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Denis S

New! FREE Algebra Games - 32 views

  • First Grade - Algebra - Pictorial Symbols and Patterns
  • Third Grade - Algebra - Patterns, Relationships and Functions
  • Fourth Grade - Algebra - Equations and Inequalities
Stephanie Sandifer

Esther Wojcicki: Revolution Needed for Teaching Literacy in a Digital Age - 28 views

  • But one area of American life that is consistently resistant to innovation is our education system.
  • children who are below grade level by age ten tend to stagnate and eventually give up and drop out in high school. Harvard educational psychologist Jeanne Chall famously called this phenomenon the "fourth grade reading slump,
  • In the classroom, digital media also have other major advantages. These media teach students to master the production of knowledge, not just the consumption of knowledge. Kids learn to create videos, write blogs, collaborate online; the also learn to play video games, do digital storytelling, fan fiction, music, graphic art, anime and even more. Their informal process of learning, collaboration, and transforming passion into knowledge is desperately needed in schools today.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • to train teachers to help students learn to read by transforming information for discovery and problem-solving.
  • all beginning teachers learn how to use online collaborative tools, video production tools, blogging tools, mobile tools and a variety of commercial and non-profit programs targeting the classrooms. Frequently young teachers know how to use these tools on a personal level but not in the classroom.
  • Let's building on national models like Communities in Schools, First, Computer Clubhouse, Club Tech of the Boys and Girls Clubs, and the Quest to Learn, Digital Youth Network and School of One models in Chicago and New York City.It is time to extend the learning day and create a place in every community where young children can gain confidence in their literacy and interactive technology skills.
  • laboratories for testing many different digital approaches to learning and assessment, as well as for testing different ways to break down the barriers between in- and out-of-school learning
  • a hub for the professional development of digitally savvy teachers.
  • embrace the potential revolutionary power of the digital tools that have defined the first decade of the 21st century
    embrace the potential revolutionary power of the digital tools that have defined the first decade of the 21st century
Charlene Hall

skype - 0 views

looking for some people to skype with some colleagues. A fourth grade teacher looking to chat with a dairy farmer, grain mill etc. A second grade teacher looking to chat with someone about insects,...

started by Charlene Hall on 11 Jan 10 no follow-up yet

micro gps module - 0 views

    UM220-IV NV is a multi-system positioning module developed by Unicore Communications for the vehicle navigation market. It is the fourth generation automotive grade GNSS module based on Unicore's proprietary GNSS SoC-UC6226, with high integration, low power consumption, and anti-jamming design. UM220-IV NV is suitable for large-scale GNSS applications that require high performance, high reliability, and high quality.
Dennis OConnor

Digital Comics Spur Students' Interest in Writing - National Writing Project - 0 views

  • Summary: Fourth grade teacher Glen Bledsoe has his students create comic strips together, which engages their creativity and teaches them writing, critical thinking, and other skills.
    National Writing Project article. PDF download of full text.
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