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Tips for Using Chat as an Instructional Tool -- Campus Technology - 1 views

    This article was written 5 years ago. Now, we have the benefit of ubiqutious mobile chat platforms e.g. Whatsapp, which can create small focus groups to talk about a particular topic. Not only so, besides the usual text, Whatsapp also allows participants to share mobile videos taken on the spot, share their geolocations with one another, share audio recordings and of course, images. A personal example of how I use Whatsapp for personal learning: I use Whatsapp regularly to practice reading and writing my Japanese with a few other friends, and when I make mistakes, they can quickly give me feedback in real-time. We also exchange photos of Japanese culture, food items and even on-the-spot videos from those who are in Japan. Some of us go for Japanese classes, some don't. But those who go for the classes share what they have learnt with those who haven't.  I'm not sure if this can be classified as a type of "flipped learning", but I realized that mobile chat makes an excellent real-time, yet highly personalized tool for e-learning in small group discussions. Perhaps this is one area we can consider next time as a way to do mobile learning that harnesses the social nature of us learners.

Don Norman's / Designing the Infrastructure - 1 views

  • The infrastructure of our computer technology can be overwhelming. My computer's infrastructure gets more complex each year, and all this complexity requires attention. Upgrades and security modifications. The need to change passwords for many accounts, and the need to keep my list of passwords up to date, synchronized across all my computers. The need to reboot, defragment, do continual scans for viruses and malcontent software, the need to renew batteries and accounts. Backup files. It seems that every day I spend considerable time on the infrastructure. Because the ability to maintain infrastructure is seldom designed with care, each simple activity can become daunting. Each new device purchased requires installation, complete with registration, agreeing to unread but undoubtedly onerous legal conditions, and finding space and sockets for all the communication and power cable. Did I mention that these invariably require stopping all work, saving everything, and rebooting, after typing in a long, complex registration number? I should have.
  • Infrastructure is taken for granted. It is time it is given as much attention as the primary applications, else maintaining the infrastructure will itself become our primary activity.
  • It is time to work on infrastructure. It threatens to dominate our lives with ugliness, frustration, and work. We need to spend more time on the designs for infrastructure. We need to make it more attractive, more accessible, and easier to maintain. Infrastructure is intended to be hidden, to provide the foundation for everyday life. If we do not respond, it will dominate our lives, preventing us attending to our priory concerns and interests and instead, just keeping ahead of the maintenance demands.
    When I think about "infrastructure", I normally think about roads, wires, sewerage and so on. But how about educational technology and instructional design? From reading Don Norman's musings about infrastructure, I realized that if we want our technological implementations to be successfully adopted, very often it's essential to also consider the infrastructure needed to support our tech designs and implementations. Personally, I think infrastructure for education and instructional design need not always be physical things. They could be intangibles such as having to update a database, notify the relevant people in charge, call this person or that to come unlock the computer lab, etc. My mum's been a teacher for 40+ years. She's great. But she really hates the computer. Not because of the learning needed to use Microsoft Word. She's quite fine with it. But it's all the non-Microsoft Word things that she has to do - reboot, turn the computer on, manage the files, etc... - that makes her scream.  "It is time to work on infrastructure. It threatens to dominate our lives with ugliness, frustration, and work. We need to spend more time on the designs for infrastructure. We need to make it more attractive, more accessible, and easier to maintain. Infrastructure is intended to be hidden, to provide the foundation for everyday life. If we do not respond, it will dominate our lives, preventing us attending to our priory concerns and interests and instead, just keeping ahead of the maintenance demands." - Don Norman Food for thought: What are some underlying "infrastructure" (tangible and intangible) that I may encounter in an educational technology project? Are there existing infrastructure that I can take advantage of to minimize time and $? How can we minimize the amount of infrastructure maintenance needed?
Kartini Ishak

How Not to Steal People's Content on the Web - 0 views

  • How to Cite Content in Social Media When you're sharing someone else's content in social media, the approach you take to give proper credit changes depending on the social network.
  • To Cite Someone's Content on Twitter: Simply include a "via @username" somewhere in the tweet. If you're retweeting someone's content but you edit their original tweet, be sure to change "RT" to "MT," which stands for "modified tweet."
  • To Cite Someone's Content on Facebook: Facebook makes it pretty easy to give credit when you're sharing someone else's content right from their own timeline -- they have a 'Share' button ready and waiting for you! If you're citing content from elsewhere on the web, but want to give attribution to another person or company -- like we did to Marketing Land below for breaking a news story -- you can find that person/company on Facebook and link to their Facebook Timeline in the status update.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Finally, if you're sharing content from another source and they don't have a Facebook page (tsk tsk!), then the link to their piece of content will suffice.
  • To Cite Someone's Content on Google+: On Google+, it's customary to include the name of the person or company whose content you're citing in the text of your update, because you can then link to their Google+ profile, much like you would do on Facebook. Simply include a + or @ and their Google+ name -- they'll pre-populate just like they do on Facebook!
    Found some ways on how we can establish an SOP on attributing content on social media. 
bernard tan

Singapore Education Minister joins the blogosphere - 0 views

  • Education Minister Ng Eng Hen officially entered the blogosphere on Oct 1, joining the likes of Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan and Foreign Minister George Yeo.
  • Dr Ng told MediaCorp via email that penning his thoughts in cyberspace is an avenue for him to engage the public in a more personal way. His foray online "is an additional platform for me to communicate with parents and the public",
  • Apart from blogging about events or trips he had attended, Dr Ng also shares pictures taken during his official functions and visits. Dr Ng has also written on issues facing the education system.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Dr Ng added that the blog is "where I share my thoughts and observations about education matters or related topics of the day. "I find it a useful way to capture reflections that arise from events that I attend or current initiatives that we are working on in education".
    Our education minister Dr Eng Hen uses pens his thoughts in BLOGS to engage the public in a more personal way, sharing his thoughts and oberservations about educations matters. or related topics of the day.

How I used m-learning to help a P4 boy improve his English - 6 views

Sure, Ashley! Glad you like this... please go ahead and share with your class! :)

mobile Apps iphone m-learning

Kartini Ishak

Teachers told not to friend students on Facebook - 1 views

  • Facebook is not banned from the classroom. Facebook pages or groups established for classroom use are allowed — as is most other social media. However, teachers are strictly forbidden to communicate with students through any personal means, such as private instant messages or through personal Facebook profiles. According to the advisory, teachers must decline student-initiated friend requests, and never initiate a friend request with a student. The college asserts that when a teacher and a student become friends in an online environment, the dynamic between them is forever changed. An invisible line between professional and personal is crossed, which can lead to strictly forbidden informal conversations.
    The Ontario College of Teachers report accompanied by a 6-min YouTube video on the approach to social media in the classroom.
bernard tan

Twitter Music - 0 views

  • The app, to be called Twitter Music, could be released on iOS by the end of this month, according to a person familiar with the matter. Twitter Music suggests artists and songs to listen to based on a variety of signals, and is personalized based on which accounts a user follows on Twitter. Songs are streamed to the app via SoundCloud. Twitter Music, which is set to arrive in the wake of key competitor Facebook overhauling the music section of its News Feed, shows Twitter taking new steps into becoming a full-fledged media company. The app acknowledges the key role music has played in drawing new users to the service -- particularly younger, mainstream users. Pop stars have some of Twitter's most popular accounts, with followings in the tens of millions. The TwitterMusic account has 2.3 million followers -- not a bad perch from which to launch an eponymous app
    Twitter Music will be coming very soon in April

Automated Problem Generation for Education - Microsoft Research - 0 views

    This could be useful for helping overworked teachers automate a tedious aspect of formative and summative assessment: tests. Yes, it's about exams, but it may not be as bad as it looks, because it can be used to enhance personalized workflows.

Harvard-MIT's edX Brings Research Focus to Cloud Ed | Cloudline | - 0 views

  • While edX shares the common theme of scaling the online experience to very large groups, it adds an important component lacking from the various Stanford spin-offs, namely research.
  • EdX partners will be doing more than putting content online, they will be studying how people learn in these environments in an effort to improve both classroom and online learning.
    According to this article, the most significant factor is not the scaling of online instruction (which isn't a new thing already) _but_ the ability for educators to study how people learn in various environments. Timely and accurate feedback is an essential component, not only for students, but also for educators, in improving the quality and relevancy of education for smaller groups. Personally, I think that the rise of massively open online courses (MOOCs) will ironically lead to a huge increase in the number of customized and localized courses tailored for niche sub-groups. Instead of seeing a huge dissemination of one-size-fits-all education, we will see an increasing diversity of different educational strategies, similiar to how the diversity of an ecosystem increases when its geographic size increases. It's a very exciting time for educators out there indeed...
bernard tan

3G powers Singapore school's 21st century classroom - 1 views

    NIE is mentioned in this article talking about mobile technology in schools. And the platform chosen was Windows.... The National Institute of Education of Singapore is assisting teachers with the development of customized curriculum in English, Science and Chinese that leverages the benefits of mobile, Internet-connected, learning devices and provides students with new learning opportunities that are not possible with paper and pencil. We co-design technology enabled lessons with the teachers and provide professional development to teachers that enable them to enact lessons using smartphones. It is critical to empower teachers to orchestrate the transformed classroom to support students' personalized learning," says Professor Looi Chee Kit of the National Institute of Education. All smartphones are equipped with MyDesk, a next-generation mobile learning platform tailored to leverage the capabilities of Microsoft's Windows Phone operating system. MyDesk enables each student to access his or her assignments, relevant websites that contain podcasts, textual material and video clips and educational applications, such as concept mapping, drawing and animating, to practice both self-directed and collaborative learning.
Ashley Tan

Free Technology for Teachers: 5 Free Tools for Curating Educational Videos from Across ... - 2 views

    For video team to take note. Other teams may also find the tools relevant for personal or staff use.
Ashley Tan

Half an Hour: New Forms of Assessment: measuring what you contribute rather than what y... - 1 views

  • In the schools, too, there is no reward for helping others (indeed, it is heavily penalized). Suppose educational achievement was measured at least partially according to how much (and how well) you helped others. The value of the achievement would increase if the person is a stranger (and conversely, decrease to zero if it's just a small clique helping each other) and would be in proportion to the timeliness and utility of the assistance (both of which can be measured).
  • Suppose instead students were rewarded for cooperation. Not collaboration; this is just the school-level emulation of the creation of cliques and corporations. Cooperation, which is a common and ad hoc creation of interactions and exchanges for mutual value.  Cooperative behaviours include exchanges of goods and services, agreement on open standards and protocols, sharing of resources in common (and open) pools, and similar behaviours. Imagine receiving academic credit for contributing well-received resources into open source repositories, whether as software, art, photography, or educational resources. Imagine receiving credit for long-lasting additions to Wikipedia or similar online resources (we would have to fix Wikipedia, as it is now run by a gang of thugs known as 'Wikipedia editors'). We can have wide-ranging and nuanced evaluations of such contributions, not simple grades, but something based on how the content contributed is used and reused across the net (this would have the interesting result that your assessment could continue to go up over time).
  • There is, again, no reason why public service cannot be incorporated into individual assessment. Adding value to fire and police services by means of monitoring and reporting (not the piece-work model of something like CrimeStoppers, but actual prevention), supporting environment by counting birds, sampling water, servicing sports events by acting as a timer or umpire - all these can add to a person's assessment. I'm not thinking of the simple sort of tasks grade school students can perform. Indeed, a person hoping to attain a higher level qualification would need to contribute to the public good in a substantial and tangible way. Offering open online courses (that are well-subscribed and positively reviewed by the community) should be a requirement for any graduate-level recognition. The PhD used to be about offering a unique research contribution to the field; now it's about paying tuition and being exploited as a TA. These three things - helping others, being cooperative, contributing to the public good - are obviously not easy to assess. To be sure, it's far easier to ask students simple questions and grade the number of correct responses. But assessing students in this way, far from measuring putative 'content knowledge', is really an exercise in counting without any real interest in what is being counted. It acts as an invitation to cheat, as it places self-interest ahead of the values it is actually trying to measure.
    Stephen Downes very alternative thinking on alternative assessment: Helping others, being cooperative, and contributing to public good.
bernard tan

Top 10 ios App for Designers - 0 views

    Heres a list of apps that we can consider for buying with the amount issued to the team. Personally i think the ColorExpert app can be useful for print job on the move. it allows you to quickly point and shoot at the objects and get the CMYK color asap which is good for confirming prints job spec. Get the font app seems to be nice to be quickly recongise font type while on the go. Designers can take a look at the other apps

A new app lets you send pictures via sound - Computerworld - 2 views

    As cool as Chirp is for fun, personal sharing, it's even better for mass communications. For example, TV shows constantly tell viewers to follow them on Twitter or go to some web site. What they're doing is giving the audience a homework assignment, making them type a code in order to receive some information. However, with Chirp, TV shows could just play the chirps. Viewers watching at home would passively receive all the content chirped by the show. TV shows could allow photo "uploads" by phone, too. You can imagine TV shows providing a number that has an answering machine. Users could snap a picture, then leave the chirp of the picture as a message on the machine. It works just as well on radio, on podcasts, in videos and any situation where sound is involved.
Kartini Ishak

How To Manage Your PLN Using Twitter Lists - Edudemic - Edudemic - 2 views

    Establishing your PLN (Personal Learning Network).
Rachel Tan

iTunes U still competitive in online education (Stanford Daily) - 1 views

  • discuss issues together through Piazza, but ran into privacy issues and had to create three separate forums
    • Rachel Tan
      Dr Ashley, I wonder what the privacy issues were. There is a fair amount of negative notes in this article that could work against our recommendation of iTunes U 
    In 2007, videotaped lectures from 10 courses were added to the Stanford iTunes site. The content on the site consisted solely of audio and video files until January 2012, when Apple launched the iTunes U app. This app allowed professors to upload additional materials such as homework assignments and class handouts, giving remote students more of a comprehensive course experience. While remote students can now participate in a course by completing homework assignments and even taking exams, they are still not able to ask questions in class, receive feedback on homework and exams or collaborate with classmates. Several iTunes U courses have attempted to bridge this gap through Piazza, an online forum that allows students from around the world to ask and answer questions and discuss the course. Remote students are able to register on Piazza to discuss the lectures and assignments with other students, although Hegarty says that iTunes U students often reach out to him for help instead. The (Free) Efficient Way to Manage Class Q&A How is this better than email, newsgroups, and discussion forums? Students actually use Piazza, they love it. This difference stems from how we built Piazza. We've personally met with and spoken to thousands of students and instructors. The result is a beautifully intuitive and simple product that students love and use.
    Hi Ashley, would this article reference suffice as 'research reference' per our meeting with Director? Thanks for your input on the Emailer. I'm working on it now.
Shamini Thilarajah

Evernote - a personal e-portfolio solution for students? « JISC RSC MASHe - 1 views

  • It is unlikely any e-portfolio solution is going to be perfect and I think Evernote ticks a lot of the boxes. A huge advantage of promoting a personalised e-portfolio solution is it truly belongs to the individual and not the institution, particularly important if you want to encourage and support lifelong learning.
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