The $1.3 Trillion Price Of Not Tweeting At Work | Fast Company - 0 views
Among CEOs of the world’s Fortune 500 companies, a mere 20 have Twitter accounts.
As social media spreads around the globe, one enclave has proven stubbornly resistant: the boardroom.
A new report from McKinsey Global Institute, however, makes the business case for social media a little easier to sell. According to an analysis of 4,200 companies by the business consulting giant, social technologies stand to unlock from $900 billion to $1.3 trillion in value. At the high end, that approaches Australia’s annual GDP. How’s that for a bottom line?
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A new report from McKinsey Global Institute makes the business case for social media a little easier to sell. According to an analysis of 4,200 companies by the business consulting giant, social technologies stand to unlock from $900 billion to $1.3 trillion in value. At the high end, that approaches Australia's annual GDP. How's that for a bottom line?