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What is ENVoY and How does it Impact Teacher Efficacy? | MESPA Advocate Blog - 0 views

  • What is ENVoY and How does it Impact Teacher Efficacy?
    • nikkilh
      ENVoY and how it impacts teachers
  • The most significant byproduct of deep levels of ENVoY implementation relates to teacher efficacy, which gives teachers the ability to perform at higher levels while having a positive mindset about their work as a professional.
  • creating a safe and nurturing classroom environment is critical to meeting the emotional, social and academic learning needs of students and that classroom management training is a key component to supporting both pre-service and in-service teachers
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  • Classrooms are increasingly culturally and linguistically diverse and have a wide range of learning abilities in every class, and because most teachers are Caucasian and derive from middle-class backgrounds (Tileston & Darling, 2008), these educators may be unintentionally unaware of the needs that diverse learners require, which include the following: significant relationships, assistance with prioritizing and planning, problem solving, locus of control, ability to trust, and responding to criticism.
  • Understanding the differences between self-efficacy and teacher efficacy allows the educator to interact with their students in a manner that produces less power and control in the classroom when operating through the lens of teacher efficacy
Siri Anderson

Paradigms Restrained: Implications of New and Emerging Technologies for Learning and Co... - 1 views

  • Instructional technology seeks to disprove the idea that "great teachers are born, not made."
  • "Students today can't prepare bark to calculate their problems. They depend on slates, which are more expensive. What will they do when the slate is dropped and it breaks? They will be unable to write." From a Teachers Conference, 1703. "Students today depend on paper too much. They don't know how to write on a slate without getting chalk dust all over themselves. They can't clean a slate properly. What will they do when they run out of paper?" From a principal's publication, 1815. "Students today depend too much on ink. They don't know how to use a pen knife to sharpen a pencil. Pen and ink will never replace the pencil." From the National Association of Teachers Journal, 1907. "Students today depend on store-bought ink. They don't know how to make their own. When they run out of ink they will be unable to write words or cipher until their next trip to the settlement. This is a sad commentary on modern education." From The Rural American Teacher, 1928. "Students depend on these expensive fountain pens. They can no longer write with a straight pen and nib. We parents must not allow them to wallow in such luxury to the detriment of how to cope in the business world, which is not so extravagant." From the Parent Teachers Association Gazette, 1941. "Ballpoint pens will be the ruin of education in our country. Students use these devices and then throw them away. The American values of thrift and frugality are being discarded. Business and banks will never allow such expensive luxuries." From Federal Teachers, 1950.
  • What this suggests is that all technologies, be they things that plug in or advances in thought, have various affordances that make them at times useful and at times not useful. The trick is to figure out what makes them useful in what situations in order to leverage their strengths and avoid their weaknesses.
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  • Organizational instructional strategies are those decisions the instructional designer makes when designing learning activities. The most important of these decisions is how the designer will assist learners to process new information and to process at a deeper level, producing meaningful learning, whether or not a teacher is presen
  • The choice of strategy is based on the designer's belief in the independent existence of knowledge: does it exist without the learner? Which epistemological approach to learning a designer espouses will have great impact on the organizational instructional strategy selected for use.
  • The goal of learning from the objectivist perspective is to communicate or transfer complete and correct understanding to the learner in the most efficient and effective way possible
  • In simple terms, objectivism holds that learners are the passive receivers of knowledge.
  • Cognitivism requires that learners devise methods for learning content.
  • Cognitivism recognizes that most people must develop a method of processing information to integrate it into their own mental models. The most recognizable mechanism in cognitive theory may be the definition of short term and long-term memory, and the need then to devise learner-appropriate methods of moving information from short-term memory to long-term memory. Learners must develop methods to learn how to learn. Consequently, interest in critical thinking skills has become fashionable in education. In terms of what this means for learning, it may be said that the truths are absolute in terms of what people are supposed to learn, but that we provide them latitude in how they arrive at those truths.
  • Constructivism, described by von Glaserfeld (1977) as an alternate theory of knowing, is the belief that knowledge is personally constructed from internal representations by individuals who use their experiences as a foundation (
  • he major differences between objectivism and constructivism involve beliefs about the nature of knowledge and how one acquires it. Objectivists view knowledge as an absolute truth; constructivists are open to different interpretations depending on who is interpreting. Objectivists believe learning involves gaining the answer; constructivists believe that because there are many perspectives, a correct answer is a limiting factor in learning. Constructivists say learning should focus on understanding and it may involve seeing multiple perspectives.
  • Transfer of inert knowledge from one context to another unfamiliar context (i.e. the real world) is difficult and unlikely.
  • nchored instruction is simply the idea that learning should be centered on problems.
  • Cognitive-flexibility theory is centered on "the ability to spontaneously restructure one's knowledge, in many ways, in adaptive response to radically changing situational demands . . .
  • The idea is to allow students to criss-cross the landscape of a content area so that they might have a rich mental model of the domain. The trick is to determine how much complexity a given group of learners is capable of handling without becoming lost or discouraged. A series of scenarios escalating in complexity can usually accommodate most learners.
  • Kurzweil (1999) says there is exponential growth in the rate of exponential growth; examining the speed and density of computation beginning with the first mechanical computers and not just the transistors that Moore used, he concluded that this doubling now occurs every year. He notes that "if the automobile industry had made as much progress [as the computing industry] in the past fifty years, a car today would cost a hundredth of a cent and go faster than the speed of light" (Kurzweil 1999, 25).
  • Already today it is becoming archaic and superfluous to teach facts. Instead, education needs to focus on ways of thinking. In particular, students will need to be able to recognize a problem, determine what information might be needed to solve a problem, find the information required, evaluate the information found, synthesize that information into a solution for the problem, apply the solution to the problem, and evaluate the results of that application
  • By the year 2099 there will no longer be any clear distinction between humans and computers.
    This artcle really struck me in terms of the descriptions of instructional design and the way they influence the type of learning that happens. Much social studies instruction, it seems to me, produces "inert knowledge" which is why most of us can't remember it later. Consider the descriptions I've highlighted of anchored instruction for an alternative approach.

Paulo Freire | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy - 0 views

shared by gracejohn2021 on 22 Sep 21 - No Cached
  • To promote democratic interactions between people, Freire suggests that teachers problematize the issue being discussed.  When issues or questions are problematized by teachers who work through critical pedagogy, readily made answers are not available.  Students realize that although some questions do have clear-cut answers, many of our deeper questions do not have obvious answers.  When students learn that teachers are human beings just as everyone else, and that teachers do not know everything but that they are also learners, students then feel more confident in their own search for answers and more comfortable to critically raise questions of their own.  The banking method denies the need for dialogue because it assumes that the teacher is the one who possesses all the answers and the students are ignorant and in need of the teachers’ knowledge. In order to problematize a subject, the teacher assumes a humble and open attitude.
    • gracejohn2021
      How could you promote independent problem-solving in the classroom without leading students along the way?

ADHD and School - - 1 views

  • Plan ahead. You can arrange to speak with school officials or teachers before the school year even begins. If the year has started, plan to speak with a teacher or counselor on at least a monthly basis.Make meetings happen. Agree on a time that works for both you and your child’s teacher and stick to it. If it’s convenient, meet in your child’s classroom so you can get a sense of their physical learning environment.Create goals together. Discuss your hopes for your child’s school success. Together, write down specific and realistic goals and talk about how to help your child reach them.Listen carefully. Like you, your child’s teacher wants to see them succeed at school. Listen to what they have to say—even if it is sometimes hard to hear. Understanding your child’s challenges in school is the key to finding solutions that work.Share information. You know your child’s history, and your child’s teacher sees them every day: together you have a lot of information that can lead to better understanding of your child’s hardships. Share your observations freely, and encourage your child’s teachers to do the same.Ask the hard questions and give a complete picture. Be sure to list any medications your child takes and explain any other treatments. Share with the teacher which tactics work well—and which don’t—for your child at home. Ask if your child is having any problems in school, including on the playground. Find out if they are eligible for any special services to help with learning.
    • drewevanaho
      Tips for ADD/ADHD
Bill Olson

For Effective Schools, Teamwork Is Not Optional | Edutopia - 0 views

  • The greatest resource that teachers have is other teachers. But sadly, teamwork and collaboration are not commonly found in schools. Having taught for 20 years myself, I know how it works. Teachers have very challenging and stressful jobs, and part of what contributes to their level of challenge and stress is a teacher's tendency to isolate him- or herself. How many teachers close their door and feel like they are all alone in fighting their overwhelming battle against ignorance and apathy and paperwork and standardized testing?
  • began by adopting those exact habits of preparing alone and working in isolation. I was a lonely superhero who went home exhausted each day without the encouragement or support of my more experienced peers
  • I had assumed that I could be more effective when planning and working alone, but I eventually found that, when working with people, efficient is rarely truly effective.
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  • To alleviate this feeling, instead of being tucked neatly away in separate rooms all the time, school administrations should give teachers the time and opportunity to talk and plan together, and to share laughter, encouragement, and ideas.
  • Effective administrations ensure that teachers can work together to plan, share ideas, and support each other. Once educators experience the benefits of collaboration, they will appreciate the camaraderie and creativity it provides.
emerickjudy - 0 views

  • So how can you help?
  • Listening to children’s feelings.
  • Rewarding effort, not just “the product.”
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  • Helping students set realistic goals for themselves.
  • it is critical that school personnel, parents, and outside professionals working with the child with dyslexia communicate on an on-going basis to provide the support needed,
  • Accommodations Involving Materials
  • The teacher can help by underlining or highlighting the significant parts of the directions.
  • tear pages from workbooks and materials to present small assignments to students
  • a blank sheet of paper can be used to cover sections of the page n
  • a blank sheet of paper can be used to cover sections of the page
  • asking them to repeat the directions in their own words.
  • Teachers then must supplement the material with practice activities.
  • a glossary of content
  • A reading guide helps the reader understand the main ideas
    • emerickjudy
      Graphic organizers
  • Directions, stories, and specific lessons can be recorded. The student can replay the tape to clarify understanding of directions or concepts.
  • text to speech programs,
  • audio books,
  • Accommodations
  • Accommodations Involving Interactive Instruction
  • Highlight essential information
  • break down the directions into subsets
  • Accommodations
  • Accommodations Involving Student Performance
  • response mode can be changed to underlining, selecting from multiple choices, sorting, or marking.
  • respond on individual chalkboards/whiteboards
  • graphic organizers.
  • graphic organizers
  • lace students close to the teacher.
  • use of assignment books or calendars
  • Have students turn lined paper vertically for math. Lined paper can be turned vertically to help students keep numbers in appropriate columns while computing math problems.
    • emerickjudy
      TRY THIS!
  • peer-mediated learning. The teacher can pair peers of different ability levels to review their notes, study for a test, read aloud to each other, write stories, or conduct laboratory experiments. Also, a partner can read math problems for students with reading problems to solve.
  • Students can be allowed to complete projects instead of oral reports or vice versa.
  • Screenings should be used with all children in a school, beginning in kindergarten,
  • There are numerous types of screeners; one simple one we recommend is the Colorado Learning Disabilities Questionnaire – Reading Subscale (CLDQ-R) School Age Screener.
  • School Age Dyslexia Screener – CLDQ-R Please read each statement and decide how well it describes the child. Mark your answer by circling the appropriate number. Please do not leave any statement unmarked. Scoring Instructions: Add up the circled numbers and record that as the Total Score _______________ The following cutoffs apply:  Total Score <16 = Minimal Risk  Total Score 16-21 = Moderate Risk  Total Score >21 = Significant Risk
    • emerickjudy
      Scoring Instructions: Add up the circled numbers and record that as the Total Score _______________ The following cutoffs apply:  Total Score 21 = Significant Risk *See Colorado Learning Disabilities Questionnaire for more descriptive results
    Teacher handbook for dyslexia
Bill Olson

Critical pedagogy: schools must equip students to challenge the status quo | Teacher Ne... - 0 views

  • The pedagogy popularised by E.D.Hirsch, and recently promoted by the likes of Civitas, reduces teaching into nothing more than a bleak transmission model of learning.
  • "cultural literacy".
  • But Hirsch's "cultural literacy" is a hegemonic vision produced for and by the white middle class to help maintain the social and economic status quo.
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  • Young people who enter the educational system and don't conform to this vision are immediately disadvantaged by virtue of their race, income or chromosomes.
  • Moreover, teaching a prescribed "core knowledge" instills a culture of conformity and an insipid, passive absorption of carefully selected knowledge among young people.
  • The narcissistic notion that we can help underprivileged students by providing them with teachers who are privileged young graduates from elite institutions is a mistake.
  • Teachers can't ignore the contexts, culture, histories and meanings that students bring to their school.
  • Working class students and other minority groups need an education that prepares them with the knowledge of identifying the problems and conflicts in their life and the skills to act on that knowledge so they can improve their current situations.
  • School leaders have a duty to promote learning that encourage students to question rather than forcing teachers to lead drill-oriented, stimulus-and-response methodologies.
  • Students need the freedom and encouragement to determine and discover who they are and to understand that the system shouldn't define them – but rather give them the skills, knowledge and beliefs to understand that they can set the agenda.
  • The philosophy was first described by Paulo Freire and has since been developed by the likes of Henry Giroux, Peter McLaren and Roger Simon. Critical pedagogy isn't a prescriptive set of practices – it's a continuous moral project that enables young people to develop a social awareness of freedom. This pedagogy connects classroom learning with the experiences, histories and resources that every student brings to their school. It allows students to understand that with knowledge comes power; the power that can enable young people to do something differently in their moment in time and take positive and constructive action.
    This article is an opinion piece about why critical pedagogy is important to teach to students. What do you think the best way to support your underprivileged students is?
Siri Anderson

Visualizing School Equity | Learning for Justice - 0 views

    • lind_krom
      This connects to 7I. Where the teacher is supporting and expanding expression through speaking, writing, or other media. This is happening through connections and building relationships with other schools in different districts and creating a portfolios about the facilities at the schools. Once these portfolios are exchanged they will then use the insights to create their own Student Bill of Rights. This will allow students another perspective to look at, think about, and reflect on.
    • Siri Anderson
      Yes this is 7I
  • Form a partnership with a teacher in another district. You will ask your students to assemble a portfolio documenting the facilities at their school (through lists, narratives or photos); your partner teacher will ask her/his students to do the same. Classes can exchange portfolios. Each class can use the insights from the exchange to draft their own Student Bill of Rights. 
  • 3. Ask to students to present their posters to the entire class. 
    • lind_krom
      This connects to 3G where we are using student's thinking and experiences as a resources in planning instructional activities by encouraging discussion, listening and responding to group interaction, and eliciting oral, written and other samples of student thinking. This will allow students to look at public information on the per-student funding in the best and least funded schools. They will then present their findings to their peers while listening to others findings and thoughts.
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  • 4. Circle back to the “Crossing the Gap” story by ask students to vote on the following proposition: An explicit right to equal per-student funding should be added to the Illinois Council of Students' Bill of Rights. Once your students have voted “yes” or “no” to the proposition, ask each group to present their decision, and three reasons supporting it, to the class as a whole. 
    • lind_krom
      This connects to 4E where we understand how a students learning is influenced by individual experiencs, talents, and prior learning, as well as language, culture, family, and community values. This will allow students to look at their findings and how they think they have affected their choices. This will also allow students culture, family, and community values to play a part in their decision making. School and education is very important to different cultures, individual families, and communities. This will affect how students vote. This will also tap into 3G by encouraging discussion and support of the way they have voted.
  • Then have students find the per-student funding levels (listed in dollar amounts) for the best-funded district, least-funded district, and their own district.
    • lind_krom
      This connects to students individual experiences with their own schools funding to see how it affects them,. This will allow them to connect to and build off this scaffolding.
    • lind_krom
      This connects to 4E.
    • Siri Anderson
      OK yes
  • Have students create a chart illustrating the funding gap between the best-funded and least-funded districts in the state, along with the per-student funding for their district.
    • lind_krom
      This connects to 7I. Where students will create other media in the form of a chart to expand their learning to see the gap in funding between their school, the best funded school, and the least funded school.
    • Siri Anderson
  • Have students brainstorm a list of useful educational items that could be purchased with the funding gap money for the least-funded district and/or their own district.
    • lind_krom
      This connects to 3G. Students are actively engaging in inquiry by looking at the gap and figuring what they think could be funded in the least funded school. Things that they may use or see as beneficial in their own school.
    • Siri Anderson
      The benefit in 3G is to the teacher, when we elicit student thinking it helps us tailor instruction to meet their needs. The standards are teacher standards, not student standards.
  • • learn about inequities in the system and begin to question why those inequities exist by examining the funding gap in their own state.
    • lind_krom
      This connects to 3g. Students will be using their experiences in their school to think about why this funding gap exists . They will then brainstorm ways that they money could benefit the least funded school through oral and written activities.
    • Siri Anderson
      I don't see how looking at experiences in their own education will help students understand "why" funding gaps exist.
  • • A large portion of public school funding comes from local property taxes. The funding gap exists when higher tax revenues mean much more school funding is available to wealthy communities than to poor communities.
    • lind_krom
      This could connect to 7I by allowing students to consider if this is fair and how we can look into and prevent this gap in funding. Do they think that this is fair, with wealthy communities paying a higher tax revenue? How do they think they could solve this.
    • Siri Anderson
      Standard 7I is about eliciting student communication in written or other forms. I don't see how this demonstrates that.
Siri Anderson

Search Classroom Resources | PBS LearningMedia - 3 views

  • ways that we can find out about people, places and events that took place a long time ago
    • Siri Anderson
      This is an example of 4E.
    • Siri Anderson
      This shows understanding of Standard 4E: "Understand how a students' learning is influenced by individual experiences, talents, and prior learning as well as language, culture, and other samples of student thinking." Asking students to brainstorm about the topic they are about to study activates their prior knowledge so they can potentially make a connection between the new material and what they already know.
  • Discuss the responses with the students
    • Siri Anderson
      3G --use a student's thinking and experiences as a resource in planning instructional activities by encouraging discussion, listening and responding to group interaction, and eliciting oral, written, and other samples of student thinking;" By eliciting student voices in a discussion the teacher can understand how they relate to the concepts that are being taught today.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Explain that we can also learn a lot by looking at photographs and drawings from the past.
    • Siri Anderson
      This is a little supportive of 4E, by presenting varied nationalities and cultures within the lesson, and encouraging the students to think that they have agency (you can learn alot) to look into their "photographs or drawings from the past" the teacher is demonstrating respect for the diverse backgrounds in the room.
  • would you like to ask
    • Siri Anderson
      This is also supporting 3G -- "eliciting student thinking"
  • Ask the groups to compare their photos. Ask them to find at least two things that are similar in the two photos and at least two things that are different.
    • Siri Anderson
      This supports standard 7I, "support and expand learner expression in speaking, writing, and other media" because the teacher is scaffolding experiences for the students to talk to and learn from one another.
  • describe the type of information that they were able to discover from looking at the photographs. (What people looked like, what people wore, etc.) Ask students to share some of the questions that they thought about when observing and comparing the photographs.
    • Siri Anderson
      Another example of eliciting student thinking, 3G. Also supports speaking 7I.
  • Kristi never met her father’s parents
    • Siri Anderson
      This is moderately supportive of 4E. By sharing the story of a person whose family did not have contact the teacher is making more space in the room for learners who also may not have met their grandparents, or parents. ; (
  • Explain to students that different cultures have different ways of passing down information about their past to their children and grandchildren.
    • Siri Anderson
      This supports 4E, the teacher is establishing that families have different cultural practices which makes more space in the room for children who may have felt that cultural practices in their own family are "weird." This provides space for "difference" as cool.
  • Encourage students to make something to help keep pictures, drawing, letters, articles and/or other information about them and their families.
    • Siri Anderson
      This supports standard 7I. The students are encouraged to express themselves in a media other than writing and speaking.
  • create their own drawings
    • Siri Anderson
      This is another example of 7I because the students are expressing themselves in another medium.
    These standards are not at all aligned with this lesson!
Bill Olson

Three Reasons Students Should Own Your Classroom's Twitter and Instagram Accounts | EdS... - 0 views

  • When we allow students to write and share their work with the world, suddenly their work becomes more valuable. Students will always do their worst writing when they know the only person who will ultimately view it is their teacher. How many assignments in classrooms are completed solely for teacher as a requirement of the curriculum?
  • Within the past few years, this idea of branding our schools/classrooms has become extremely valuable, as it promotes transparency by painting an accurate, live picture of what is taking place. Yet, in reality, the majority of the time the educators are the ones telling these stories. While this certainly has its place, ultimately what matters most is how students feel about their experiences. Social media has allowed my students to share our classroom happenings through their eyes. It has allowed my students the opportunity to both establish and share the culture of our classroom and our school, and ultimately create our “brand”.
  • Social media is happening—with or without you. The lessons my students learn by taking ownership of social media ends up enhancing all of their work, both in and out of school. And let’s be honest… wouldn’t you prefer to have your students write the story of your classroom, rather than someone else?
    "To take this a step further, I also had parents come in one night to complete the boot camp, as well. That's right-a parent social media bootcamp, where my students were the teachers, helped their parents get set up with accounts, and taught them about everything from retweets to our district hashtags."

When Students Are Traumatized, Teachers Are Too | Edutopia - 0 views

    Working with traumatized students takes a toll on teachers too, including suffering a secondary type of trauma, known as the cost of caring. You can help this by talking it out, building coping strategies, and establishing coming home rituals.
Jenny Mathiesen

Looking for Lincoln Throughout His Life | PBS LearningMedia - 2 views

    • Jenny Mathiesen
      This fits the standard 3G because the teachers is asking the students what their thoughts are about Lincoln. The teachers gets to know the students a bit because it is about getting the students ideas and there's no right or wrong answer.
  • Culminating Activity: Creating a Personal Timeline Review the Lincoln timeline that students assembled at the beginning of the lesson. Point out that each event has a date, as well as information and a picture about that date. Remind students that the timeline begins with the earliest date and goes until the most recent date. Explain to students that it is now their turn to make a timeline about their own lives. Ask them to think about two important things that have happened to them in their lives. Ask for some volunteers to share this information. (Some possible answers: the day they were born; going on a fun vacation; learning to play an instrument; getting a special gift; starting school; making a new friend; etc.) Hand out blank sheets of paper to each student. (Hand out 1 sheet of paper for each student creating a timeline online and distribute 3-4 sheets for each student creating a timeline by hand.). Ask each student to write down the two events that they thought of on a sheet of paper. Now ask them to think of 4 more important things that have happened to them in their lives and to write those down, as well. Ask students to create a timeline on which to put these events. Creating timelines by hand: Ask students to draw a line from left to right across the middle of their paper. Then ask them to draw small vertical lines to indicate important years in their lives. To create a longer timeline, students can tape 2-3 pieces of paper end to end and then draw a horizontal line across all the sheets. Creating online timelines: Direct students to the “Timeline Generator” at (Note: Instruct them to scroll to the bottom of the page to see the timeline tool.) Ask students to put their 6 events in chronological order in their timelines, starting with the earliest event and ending with the most recent. If students are using the online timeline tool, ask them to print out their timelines once they have finished. Encourage all students (whether creating a timeline by hand or on the computer) to draw/paste images or photographs to go along with each event. After students have completed their individual timelines, ask for volunteers to explain/ present their timelines to the group.
    • Jenny Mathiesen
      This supports standard 7I because the students take the learning about Lincoln and create their own timeline about their own lives.
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  • After the segment, bring out the drawn outline of the hat. Ask students to tell you some facts that they learned about Lincoln in the video. Write the facts (or ask students to write the facts) on the hat. (Some possible answers: Abraham Lincoln worked as a congressman in Washington for one term; he returned to Illinois in 1849 to practice law; he was a father; had 2 children; he needed to earn a living; he educated himself; he read; he taught himself Euclidian geometry; he traveled with other lawyers, judges and sheriffs to different county courthouses; made close friendships; his time working as a lawyer was an important time in his life; the courthouses that Lincoln worked in are now tourist attractions; he was involved in over 5,000 court cases; he took almost any case.)
    • Jenny Mathiesen
      This section could support 4E if the teacher is purposeful to create/develop the conversation to not just explain terms used but connect the events in Lincoln's life to lives of the students in the classroom. It doesn't specifically call out to do this, so the teacher would need to KNOW to actively do this during the lesson.
  • Ask students to think about and discuss the following question with their group: If someone wanted to learn about this class just by viewing 5 things in this classroom, what 5 things would you select for him or her to view? What could he/she learn about the class from each object? Once they have selected 5 objects, each group should complete one Our Things Student Organizer for each object. Students should write down the name and/or draw a picture of the object and write a brief description of what someone could learn from viewing that object. (For example, a dictionary- shows that they can read and like to find out about new words, etc.) As an alternative to this activity, students can describe 5 items from their home that tell a story about their family.
    • Jenny Mathiesen
      This supports 7I because it does a great job of connecting the lesson to the lives of the students and invites them to express themselves in the same way they did as a class about Lincoln. The teacher will get to know the students in fun and deep ways with this lesson!
  • Ask: What is one type of job that you think he had before becoming President?
Kelly Nuthak

Top 10 questions teachers are asked at job interviews | Career advice | The Guardian - 0 views

  • Top 10 questions
  • If I walked into your classroom during an outstanding lesson, what would I see and hear?
  • animated discussions, students clearly making progress as evidenced in oral and written contributions. High quality visual displays of students' work showing progress. High levels of engagement. Behaviour that supports learning."
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Can you tell me about a successful behaviour management strategy you have used in the past that helped engage a pupil or group of pupils?
  • expect to hear things like: to improve skills and independent learning; to encourage team work; to gain a qualification; for enjoyment (very important, rarely mentioned); to enhance other subjects; to develop literacy, numeracy and ICT skills; to improve career prospects; self discipline; memory development; to encourage life-long learning in that subject.
  • Why do we teach x in schools?
  • If you overheard some colleagues talking about you, what would they say?
  • Why do you want to work in special education?
  • Why do you want to work in this school?
  • We want to see clear indications that candidates have done background work about our school and can talk about why the way we work appeals to them. We'd always want candidates to have visited the school so they should be able to flesh this out with specific examples of what they thought based on their visit.
  • A question that is specific to the candidate's letter of application
  • What are the key qualities and skills that students look for in teachers?
  • "Liking young people. Fairness. Consistency. Sense of humour. Passion for their subject. Good at explaining new concepts/ideas. Able to make the topic or subject relevant. Able to make everyone feel comfortable and confident about contributing."
  • Evaluate your lesson
  • If we decided not to appoint you, what would we be missing out on?
Maren Hackbarth

Minnesota Historical Society | Minnesota Communities | Occupations | Hibbing | Mining - 1 views

    Examine Primary sources to learn about mining in MN history.  Also see to find teacher resources like worksheets & answer keys. 
emily lane - Ideas for Teachers - Scarcity, Choice and Decisions - 0 views

    This site is a great resource for learning econonmic principles. It includes helpful information for consumers, fun for kids and lesson ideas for teachers.
Jen Bartsch

PBS Teachers - Resources For The Classroom - 0 views

    PBS Teachers provides PreK-12 educational resources and activities for educators tied to PBS programming and correlated to local and national standards and professional development opportunities delivered online. As stated in the lesson plan overview: "Through the activities presented in this lesson, students will become familiar with the tenets of the Homestead Act, the shifting borders of the American frontier, and the life faced by homesteaders. After a class discussion and examination of a variety of Web sites, students will complete an written assessment in which they will determine whether or not the land available through the Homestead Act was, in fact, "free." This lesson can be used as an introduction to a unit on American settlement in the latter half of the nineteenth century, or as a pre-viewing activity to the PBS series FRONTIER HOUSE. A basic knowledge of 19th-century United States history is required."
Siri Anderson

PBS Teachers | Resources For The Classroom - 0 views

    A new digital library of resources for teachers through PBS. 
Siri Anderson

About C3 Teachers - C3 Teachers - 0 views

  • support students’ question, learn, apply, analyze, collaborate, express, and act in authentic social studies experiences
Bill Olson

Role of Special Education Teachers in an Inclusive Classroom | American University - 1 views

  • The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) states that students with individual education plans (IEPs) must be educated in the least-restrictive environments (LREs) available. Under IDEA, inclusive education (or mainstreaming) has become a standard operating procedure for US public schools. Students with IEPs can range from individuals with Down syndrome or forms of autism to those with speech impediments or dyslexia—all of which require varying levels of support.
  • For inclusion to show positive benefits, the learning environment and instructional models must be carefully established to provide strong learning opportunities for all students. Special education and general education teachers must have mutual respect and open minds toward the philosophy of inclusion, as well as strong administrative support and knowledge of how to meet the needs of students with disabilities.
  • Special education teachers serve as advocates for students with disabilities and special needs. This includes ensuring that all school officials and employees understand the importance of inclusion and how to best implement inclusion in all campus activities. Advocacy might include requesting inclusion-focused professional development activities—especially programs that help general education teachers better understand inclusion best practices—or providing information to community members about success rates of inclusive teaching.

12 Ways to Support English Learners in the Mainstream Classroom | Cult of Pedagogy - 1 views

  • Challenging concepts should be
  • diagrammed or supported with pictures
  • Sometimes showing our students what to do is all they need in order to do it,”
  • ...29 more annotations...
  • mprove comprehension
  • help all of your students grasp concepts better.
  • ELL students,
  • If you really want the kids to learn, they’ve got to be engaged.”
  • where students can practice language with their peers in a more personal, lower-risk setting
  • more small groups,
  • o the strong relationship she had with the regular classroom teachers
  • ESL teachers could regularly get copies of lesson plans or collaborate with regular classroom teachers to build solid back-and-forth support,
  • silent period,
  • Don’t force them to talk if they don’t want to,”
  • ill speak very little, if at all
  • pair him with other students who speak his native language
  • Letting them explain things or ask questions in their first language gets them to relax and feel like a part of the class.”
  • Allow them to write in their first language if they’re able.
  • llows them to still participate in journal writing or a math extended response, even if you can’t read what they write.”
  • consider the whole list of terms you’re going to teach for a unit,
  • Sentence frames
  • I disagree with what _________ said because…
  • Keep these posted in a highly visible spot in your classroom and require students to refer to them during discussions and while they write.
  • as to become a regular part of class
  • Pre-teach
  • The kids feel so empowered if they’ve had a chance to look at the material ahead of time.”
  • aking the time to learn the basics of where a child comes from — exactly, not ‘somewhere in the Middle East/South America/Asia/Africa’ — tells the
  • student that you respect her enough to bother.
  • learn
  • bout students’ religious and cultural practices. If
  • If you anticipate a theme coming up in your class that’s going to be relevant to one of your students, have a conversation with them in advance, or check with your ESL teacher to see if they think it’s appropriate for in-class discussion.
  • By modeling the risk-taking that’s required to learn a new language, you help students develop the courage to take their own risks, and to have a sense of humor about it.
  • ake a conscious effort to see past the accent and the mispronunciations and treat every interaction — every student — with the respect they deserve.
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