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Brandon Appleton

Rock Experiments - Learn About Erosion - 1 views

    • Brandon Appleton
      If students struggle to get this activity there are two more to try to attempt to get them to understand how rocks break down. Not a whole lot else you can do with this activity to differentiate that I can think of, feel free to post any ideas
    • Susie Beesley
      You could have English Language Learners work in small groups with native English speakers; students often feel more comfortable with contributing comments and asking questions in small groups.
    • Susie Beesley
      You could address other multiple intelligences by asking students to draw the results of their experiments. There are several variations already included on the site.
    Great little site that contains 3 different rock experiments that are easy to conduct and can provide great conversations among the class
Susan Shonle

Teachers & Parents - Fun Activities for All Topics - Kids' Science Challenge: Fun Educa... - 2 views

    • Susan Shonle
      Extensions:  Science & Music are connected in this activity. Adaptations: Gifted students can make a rubber band instrument that plays a scale or tune.  ESL & Special Ed students can draw a picture of the instrument they would like to create or help make the instrument.  (Small groups will work on this project together)
    Sensational Sounds Projects: Sound Sandwich - 6th Grade All sound starts with vibration, and that vibration can come from just about anything. In this activity, your breath will cause two rubber bands to vibrate. Then, you will see if you can change the pitch, or how high or low we hear a sound.  Supplies:  Download the PDF
    There are multiple activities on this site that would be beneficial. I don't see a 6.3.22 standard in the 2010 standards. Is this a typo? There are several third grade standards that deal with sound.
Brandon Appleton

Make a Fossil Cast - Fun Science Fair Projects for Kids - 1 views

    • Brandon Appleton
      Have students describe the create their own fossil. Have students who create their fossil to provide a story about they fossil. If students struggle with writing have them present something orally to give them another option if they struggle in their writing. 
    • Susie Beesley
      I have a fossilized imprint of one of my son's hands that he made in school. It makes a nice keepsake while also teaching about fossils.
    Great activity to engage students in fossils. Students can create fossils and create a story to help demonstrate how fossils are good pieces of evidence that explain what happened in the past. 
Brandon Appleton

Sun and Planets Science Projects - 1 views

    • Brandon Appleton
      Not sure how this gets differentiated, be sure to assign roles to students in groups to maximize their success. 
    Place students into groups when doing this activity. This can be a great way to teach students about the sun and planets. 
    I think you may have meant 5.2.1 for your standard. It seems to match more closely than 5.1.2.
Jessica Buell

Build a Pop Rocket | - 1 views

    • Jessica Buell
      have to find a standard that goes with this but how much fun would this be? Kids would LOVE this activity
    This is a classic activity and another good candidate for demonstrating a process standard. (You're right about it being a fun activity that kids love!)
Jessica Buell

Germ Science: Why Handwashing Matters | - 2 views

    • Jessica Buell
      Kindergarten activity for Germs...could also do an experiment to chart mold growth on different types of bread.
    You could have tagged this activity with a process standard.
Jessica Buell

Density: A Simple Exploration | - 2 views

    • Jessica Buell
      possible 4th grade Science activity...says k-2 but I think this would be good for 4th grade as well
    This activity would work well with a variety of different ages. You forgot to tag it with a subject or topic area.
Liz Dilts

Taste testing without your sense of smell - Fun Science Experiments for Kids - 1 views

    • Liz Dilts
      1.1.1 Use all senses as appropriate to identify the component parts of objects and the materials from which they are made. Differentiation: For students with learning disabilities, coming up with the words to describe what their senses are communicating to them can be very difficult.  Writing down their experience can be even more difficult.  Instead, allow students to draw what they think they are tasting and pictures to represent certain adjectives such as 'sweet'.
    In this activity students must use their senses to decide what they are tasting.  They must plug their nose and see how their senses are connected.
    This is a classic, although I have also seen an onion used where you hold a piece of onion under a blindfolded person's nose and have him/her eat a potato or an apple, and the person thinks he/she is actually eating an onion.
Liz Dilts

Make a Tornado in a Bottle - Fun Science Experiments for Kids - 1 views

    • Liz Dilts
      2.2.6 Learn about, report on and practice severe weather safety procedures. Differentiation: Allow ELL students to present orally, in written expression, or artistically (poster, picture...) on a severe weather phenomena that is common in the area where they are from and the safety procedures for this weather.  This will allow students to present on a topic that is familiar and also educate other students on their background.
    Help students to understand what goes on in a tornado by creating one of your own!  This is a common severe weather phenomena that happens in Indiana and should be combined with safety procedures on the topic.
Liz Dilts

ZOOM . activities . sci . Butter | PBS Kids - 2 views

    • Liz Dilts
      1.1.2 Characterize materials as solid or liquid, investigate their properties, record observations and explain the choices to others based on evidence (i.e., physical properties). 1.1.3  Experiment with simple methods for separating solids and liquids based on their physical properties. Differentiation: Gifted students could do extended research on how people used to make butter in the pioneer days.  Have them note what was similar to how they made butter, and what was different.
    In this activity, students will shake heavy cream in a jar to watch a liquid turn into a solid-butter!  This is a very simple, yet exciting project that can then be eaten later!
    I remember doing this as a child in school. We spread it on saltine crackers because the teacher said that it needed a little salt to make it taste better.
Liz Dilts

ZOOM . activities . sci . Compost | PBS Kids - 1 views

    • Liz Dilts
      2.3.1 Observe closely over a period of time and then record in pictures and words the changes in plants and animals throughout their life cycles-including details of their body plan, structure and timing of growth, reproduction and death. Differentiation: Have ELL students keep a picture journal of drawings of their compost 2 times a week.  Observe the changes over time.
    This activity is an awesome life science experiment that students can use for the rest of their lives- making compost! Compost is a great way to deal with waste that often ends up in landfills.  In this activity students will watch different kinds of vegetation decompose and turn into rich, useful soil! This could even be used for a class or school garden!
    Great idea for true life applications! ( science!)
Lori Jones - 0 views

    • Lori Jones
      This could truly apply to any 2-6 grade class.  I think it should be hands on instead of just the worksheet, and modified the activity in the bookmark.  ELL'swill like the project because it is more hands on.
    Bikini Bottom Experiments I really enjoyed reading these questions, and the activity ideas quickly came to me!   We could discuss how to design effective experiments, conduct experiments similar to the "Flower Power" experiment.  Have students compare the two experiments by determining the results, and keeping logs of the two.  (one experiment done correctly, and one done with the design flaw of SpongeBob's experiment.)   Kids will LOVE this!
Lori Jones

BrainPOP | Science | Learn about Scientific Method - 1 views

    Very cool movie to explain the design process.  I am not counting this for an"activity"... but wanted to share.
Lori Jones

Rock Around The World - 1 views

    • Lori Jones
      Very cool website.  This could be a place to discuss African American scientist, George Alcorn.  (invented the Imaging XRay Spectrometer.)  Black History Month opportunity
    VERY cool Earth Science/Space crossover project.  Students can send in a rock from their area, and NASA will use a special tool (like the one on the Mars Exploration Rovers) to tell you what it's made of.  Students could compare rocks on Earth to the rocks found on Mars.   Class can view and print various rock pictures from this website and create their own rock book, differentiating by ability.  (could be categorized by color, composition, geographic location, etc.)  It can be expanded as needed.  Kindergarten example would be to create a journal entitled "My Rock Collection."  They would find pictures of rocks that are blue, red, yellow, green, purple, etc and categorize them.  
Lori Jones

Announcing Communities Participating in SSEP Mission 1 to ISS, and NEW Flight Opportuni... - 1 views

    • Lori Jones
      This project would also be excellent for creating a sense of community in the classroom as everyone would be working together toward a common goal (acceptance of their project by NASA_.   ELL differentiation:  I would probably find a different project to accommodate ELL's as this project is very intense, and requires a strong command of language (in order to follow instructions.)  It is possible to create a book of picture instructions for the project or give them a smaller, yet still important role in the class for this particular assignment.
Lori Jones

Make a Living and Non Living Scrapbook | - 1 views

    • Lori Jones
      Great for ESL.  Can easily be adapted for higher ability students as well.  Can also be adapted if no camera or computer is available 
    Students will use a camera to investigate and collect data on living and non-living things.  They will compare living things to non-living things, and keep a record of their findings.  (scrapbook). Extension:  Easy to extend for higher ability students by having them write their observations along with the pictures.  (i.e. compare why they categorize something as "living or non-living." ESL:  Easy activity for students with a language barrier as it is a picture driven lesson.  Students will learn through their own observations and the pictures they keep. Adaptation:  Could easily be adapted to be an internet research project or magazine research project (students cut out pictures to keep.)
Lori Jones

Build a Terrarium | - 1 views

    • Lori Jones
      Modification to project required to meet standard.  *** Can be modified to include discussion of recycling***
    2.3.1:  Observe closely over a period of time and then record in pictures and words the changes in plants and animals throughout their life cycles - including details of their body plan, structure and timing of growth, reproduction, and death. Modification to activity:  Students will create a journal to log all data from start to finish.  Building the terrarium will occur at the beginning of the project, and notes will be kept as the plants grow.   ELL:  Easily explained through modeling and pictures Higher Ability:  Students could be class photographers and be responsible for uploading photos and printing them for the journals.
Lori Jones

Diamond Mines - Crater of Diamonds State Park - 1 views

    • Lori Jones
      ELL - English Language Learners could work with a partner to research the site, but the sifting and categorizing process is hands on, and doesn't require strong language skills.  By using pictorial examples for instructions, ELL students can be successful in this effort.
    This site doesn't provide specific activities; however, I would design earth science activities to assist kids in researching this park, and the surround area.  We would discuss how and why the area has these deposits, the history of the area, and how to go about finding diamonds and other cool rocks.   Extension activity:  Order bags of dirt from Crater of Diamonds park and have the kids sift through to find and identify various rocks and minerals.   Standards: 3.2.1:  Examine the physical properties of rock samples and sort them into categories based on size using simple tools such as sieves. 3.2.2:  Observe the detailed characteristics of rocks and minerals.  Identify rocks as being composed of different combinations of minerals. 3.2.3:  Classify and identify minerals by their physical properties of hardness, color, luster, and streak.  
Lori Jones

Education World: Creating a Multimedia Journey - 1 views

    • Lori Jones
      This is a creative activity that addresses science and language arts curricula.  Computers/internet access is required.
    This activity addresses the third grade Physical Science standards 3.1.1, 3.1.2, and 3.1.3.  It meets the core standard of Observe and describe how sound is produced by vibrations. I like this activity because it allows students to choose where their journey will take them.  Internet access is a requirement.  I do not think this activity would be as dynamic if it were adapted to be just a listening activity.   ELL's could use the internet to "travel" and investigate sound in their native language.  High ability learners could create an atlas to go with their journals.
Lori Jones

Education World: Dental Health Month: Hands-On Science Activities - 1 views

    • Lori Jones
      Can be differentiated for ELL's by using pictures to demonstrate the history of toothbrushes, and how to properly care for your teeth. Higher ability students could keep a journal of the experiments complete with pictures.
    This is an excellent lesson that can be modified a number of ways.  I find that it fits well with Science and Technology Standards 2.4.1 and 2.4.2.   2.4.1:  Identify parts of the human body that can be used as tools. 2.4.2:  Identify technologies developed by humans to meet human needs.  Investigate the limitations of technologies and how they have improved quality of life. Students could identify how teeth can be considered a tool.  They could discuss the toothbrush (and its evolution to items like Sonicare.)  The experiments will help them understand the limitations of the toothbrush, and how their choices affect their teeth.
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