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Luciano Ferrer

Small Changes in Teaching: The Last 5 Minutes of Class - 0 views

    "The Minute Paper comes in many variations, but the simplest one involves wrapping up the formal class period a few minutes early and posing two questions to your students: What was the most important thing you learned today? What question still remains in your mind? Taken together, those two questions accomplish multiple objectives. The first one not only requires students to remember something from class and articulate it in their own words (more about that in a moment), but it also requires them to do some quick thinking. They have to reflect on the material and make a judgment about the main point of that day's class. The second question encourages them to probe their own minds and consider what they haven't truly understood. Most of us are infected by what learning theorists sometimes call "illusions of fluency," which means that we believe we have obtained mastery over something when we truly have not. To answer the second question, students have to decide where confusion or weaknesses remain in their own comprehension of the day's material. Closing connections. If we want students to obtain mastery and expertise in our subjects, they need to be capable of making their own connections between what they are learning and the world around them - current events, campus debates, personal experiences. The last five minutes of class represent an ideal opportunity for students to use the course material from that day and brainstorm some new connections.The metacognitive five. We have increasing evidence from the learning sciences that students engage in poor study strategies. Likewise, research shows that most people are plagued by the illusions of fluency. The solution on both fronts is better metacognition - that is, a clearer understanding of our own learning. What if all of us worked together deliberately to achieve that?Close the loop. Finally, go back to any of the strategies I introduced in my recent column on the first five minutes of clas
Luciano Ferrer

Small Changes in Teaching: The First 5 Minutes of Class - 0 views

    "Open with a question or two. Another favorite education writer of mine, the cognitive psychologist Daniel Willingham, argues that teachers should focus more on the use of questions. "The material I want students to learn," he writes in his book Why Don't Students Like School?, "is actually the answer to a question. On its own, the answer is almost never interesting. But if you know the question, the answer may be quite interesting." My colleague Greg Weiner, an associate professor of political science, puts those ideas into practice. At the beginning of class, he shows four or five questions on a slide for students to consider. Class then proceeds in the usual fashion. At the end, he returns to the questions so that students can both see some potential answers and understand that they have learned something that day. What did we learn last time? A favorite activity of many instructors is to spend a few minutes at the opening of class reviewing what happened in the previous session. That makes perfect sense, and is supported by the idea that we don't learn from single exposure to material - we need to return frequently to whatever we are attempting to master.But instead of offering a capsule review to students, why not ask them to offer one back to you?Reactivate what they learned in previous courses. Plenty of excellent evidence suggests that whatever knowledge students bring into a course has a major influence on what they take away from it. So a sure-fire technique to improve student learning is to begin class by revisiting, not just what they learned in the previous session, but what they already knew about the subject matter.Write it down. All three of the previous activities would benefit from having students spend a few minutes writing down their responses. That way, every student has the opportunity to answer the question, practice memory retrieval from the previous session, or surface their prior knowledge - and not just the students most likely to
juan domingo farnos

Blatant ad for my upcoming workshop but it's under 5 minutes - 1 views

    More skinny about the experiential workshop at the Informal Learning Center.
juan domingo farnos

Just gotta be me - 1 views

    I just installed a WordPress Plugin from Sharaholic named SexyBookmarks. It looks very cool, displaying little animated buttons for Twitter, F'book, Google+, and so on.

    This is a test post to see how well it works.

    How we learn... in five minutes.

    "Around the age of 12, the brain go
Luciano Ferrer

Paul's Extreme Sound Stretch - 0 views

    "This is a program for stretching the audio. It is suitable only for extreme sound stretching of the audio (like 50x) and for applying special effects by "spectral smoothing" the sounds. It can transform any sound/music to a texture. The program is Open-Source and it's released under the version 2 of the General Public License. You can download the source code for Linux or the Windows binaries. Please note that this is suitable only for extreme time stretching (e.g. if have a melody of 3 minutes and you want to listen it in 3 hours). If you want "less extreme" time stretching, you can use a program which contains the SoundTouch library. Features It produces high quality extreme sound stretching. While most sound stretching software sounds bad when trying to stretch the sounds a lot, this one is optimized for extreme sound stretching. So, the stretch amount is unlimited. You can play the stretched sound in real-time (including the possibility to "freeze" the sound) or you can render the whole sound or a part of it to audio files It has many post-processing effects, like: filters, pitch/frequency shifters Support for WAV, OGG VORBIS files and MP3 files It is a Free Software "
Luciano Ferrer

MapMap - open source video mapping software - 1 views

    "MapMap is a free, open source software for projection mapping aimed at artists and small teams. Its intuitive interface facilitates learning and promotes artistic expression. This software is available on Windows, OSX, and Linux. MapMap gives users the ability to projection map on any surface of choice. Mapmap takes media sources and gives users the ability to manipulate the media into different positions and shapes. Media sources can come from any various accepted media formats. With an easy to understand interface, new users can get started in minutes. Projection mapping, also known as video mapping and spatial augmented reality, is a projection technology used to turn objects, often irregularly shaped, into a display surface for video projection. These objects may be complex industrial landscapes, such as buildings. By using specialized software, a two or three dimensional object is spatially mapped on the virtual program which mimics the real environment it is to be projected on. The software can interact with a projector to fit any desired image onto the surface of that object. This technique is used by artists and advertisers alike who can add extra dimensions, optical illusions, and notions of movement onto previously static objects. The video is commonly combined with, or triggered by, audio to create an audio-visual narrative."
Luciano Ferrer

Inside Alibaba's smart warehouse staffed by robots - YouTube - 1 views

    "Take a look inside Alibaba's smart warehouse where robots do 70% of the work. They can carry up to 500 kilograms above them around the warehouse floor. They have special sensors to avoid colliding into each other and they can be summoned using wifi. When they run out of battery, they can take themselves to a charging station. A five minute charge can power them for 4/5 hours."
Luciano Ferrer Discover Moodle with our free hosting. - 1 views

    "Discover Moodle and teach with Gnomio We are just a few Moodle fans offering free tools for the e-learning community. With us you can discover the most widely used open source learning tool, and create your own online learning community. In a few minutes you can have your virtual classroom active, with your own subdomain, secure access, complete administration privileges and totally free."
Luciano Ferrer

Drowning in plastic - 0 views

    "Around the world, almost 1 million plastic bottles are purchased every minute. As the environmental impact of that tide of plastic becomes a growing political issue, major packaged goods sellers and retailers are under pressure to cut the flow of the single-use bottles and containers that are clogging the world's waterways. "
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