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Contents contributed and discussions participated by zolotarev


Firefox gets aggro blocking ads from tracking you online. - 0 views

    Browser tracker blocking becomes standard.

Квартира с Большим братом: Amazon нашел способ прийти в каждый дом - The Bell - 1 views

    Amazon договаривается с девелоперами о предустановке умных устройств под управлением ассистента Alexa на этапе первоначальной отделки квартир. Клиенты получают почти бесплатный умный дом, а управляющие - бесценный набор данных о жильцах.

Google Glass still exists: Meet Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2 - 0 views

    Google announced a new version of Google Glass. Glass Enterprise 2 is powered by the "Qualcomm Snapdragon XR1 platform. The company says, "This enables significant power savings, enhanced performance, and support for computer vision and advanced machine-learning capabilities." Google VR/AR lead Clay Bavor has claimed ownership of Google Glass on Twitter, so now it seems the same group that brings you ARCore and Google Daydream VR goggles will be in charge of Google Glass.

Наступает эра S-commerce: исследование Data Insight и Яндекс.Кассы - 0 views

    Уже более половины российских интернет-пользователей регулярно делают покупки в социальных онлайн-каналах, и эта доля будет только расти мелкие и средние игроки рынка все чаще используют в качестве канала продаж не свой сайт, а «инфраструктуру», так называемые «социальные каналы»: соцмедиа, мессенджеры, доски объявлений и т. п. У социальных каналов есть потенциал для роста: каждый четвертый из тех, кто уже пользовался ими, но еще ни разу не покупал, утвердительно ответил, что «хотел бы попробовать». Еще столько же людей ответили так же, но менее определенно: «скорее, да»

Behind Airbnb's bet on show business to hook travelers - 0 views

    Airbnb Inc, has ambitions to develop a slate of original shows to whet customers' appetite for travel. Airbnb has batted around ideas for creating or licensing mini-series and documentaries about travel, and shows featuring Airbnb homes, guests and hosts. The company is considering streaming films and shows through its app as well as through other video platforms. Original shows could also entice customers even before they have decided where to go on vacation

News : Doosan Infracore 5G based remote control - 0 views

    Doosan Infracore introduced its 5G-based construction machinery remote control technology to the European market for the first time at the trade show. It demonstrated how to remotely control an excavator in Incheon, Korea while sitting 8,500 kilometers away from the 5G Remote Control Station (Control Center) set up in Munich, Germany.

Q1 2019 Social Trends - eMarketer Trends, Forecasts & Statistics - 2 views

  • “We plan to build this [platform] the way we’ve developed WhatsApp: focus on the most fundamental and private use case—messaging
  • WeChat Pay and Tenpay (Tencent’s business-oriented payment platform) accounted for 38.8% of the total amount spent via mobile payments in China during Q3 2018
  • games were the most popular category of miniprograms, used by 42% of WeChat miniprogram users in China
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • and then build more ways for people to interact on top of that, including calls, video chats, groups, Stories, businesses, payments, commerce, and ultimately a platform for many other kinds of private services,” Zuckerberg wrote.
  • Advertisers worldwide will continue to shift spending from the News Feed to Stories, slowing ad revenue growth for Facebook in 2019. Stories monetize at a lower rate than the News Feed.
  • More social commerce: Facebook is likely to expand its “Checkout on Instagram” to new countries and companies throughout 2019.

What Does the Gaming Landscape Look Like for Marketers? - 0 views

    Gaming has gone mainstream, with 86% of internet users worldwide noting that they have gamed on at least one device within the past month. That figure climbed to 92% among those ages 16 to 24 Boosted by global smartphone ownership, mobile has become the most popular channel for gaming

The U.S. Is Losing a Major Front to China in the New Cold War - Bloomberg - 2 views

  • Governments across Southeast Asia are adopting Chinese-style internet and data controls
  • The spread of a Chinese-style internet is a problem for U.S. internet giants from Facebook to Google
  • Southeast Asia has thus become a testbed for Beijing’s political objectives, a jumping-off point in a long-term campaign to extend its influence around the globe.
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  • “The most likely scenario now is not a splintering, but rather a bifurcation into a Chinese-led internet and a non-Chinese internet led by America,” the former Google chief executive reportedly told
  • “Globalization means that they get to play too.”
  • in the longer term, there’s a real risk American companies could get supplanted by the likes of WeChat, TikTok

Britain Proposes Broad New Powers to Regulate Internet Content - The New York Times - 1 views

  • Britain is proposing sweeping new government powers to combat the spread of violent and extremist content, false information and harmful material aimed at children.CreditHenry Nicholls/Reuters
  • Australia passed a law last week that threatens fines for social media companies and jail for their executives if they fail to rapidly remove “abhorrent violent material” from their platforms. New Zealand is also considering new restrictions.
  • In Singapore, draft legislation was introduced last week that supporters said would restrict the spread of false and misleading information.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Germany last year began prohibiting hate speech
  • The rules would apply to social media platforms, discussion forums, messaging services and search engines.
  • Western democracies
  • are becoming more willing to intervene.

Netflix isn't killing movie theaters: Viewers who stream more also go to cinemas more - 1 views

    According to a study by EY's Quantitative Economics and Statistics group, the people who go to see movies in theaters more frequently are also the people who consume more streaming content.

Исповедь миллениала. Культурные коды поколения Y - 2 views

    Generation Y values - Self care instead of healthy lifestyle obsession - More natural, less taboo - Psychotherapy is normal - More time on parenting - Environmental awareness - Conscious limitation of choice - Millennials are needed of new online communication ethical norms - Chill

Virtual and Augmented Reality Users 2019 - 0 views

    It's anticipated that in 2021 the penetration of VR among US citizens will rise from 10.6% in 2018 to 17% from 10.6% , AR - from 18.2% to 25.4% respectively. Many industry practitioners believe that AR experiences will migrate from mobile devices to HMDs or glasses within the next five years, especially if major technical challenges-including battery life, continuous network connectivity, a viable app distribution system and cultural acceptability-can be overcome.
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