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Garrett Eastman

The Video Game Industry: Formation, Present State, and Future - 0 views

    Description in Google Books: "The Video Game Industry provides a platform for the research on the video game industry to draw a coherent and informative picture of this industry. Previously this has been done sparsely through conference papers, research articles, and popular science books. Although the study of this industry is still stigmatized as frivolous and 'only' game oriented, those who grew up with video games are changing things, especially research agendas, the acceptance of studies, and their interpretation. This book describes and defines video games as their own special medium. They are not pinball from which they grew, nor movies which they sometimes resemble. They are a unique form of entertainment based on meaningful interactions between individuals and machine across a growing sector of the population. The Video Game Industry provides a reference foundation for individuals seriously interested in the industry at the academic level. As a result, this book will serve as a reference in curricula associated with video game development for years to come. "
Garrett Eastman

Developing Business Models in the Video Game Industry: An evaluation to strategic choic... - 1 views

    Abstract: "Digitalization has given rise to new opportunities for small and medium-sized video game development studios. No longer bound by physical products and creative restrains, the de-veloper has been empowered with independency. This qualitative study is aimed to under-stand how a development studio develops their business model and how underlying strate-gy is formulated. Additionally we evaluate the degree of innovativeness of the business model in terms of radical and incremental innovation according to Damanpour (1991). To achieve this we present a comprehensive literature review as to gain a more theoretical un-derstanding of industry mechanics and to be able to comprehend reasoning behind existing business models. We structure the dynamics of the business model by analyzing nine busi-ness model aspects as suggested by Osterwalder, Pigneur and Clark (2010). Following our theoretical framework we gain practical input from four separate case studies. An interpret-ative research method is used to gain better understanding of reasoning and choices made. We interpret our findings following a narrative approach which shows that the digitaliza-tion has preluded a paradigm shift in the sense that development studios have started to adopt activities otherwise performed by key partners. As barriers dissipate small and me-dium-sized development studios try to make sense of the current industry, but struggle in doing so. Having to reinvent themselves we conclude that a focus towards creating thicker customer relationships is considered and the idea of seeing games as a service is acknowl-edged to depict the future of the industry. The conclusions of this study contribute to both academic science and industry practice."
Garrett Eastman

Apps shake up video game industry - 0 views

    "The swift migration of gamers such as Ingegneri from costly consoles to smartphones and tablets, where games are often free or 99 cents, is causing a tectonic shift in the video game industry that has hit a burgeoning sector of the Massachusetts economy especially hard. Two Massachusetts game makers abruptly closed in October, sales of console-based games are plummeting, and game makers are struggling to resize games designed for large screens so they will perform as well on a smaller window. "
Garrett Eastman

The Most Dangerous Gamer - Magazine - The Atlantic - 0 views

    "Never mind that they're now among the most lucrative forms of entertainment in America, video games are juvenile, silly, and intellectually lazy. At least that's what Jonathan Blow thinks. But the game industry's harshest critic is also its most cerebral developer, a maverick bent on changing the way we think about games and storytelling. With his next release, The Witness, Blow may cement his legacy-or end his career. In a multibillion-dollar industry addicted to laser guns and carnivorous aliens, can true art finally flourish?"
Garrett Eastman

Tropes vs. Women in Video Games by Anita Sarkeesian - Kickstarter - 0 views

    "About this Project: I love playing video games but I'm regularly disappointed in the limited and limiting ways women are represented. This video project will explore, analyze and deconstruct some of the most common tropes and stereotypes of female characters in games. The series will highlight the larger reoccurring patterns and conventions used within the gaming industry rather than just focusing on the worst offenders. I'm going to need your help to make it happen!"
Garrett Eastman

Spotlight: Humble Indie Bundle, digital-only titles, gaming and social networking, and ... - 0 views

    A great selection of gaming articles including one on digital-only games, bringing creativity back to role-playing games, "social networking's connection with gaming," and 38 studios failure and its implications for the gaming industry.
Garrett Eastman

The Virtual Hand: Exploring the Societal Impact of Video Game Industry Business Models - 0 views

    Application of political economics to the study of video game industry business models
Garrett Eastman

Game Over: Can Harmonix Return to its Guitar Hero Success? - Boston Magazine - 0 views

    Considers the gaming industry in Boston through the example of Harmonix, fallen on difficult times after its Guitar Hero success. Tim Loew is quoted as saying Massachusetts doesn't realize potential it has on its hands with game development.
Garrett Eastman

NE Games SIG Event: Building the Talent Pipeline: A Collaboration of the Game Industry ... - 0 views

    Focus on MassDiGi's efforts to bring together game companies and aspiring students, a panel from the MIT Enterprise Forum will be held on December 1 and feature Becker's Timothy Loew among others.
Garrett Eastman


    From the introduction: "This paper describes why and how an introductory video game design course was conceived and implemented, the best practices developed, and lessons learned since its first implementation in spring 2009. Introduction to Video Game Design was conceived at Johns Hopkins University as a creative, design-based course in which undergraduates work in collaborative, interdisciplinary teams on authentic projects. Students gained a broad knowledge of the gaming industry, along with practical development skills, through regular lecture-discussion sessions coordinated with weekly labs. The interdisciplinary student teams were mentored by industry professionals and worked throughout the semester to produce video games. The course development team faced a variety of challenges stemming from the inter-institutional, inter-departmental collaboration. The authors hope the case study described and evaluation data shared can help other schools planning to implement design-based courses, whether it is based on video game design or not."
Garrett Eastman

The Ultimate IMGD Booth at PAX East 2013 - 0 views

    Abstract: "Promoting WPI's Interactive Media and Game Development (IMGD) program at a major indus try trade show has the potential to attract new prospective students and broaden industry awareness of the IMGD program and students. This project designed a booth for PAX East, a popular gaming exposition in New England. We conducted interviews of student s, guidance counselors, and booth experts, and selected appropriate projects to showcase and students to showcase them. We then designed an advertisement, handouts, and an inviting layout for the booth, arranging for the necessary equipment and furniture w ithin the budget constraints. The IMGD PAX East booth promises to increase the awareness of the IMGD program, exposing more people to the game development students and program at WPI."
Garrett Eastman

Honoring the Code: Conversations With Great Game Designers - 1 views

    Published 2013 and excerpted in Google Books. From the description: "In Honoring the Code: Conversations with Great Game Designers, 16 groundbreaking game developers share their stories and offer advice for anyone aspiring to a career in the games industry. You'll learn from their triumphs and failures and see how they dealt with sweeping changes in technology, including critical paradigm shifts from CD-ROMs and 3D graphic cards to the Internet and mobile revolution. The book presents in-depth interviews with a diverse mix of game professionals, emphasizing the makers of adventure games, role-playing games, and real-time strategies. It focuses on developers who have contributed to multiple eras or genres as well as those who have hired, taught, or mentored newcomers. Since the mobile revolution has opened up new demographics and new gameplay mechanics, the book features current developers of games for mobile devices. It also explores how indie game developers are making commercial-quality games with a small team mostly using free tools and funded with crowdsourcing applications."
Garrett Eastman

Gaming Faces Its Archenemy: Financial Reality - 1 views

    Retail sales decline, and a conversation between two industry experts on the medium's prospects
Garrett Eastman

Game publishers. Huh? Good god, y'all, what are they good for? - 0 views

    Report from the DICE summit on discussion about industry changes moving toward independent game developers
Garrett Eastman

Want to make video games for a living? Here's how - 0 views

    Focus on gaming industry in Austin, TX, this can be useful for game design students looking to enter the game industry, featuring multiple perspectives from people representing game companies, as well as resources for further investigation
Garrett Eastman

Game Design Secrets - Wagner James Au - Google Books - 0 views

    Excerpts in Google Books for this new title which covers iOS, Facebook and web games with emphasis on marketing and monetization
Garrett Eastman

IGDA Newsletter, September 2012: Games for Change - 0 views

    Includes "Upcoming trends in social impact games" and other articles
Garrett Eastman

For the Win: How Game Thinking Can Revolutionize Your Business - 0 views

    "Millions flock to their computers, consoles, mobile phones, tablets, and social networks each day to play World of Warcraft, Farmville, Scrabble, and countless other games, generating billions in sales each year. The careful and skillful construction of these games is built on decades of research into human motivation and psychology: A well-designed game goes right to the motivational heart of the human psyche. In For the Win, authors Kevin Werbach and Dan Hunter argue persuasively that gamemakers need not be the only ones benefiting from game design. Werbach and Hunter are lawyers and World of Warcraft players who created the world's first course on gamification at the Wharton School. In their book, they reveal how game thinking?addressing problems like a game designer?can motivate employees and customers and create engaging experiences that can transform your business. For the Win reveals how a wide range of companies are successfully using game thinking. It also offers an explanation of when gamifying makes the most sense and a 6-step framework for using games for marketing, productivity enhancement, innovation, employee motivation, customer engagement, and more."
Garrett Eastman

Passion, Casual-ness, & Money: Themes from MIT's Business in Gaming | Xconomy - 0 views

    "If you saw some odd costumes wandering the streets of Boston this past weekend, chances are they were en route to a games-related event (I'm talking about you, Anime aficionados). The one I attended, MIT's Business in Gaming conference, contained more suit-clad attendees than outlandish hairdos and capes (thank goodness)."
Garrett Eastman

At GSN Digital, the focus is on Facebook games - The Boston Globe - 0 views

    Excerpts from the Innovation Economy blog. Company in Waltham, Mass. developing Facebook and mobile games as well as for its own web site.
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