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Paradigm IAS Academy UPSC , MPSC, UPPCS, MPPCS - 0 views

    Paradigm IAS Academy - Where Your Goals Are Defined And Achieved,India's No. 1 in IAS Coaching, UPSC & OTHER STATE PSC, UPSC, MPSC, UPPCS, MPPCS, RAS, BPSC, JPSC, UKPSC , Branches In Pune , Mumbai & Navi Mumbai , Classes Available in Hindi & English Medium
soniya shrma

Self-development: 10 Questions You Should Ask To Yourself - 0 views

    Be all you can, but not always. I often see myself in the somewhat satisfied with my life things, but of course it is difficult to think of anything else when where are real issues to be discussed.
Elizabeth Koh

Study Ties Student Achievement to Technology Integration : April 2009 : THE Journal - 0 views

  • , the report showed that in high-need schools, there's been a 31 percent increase in the "innovative use of technology by teachers in core subject areas." What's more, in these schools, the report found significant increases in reading and math achievement (17 percent to 33 percent in reading and 18 percent to 36 percent in math).
  • 14-point increase in graduation rates, from 66 percent to 80 percent.
  • technology can help develop sustainable programs with short and long-term academic and economic benefits
J Black

The End in Mind » A Post-LMS Manifesto - 0 views

    • J Black
      This is a very profound statement that we should closely look at. Do LMS do nothing more than perpetuate the traditional classroom model?
  • Technology has and always will be an integral part of what we do to help our students “become.” But helping someone improve, to become a better, more skilled, more knowledgeable, more confident person is not fundamentally a technology problem. It’s a people problem. Or rather, it’s a people opportunity.
  • The problem with one-to-one instruction is that is simply doesn’t scale. Historically, there simply haven’t been enough tutors to go around if our goal is to educate the masses, to help every learner “become.”
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Through experimental investigation, Bloom found that “the average student under tutoring was about two standard deviations above the average” of students who studied in a traditional classroom setting with 30 other students
  • here is, at its very core, a problem with the LMS paradigm. The “M” in “LMS” stands for “management.” This is not insignificant. The word heavily implies that the provider of the LMS, the educational institution, is “managing” student learning. Since the dawn of public education and the praiseworthy societal undertaking “educate the masses,” management has become an integral part of the learning. And this is exactly what we have designed and used LMSs to do—to manage the flow of students through traditional, semester-based courses more efficiently than ever before. The LMS has done exactly what we hired it to do: it has reinforced, facilitated, and perpetuated the traditional classroom model, the same model that Bloom found woefully less effective than one-on-one learning.
  • Because the LMS is primarily a traditional classroom support tool, it is ill-suited to bridge the 2-sigma gap between classroom instruction and personal tutoring.
  • undamentally human endeavor that requires personal interaction and communication, person to person.
  • We can extend, expand, enhance, magnify, and amplify the reach and effectiveness of human interaction with technology and communication tools, but the underlying reality is that real people must converse with each other in the process of “becoming.”
  • n the post-LMS world, we need to worry less about “managing” learners and focus more on helping them connect with other like-minded learners both inside and outside of our institutions.
  • We need to foster in them greater personal accountability, responsibility and autonomy in their pursuit of learning in the broader community of learners. We need to use the communication tools available to us today and the tools that will be invented tomorrow to enable anytime, anywhere, any-scale learning conversations between our students and other learners
  • However, instead of that tutor appearing in the form of an individual human being or in the form of a virtual AI tutor, the tutor will be the crowd.
  • The paradigm—not the technology—is the problem.
  • Building a better, more feature-rich LMS won’t close the 2-sigma gap. We need to utilize technology to better connect people, content, and learning communities to facilitate authentic, personal, individualized learning. What are we waiting for?
    A very insightful look into LMS use and student achievment. Highly recommended read for users of BB or Moodle.
Brett Campbell

A computer per student leads to higher performance than traditional classroom settings - 31 views

    1:1 computing,, or
Professional Learning Board

What's Up With All These Standards in Education? - 28 views

    Standards in education are generally developed for the following reasons: Assessment, Achievement, Accountability, Focus, and Transparency. What do you think?
    I'm wondering if the items that you share here are an act of self promotion, or you really believe that they add value to the group. I personally don't find them useful. They are too general and don't really apply to "mission" of this group. I don't mean to be offensive, I just have limited time to check links out.
    Kathy, You make an excellent point, thank you! I was merely trying to spark some dialogue. I didn't realize that Classroom 2.0 at Diigo was about sharing technology, particularly Web 2.0, links. Again, thanks for pointing that out. Best regards, Ellen

Paradigm IAS Academy - Where Your Goals Are Defined And Achieved - 1 views

Paradigm IAS Academy, UPSC & OTHER STATE PSC, UPSC, MPSC, UPPCS, MPPCS, RAS, BPSC, JPSC, UKPSC , Branches In Pune , Mumbai & Navi Mumbai ,Classes Available in Hindi & English M...

Paradigm IAS Academy - Where Your Goals Are Defined And Achieved India's No. 1 Coaching UPSC & OTHER STATE PSC MPSC UPPCS MPPCS RAS BPSC JPSC UKPSC Branches In Pune Mumbai Navi Classes Available Hindi English Medium education

started by ruchagawande on 11 Jun 13 no follow-up yet
ashkif as

Display Your Academic Achievement with a Custom Diploma Frame - 0 views

    Get a diploma frame and display your achievement with pride! University Frames has been providing the finest quality diploma frames throughout the US since 1990. Choose from our available styles and designs - double diploma frame, diploma frame with a tassel, diploma frame with a portrait, and many more. You can easily customize the frame by choosing your preferred molding, imprint, mat, and UV protection options. Price may vary according to the customize options. Visit our website to customize ...

How Do You Achieve Positive Feedback From Your Teachers - 0 views

    Teachers' positive feedback is very impactful for students' confidence development and positive character development. In academic life, students normally try their hard to achieve positive feedback from their teachers.
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