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Carol Petersen

Storytelling | Xtranormal - 1 views

    story telling using animation software
    I want to do this with my class!! But $$$$ :(
Beth Kautz

Unterricht: Video - 0 views

    funny animated video about the move from analog to digital classrooms; points out that just having the equipment doesn't change the way people teach; you still need to think about new pedagogy

(28) 5 Strategies for Using Flipgrid in the Language Learning Classroom | LinkedIn - 6 views

    Since others posted tutorials, I chose an article from a teacher who shares its value.
    I really like this instructor's take on communication in the classroom, and how to use FlipGrid to foster it.
    I loved the story of Connie who was nervous to speak in class but felt comfortable and excelled in flipgrid! Her picture was Sully from Monsters inc which gave me the idea of having students use dolls or stuffed animals to present stories on flip grid in the voice of that character.
Agustin Vizcaino

Media Use in the Classroom - 2 views

  • Joe Dale explores how languages teachers have embraced technology in the classroom
  • The use of social media has allowed colleagues to get to know each other as real people not just teachers and this has strengthened the sense of cohesion, solidarity and collective confidence.
  • gy suited to MFL? Well, one of the fundamentals of language learning is re
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • communication and new technologies can certainly facilitate this essential aspect through, for example, videoconferencing and blogging. There are also lots of ways of recording and editing audio as a method of improving pronunciation, boosting learner confidence, extending speaking skills and deepening understanding. Filmmaking and animation also draw on a variety of useful skills and promote creativity, collaboration and personalised learning.
  • Technology is not going away and language teachers need to embrace its full potential to engage our 21st century learners.
    The article describes how technology (I took it as one of the terms for media) is important in the foreign language classroom.
    I am opening the article and is not showing the highlights. Hopefully it will when I share the article.

Six Habits of Highly Empathic People | Greater Good Magazine - 6 views

  • “instrumental empathy” (sometimes known as “impact anthropology”) can go a long way.
  • “instrumental empathy” (sometimes known as “impact anthropology”) can go a long way.
  • ambitious imagination
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • ambitious imagination
    • vaguevara
      I like this phrase-- it encourages expansive thinking and ways out of old, ineffectual ways of thinking--
    • vaguevara
      I like this phrase-- it encourages expansive thinking and ways out of old, ineffectual ways of thinking--
  • Inspire mass action and social change
    • vaguevara
      And this is my hope, that empathy leads to agency and action on the parts of my students--L2 is an amazing tool to support action and change
  • empathic conversationalist.
    • vaguevara
      #great catch phrase for L2 learners
    • vaguevara
      #great catch phrase for L2 learners
  • Orwell developed new friendships, shifted his views on inequality, and gathered some superb literary material. It was the greatest travel experience of his life. He realised that empathy doesn’t just make you good—it’s good for you, too.
    • vaguevara
      This is a great example of empathy-- I want to bring more of these types of anecdotes into my classroom-- via web apps--
  • Orwell developed new friendships, shifted his views on inequality, and gathered some superb literary material. It was the greatest travel experience of his life. He realised that empathy doesn’t just make you good—it’s good for you, too.
  • the power of empathy to overcome hatred and change our minds.
    • vaguevara
      I am especially interested in the intersection of L2 learning and empathy-- I think that a deeper understanding of culture--differences and commonalities, helps to form a bridge between peoples-- In learning language, we learn humility and stepping into the unknown--trying on new ways of saying things and seeing the world.
  • ighly empathic people (HEPs) have an insatiable curiosity about strangers.
    • vaguevara
      This is what I want from my students-- I look forward to using the tools of this CARLAtech18 to draw them in and help them to become lifelong language learners
  • Six Habits of Highly Empathic People |
    • vaguevara
      I chose this article, as I feel empathy is the root of language learning, and I am searching for rationale and 'hooks' for student engagement in their L2 learning.
    • vaguevara
      I chose this article, as I feel empathy is the root of language learning, and I am searching for rationale and 'hooks' for student engagement in their L2 learning.
  • Six Habits of Highly Empathic People |
  • Six Habits of Highly Empathic People |
  • Empathy is about discovering those tastes.
    • barichetti
      I like that this focuses on the active role we play in learning better empathic responses - sometimes I think we act like empathy is either something we have or we don't and that we all feel the same.
  • . Evolutionary biologists like Frans de Waal have shown that we are social animals who have naturally evolved to care for each other, just like our primate cousin
  • HEPs challenge their own preconceptions and prejudices by searching for what they share with people rather than what divides them.
  • Habit 4: Listen hard—and open up
    I really like the phrase "instrumental empathy" -- I think it's something great to strive for in our classrooms and to integrate into our lessons.
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