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Marlene Johnshoy

Multiple Choice Exam Theory (Just In Time For The New Term) - ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 2 views

    This doesn't really apply to language level exams, but for those of you who are interested in the MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) and how to get beyond Bloom's level 1 in testing, this article has an interesting idea for multiple choice tests.
    thanks for the article link, Marlene. I am collecting articles/info about assessment and testing for a board I have going on Pinterest and for a Diigo group I have set up for my students here at my school in Chicago. It's a private group, but I am happy to invite you in if you are interested.
Anne Dixon

100 Ways You Should Be Using Facebook in Your Classroom - - 11 views

  • Teachers can utilize Facebook for class projects, for enhancing communication, and for engaging students in a manner that might not be entirely possible in traditional classroom settings. Read on to learn how you can be using Facebook in your classroom, no matter if you are a professor, student, working online, or showing up in person for class.
    This list is amazing. It has even a list of apps and pages that work very well with Facebook.
  • ...3 more comments...
    I love this list. So many activities we can do with our students to learn through FB.
    This is a good list. So many creative ideas. May George #GroupC
    this looks great. All it takes is a couple of good ideas for something to work well. Thank you
    This is a great list! I never used facebook for teaching but I learned many facebook apps for instructional purpose! Thank you for posting!
    Thanks for sharing. This is related to work we did this week.

Build a Collaborative Classroom with Microsoft Teams | Cult of Pedagogy - 10 views

    • jmgabbard
      I'm still learning about all of the features of MS Teams, but this one surprised me. I can imagine it being a good tool for synchronous and asynchronous language learning - not just video conferencing.
  • App Integrations I love this feature: When you need to take things up a notch, you can use some of the most popular apps in education right inside the Teams environment, including Kahoot!, Nearpod, Quizlet, and Flipgrid. If a particular app will be used frequently by a group, you can add a designated tab to a channel just for that app, so users can get to it quickly.
    I agree that app integrations is the best feature. We are using Canvas for our classes at my institution but we are also using Teams for university wide communication. Both are new but the experience so far has been positive. I may follow up on the advise to start a small project on Teams to learn more about its best features in building a collaborative classroom. Thanks for sharing!
    Thanks for posting this, Jordan, and reminding me that here at UofL we've got MS Teams as an additional resource! I've just check to see if there's the possibility of integration with Blackboard and it appears there is. (I'm glad to have the option for synchronous class meetings, since I've always found Blackboard Collaborate to be a little baroque in its layout....)
    Thanks for the tip @greghutcheson ! It hadn't occurred to me to look for Teams/Blackboard compatibility. I'm not sure yet if I prefer Teams over Blackboard Collaborate, but if one runs more smoothly than the other, that would be my pick!

The FLTMAG - A free magazine on technology integration in language teaching and learning - 23 views

    • Adrienne Gonzales
      This magazine is a fun project I am involved with - check it out!
    • yflanders
      Lots of great ideas for language teaching and learning. thanks for sharing.
    • kjjsk8
      Thanks for sharing. Lots of ideas and opinions to look at. I read a little into the evolving language center blog and it was really interesting.  
    • Jessica Rojas
      FLT magazine. Amazing ideas for foreign Language Classroom. Thank you Addrianne!!
    • MariaEmicle Lopez
      Adrianne, I found the site with a lot of information. I particularly enjoyed "Virtual Exchanges in the foreign Language Classroom." It explains how to make the target language more accessible to students allowing for an understanding of perspectives and practices. Good outline of benefits of virtual exchanges.
    This is a practice-oriented publication that's a bit more casual in tone and practical in content than its scholarly counterparts, while still rigorous in the quality of information it offers. We will feature articles, interviews with notable folks in the field of language teaching and learning, reviews of software, materials, and books, and more!
  • ...11 more comments...
    Adrianne!! It is awesome. I am (as many of us) so engaged with this teaching technology and using the web in foreign language classes. Congratulations!! and wish the best to you and this experience with the FLT magazine. I already have it in diigo and have subscribe me to follow you
    From UC Boulder
    You'll want to subscribe to this one and follow them on Twitter!
    Up-to-date content of immediate interest to FL teachers shifting to on-line instruction.
    I follow them on Facebook and love how publication addresses current issues especially with online and remote learning/teaching.
    I find this very interesting and the tips can be useful......good information!
    I like that it provides resources and information on different online techs that you can use!
    What a comprehensive resource for the world language teacher--blogs, articles, interviews, webinars, conference reviews... I could spend hours exploring all of its content. Thank you for sharing this.
    Thanks for this! I really enjoyed the article " How to Establish a Strong Community in an Online Course"
    One of THE best publications, comprehensive, practical, research based, inspiring, motivating to never stop learning!
    I found an interesting article about Wakelet.
    A lot of great ideas and a nice way to stay informed and to, at the same time, feel connected with a network of language educators who are addressing the same challenges and concerns.
    SpatialChat looks so fun! I'll be curious about pricing, and appropriateness and safety for high schoolers.
Marlene Johnshoy

Faculty Development for Online Teaching - Download free content from University of Minnesota on iTunes - 0 views

    Description This podcast developed by The Center for Teaching and Learning for the use of The Executive MHA Program is a series of workshops designed to prepare faculty for online courses.
Marlene Johnshoy

Ideas for E.L.L.'s | - - 3 views

    Larry Ferlazzo writes a column for the New York Times about using the NYT for ELLs - but these ideas could easily be adapted for FL teachers using news sites, too.   You should also check out Ferlazzo's blog.
Isis Shawver

Free Technology for Teachers: 5 Ways Students Can Create Audio Slideshows - 1 views

    • Isis Shawver
      There are some great resources in this article that I plan to explore!
    • MariaEmicle Lopez
      I will share these resources with my students for them to explore for their final presentation on work with Community.
  • Somewhere between a PowerPoint presentation and a full-fledged video is the audio slideshow.
  • To create an audio slideshow on Narrable start by uploading some pictures that you either want to talk about or have music played behind. After the pictures are uploaded you can record a narration for each picture through your computer's microphone or by calling into your Narrable's access phone number.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • UtellStory is a service for creating and sharing audio slideshows. To create and share your story through UtellStory you can upload pictures, add text captions, add audio narration to each slide, and upload a soundtrack to support your entire story.
  • a good tool for students to use to bridge the gap between slideshows and videos. Animoto makes it possible to quickly create a video using still images, music, and text. In the last year Animoto has added the option to include video clips in your videos too.
  • Hello Slide is a tool that you can use to add voice narration to slides that you display online.Hello Slide is different from services like Slideshare's Zipcast (which requires a paid subscription) because instead of recording your voice you type what you want the narrator to say.
  • is a handy service for recording video and or audio to accompany your slides.
  • Animoto's free service limits you to 30 second videos.
    I do audio slideshows as an end-of-semester project in my level 2 class, but I have only ever used PhotoStory. PhotoStory is loaded on our language lab computers so that students do not have to register or create any types of accounts. These resources seem to be just as easy, however
Marlene Johnshoy

Using Teachers Pet - 4 views

    "This is a step by step guide on how to use Teacher's Pet, a fantastic toolbar for Microsoft Word or Open Office which cleverly uses macros to create language learning exercises in a matter of clicks. A wonderful timesaver for busy teachers, Teacher's Pet is ideal for preparing paper worksheets instantly or for using on the interactive whiteboard as a starter or plenary. By simply highlighting some text and clicking one of the exercise types on the toolbar's dropdown menu, you can produce activities which practice vocabulary revision, grammar, reading comprehension, spelling and dictionary skills."

5.1 Dogoriti.pdf - 1 views

shared by rillia on 27 Jul 15 - No Cached
  • Twitter is used as an ongoing public channel of communication for academic and co-curricular discussions
  • English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
  • Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
  • ...26 more annotations...
  • The use of the Web2 can provide opportunities for collaboration, authentic communication in a discourse community and provide what Warschauer and Kern (2000) termedas networked-based language teaching. Some ofthe general benefits of using technology in ESP are the use of authentic tasks, tools, and context (Bremner, 2010; Evans, 2012).It provides interaction and communication among learners, uses collaborative learning, focuses on socio-
  • do not provide motivation, enthusiasm or personalization
  • earning management systems (LMSs)
  • ave generally been used as static sources of content with no social appeal like social networks, such as Facebook or YouTube
  • while also impeding general pedagogical support with their default settings and familiar features
  • social networking platforms have been acclaimed to provide learners social communication, autonomy,fluid online discussions, and identity management
  • ease interaction, e-discussions by focusing on the use of technology to support education
  • informal and relaxing atmosphere and make learning effective (Dalton, 2009). Social networking allows students and teachers to build a rapport and overcome inhibitions
  • Integrating social software with LMS aims at active participation, interaction and collaborationbetween the members of an academic community
  • Web 2.0 tools consist of blogs, microblogs, wikis, podcasts, virtual worlds and social networks
  • he benefits of using Web 2.0 in education are the new interaction styles between students and teachers, immediacy of information, access to authentic learning environments, content sharing, collaboration and enhancement of learning experience
  • a service offering language learning quizzes via Twitter hasbeen established (TwitterLearn, 2008)
    • rillia
      I couldn't locate this service in a search; I suppose it went defunct?
  • Twitter, Edmodo, and Ning
  • On the whole, the reasons language instructors may opt to choose Edmodo in class are that teachers and students connect, assignments, back channeling, a paperless learning environment, its backpack feature,the library feature, Apps, homework, badges, learning continues outside the classroom, assessments, interface, sharing, and its private and safe learning environment
  • the use of Twitter facilitated collaboration, communication and data exchange among students in real time.The role of the instructor is underscored as she/he acts as a mediator, supporting the content, organizing the activities, and clarifying the use of the educational tool
  • Facebook
  • Twitter has been studied in context with other social media and has proven to have a significant influence on academic activity
  • microblogging and inferred that it enhanced students’ achievement, motivation and participation in class.
  • Edudemic
    • rillia
      Check this out--appears to be a comprehensive site about the use of technology for educators and students.
  • Different platforms suit different sorts of interactions and appeal tostudents and educators in a diverse manner
  • From the Edmodo platform, two main features are utilized. First, the Edmodo forum is used for both teacher-to-student communication and student-to -student communication. The communication topics include subjects such as assignments, questions, announcements, etc. Second, the Edmodo Assignment Center is used for testing the students on each learning topic and easily collecting their answers
    • rillia
      Although we have an in-house LMS at Northwest, I created an Edmodo platform for my Intermediate Russian I course for the fall to see how it will work. I'll use it in conjunction with the in-house LMS, which may prove to be cumbersome. We'll see.
  • As far as the assessment of students’ performance goes, the conventional assessment through graded assignments is backed up by students’ social learning activities. Network buildingand self-regulated learning canbe indicative of students’ progress throughout the course.Ongoing assessment or formative assessmentstrategies(integration of performance and feedback and reflection) can facilitate learning and review students’ performance
  • The empirical evaluation of the research highlights the dominanceof intrinsic motivation(students’ intentionsto use Twitter/perceived enjoyment)over extrinsic motivation in explaining the adoption of social media in the class
  • n order to provide assessment, instructors could evaluate students’ learning progress by reviewing their reflections. Communication (teacher-student/student-student)throughout the learning processcan also providefeedback information that may aid assessment
  • nstructors could evaluate students’ learning progress by reviewing theirreflections on what they have gained through networked learning
  • References
    • rillia
      Excellent collection of reference materials on SNSs in foreign-language (and other) learning.
Marlene Johnshoy

Comics Lab Extreme - 1 views

    I've been looking for another comic-maker that will let you upload your own photos - this one does! It also has a pretty large gallery of characters, backgrounds, etc. You have a choice to make a comic book, comic strip/e-card, presentation, manga, or a graphic novel. This is a great site for elementary kids for a lot of different areas, but the comic creator is for grades 3-12.
Marlene Johnshoy

Peer advice for instructors teaching online for first time - 0 views

    "Seventeen instructors offer guidance for colleagues teaching an online course for the first time (and for those seeking a few new ideas)."

Orienting Students to Online Learning: A Must for Student Success | EDUCAUSE - 0 views

  • Orientation experiences support students' transition to the first year of college, which is essential for student success.1 This support is particularly important for those students from historically marginalized populations.
  • hould be holistic
  • course design features and
  • ...23 more annotations...
  • ) orientation learning goals and conten
  • assessment
  • approach
  • he orientation should
  • boost students' confidence for success online, foster a sense of community among students, faculty, and staff, equip students with the tools necessary to be positive community members, facilitate academic preparedness and skill-building (e.g., time management), provide support and engagement resources, and give students the opportunity to use the technology they will encounter in their courses.
  • As in any other learning experience, educators should first identify the desired learning outcomes of the student orientation
  • Course location:
  • (LMS), or virtual campus, creating a student orientation course within the same virtual space fosters a seamless experience for students
  • Modality: Think
  • The course learning outcomes can also help inform what topics should be reinforced in live sessions.
  • nteractive Learning Objects (ILOs): Campus leaders should think through how content will be delivered in order to achieve course objectives and consid
  • employing an ILO where students have to respond to academic integrity scenarios will enable them to relate to the material better than if they simply read an informational page about academic integrity.
  • acilitated v
  • e counterbalanced with how the onsite orientation is assessed (with consideration toward creating an equitable experience).
  • digital badge in the LMS.
  • to teach students how to become successful online learners. More specifically, we hoped to boost students' confidence in learning online, equip students with the tools necessary to be positive community members, and give students the opportunity to use the technology they would encounter in their courses.
  • and build basic competency in the digital tools
  • time-management tip
  • the importance of study groups,
  • how to practice "netiquette" (
  • "Start with Why"
  • We created an assignment that included the self-enroll link and directions with screenshots on how to locate and submit the completion badge.
  • A well-planned online orientation is essential for student success ahead.
    Good pointers on how to organize orientation to online course and how imp it is for successfull learning
Marlene Johnshoy

Should We Ask Students to Tweet? Perceptions, Patterns, and Problems of Assigned Social Media Participation - Learning & Technology Library (LearnTechLib) - 0 views

    Abstract - "Teacher educators have increasingly integrated social media into their education courses with aims including improving instruction and preparing students for a connected world. In this study, the authors sought to better understand the possibilities and challenges of scaffolding 60 pre- and in-service teachers across two universities into professional learning networks (PLNs) through a social media assignment. Participants analyzed educator practices, participated in, and envisioned future uses of teacher Twitter. Consistent with previous studies, education students were positive about the relational and relevant aspects of Twitter use. However, students' participation did not mimic the participatory cultures of affinity spaces often reported by connected educators in the literature. Instead, participants tweeted around deadlines and quit using their accounts for professional education purposes once the class ended. In contrast to recent literature, this article argues that social media integration for education students should focus on relational and relevant engagements and content, as opposed to attempting to build social media augmented PLNs for unknown futures."

Connecting a Classroom: Reflections on Using Social Media With My Students - Education Week Teacher - 2 views

  • eflections on Using Social Media
  • Social media can expand our thoughts and ideas and connect us to what is going on in the rest of the world. It would be cool getting ideas that are actually present outside our community.”
  • sk students to help develop ways to use that platform to connect within and beyond your classroom. Co-create virtual community with students rather than for them. This obviously looks different for elementary classrooms than for secondary, but all students should feel a sense of ownership over the classroom accounts.
    • moramichal
      " ask students to help develop ways to use that platform to connect within and beyond your classroom. Co-create virtual community with students rather than for them. This obviously looks different for elementary classrooms than for secondary, but all students should feel a sense of ownership over the classroom accounts". i think that this is the key - not building for them but with them
    • Kimberly Jaeger
      That's a great statement to highlight. This applies to higher ed as well. (Kim, Group 3)
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • olso2135
      I like this idea, but wonder how it would look in a classroom where some students have extremely limited tech knowledge. Maybe pairing them up with other students and having them teach each other?

3 Digital Tools for Helping Students Gain Perspective on Immigration | MindShift | KQED News - 5 views

  • For young people without a personal connection to an immigration story, these websites, games, multimedia news pieces, and more, can help put a human face on an abstract debate.
  • For students with first-hand knowledge of the immigrant experience, they can find validation of their stories and/or those of their friends and family.
  • they can help students step back for a big-picture, historical perspective on U.S. immigration
  • ...8 more annotations...
    • ismaelfranqui
      The foreign born population map information says, "The culture and politics of the US have always been profoundly shaped by the material and emotional ties many of its residents have had to the places where they were born".
  • analyze migration patterns for the whole country over time
    • ismaelfranqui
      This one is amazing and must be fully explored. "Illuminating, up-close-and-personal visit to the U.S.-Mexico border".
  • This unique interactive resource can be a valuable supplement to a lesson or unit about U.S. immigration.
  • an illuminating, intimate visit to the U.S.-Mexico border
  • Teachers can use Borderland for whole-class discussion and exploration, or give students time to experience these powerful stories on their own.
    • ismaelfranqui
      Not free (9.99) but sounds like an amazing learning experience.
  • Players approve or deny someone entry to a fictional country, basing their decisions on an ever-increasing number of virtual documents they must read and analyze.
    "You have no idea what people will do to reach the United States - until you hear their stories". (From reviewed tool NPR Borderline Stories)
Susan Wicht

EUROCALL: European Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning - 0 views

    "the European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning. EUROCALL aims to provide a European focus for the promulgation of innovative research, development and practice relating to the use of technologies for language learning."
Shereen Elgamal

10 Social Media Tips for Reaching World Language Learners | Edutopia - 5 views

  • The 21st century learner is not wired to memorize; instead, her or she is inclined to create, connect and collaborate. Social media is the perfect medium for us, their teachers, to reach them.
    • srafuller
      It is important to remember to reach our students where they are, not where we were when we were students.
  • posting a weekly question and having students respond
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  • It is time to officially gamify education. If we make it fun through gaming, our students will be engaged. For language teachers, Duolingo is the route to student involvement when it comes to reviewing grammatical structures. Available in many languages, this app allows students to compete with one another and "level up."
  • I recommend Edublogs
    • Shereen Elgamal
      It sounds like a fun way to get students interact and use the language in an interactive way.
    This is a listing of ways to use social media in the classroom.  
  • ...1 more comment...
    Interesting article on tips for using social media in the language classroom--definitely relevant to this week.
    I like what srafuller says about not expecting students to be like we were when we were students. I struggle with that in all the classes I teach, not just the foreign language. I work to be conscious of reaching students "where they are" every day. Not only that, but we need to be conscious (at least older teachers like me) of not teaching the way we were taught!
    I really like this article! Simple, to-the-point, useful suggestions for several on-line applications. I tried out Duolingo but was chagrined to find out they don't offer Russian (Ukrainian and Esperanto but not Russian?!). I could, however, study English from Russian, which has several activities (especially translation) that my students can use. Thanks for posting this article!
Marlene Johnshoy

Web 2.0 How-To for Educators - 0 views

    "Web 2.0 How-To for Educators explores the very best online collaborative tools available today (including blogs, wikis, and social networking) and Web 2.0 applications (Skype, Google Earth, Wordle, and more) that make a difference in education. Using a simple formula for each concept, the book describes what the tool is, when teachers should use it, why it is useful, who is using it, how you can use the tool, and where you can find additional resources. Practical examples from educators around the world offer an abundance of ideas, and the recommendations for further information and comprehensive lists of Web 2.0 tools and applications will be valuable resources as you integrate Web 2.0 technology in your classroom. "
Marlene Johnshoy

SMART Board for Early Childhood Teachers - 0 views

    This is a wiki with lessons and templates for using SmartBoards with elementary students - but it might give you some ideas for using one for language learning.
Kim Fynboh

Educational Leadership:Meeting Students Where They Are:Why Teachers Should Try Twitter - 5 views

    • senora heebsh
      Good article for convincing non-tweeters that it is a good tool. for Carla Tech 11, we already know this information.
    • anonymous
      Well, we are all trying it... that's a start.
  • eaching professionals have found ways to use Twitter to share resources and lend quick support to peers with similar interests
    • senora heebsh
      I've only used twitter for 2 days, and I have ALREADY created a PLN that is full of ideas.
  • o build a
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • network of people
  • I now turn to Twitter friends for help in the same way that I turn to the teachers on my hallway. Recently, a friend in my Twitter feed pointed me to a great strategy for structuring classroom discussions, a practice I'd been struggling with (
    • senora heebsh
    • Lorraine Effler
      I can see this being a great use of Twitter.
    • Kim Fynboh
      this would work!
  • he primary reason for my inability to embrace differentiation as a teacher was that, until recently, I'd never experienced differentiation as a learner. Like most practitioners, I've spent too much professional development time sitting in lectures delivered to entire faculties. No one offered preassessments, tiered lessons, or learning contracts to my colleagues or me.
    • senora heebsh
      How true is that...Back to school fall workshops anyone?
    • Kim Fynboh
      I don't think I'm ready for fall workshops quite yet! :)
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