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SpatialChat - Mingle Activities and Virtual Parties - The FLTMAG - 2 views

    For when we're missing mingling closer than 6 feet. Not sure if this is for post-secondary only.
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    this looks fun! I like the way it says the sound fades as you move your avatar away...
    Looks like fun way to interact and easy to use

The Evil Landlady Action Maze - 3 views

    • ksforza
      I love this idea - I am not sure how to create it; ask me next week! I could see this being used as a way to teach culture and language!
  • make a decision
    I was drawn to this because the title was intriguing:) The idea of the app is an interesting one, although my first reaction in the example one here is that there are potentially a lot of stereotypes being (re)produced. I would be curious what you do with it!

Collaborative tasks for online language teaching - González‐Lloret - 2020 - F... - 4 views

  • through collaborative technology‐mediated tasks, we can promote productive language output (spoken and written) and the type of interaction that facilitates language learning and motivates students to continue improving their language skills
    • anonymous
      I certainly hope so, because what is stated here is the ultimate goal of a language class, and this fall we have no choice but for everything we do to be "technology-mediated"
    • anonymous
      This is what I'm looking for: exercises that "build community," or put in a more basic way, exercises that force students to interact with each other in the target language...
    • anonymous
      This is what I'm looking for: exercises that "build community," or put in a more basic way, exercises that force students to interact with each other in the target language...
    I agree that what we need now more than ever is collaborative, community building exercises. Last semester when we went online, at least we knew our students and they knew us. In the fall, if we go online, there will be students that we haven't met and built a rapport with in person. It will be more important than ever to foster an interactive environment and focus on meaning and communication.

Ten Ways to use Canva in the Classroom - Bespoke ELA: Essay Writing Tips + Lesson Plans - 1 views

  • There are a lot of teachers out there who, like me, are not tech savvy, so Canva is the perfect fit for us because it takes all of the guesswork out of designing a highly engaging, aesthetically pleasing visual!  
    I love Canva to create posters. Easy to use and graphics are amazing!
    This technological tool is really great. Thank you for sharing it.

Miro: the Visual Collaboration Platform You Need In Your Online Classroom - The FLTMAG - 2 views

  • visual collaboration platform:
  • interactive tool
  • Miro allows teachers to present material while students can be interactin
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • same shared space.
  • I would recommend that you sign up with your institutional email to further be able to apply for a free Education Plan (which includes up to 100 users). Students can apply for the Education Plan as well, which allows them to collaborate with up to 10 users for 2 years.
  • unlimited number of editable boards
  • Frame. It helps you organize your workspace into sections and allows you to save all the frames as a part of a pdf document.
  • Comments and Cards (which are basically advanced comments allowing you to add tags, assign people, set deadlines and insert links inside the field of the card) might be essential to communicate feedback and arrange student interaction in an asynchronous mode of work.
  • In synchronous mode, Miro is a powerful tool for presentation of new material. Y
  • Miro will help you organize pair and group work
  • easily and effectively
  • Virtual dice will help you make the board game experience as close to the physical classroom as possible.
  • Miro can be used for individual work as well. T
  • Miro is a great interactive platform which not only makes digital collaboration easy but also provides a number of instruments for individual creative work.
    • spangomez
      Miro + Virtual dice = board game
    • spangomez
      Miro = visual collaboration platform Whiteboard + interactive tool to collaborate, create and share

15 ways to use Snapchat in classes and schools - Ditch That Textbook - 1 views

  • 7. Virtual study session — Add your top 10 most important things to remember for a quiz or test as snaps in your Snapchat story. Students can watch your story and it becomes an instant study session.
    • vallb001
      Love it! Never thought about it...
    • ericat329
      I think this is a really cute way to engage students.
  • 8. Movies — Tell a story 10 seconds at a time. Add short video clips to a story with each video as a scene in the “movie”. If students follow you, this could be a great, fun way for students to engage in content. They could craft their own Snapchat movies incorporating what they learn in your class. Teachers can create fun content that students will want to watch. Schools and school districts can do the same to tell about a sporting event or other community event.
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    • ericat329
      This sounds like it could be done in a similar way as our twitter story....would a class snapchat story work? it'd likely be chaotic, but perhaps wonderful too? Kids could discuss where the story "went wrong"
  • 11. Be a reporter — Schools and districts can bring news the entire school community through Snapchat. Report on a basketball game by showing quick video clips with score updates. Go backstage at the school play for exclusive access!
    • ericat329
      I think there's a lot of cool possibilities that could stem from this idea.
  • 15. Ask a question — Want to bring up an interesting question in class? Stoke the fire by asking it on Snapchat before class. It’ll give students time to think about it beforehand. If students follow you back, they can reply with a snap of their own!
    • ericat329
      another interesting possiblity.
    I love these ideas. Just concerned about privacy matters...

The 5 Most Surprisingly Simple German Teaching Resources Online | FluentU German Educat... - 2 views

    • jmgabbard
      I'm really interested in creating an activity similar to what's described in #2. I think once I have the infrastructure worked out, it will be easy to repeat for different locations and different places of interest (restaurants, parks, whatever) in each city.
  • They have to describe what they see and do in a letter to a German-speaking friend. They can use Google Search to get information.
    • jmgabbard
      Segue to interpersonal communication
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    • jmgabbard
      This type of activity could also be a good first step to work up to asking for and giving directions in German.
  • 2. Google Street View

Kalinago English: 10 Speaking English Activities using - 1 views

    • danigeary
      Extensive worksheets can take away from the authentic experience of learning from the speaker.
    • danigeary
      Use opinions to heighten interest.
  • I really don't think that extensive worksheets provide a particularly authentic experience - such a thing mainly just erodes the power of the message within the video, takes away the inherent pleasure in learning from TED speakers.
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  • choose an interesting video
  • Ask them what they think the speaker will be discussing and why they think this.   Do they have any pre-formed opinions on the subject matter?  After watching, get them to talk about whether or not the video met their expectations.  Why, why not?
  • While watching, any video you've chosen, ask them to write ten words they found most interesting / or ten words they didn't understand / or ten words which they think would summarize the story.  
  • Show the video and ask your students what the main points discussed in the video were.  Ask them to choose sides on these - to take an opposing view from others in the classroom and to debate it.
  • Watch one of videos marked as informative and get them to write down questions while-watching and post-viewing.
    • danigeary
      A comprehensive way to cover the material. Includes many points of conversation.
  • who/what/where/when/why/how   Show the video you've (or one of your students') chosen and tell them they shouldn't write anything down while they're watching. After the video is finished, ask students to sit in groups and discuss what they watched, who was the presenter, why did she make this speech, how effective was it: encourage them to ask each other questions and share opinions.
    This is a great interpersonal activity, although I would imagine student reactions to it may vary. For instance, some students (like me) may find it stressful not to write things down. On the other hand, not writing things down takes the pressure off for being "perfect" and puts the attention on the spontaneous nature of the interpersonal mode.

Online Teaching Tools and Resources | Center for Language Study - 6 views

    I have bookmarked this. I need lists like this so when I go to design my class I will have a place to look for the tool that I might need for some particular task or another.

Aprende español callejeando por Madrid - 4 views

  • Si lees mis entradas habitualmente, ya sabes que llevo un tiempo de bastante mal humor por algunas cosas que han pasado en mi trabajo en esta época de pandemia. Pero ya empiezan las vacaciones, recuperaré fuerzas y volveré con ánimo para recorrer Madrid buscando cosas interesantes para el blog. De momento, me tomo un descanso de ordenador y me despido hasta septiembre.
    • greghutcheson
      Although she's taking a break until September, she's been at it since 2012, and her archive is a treasure trove of authentic materials (including graffiti) for the Spanish-language classroom!
    Authentic materials from the streets of Madrid!
    This looks like a great blog to follow, fun for those of us who have studied in Spain and also a great source for authentic materials.

25 Strategies to Engage Students on Your Next Zoom Meeting | Hooked On Innovation - 15 views

  • A fun non-tech game to play is “Who’s who?”.  In this game, students privately message the teacher some facts about themselves and then the teacher reveals the clues. Students then write down their guesses as to who the person is based on the clues.
    • christasgould
      This could be a really fun way to build community during the first half of the semester on Zoom, if you are using it. It would be interesting to also do the Zoom poll option and give students a few options. They select the classmate that they think wrote the information.
  • Using the BINGO tool,
    • christasgould
      Has anyone tried
  • Taking breaks throughout a lengthy lesson are important whether it be for a reflective pause or just an opportunity to stretch.
    • christasgould
      With "Zoom fatigue," it seems that brain breaks might be more essential than ever! Any good ideas out there for break breaks students can do remotely?
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  • use a shared collaborative space like a Padlet
    • christasgould
      Great idea. In another class I'm currently taking synchronously, we did some brainstorming on Padlet during our Zoom session. Will definitely be replicating it in my classes this fall.
    So many great ideas in this article. I hope I will get to use more this coming semester - Padlet, for instance.
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    I love these ideas, and I agree that they are a great way to build community and have a little fun. I will particularly look forward to using the story progression idea, I think it would be a lot of fun with intermediate level students.
    I also love these ideas and think they are a great way to build community. From the more basic, such as "Use the whiteboard feature" and "Create breakout rooms for collaboration" (I was wondering how to do that!) to the more creative and fun like having students go on a scavenger hunt or any of the many games the author describes... there are lots of great ideas. Many could even be adapted for lower level students.
    Thanks for sharing this article with so many great ideas to create more opportunities for student interaction and community building. I will try to create theme based BINGO games (numbers, colors, vegetables, fruits etc)
    I really enjoyed this article - lots of great ideas to use in the ZOOM classes. The one was discussed in the FaceBook ASL Teachers Share - a scavenger hunt. I going to implement some of the ideas. I actualy had to copy and save this article in a file. Amazing ideas. Thanks for posting!
    It's the perfect time for these tips! I wanted to try the breakout rooms last spring but had some technical issues and couldn't do it. I love the "I spy" and "Scavenger Hunt" ideas and many others. Thanks for sharing!
    So many ways to engage students in virtual classes. Great ideas!
    I attended a webinar and the presenter emphasized taking breaks. I must remember that one as well as putting these ideas in my toolbox.
Marlene Johnshoy

Everything You Need to Know About Building a Great Screencast Video | Cult of Pedagogy - 10 views

    • greghutcheson
      One of the hardest things for me to get past! It helps to hear the affirmation that a few stumbles will make the final product more genuine....
    These are good tips to keep in mind as I plan my online classes for fall.
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    I really appreciated reading this as I just tried recording my first screencastify minilecture yesterday and found it really challenging! One tip that I got from this that I will try is to put the recording in EdPuzzle so that I can put in some comprehension checks!
    I found this to be a very informative and helpful article with lots of practical suggestions and useful links. I wish I had read this before I tried to make videos with Screencast-o-Matic for my classes this past Spring. I could have used his suggestions! I will definitely be referring to it when I begin to make videos for my classes this fall. I too liked how he put his video into EdPuzzle to increase student interactivity. Thanks for sharing it!
    Hey this is really useful. I have a feeling that I'm going to be using screencasts often as I convert all my teaching to online in the fall. It will be most useful for grammar explanation types of lessons. It looks like it is just what is needed to fill that need for personal explanations that the students want. I prefer interactive worksheets but I get the feeling students don't like them as much as I do.
    Thank you for sharing! This will come in handy as I'm prepping for hybrid teaching this fall.
    I used Screencast-o-matic for sharing my presentation while creating a video and it was a great program. Kaltura is also a great way to create presentations.

Technology as a Learning Tool for ASL Literacy on JSTOR - 2 views

    I just tried to view this article it looks like you need to sign in with your university to view it. Sorry!

MovieTalk: Interpretive Listening Magic! - The Comprehensible Classroom - 5 views

  • MovieTalk works because it links meaning between the language used by the teacher to the images on the screen. In other words, it makes the linguistic input comprehensible to the student. “Comprehensible” of course, is a bit of a gray term—meaning that something is reasonably able to be understood by the audience—and it is up to the teacher to employ skills such as teaching to the eyes and using comprehension checks to guarantee that the comprehensible language is actually comprehended.
    • tamieegge
      This paragraph is a good reminder for me that the responsibility of making Spanish comprehensible to my novice learners lies with me. It is the teacher's responsibility to make sure the language is comprehended.
  • Sometimes, I select MovieTalks because of their topic: the content relates to something that we are studying or discussing in class. Other times, I select MovieTalks because of the vocabulary: I know that I can talk about the video using the same words that I am working with in class with my students. And still other times, I select MovieTalks because they are just so dang fun and easy and I plop them into the middle of a unit for no reason at all!
    • cbbbcb
      What makes MovieTalk different from describing a series of PPT slides? Does the movie give a flow of plot, so it enhances comprehensibility?
    • tamieegge
      No difference really. I sometimes will take screenshots from the video and put them into google slides. Especially if the action moves quickly and I have trouble pausing the video exactly where I want to. This also works for students who are impatient and want to just watch the video. I tell them that the link to the video is at the end. there are a lot of really fun short videos on youtube that are good for this. The movie does make it more like a story. You can also do this technique with just a picture.
    How to do an interpretive listening activity called Movie Talk.
    I'm new to movietalks, thank you for sharing this resource.

Los cortos en el aula de español (ELE) | ProfeDeELE - 2 views

  • crear los diálogos, poner la voz del narrador, contar la historia en pasado
    • vallb001
      Solo algunas ideas de como hacer u la explotación didáctica de un material auténtico como un cortometraje.
  • debatir en niveles altos sobre nuestro modo de vida, si vivimos para trabajar o trabajamos para vivir.
    • vallb001
      Estas propuestas didácticas a partir de cortos, ofrecen una excelente oportunidad de trabajar los modos interpretativo e interpersonal al mismo tiempo.
  • contraste de pasados
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  • describir las escenas
    Lindo recurso! Noto que es del 2013 y que los creadores todavía no se habían imaginado una realidad como la nuestra. Dicho esto, qué fácil sería pasar sus ideas y materiales para uso en el salón digital. Gracias por compartir!

Google Extensions That Make Your Job Easier - Creative ASL Teaching - 2 views

    • tclem01
      Pear Deck - a vlog from youtube Step by Step PearDeck showed how to set up and use in ASL class. It was posted in National ASLTA Best Practices fb page
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