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(PDF) Exploring the affordances of WeChat for... - 2 views

  • Web 2.0 as “a second generation, or more personalised, communicative form of the World Wide Web that emphasises active participation, connectivity, collaboration and sharing of knowledge and ideas among users
  • there is a longer time lag between sending and receiving text messages or audio files via the chat facility, although both parties are online at the same time. We thus coined a new phrase to capture the speed of such interaction, semi-synchronous, which is under investigation in this research.
    • cwelton
      'semi-synchronous' engagement for language learning seems highly useful, to allow students time to formulate responses and even research vocabulary or grammar structures that they need to use before production in TL.
  • there is a tendency to not reach the stage of resolution in online asynchronous text-based discussion
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • It was hypothesised that, in comparison to synchronous conversations, more accurate output would be generated in semi-synchronous dialogues, as this would allow students with a little more time to organise their output while waiting for their partner’s responses. Furthermore, we hoped that semi-synchronous interaction would function as scaffolding for synchronous conversation, as most of the participants had not yet achieved an advanced level of speaking proficiency in their target languages.
  • facilitated the development of their speaking proficiency.
  • more feedback and more accurate output emerged,
  • check their WeChat messages at least once a day and reply as soon as possible; • learn to be a helpful tutor and provide as much feedback as possible; • ask their language partner to repeat and/or explain anything they did not understand; • ask their language partner to express the same thing in different words, if failing to understand; • not be afraid of making mistakes; • correct each other’s mistakes; and • speak clearly at a normal speed.
  • suggested that tasks “start from specific questions to more open-ended discussion” as students became more familiar with each other and with the learning environment.
  • the majority of students preferred the recorded speech and the writing task in comparison to the semi-synchronous conversation
    • cwelton
      of course, but this doesn't mean the semi-synchronous activities weren't perhaps the best for their actual language learning...
Marcie Pratt

Social-networking sites in foreign language classes: Opportunities for re-creation | Ka... - 4 views

  •   38   SOCiaL-NetwOrKiNg SiteS 2001). This difference in ‘lifestyle’ gives educators reason to believe we shouldincorporate SNS usage into our class-related activities, to capture these students’imaginations and t their thought patterns and socializing habits (Godwin-Jones,2008; Winke & Goertler, 2008).However, although technology is an integral part of neomillennial students’lives, they often do not know how to use technology in ways that would benet them in computer-assisted language learning (CALL) (Dieu & Stevens, 2007;Kolaitis, Mahoney, Pomann, & Hubbard, 2006; Winke & Goertler, 2008). Suc - cessful CALL activities, then, often require a substantial training period at theoutset (Jones & Bissoonauth-Bedford, 2008; Kolaitis et al., 2006), and studentsmay be less enthusiastic about a class’s language and culture projects if the formof computer-mediated communication ( CMC) employed is not the type they areaccustomed to using (McBride & Wildner-Bassett, 2008; Thorne, 2003). A usefulresponse may be to craft CALL activities more to the practices that our studentsare familiar with (Winke & Goertler, 2008). SNSs are an obvious possibility to consider, given their tremendous popularity.If we can get our F
  • we can get our FL students to interact socially on SNSs, then they may beengaged in more authentic social and communicative behavior than typically hap-pens in classrooms, because “instead of merely simulating other modes of interac-tion, technology mediated communication is, in and of itself, the real thing
  •   40   SOCiaL-NetwOrKiNg SiteS and sites like it, knowing, socially and technically, how to re-use media in thisparticular way has become foundational for communication and creative expres- sion over the Web” (Perkel, 2008, p. 218). We can call this activity of writing/remixing the self through the manipulationof text and media ‘ self-authorship.’ Within the framework of CALL, this term refers to students authoring their own materials which can then serve as the basisfor learning and lessons. Using student-created materials as the center of a lesson ts with a student-centered pedagogy (Dieu, Campbell, & Ammann, 2006). Self-authorship activities can increase interest and time on task, and they put students in a more active role in their own learning process (Kramsch, A’Ness, & Lam,2000; Nikolova, 2002).Students must take an active role in their learning. They cannot simply be handed knowledge from an expert because understanding is the result of a cre- ative process one must work through over time with other people (Bereiter, 2002). Learning
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Such use could instantiate the primary condition that research has shown to encourage L2 acquisition: timespent on meaningfully embedded interaction and negotiation with others
  • Students must take an active role in their learning. They cannot simply be handed knowledge from an expert because understanding is the result of a cre- ative process one must work through over time with other people (Bereiter, 2002). Learning and language develop through interaction with others, by means of in- ternalizing problem-solving patterns that are rst experienced in dialogue withothers (Vygotsky, 1978). SNSs therefore are a promising tool for FL education intheir capacity to be used by learners as L2 practice in a way similar to how they are used by the majority of young people in our society.
    • Marcie Pratt
      I did not mean to highlight so much. Can't find the "undo" highlight. I believe the paragraph starting with "If we can get our FL students..." is important because as FL teachers we are always working towards getting out students to speak in the target langauge and with as much authenticity as possible. By working with an SNS then they might be more apt to use their L2 skills in a more authentic way outside of the classroom as mentioned in the paragraph.
    • MariaEmicle Lopez
      Great comment! SNS are a way to help students connect class with the real world and someone besides peers and instructors. Interaction through SNS is practice in the target language with speakers of that language, helpful for when they study abroad, for when they graduate and find a job where they interact with Spanish speakers in the case of my students population. These kinds of interactions build on confidence and improvement of speaking skills.

Using Music in the Foreign Language Classroom | GradHacker - 11 views

  • By Natascha Chtena November 22, 2015 5 Comments   .blog-spacer { display: none; } @media (max-width: 420px) { .blog-spacer { display: block; height:1px; clear:both; } }   googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display("dfp-ad-story_level_pages"); }); Natascha Chtena is a PhD student in Information Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles. You can follow her on Twitter @nataschachtena.       One of the challenges I face teaching a daily language class is finding novel and creative ways to maintain student interest throughout my lessons. One of my favorite teaching “tricks” is using music to motivate learning, improve concentration, create a sense of community and help my students absorb material.   Music is a wonderful tool to integrate into your teaching repertoire, especially if you are a foreign language teacher. It has a
  • The key is to not be too ambitious (unless of course you are teaching a language AND culture class) and to set realistic goals: one song one major point! I usually keep it to seven minutes max, which includes a song, a very short “lecture” and some time for student questions at the end.
  • where I asked students to compile a short (German) playlist that describes their personality, explaining what it is about each song that speaks to them and/or that they identify with.
    • murasimo
      I would like to try this activity.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • By Natascha Chtena November 22, 2015 5 Comments   .blog-spacer { display: none; } @media (max-width: 420px) { .blog-spacer { display: block; height:1px; clear:both; } }   googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display("dfp-ad-story_level_pages"); }); Natascha Chtena is a PhD student in Information Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles. You can follow her on Twitter @nataschachtena.       One of the challenges I face teaching a daily language class is finding novel and creative ways to maintain student interest throughout my lessons. One of my favorite teaching “tricks” is using music to motivate learning, improve concentration, create a sense of community and help my students absorb material.   Mus
  • Music is a wonderful tool to integrate into your teaching repertoire, especially if you are a foreign language teacher. It has a way of capturing everything about a culture, its people and their language and it can inspire interest in a subject matter when other methods have failed. Not to mention that students love it and benefit from it intellectually and emotionally (even when they find your music taste questionable).
    • murasimo
      I use songs all the time and students love it. it is useful for grammar, vocabulary and culture. most of the time students start following on youtube the singer and present to class new songs from the same singer.
    • heidikreutzer
      My students (college level) really enjoy any music I bring into the classroom. Usually, I use it because it fits a grammar or vocabulary theme. I'd love to expand my use of music with my students.
    • vivianfranco
      My students also love to listen to songs in the target language. As you said, it is useful to work not only the language (grammar aspect) but also the cultural part. In my classes, I try to play 1 minute of music in Spanish before starting the class. They really enjoy it and even bring me more songs suggestions in the target language to play the next day.
    • pludek
      I like the idea of keeping the song length to a minimum. Sometimes the students get off task, especially if they don't like the song. Thanks for the idea! I love it when they tell me they've added the song to their own playlists!
    • speabodymn
      As a German instructor, I find music also is a great way to bring more traditional texts to life--lots of poems become more exciting to students when combined with a setting by Schubert or Strauss (for example), even if the student isn't initially interested in either poetry or classical music. (I have a video of Schubert/Goethe's "Erlkönig" that adds another dimension through a sort of cartoon horror-story video--so it's text plus music plus visuals.) With this much to discuss, it can easily fill half of a class session or provide the basis for a larger project. Still, I also like the shorter use of music as a way to add energy to many different topics without taking over the lesson.
    "Music is a wonderful tool to integrate into your teaching repertoire, especially if you are a foreign language teacher."
    This sounds fun! I would love to try it next year!

(PDF) Using Flipgrid to develop social learning - 1 views

  • As is common on many social media platforms, videos can be ‘liked’ or ‘hearted’ to show agreement or approval.
  • This can lead to competitiveness, with the confidence of some students potentially dented if a video receives fewer views or likes than others. (This feature can be deactivated if the tutor so desires.)

The Backchannel: Giving Every Student a Voice in the Blended Mobile Classroom | Edutopia - 4 views

    • sarahlbassett
      A backchannel could be a really useful adaptation for SPED and EL students in mainstream classes who find themselves left behind in conversation
    • moramichal
      just used SLAck in my workshop - it was a great experiment
  • They create a blended environment where teachers and students engage in both physical and online conversations so that learning is no longer confined to a single means of communication or even an arbitrary class perio
    • sarahlbassett
      This solves the "I don't have enough time with my students during class" problem if students have access to conversations beyond the limits of a class period
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • A face-to-face conversation while simultaneously reading might have been a distraction. However, by typing their thoughts, all students contributed their ideas while each having the autonomy to work at his or her own pace.
    • sarahlbassett
      I especially like having an outlet for students to work at their own pace on something while still contributing to a conversation
  • conversations were never los
    • sarahlbassett
      "The conversations were never lost" - this is a great point!  Students could read and re-read past conversations.  With a traditional speaking/listening conversation, it isn't possible to read at all, let alone re-read.
  • Backchannel
  • Blended Mobile
  • Classroom
  • Charlie needed an alternative means to participate, and a backchannel would have provided him with that outlet.
  • a digital conversation that runs concurrently with a face-to-face activit
  • TodaysMeet would have let teachers create private chat rooms so that students could ask questions or leave comments during class. A Padlet wall might have fueled students to share their ideas as text, images, videos, and links posted to a digital bulletin board. The open response questions available in a student response system like Socrative or InfuseLearning could have become discussion prompts to give each student an opportunity to share his or her ideas before engaging in class discussion.
    • moramichal
      want to try it in my class - to give voice to student how afraid to talk in front of everybody
    • moramichal
      i was a fraid to write my thought on the board - imaybe a private channel ?
    Thanks for sharing this (and for the highlights). It's something I need to explore further.
    I love this idea.
Marlene Johnshoy

Free Virtual Classroom Premium Membership for Academicians on WizIQ - 1 views

    Sign-up for the 30-day, but a year - free! Here's info I got in an email notification: We are glad to announce a free WizIQ individual membership for K-12 and College teachers. To be eligible for this offer, teachers need email addresses associated with their educational institutes (e.g., or If you are a teacher from K12 or a College, apply and claim your free membership by following the steps below: Steps to get free WizIQ membership: 1.Sign up for a 30-day trial by clicking on the 'Apply now' button below 2. Verify your email address from your email inbox 3. You'll receive a confirmation email from us once your free membership is approved Apply now  WizIQ's free teacher accounts give educators at accredited institutions access to a range of teaching tools. To many educators, the virtual classroom for which WizIQ is best known only means live classes, which they might not need considering they see their students in person every day. But with the WizIQ Virtual Classroom teachers can also: Offer online courses for their school Run virtual office hours and homework help Run summer school online to address transportation and facilities issues Give AP students a jumpstart with virtual summer class sessions Let athletes or homebound students work with their classes, live, even if they can't be there Easily set up classes - without IT help Bring subject matter experts into their classrooms virtually Support group and project-based learning Engage hard-to-reach parents with: Virtual parents' nights Virtual conferences Adult education and community outreach Virtual math and literacy nights Broadcast live school committee meetings on the web Record lectures or flip their classrooms Conduct virtual field trips Run professional development when and where staff are available Share teaching resources among schools Teachers can take full advantage of every WizIQ feature, including screen-sharing, polling, video-confe

I've Been Using Evernote All Wrong. Here's Why It's Actually Amazing - 1 views

  • I kept hearing how awesome Evernote was
    • cwelton
      My school has Evernote premium available to all teachers--it's basically just like Diigo, so I'm excited to try and figure it out this year.
  • Archive whiteboard notes
    • cwelton
      I have colleagues who use Evernote to keep logs of their chalkboard notes, so they can send them to students who missed class for example.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • all of which become searchable
    • cwelton
      because Evernote can read handwriting! so cool.
  • You can share any note in Evernote with other people—even if they aren't Evernote users! So it's actually great for this.
  • The second type of bookmark is the one I use for Evernote. It's bookmarking stuff that you want to reference later, but not the kind of stuff you visit every day. Does that make a little more sense?
  • Forgot to mention my third type of bookmark, which are full articles I send to Readability/Pocket/Instapepr for reading later. That's more for pleasure reading than reference, which is what I use Evernote for.
    • cwelton
      I have colleagues who use Evernote for this 'pleasure reading' feature as well.
    I used to use Evernote a while ago for a staff writer/communications job I held in grad school. It helped a great deal with keeping my boss informed on my progress on news stories and for making suggestions. After reading this, I want to go back to it. I remember how organized it made me feel-- I'm sure I could use a lot more of that as a teacher! Thanks for sharing. Glad that Evernote is back on my radar-- with so much more to it than I remember!
Diane Nordin

How to teach a young introvert | - 4 views

    • Alyssa Ruesch
      Apps to participate through electronic devices: Socrative, Kahoot, NearPod, TodaysMeet
    • Marlene Johnshoy
      Plickers might be interesting for quick multiple choice responses.
  • giving them opportunities to contribute to a class blog or something where their classmates will get to see their hearts and minds in this other forum. I think that really opens things up.
  • But Cain particularly feels for one group of introverts: the quiet kids in a classroom.
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  • Our most important institutions, like schools and workplaces, are designed for extroverts,
  • why is it that kids who prefer to go off by themselves or to work alone are seen as outliers?
  • How about the very definition of “class participation?”
  • how best to cultivate the talent of those students.
  • a student who has one or two or three friends, and prefers to go deep with their friendships instead of being one of a big gang, there’s nothing wrong with that at all, in terms of it being a predictor for adulthood.
  • If the kid is perfectly happy the way they are, they need to get the message that the way they are is cool.
  • make sure to build quiet time into the school day, especially when kids are younger. Have 15 minutes set aside every day where the students just read.
  • maximize choice.
  • less group work in general.
  • do more work in pairs, which is a way that both introverts and extroverts can thrive.
  • challenge teachers to rethink what they mean by class participation and start thinking of it as classroom engagement instead.
  • account the research of Anders Ericsson, who invented the concept of “deliberate practice.”
  • tools that allow students to participate through their electronic devices as opposed to raising their hand.
  • Apps that allow students to contribute to class discussions, sometimes anonymously and sometimes not.
    • Diane Nordin
      I agree this statement of "Number one would be to make sure to build quiet time into the school day, especially when kids are younger. Have 15 minutes set aside every day where the students just read." Question: As a classroom teacher, I am with my students 42 minutes per day, how can I take almost half of this time for reading? Shouldn't this issue be addressed as a whole school wide??
    • Alyssa Ruesch
      I agree with you Diane - that would be way too much time for reading in just your class. In some classes, I do a 5 - 10 minute "free-writing" exercise that is individual. It seems like you'd need to scale the time so that it's appropriate for your class. 
  • A lot of students who might be reticent at first will feel emboldened by having first discussed it with a partner.
    • Diane Nordin
  • Small-scale socializing. Socializing in pairs and small groups.
    • Diane Nordin
      My groups are mostly formed in 3 to 4 students, so it is easier to form a think-pair-share and compare best answer for their group.
  • e introverts of the world. In th
    Wow, just imagine how much calmer the world could be if classrooms were set up to allow for multiple temperaments as well as learning styles?! Also, the think-pair-share concept is fantastic; I've been using the "alone-paired-large group" sequence for language learners in groups since I got my CELTA certification and it's been hugely successful. Nobody wants to be wrong in public, and when learners have a chance to discuss it with a partner first, they are more likely to share their ideas.

Please, let students turn their videos off in class - The Stanford Daily - 4 views

  • When designing your course, ask yourself: What do I want students to get out of the class? Are videos essential or even helpful to the learning objectives of your course? Can I do it some other way?
    Gives voice to concerns I've had as I contemplate using Zoom in my classes.
    Thanks for sharing this, Greg! I've noticed that trying to share 20+ video feeds doesn't seem to lead to anything productive, and has a tendency to cause connectivity issues on my end. For my upcoming virtual class meetings, I I'll ask students to check in on video/audio when they join, and then mute themselves for the first bit of class. I'll then shift them into small breakout groups as soon as practical, where they can complete activities with cameras and mics on.
    I definitely understand zoom fatigue from experience. This gives me some thoughts to contemplate to approach this differently. I am considering an exit question each student must answer...
Jessica Rojas

Cultural Incidents - 1 views

  • 400+ INTERCULTURAL INCIDENTS Examples of the “problems” as experienced by people when meeting other Europeans. © Drawings by Antonia Docheva

Nik's Learning Technology Blog: Managing behaviour in the digital age - 4 views

    • japaxico
      I was expecting something totally different when I clicked on this article. Teaching at a community college, I thought it might be about online behavior on a discussion board assignment or something online and collaborative. Even though it was about something else, I found this tool to be fascinating and thought if I taught in the K-12 system, this would be a great tool. 
    • japaxico
      I like the flexibility in how the room can look here
    • japaxico
      Ability to add photos? Cool! Would this be allowed?
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  • ClassCharts uses html 5 so should run in any modern browser whether it’s a laptop, iPad or Android tablet, so the teacher can use an tablet during the class to instantly update behaviours.
  • This is quite a complex tool and creates a lot of data, so I think it’s going to take a bit of getting used to for teachers and perhaps a bit of training too.
    • japaxico
      For sure! How easy is this?
    • japaxico
      In my class, this might be a good tool to use for the Participation portion of the class grade, may create an easier way to assess the class in this area.
  • Managing behaviour in the digital age
    • japaxico
      I envision the teacher walking around with a tablet and making notes in this program instead of taking notes in a notebook. How far we have come!

How My Students Use Adobe Spark Page to Create Online Presentations - 3 views

  • Creating an account for Adobe just requires an email address and password. An .edu address is not necessary, so teachers can keep their accounts if they happen to change schools. Students can use the program for multiple classes without having to join any teacher’s class.
    • barichetti
      Will be useful info for my students.
  • How My Students Use Adobe Spark Page to Create Online Presentations
    • barichetti
      Useful quick reference for my students.

15 ways to use Snapchat in classes and schools - Ditch That Textbook - 1 views

  • 7. Virtual study session — Add your top 10 most important things to remember for a quiz or test as snaps in your Snapchat story. Students can watch your story and it becomes an instant study session.
    • vallb001
      Love it! Never thought about it...
    • ericat329
      I think this is a really cute way to engage students.
  • 8. Movies — Tell a story 10 seconds at a time. Add short video clips to a story with each video as a scene in the “movie”. If students follow you, this could be a great, fun way for students to engage in content. They could craft their own Snapchat movies incorporating what they learn in your class. Teachers can create fun content that students will want to watch. Schools and school districts can do the same to tell about a sporting event or other community event.
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    • ericat329
      This sounds like it could be done in a similar way as our twitter story....would a class snapchat story work? it'd likely be chaotic, but perhaps wonderful too? Kids could discuss where the story "went wrong"
  • 11. Be a reporter — Schools and districts can bring news the entire school community through Snapchat. Report on a basketball game by showing quick video clips with score updates. Go backstage at the school play for exclusive access!
    • ericat329
      I think there's a lot of cool possibilities that could stem from this idea.
  • 15. Ask a question — Want to bring up an interesting question in class? Stoke the fire by asking it on Snapchat before class. It’ll give students time to think about it beforehand. If students follow you back, they can reply with a snap of their own!
    • ericat329
      another interesting possiblity.
    I love these ideas. Just concerned about privacy matters...

Mix It Up! Authentic Activities for the World Language Classroom | Edutopia - 15 views

  • But true authenticity comes from the activities we use during class time, leaving an impact on the communicative skills of our students.
  • Use the language proficiency site developed by UTexas to gain access to native Spanish speakers talking about a variety of themes. These are conveniently divided into proficiency levels.
    • Shereen Elgamal
      I tried this activity by having each group research then report about an Arabic speaking country of their choice and the activity was a great success. They seemed to have had a lot of fun, presented short clear sentences (for the most part) that also provided factual and relevant material, and it opened the door for some spontaneous cultural themes and relevant dicussions.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • If we make activities genuine, our students will be much more inclined to participate, acquiring new knowledge through the process.
  • Make a fun interactive quiz using Kahoot!
  • ) Sign
    • amychang52
      Kahoot! is a good tool to create a quiz.
    • czuchnow
      I've used some of the videos from UTexas. Some of the novice level videos are still too difficult for my middle schoolers though! I have to give lot's of scaffolding and support.
    • ismaelfranqui
      These are great resources!
  • remember these rules when selecting activities: They must be authentic. They should always be engaging. Activities should be varied. They need to be focused around the unit theme. Perhaps most importantly, they should force students to use the target language.
    Authentic activities for the 3 modes of communication: interpretive, interpersonal, presentational. Great technology tools mentioned.
    Amazing resource! I love how this article offers ways to integrate technology through accessing each mode in several ways!
    It carries over well into the German classroom too!
Jessica Rojas

The Best 13 Web Tools for Teachers ~ Educationa... - 1 views

  • . Curated by Evdokia Roka
    Many ideas on using Web based tools in Teachin language.

VoiceThread Extends the Classroom with Interactive Multimedia Albums | Edutopia - 5 views

    • elenistef7
      This link leads to a PPT that has some good ideas of how to use Voicethread in the classroom.
  • "I can basically extend my classroom," he says.
    • elenistef7
      I agree that it can extend the classroom. Class time never seems to be enough so I am glad that I now have this tool to use with my students.
    • ncsargo
      I loved this idea as well! This is the main reason I hope to use VT in my classroom
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  • Ferriter says more students participate more actively in digital discussions than in the classroom.
    • elenistef7
      This to me is very important. There are always a couple students who will never want to participate in class, at least not orally. This will be such a relief to this type of student and I will be happy to count this as a way of participating in the course.
    • ncsargo
      I agree 100% there are many more introverted students that are wary of participating in class discussions, VT allows them to participate more without feeling uncomfortable.
  • "If you don't have a microphone on your computer, you can use a telephone to comment. If you're in the classroom and don't have either, you can use text if you need to, or webcam commenting.
    • elenistef7
      I like that students have the option of texting their response. Since I tech at a boarding school, those students that are in supervised study hall, may text their response so they won't interrupt others' studying. As long as I inform the proctors and the students don't stay on their devices for too long ;)
  • video doodling
    • elenistef7
      This feature is great for those students who are creative and/or love to doodle.
  • I am collecting examples of how educators are using Voicethread in their classroom or for professional development on a wiki at:
  •, a secure site just for educators and their students
    • ncsargo
      I'm going to have to look into this to see if this site is really more beneficial to educators than the standard site :)

Facilitating a Class Twitter Chat | Edutopia - 3 views

  • Communicate the public nature of Twitter to parents. Consider an opt-out alternative for students or parents who are uncomfortable with participating in the classroom chat.
    • cwelton
      I've also used my school's platform "discussion board" as if it were a twitter chat feed--some students got really into it, and I think I could implement some of these suggestions to make it more universally engaging
  • assist students in moving back and forth between their own words and technical or course-specific terms. And help highlight particular content with the use of sentence starters.
    • cwelton
      perhaps for a language class this would look like a vocab list, or a list of social media abbreviations that are language-specific.
  • Do you feel the chat’s objective was reached? What was the most useful part of the chat? How might we improve the chat?
    • cwelton
      i've do this, at some level, for almost every new project or activity I do in my classroom--the students feel so empowered when I ask them to share their opinions and reactions to the structures of the course.
    Thanks for sharing, Carmen-- I am also considering students who do not have Twitter, or parent concerns, and I wonder if small group work might be a solution- Using the twitter account of one student, another student or group of students help to compose responses, stay hidden from their online contributions.
  • ...2 more comments...
    Hi Veronica--you could also consider making a class handle. I did that with an Adv. class once, and simply gave all the students the info to log in. They could all post from that handle, and sign tweets with their initials.
    This is a helpful article. I like how it gives us step-by-step of how to host a twitter chat.
    Thanks for this suggestions, Carmen-- will use it!
    Especially middle/high school parents/students may feel more comfortable using a platform provided by the district. I am also planning to use the discussion board in the district's platform. I can definitely use the tips in this article.

Flip Your Language Classroom the Right Way | Language News - 4 views

  • It’s important to note that this process is different from, for example, simply giving students a video of grammar rules to watch at home, then going over the concepts from that video in class.
    • Anne Dixon
      I couldn't agree with this more.  Watching a grammar video would be so boring for my students.  I like to be present when explaining grammar concepts so I can answer their questions.
    • Anne Dixon
      I never thought about it this way before but I can see how technology in a flipped classroom can provide immediate and accurate feedback to students.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • In the flipped teaching model, students “front load” their language abilities by learning vocabulary and phrases independently before each class. Teachers can then build on what their students have already learned, practicing and applying that knowledge in class through com
    • vivianfranco
      I still have doubts about this aspect. Most of my students prefer to be taught grammar and vocabulary in class rather by themselves with a computer. Once again how much can we offer them though online and how much should we explain this in class?
Marlene Johnshoy

A faculty member and former ad executive offers six steps for improving teaching on Zoo... - 16 views

    "Stephen Hersh outlines six steps for how you can create a community of active learning online if you 'use the medium.' "
  • ...6 more comments...
    very interesting article! I actually like Zoom and its features and agree with Stephen Hersh. we as teachers will need to look through another lens now and try to adapt to teaching online in a new productive way.
    Like the article - when we switched remotely, my advice for the ASL instructors is to keep it simple, to the point and encourage breakaway groups, encourage conversations using new signs, come up with short stories (movies)....most of the students enjoyed it. When the semester ended, we decided we should learn more tech tips and find other features using ZOOM. Its interesting!
    This is nice! Super helpful since many of us are Zoom users! And not to mention that we are not alone in this!
    Yes!! My main takeaway is that online class is not just a duplication of in-person class. Some things have to be done completely differently. I like the part about no lectures. One thing I know is that my fall online classes aren't going to have long lectures...
    This was really useful! I especially liked how he said he used his mini-lectures as a way to kick start group work. I do think that using Zoom, even though not ideal, can bring us to better ways of doing things with our students. I like how he posits that it forced him to talk less and have students participate more. If this is a benefit of the pandemic, then I welcome it (although all the other stuff --no!).
    This post reminded me that InsideHigherEd is a great resource for keeping tabs not only on post-secondary education policy, but also on technology. I'll absolutely be delving into their archive!
    Yes,Greg, Agreed, great resource!!! Will use often.
    Zoom! I'm pretty sure Stephen Hersch is my neighbor! Teaches at Northwestern. "Stop talking so much!" Yes. Great take away. I saw this video when I looked up to see what TEACHx is since he's involved. Started in 2016. But this linked video is 4 Northwestern students and how they use technology. Evidently they use Canvas as well. I want to look up want one student said about his Spanish class. But what I liked is one of the students talks about when she doesn't use technology. After having said that all her life she had never used her laptop so much, but still in class the expectation is to arrive prepared and be ready to discuss. Hersch says the same for the what is one of the best uses of Zoom... time for students to discuss. Now! How to really get them all to prepare!?

HyperPadlets & Padlet Timelines - Jake Miller - 1 views

  • Format Flexibility! There are 8 different Padlet formats: Wall, Canvas, Stream, Grid, Shelf, Backchannel, Map & Timeline. Screenshot from
    • nurlider
      These templates can be templates for a variety of projects.
  • Content Flexibility! Once you select a format, your posts on the Padlet can be pretty much anything!
  • Your students will not need an account to access your Padlets or post/comment on your Padlets.  They would, however, need an account in order to make their own.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Remake – Want to reuse a Padlet in multiple classes or across multiple years?
    • nurlider
      I can also use copy of student entries as a platform for in-class activities.
  • Customization – Padlet gives you lots of options in the settings area.  You can customize the appearance, change the URL to make it easier to access, turn comments on/off, turn reactions (stars, upvotes, likes, grades) on/off, require approval for posts, filter profanity. 
  • Real-time Collaboration – If you choose to allow collaboration, you and your collaborators (students! teachers! parents!) can collaborate in realtime. 
  • 2. Second, I didn’t know that Padlet had a Timeline option!After Matt’s tweet, I discovered that a Timeline option was added by Padlet in December 2019
    • nurlider
      I used the timeline option for one of Week 4 activities I designed. It was for a biography reading. It worked really well.
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