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"Role of CMC-Embedded Webquests in Enhancement of Online Students' Know" by Radhika Lothe - 1 views

    • anonymous
      So many students are so thrilled when you start talking about Germanic culture with them--as if they've been starving for it all along and are just waiting for those insights! Using some asynchronous and some classroom-based synchronous activities could be an excellent way to provide some of this information while concentrating in class on grammar, vocab, etc.
  • Findings emerging from a constant comparison method analysis indicate that the CMC-embedded webquests played a significant role in advancing the online students' knowledge and understanding of German culture.
  • students appreciated and enjoyed learning about the target culture in way that they retained the information even two months after they were completed
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • they valued the opportunities provided by the two CMC-embedded webquests to interact with their respective group members in asynchronous and synchronous modes of communication.
  • synchronous online discussions evoke a higher `sense of community' and `groups', `sense of purpose' for online learners
  • higher frequencies of `Praise/ Encouragement,' `Task Regulation,' and `Challenge,' in asynchronous `e-turns' demonstrates that distance learners are able to produce more cohesive and detailed responses in asynchronous online discussions
  • culture, an often neglected aspect of FL instruction
Isolde Mueller

LLT Journal: Discourse Functions and Syntactic Complexity in Synchronous and Asynchrono... - 0 views

shared by Isolde Mueller on 12 Aug 12 - No Cached
    DISCOURSE FUNCTIONS AND SYNTACTIC COMPLEXITY IN SYNCHRONOUS AND ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATION The present study investigates discourse functions and syntactic complexity in English-as-a-second-language (ESL) learner output obtained via two different modes of computer-mediated communication (CMC): asynchronous and synchronous discussions. Two instructors and twenty-five students from two advanced ESL writing classes participated in this study.
Maria Nikiforou

ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 1 views

    Synchronous asynchronous discussions

Tools for Synchronous and Asynchronous Classroom Discussion - 9 views

  • Regardless of the tool or set of tools that you use, be sure your communication plan is clear to your students. Online communication does have rules, just like face-to-face communication. Set guidelines as well as expectations, and use only those tools that you’ve evaluated and which clearly enhance your teaching and student learning.
    • jenniferacarr
      I'm happy to see this point emphasized yet again. Just because a tool is new and shiny doesn't mean it will help your students. Careful planning and a sound pedagogical rationale will, though.
    An article by Julie Meloni, published on the Chronicle of Higher Education's (now defunct) "ProfHacker" blog. Meloni offers a quick overview of the distinction between synchronous and asynchronous communication, and suggests ways to make use of both in the classroom.
    Unfortunately, this article has been removed. But I like Jennifer's comment: "Just because a tool is new and shiny doesn't mean it will help your students. Careful planning and a sound pedagogical rationale will, though."
Marlene Johnshoy

The Online Writing Conference: A Guide for Teac... | The Macmillan Community - 1 views

    "More writing courses than ever are being taught online, and effective online writing instruction requires teachers to communicate deliberately and clearly in order to have productive relationships with their students. In The Online Writing Conference: A Guide for Teachers and Tutors, former chair of the CCCC Committee for Effective Practices in Online Writing Instruction Beth L. Hewett articulates the how and why of one-to-one online writing conference pedagogy. Complete with an instructor's study guide and informed by the principles set forth in the CCCC Position Statement of Principles and Example Effective Practices for OWI, her updated text provides examples and transcripts of synchronous and asynchronous instructor-student interaction, targeted lessons, and conferencing action plans that help instructors hone their pedagogical practice, from formatting comments to showing regard for students."
Marlene Johnshoy

Language Learners' "Willingness to Communicate" through - 0 views

    Abstract: This case study is based on an investigation into the use that a group of language learners made of, a Social Networking Site through which language exchange is enabled via social media applications. The learners created profiles in the website and proceeded to interact with speakers of their target languages, reporting back on their experiences over a 10-week period. As communication between language partners can take place through several different channels, and can be asynchronous or synchronous, written or spoken, it was considered that the preferences of learners with different personality types (as indicated by responses to a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator questionnaire) might be accommodated. Several studies have suggested that the anxiety that some language learners feel when communicating in L2, especially when speaking, is reduced in online environments. Under the premise that a reduction in anxiety may lead to an increased "willingness to communicate" (MacIntyre et al., 1998), the principal objective of this project was to examine the type and frequency of online interactions that the participants engaged in with other speakers of their target languages in the Livemocha language learning community.
Marlene Johnshoy

Free Virtual Classroom Premium Membership for Academicians on WizIQ - 1 views

    Sign-up for the 30-day, but a year - free! Here's info I got in an email notification: We are glad to announce a free WizIQ individual membership for K-12 and College teachers. To be eligible for this offer, teachers need email addresses associated with their educational institutes (e.g., or If you are a teacher from K12 or a College, apply and claim your free membership by following the steps below: Steps to get free WizIQ membership: 1.Sign up for a 30-day trial by clicking on the 'Apply now' button below 2. Verify your email address from your email inbox 3. You'll receive a confirmation email from us once your free membership is approved Apply now  WizIQ's free teacher accounts give educators at accredited institutions access to a range of teaching tools. To many educators, the virtual classroom for which WizIQ is best known only means live classes, which they might not need considering they see their students in person every day. But with the WizIQ Virtual Classroom teachers can also: Offer online courses for their school Run virtual office hours and homework help Run summer school online to address transportation and facilities issues Give AP students a jumpstart with virtual summer class sessions Let athletes or homebound students work with their classes, live, even if they can't be there Easily set up classes - without IT help Bring subject matter experts into their classrooms virtually Support group and project-based learning Engage hard-to-reach parents with: Virtual parents' nights Virtual conferences Adult education and community outreach Virtual math and literacy nights Broadcast live school committee meetings on the web Record lectures or flip their classrooms Conduct virtual field trips Run professional development when and where staff are available Share teaching resources among schools Teachers can take full advantage of every WizIQ feature, including screen-sharing, polling, video-confe
Marisa Blachy

Moving at the Speed of Creativity - Podcast231: Global Voices - Using Synchronous and A... - 0 views

    • Marisa Blachy
      This article goes along with the video for this week about connecting language learners with native speakers of the target language.
Marlene Johnshoy

The Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks (JALN) | The Sloan Consortium - 2 views

  • Introduction to the Special Issue: Faculty Development for Online Teaching
    Vol 16, Issue 2 - Special Issue of JALN - "Faculty Development for Online Teaching"
Marlene Johnshoy

Exploring the Benefits of ACMC for Speaking Development | IALLT - 1 views

    "Abstract Currently, language educators experience difficulties in facilitating oral practice effectively in the foreign language classroom. Regularly, they face introverted and passive learners who fail to embrace speaking opportunities (Poza, 2011), or simply do not find the time to promote speaking practice in the classroom (Meddings & Thornbury, 2009). In this light, many asynchronous computer mediated communication (ACMC) technologies have emerged to confront this situation. However, central research studies do not seem to acknowledge ACMC as viable in accommodating oral development but, rather, frequently attribute this merit to synchronous CMC (Levy & Stockwell, 2006; Kervin & Derewianka, 2011). By employing a mixed-methods approach, this small-scale case study examines, firstly, the extent to which ACMC speaking practices are suitable for language learners' speaking development. Secondly, and by extension, it investigates the salient characteristics of the ACMC tool myBrainshark, that makes it appropriate for fostering linguistic growth. The data is obtained from post-beginner Spanish language learners by means of an online questionnaire and an online structured stimulated recall. The findings show, on the one hand, that ACMC oral practices can be beneficial in developing speaking aspects in lower-proficiency language learners and, on the other hand, that myBrainshark has characteristics that can potentially promote linguistic development. Finally, this paper calls for experimental research on the improvement of oral competency in post-beginner and higher-proficiency learners."

Computer Assisted Language Learning Social Networks: What Are They Talking about? - 9 views

  • Furthermore, it has been shown that students prefer to contact their peer students rather than their tutor when they are struggling with coursework, facing difficulties in assessing facilities and understanding lectures
    • smuske
      Validates the "three, then me" concept that asks students to ask three other students for help before asking the teacher. Students are perhaps more available asynchronously than the teacher as well, when students need help
    • smuske
      Validates the "three, then me" concept that asks students to ask three other students for help before asking the teacher. Students are perhaps more available asynchronously than the teacher as well, when students need help
  • Researchers also noted that people who interact more in an online course tend to achieve higher marks on exams, as opposed to lurking which is not as successful [12]
    • smuske
      want to encourage participation with some sort of graded activity
    • norikofujiokaito
      I suspect that students' achievement was assessed in online format; that is why students who interacted more could achieve higher marks.
  • Students who are required to collaboratively work online need to dedicate time to get to know each other and therefore are able to accomplish effective communication in an online environment [29]
    • smuske
      Need to persist and convince reluctant students that persisting will yield dividends. Also true of regular classroom settings.
    • smuske
      Need to persist and convince reluctant students that persisting will yield dividends. Also true of regular classroom settings.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • This outcome tells us that the students seem to be more excited, talkative and social with one another, as well as chat/contribute more at the start of the course, but their overall participation rates were on a decrease during the duration of the course.
    • smuske
      Is this a concern? Perhaps, having spent time at the beginning building trust, they are simply becoming more efficient.
    • smuske
      Or perhaps they're bored with this way of learning?
  • Furthermore, it has been shown that students prefer to contact their peer students rather than their tutor when they are struggling with coursework, facing difficulties in assessing facilities and understanding lectures
    I offer a course in my school called Computer Mediated Language Learning. But this article gives a new perspective of what computer assisted can be.
    Nice data to back up our use of all of these great online resources-- Thanks for sharing!
    Active participation in discussions is a key to success. If you use a flipped classroom, providing useful vocabulary and sentence structures they might want to use to talk about a particular topic also helps the students participate more in discussions.

Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning Tools: 15 Strategies for Engaging Online Students... - 1 views

    This is a very comprehensive report about how best to approach online discussion and blogging in a classroom
    Thanks for sharing. I particularly found the article 'A plan for effective discussion boards' insightful and useful!

Build a Collaborative Classroom with Microsoft Teams | Cult of Pedagogy - 10 views

    • jmgabbard
      I'm still learning about all of the features of MS Teams, but this one surprised me. I can imagine it being a good tool for synchronous and asynchronous language learning - not just video conferencing.
  • App Integrations I love this feature: When you need to take things up a notch, you can use some of the most popular apps in education right inside the Teams environment, including Kahoot!, Nearpod, Quizlet, and Flipgrid. If a particular app will be used frequently by a group, you can add a designated tab to a channel just for that app, so users can get to it quickly.
    I agree that app integrations is the best feature. We are using Canvas for our classes at my institution but we are also using Teams for university wide communication. Both are new but the experience so far has been positive. I may follow up on the advise to start a small project on Teams to learn more about its best features in building a collaborative classroom. Thanks for sharing!
    Thanks for posting this, Jordan, and reminding me that here at UofL we've got MS Teams as an additional resource! I've just check to see if there's the possibility of integration with Blackboard and it appears there is. (I'm glad to have the option for synchronous class meetings, since I've always found Blackboard Collaborate to be a little baroque in its layout....)
    Thanks for the tip @greghutcheson ! It hadn't occurred to me to look for Teams/Blackboard compatibility. I'm not sure yet if I prefer Teams over Blackboard Collaborate, but if one runs more smoothly than the other, that would be my pick!
Marlene Johnshoy

IALLT Webinar: Are discussion forums really interactive? Ideas for purposeful asynchron... - 9 views

    This was a great webinar, I look forward to incorporating some of the ideas to revamp my discussion forums for the fall!
    I just bookmarked this for reference later. Thanks for sharing this!
Marlene Johnshoy

How to Promote Relationships When Students Aren't Together | Edutopia - 2 views

    Ideas for creating community in your online class, even an asynchronous one.
Francisco Dumanig

Welcome to Screencast-O-Matic - YouTube - 0 views

    Screencast-O-Matic is a good online tool to record lectures and presentations in an asynchronous class. I tried using this in my asynchronous class.
Martha Borden

Digitally Speaking / Voicethread - 4 views

    Great source of information, examples and ideas about using Voicethread for digital conversations.
    thanks for sharing Roxana. I really like how this blog discusses the language and cultural uses of using voicethread to create learning communities. It provided me many practical examples I can use in my classroom to help students focus on langauge development while using the technology. This post puts the focus on learning not on the technology. The handouts are great supports that help students stay on the learning track and because of this, the coummunity of learning is built. I was a little concerned by the deficit language used on the scoring rubric for asynchronous content. I will probably use something similar by change the wording to be a little more constructive, as meaning can be lost online and harsh wording can be misinterpreted.

Second Life: A New Spring for Language Learners - 1 views

    Overview of Second Life applications in language learning.
Isolde Mueller

Pedagogical lurking - 0 views

  • Participation typically is demonstrated by the student posting a message, which serves as visual evidence. Posting a message, however, is a limited indicator of student engagement. In and of itself, the act only means that the student struck a few keys on the keyboard. Discussion itself requires a pattern of call and response, with turn-taking and listening being as important as contributing thoughts to the dialogue.
  • Is it possible that students might engage with the asynchronous discussion by reading, the online equivalent of listening?
  • (c) to determine whether this non-visible behavior is at all related to high performance.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • This study is first step toward being able to determining whether non-posting participation in online discussion, such as reading and reflecting, impact student learning. In turn, the answer to this question may lead to establishing methods of learning and assessment for online discussion activities that may be used on a widespread basis.
  • This approach may actually be ideal for learners who are grappling with a new topic because it lowers their cognitive and emotional load, taking the pressure off them to somehow perform or articulate and instead allowing them to focus on the content itself (McKendree, Stenning, Mayes, Lee, & Cox, 1998).
  • The concept of community voyeurs also may make some active participants feel uneasy.
  • Students who posted messages solely to meet course requirements and who did not read more than the bare minimum required to post were unlikely to feel like the discussion was a meaningful learning activity.
  • However, students who engaged in non-posting participation – such as reading messages to find a model and point of entry into the conversation and returning to review ideas raised in earlier discussion – tended to also indicate that the discussion activity was worthwhile.
    I am fascinated by this notion of "lurking" to describe students/ people on-line who do not respond immediately but take time to read and reflect. Interesting research questions whether this impacts their learning positively and how to assess their learning. Maybe someone can find a better name, too?
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