déshonneur capitulard et antisémite, qui n'...

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started by intermixed intermixed on 23 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
Nigel Coutts

Shaping the Curriculum - Exploring Integration - The Learner's Way - 11 views

    After two days of talking about curriculum, integration, STEM, STEAM and HASS I am left with more questions than I started with. In some respects, the concept of curriculum integration is simple. It is after all something that Primary teachers almost take for granted. But for Senior and Tertiary educators the question of curriculum integration is inherently complex. At all levels questions emerge of what curriculum integration might achieve, what purposes it serves, what it could and should look like and how it should be supported by curriculum planners. In the current climate, with its debate around the role of education within an innovation economy, shaped by technology and confronting demands for a STEAM enabled workforce the shape of our curriculum is under pressure. 
Nigel Coutts

A healthy dose of scepticism - The Learner's Way - 16 views

    I want my students to be sceptics. I believe that in the present age scepticism is more important than ever. Easy access to information, ease of publishing, scams and confidence tricksters combine to create a climate where blind trust is dangerous for our security, our finances and our knowledge bases. For students of all ages a healthy dose of scepticism is much needed not just so they may reveal falsehoods but to allow them to discover new truths.
Nigel Coutts

Assessment A Powerful messaging system - The Learner's Way - 10 views

     The role of assessment has always played its part but it is a role that is changing in the present global climate and understanding this shift is important for educators.
Martin Burrett

Weathering & climate - 0 views

    A great science resource showing and explaining how weathering can change the landscape.
Peter Horsfield

Parker Liautaud - Extraordinary People Changing the Game - 0 views

    Age is not something Parker Liautaud considered when he decided to do his share in saving the planet. He's been called a show-off, a spoilt kid, a climate change clown. Some people could not bring themselves to believe that someone under 20 would literally walk halfway around the world, in a biting cold environment, just to get the global warming message across. Parker was not even the athletic type to begin with. But after working hard, he became the youngest to complete a Last Degree expedition to the Geographic North Pole all for the love of the planet. To read more about Parker Liautaud visit
Fatima Anwar

The Integrated Learning Platform: Cardiff Univeristy - Cardiff is everything a good uni... - 0 views

    Cardiff University is recognized in independent government tests as one of The British leading educating and analysis colleges. Established by Royal Charter in 1883, the University today brings together impressive modern facilities and a powerful approach to educating and analysis with its proud culture of service and accomplishment. Cardiff University is the biggest University of mature education and learning in Wales, with the Cardiff Center for Long term Studying offering several hundred programs in locations across Southern Eastern Wales. The University's lifelong learning actions also include the professional growth work performed by educational institutions for companies, and many of these is custom-made to match an individual business's needs. The Center also provides business terminology training at all levels. Founded: 1883. Structural features: Merged with University of Wales College of Medicine (UCWM) in 2004. Location: Close to Cardiff city center. Healthcare care learners also at hospital website, Heath Recreation area University, 1 mile away. Getting there: Cardiff Primary Place on the national train network; trainers to bus station (next to train station); M4 from London and M5 (west county and Midlands). For school, frequent teaches from Primary Place to Cathays station (on campus), regional vehicles from bus station (53, 79, 81 for main campus; 8 or 9 for hospital site). Academic features: 4-year incorporated food techniques, 5-year two-tier techniques in structure and town planning. 5-year medical and dental programs, plus foundation season for those without science backgrounds; medical teaching throughout Wales. Awarding body: Cardiff University; Wales University for some healthcare programs. Main undergrad awards: BA, BD, BDS, BMus, BN, BSc, BEng, BScEcon, LLB, BArch, MB BCh, MPhys, MChem, MEng, MPharm. Length of courses: 3 years; others 4 and 5 decades. Library & IT facilities: Integrated collection,
Tom McHale

Global Dimension - Ideas and resources for teachers - 0 views

  • This website is a guide to books, films, posters and web resources which support global, intercultural and environmental understanding for all age groups and subjects. From climate change to poverty, water to fair trade, you can find a huge range of teaching resources and background material.
  • This website is a guide to books, films, posters and web resources which support global, intercultural and environmental understanding for all age groups and subjects. From climate change to poverty, water to fair trade, you can find a huge range of teaching resources and background material.
Kathleen N

Steve Barkley Ponders Out Loud: RESPONSIVENESS - 0 views

    • Kathleen N
      Doesn't take much, does it?
  • "So some teachers got a page that showed that no student selected them?" I asked. "Yes," the storyteller informed me. "We thought every teacher needed to know how they were perceived by the students. We simply gave them the information." At this point each professional staff member was asked to select one student from the list who had indicated no relationship with a teacher. Care was taken to make sure each student was selected by someone. Throughout the year teachers were asked to reach out in special ways to this student. Their efforts included:1. Send three "I noticed…." statements a week.2. Give one eye-hug a day (sustained eye contact ending with a smile).3. Give two physical touches a week (high-five, pat on the back, shoulder squeeze, handshake).4. Use the person's name every day.5. Be in their proximity three times a week (other than in the classroom).6. Ask them for help once a week7. Ask their opinion about something once a week.
    Great post with true anecdote on a ms program to improve climate "One hundred and twenty-one students filled out the forms. Some students listed several teachers. Others mentioned one or two. Twenty-five middle schoolers listed no teacher they felt they had a positive relationship with."
Martin Burrett

Experiment testing Acidity of bodies of water near you - Year of Chemistry - 0 views

    Take part in what is being called the biggest experiment ever. As part of the International Year of Chemistry, children from cross the world are measuring the pH of bodies of water in them. Collect real data to plot the effects of climate change on your seas, rivers and lakes.
intermixed intermixed

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Avec le gazon, la météo et le pique-nique, c'est l'une des rares passions britanniques (si l'on ose l'oxymore) transcendant les castes, une facette de ces vies extraordinairement ordinaires, sentan...

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started by intermixed intermixed on 12 Jul 14 no follow-up yet
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