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Pedro Gonçalves

Re-Confirmed Again! Majority of Internet Users Not Willing to Pay for Online Services |... - 1 views

  • This past October, Newsday, the Long Island daily newspaper, was purchased for $650 million, and its website,, was put behind a pay wall. For just $5 a week, users could gain access to the site, but after three months on the market, how many had subscribed? Thirty-five people.
  • close to 49% of respondents used free micro-blogging platforms such as Twitter, that doesn't mean any ever plan to spend money on the services. When asked if they'd ever pay for Twitter, 100% said no.
  • Rupert Murdoch's London Times had gained just 15,000 paid subscribers after putting up its new pay wall. What's more, the wall cut Web traffic by two-thirds, with some estimating it could plummet as much as 90%.
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  • USC's report also showed that while nearly 50% of Internet users never click on Internet ads (with 70% finding them annoying), only 55% would prefer Web advertising to paid content, surprisingly
Pedro Gonçalves

A cultura fica hoje na agenda política da UE - Cultura - PUBLICO.PT - 0 views

  • o português José Fernando Freire de Sousa, que lidera o grupo de trabalho sobre indústrias criativas
  • Há dois anos a trabalhar na Comissão Europeia e a seguir a preparação do Livro, através da unidade de Políticas Culturais, José Amaral Costa
  • Os ingleses foram dos primeiros a ter um plano estratégico nacional de apoio às indústrias criativas e culturais. É o próprio primeiro-ministro Gordon Brown o coordenador desse plano,
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  • Um dos casos mais citados por diversos agentes é o da Estónia - que adoptou um plano estratégico, o Creative Estónia, inspirado no modelo inglês -, onde existiu uma aposta decidida do poder político
  • não é apenas a Estónia", diz Costa, "regiões irlandesas ou holandesas também
  • a Espanha já passou à acção em 2009 com o plano para a promoção e o fomento das ICC
Pedro Gonçalves

onedotzero | adventures in moving image - 0 views

  • passos manuel07 Oct - 09 Octrua passos manuel 137, 4000 385 porto, portugal box office: +351 222034121 selection of onedotzero_adventures in motion screenings, installations and a live event. more details to follow...
Pedro Gonçalves

Eyetrack III - What You Most Need to Know - 0 views

  • visual breaks -- like a line or rule -- discouraged people from looking at items beyond the break, like a blurb. (This also affects ads
  • We found that when people look at blurbs under headlines on news homepages, they often only look at the left one-third of the blurb. In other words, most people just look at the first couple of words -- and only read on if they are engaged by those words.
  • People typically scan down a list of headlines, and often don't view entire headlines. If the first words engage them, they seem likely to read on. On average, a headline has less than a second of a site visitor's attention.
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  • For headlines -- especially longer ones -- it would appear that the first couple of words need to be real attention-grabbers if you want to capture eyes.
  • The same goes for blurbs -- perhaps even more so. Our findings about blurbs suggest that not only should they be kept short, but the first couple of words need to grab the viewer's attention.
  • Average blurb length varies from a low of about 10 words to a high of 25, with most sites coming in around 17.
  • Eyetrack III found that people do typically look beyond the first screen. What happens, however, is that their eyes typically scan lower portions of the page seeking something to grab their attention. Their eyes may fixate on an interesting headline or a stand-out word, but not on other content. Again, this points to the necessity of sharp headline writing.
  • Navigation placed at the top of a homepage performed best -- that is, it was seen by the highest percentage of test subjects and looked at for the longest duration.
  • It might surprise you to learn that in our testing we observed better usage (more eye fixations and longer viewing duration) with right-column navigation than left. While this might have been the novelty factor at play -- people aren't used to seeing right-side navigation -- it may indicate that there's no reason not to put navigation on the right side of the page and use the left column for editorial content or ads.
  • Most news sites run articles with medium-length paragraphs -- somewhere (loosely) around 45-50 words, or two or three sentences.
  • Shorter paragraphs performed better in Eyetrack III research than longer ones. Our data revealed that stories with short paragraphs received twice as many overall eye fixations as those with longer paragraphs. The longer paragraph format seems to discourage viewing.
  • the standard one-column format performed better in terms of number of eye fixations
  • What about photos on article pages? It might surprise you that our test subjects typically looked at text elements before their eyes landed on an accompanying photo, just like on homepages. As noted earlier, the reverse behavior (photos first) occurred in previous print eyetracking studies.
  • Finally, there's the use of summary descriptions (extended deck headlines, paragraph length) leading into articles. These were popular with our participants. When our testers encountered a story with a boldface introductory paragraph, 95 percent of them viewed all or part of it.
  • When people viewed an introductory paragraph for between 5 and 10 seconds -- as was often the case -- their average reading behavior of the rest of the article was about the same as when they viewed articles without a summary paragraph. The summary paragraph made no difference in terms of how much of the story was consumed.
  • The first thing we noticed is that people often ignore ads, but that depends a lot on placement. When they do gaze at an ad, it's usually for only 0.5 to 1.5 seconds. Good placement and the right format can improve those figures.
  • We found that ads in the top and left portions of a homepage received the most eye fixations. Right side ads didn't do as well, and ads at the bottom of the page were seen, typically, by only a small percentage of people.
  • Close proximity to popular editorial content really helped ads get seen. We noticed that when an ad was separated from editorial matter by either white space or a rule, the ad received fewer fixations than when there was no such barrier. Ads close to top-of-the-page headlines did well. A banner ad above the homepage flag didn't draw as many fixations as an ad that was below the flag and above editorial content.
  • Text ads were viewed most intently, of all the types we tested. On our test pages, text ads got an average eye duration time of nearly 7 seconds; the best display-type ad got only 1.6 seconds, on average.
  • Size matters. Bigger ads had a better chance of being seen. Small ads on the right side of homepages typically were seen by only one-third of our testers; the rest never once cast an eye on them. On article pages, "half-page" ads were the most intensely viewed by our test subjects. Yet, they were only seen 38 percent of the time; most people never looked at them. Article ads that got seen the most were ones inset into article text. "Skyscraper" ads (thin verticals running in the left or right column) came in third place.
Pedro Gonçalves

The Freakonomics Guide to Making Boring Content Sexy | Copyblogger - 0 views

  • The story makes the numbers interesting. The numbers make the story credible
  • write a post that presents the mystery and leads your reader through the investigation to its incredibly satisfying conclusion.
  • Simply restating a problem is boring. Offering new tools and perspectives to solve problems helps your reader get closer to their goals — and that makes you someone whose content they’ll want to read every time you come out with something new.
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  • Our world is getting more complicated by the second. Every day your readers are trying to get a handle on what happened yesterday, what’s happening now, and what will happen tomorrow. If you connect the dots for them, you can get popular in a hurry.
  • Giving your reader’s these “aha” moments is a great way to keep them reading a so-called boring topic and have them asking for more.
Pedro Gonçalves

Improving your content's signal-to-noise ratio « Brain Traffic Blog - 0 views

  • The bottom line: When you’re looking for information, everything that’s not what you need at this very minute is noise.
Pedro Gonçalves

Dick Costolo: How Brands Are Tweeting - PSFK - 0 views

  • The Twitter CEO talked at length on how brands use Twitter for ‘multi-dimensional conversational influence’. He said that Louis Vuitton uses difference accounts for the different levels of staff. There is a consistent tone of voice but they staff can post how they see fit and this brings authenticity. “It’s an explicit mapping of Twitter,” Costolo explained.
Pedro Gonçalves

6 Free Chrome Apps and Extensions for Small Businesses : Technology :: American Express... - 0 views

Pedro Gonçalves

HOW TO: Get the Most Out of Facebook Insights for Small Business - 0 views

  • By going to and clicking the “Insights for your Domain” box, Bill can easily copy a bit of code onto his website and link it to his Facebook account. By doing so, Bill can see how users of his website are interacting with his content including what users are “liking” and sharing with their Facebook friends.
Pedro Gonçalves

Why Curation Is Important to the Future of Journalism - 0 views

  • Despite shrinking newsrooms and overworked reporters, journalism is in fact thriving. The art of information gathering, analysis and dissemination has arguably been strengthened over the last several years, and given rise and importance to a new role: the journalistic curator.
  • with the push of social media and advancements in communications technology, the curator has become a journalist by proxy. They are not on the front lines, covering a particular beat or industry, or filing a story themselves, but they are responding to a reader need. With a torrent of content emanating from innumerable sources (blogs, mainstream media, social networks), a vacuum has been created between reporter and reader — or information gatherer and information seeker — where having a trusted human editor to help sort out all this information has become as necessary as those who file the initial report.
  • “Curation,” says Sayid Ali, owner of, “gathers all these fragmented pieces of information to one location, allowing people to get access to more specialized content.”
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  • Curators help navigate readers through the vast ocean of content, and while doing so, create a following based on several factors: trust, taste and tools.
  • Building trust is important to validating curation as an evolutionary form of journalism, and many curators believe they should be held to the same standards as journalists.
  • more often than not, reporters stay within the confines of their beat. Curators don’t have to.
  • Curators also seem to fall into one of two categories: Aggregation and reblogging content without any editorializing, or providing additional thoughts as part of their reblog, retweet, etc.
  • Even though curators share certain characteristics of editors, they don’t enjoy the exact same role. When a curator gathers information for their community, the content is something they are passionate about. Reporters, as we’re taught, are not supposed to be passionate and interject opinion into their story.
  • Many news organizations, for example, are on Tumblr acting as curators, reblogging not only their publication’s content, but also other news sources that are relevant to their audience.
Pedro Gonçalves

iPad ADD Is More Acute Than Anticipated | Fast Company - 0 views

  • A new study shows that readers find their minds wandering when using iPad versions of magazines. Publishers had always figured that the iPad magazine, being an interactive experience, would necessarily be different from the print incarnation, with readers bouncing around a bit. But the reality exceeds even that expectation.
  • "We thought that of course there's a lot of activity going on on an iPad, when there's so many things you can be doing -- between email, Netflix, playing games, reading magazines -- but they're actually bouncing around a lot more than we thought,"
  • the hope for many in publishing was that iPad magazines would be so engrossing that they would be "sticky," holding an audience captive similar to the way paper magazines do. In the ideal, rosiest scenario, from both the editorial and advertising standpoint, iPad magazines would lure readers, keep them there, draw their attention to elegant ads, and occasionally lead to direct purchases as a result of that ad.
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  • "Publishers seemed to have this fantasy that iPad would allow them to call time out on the Internet," Gene Liebel, a partner at the interactive agency HUGE, tells Fast Company. The idea is that for 10 years, publishing suffered from the Internet and its indignities, but that all of a sudden, thanks to the benevolent Steve Jobs, "now we're back, now we're gonna call a time out, start over, sell magazines at full price with immersive ads," and so on. But the tablet isn't some new digitally enabled omnibus magazine. "The tablet in the home is really one more Internet device," says Liebel. "Safari is still by far the biggest app. So the idea that everyone would go home and have 20 paid content apps and that's their new lifestyle is not even close to true."
Pedro Gonçalves

How Game Mechanics Will Solve Global Warming - 0 views

  • now, a new decade is upon us - the decade of games. These are not children's games, however. These are games that could change the world.
  • how game mechanics would solve global warming.
  • "The last decade was the decade of social. The framework for the social layer is now built," declared Priebatsch. "It's called Facebook."
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  • With that battle won (at least according to Priebatsch), the next battle is over gaming. But we're not talking about simple video games and the like - we're talking about a "game layer on top of the world."
  • "The game layer is he next decade of human technological interaction," he explained. "Unlike the social layer, which trafficked in connections, the game layer traffics in influence. The game layer seeks to act on individual motivation - where we go, how we do it and why we do it."
  • Priebatsch says that the game layer could be 10 times as large as the social layer and that, used correctly, could help to solve the world's problems.
  • To prove his point, he then ended the session with a game - a massive game involving the entire several hundred member audience. As each person entered the room, they were given anywhere from one to three cards with different colors on each side. Each card had one of three colors on each side and were handed out randomly. To win the game, each row of the audience had to self organize to show only one color by trading with the audience members around them. That is, the entire room had to move from chaos to order, with each row only showing one color, within 180 seconds. If they did this, he said, SCVNGR would donate $10,000 to the National Wildlife Federation. One minute after he started the clock, he stopped it. The audience had self-organized, despite a variety of problems, in just one minute.
  • Priebatsch compared the various rules and problems faced by its players into ones the world population might face in solving global issues. There was a lack of communication, there were micro-trading issues, different allocations of resources from player to player, restricted movement decentralized leadership, and even different "countries," as aisles served as "oceans" between the rows. The audience did, however, have two things to work with - a countdown and a common goal. Despite these various factors, and through the proper motivation, a large problem was solved quickly through applied game mechanics.
    now, a new decade is upon us - the decade of games. These are not children's games, however. These are games that could change the world.
Pedro Gonçalves

Bloggers, Rejoice: Flattr Uses Social Media to Reward Content Creators | Fast Company - 0 views

  • When you sign up for Flattr, a social micropayments service, you dedicate a flat fee per month to the site. As you're surfing the web, you can click "Flattr" buttons next to a blog post, song, or podcast to put your money where your "likes" are. At the end of each month, your flat fee is evenly divided amongst the creators you've chosen.
  • communities of creators (podcasters, citizen journalists, open source 3d printer hackers) are increasingly adopting Flattr as a virtual tip jar. The site's still small--70,000 users. The amounts are small, too--users pledge an average of 3 euros a month and click just a handful of times, with each click averaging half a euro in value. But as cofounder Linus Olsson told Fast Company today after his SXSW panel, the cultural impact of this kind of crowdfunding is growing.
  • "Money's just another tool to help people do what you think is important."
Pedro Gonçalves

Super Sell Out: Morgan Spurlock's "Greatest Movie Ever Sold" Bows at SXSW | Fast Company - 0 views

Pedro Gonçalves

Ad Industry Execs: Google's +1 Could Hold Us More Accountable - 0 views

  • Alisa Leonard, director of strategy and planning at iCrossing, expressed doubt that people on Google Contacts were as influential as Facebook friends. “In Facebook, my social graph is highly qualified and much more intimate,” she says. “On Google, my contacts may be less intimate and less qualified.”
Pedro Gonçalves

BBC News - Web creator's net neutrality fear - 0 views

  • "It's such an empowering thing to be connected at high speed and without borders that it's become a human right"
  • The inventor of the web has said that governments must act to preserve the principle of net neutrality.
  • Net neutrality, the idea that all traffic on the internet should be treated equally, has been a controversial issue in the United States and is now moving up the political agenda in the UK.
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  • Internet Service Providers have claimed that they need to be able to control the growing traffic online, and content creators fear that the result could be a two-speed internet.
Pedro Gonçalves

6 Smart and Effective Email Marketing Tactics - 0 views

  • There’s no denying that email is showing signs of decline — the number of visitors to web-based email sites fell 6% in 2010 compared to the previous year, and email engagement declined at an even greater rate, according to a report from digital analysis company comScore.
  • In response to these changes, brands are quickly adapting by combining email, social media and even mobile marketing tactics.
  • successful brands are doing just that — cross-pollinating email marketing strategies via email clients, social platforms and mobile devices. Ultimately, brands still find email effective because it’s inexpensive and universally accepted by people all over the world.
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  • The key to creating hyper-timely emails is planning and being nimble, says Christopher Stemborowski, associate communication strategist for marketing agency Oxford Communications. “Seeming timely can be the result of preparing multiple emails or just one email and waiting for the right time to send it.”
  • Build multiple versions ahead of key events: In the same way that shirts are made ahead of the Super Bowl declaring each team the champion, you can design two versions of an email to respond quickly to the outcome of major events.Plan an email for an event that has an unspecified date: Snowstorms will happen each winter. Will you have an email ready to go out the moment it happens? With a little planning, you can.Track trending online memes: In 2011, we have seen a #winning Charlie Sheen and a really excited Rebecca Black ready to have fun, fun, fun. Smart brands can tap into these memes in email blasts. You can keep track of these popular memes by viewing the trending topics section on Twitter.
  • Blasting irrelevant content to your email subscribers is one of the biggest email marketing mistakes you can commit.“For example, if a salon sends an email to men that highlights services solely for women, it shouldn’t be a shock when the men unsubscribe,” Stemborowski says. “To avoid this, the salon needs to know who in its database are males and who are females and then avoid sending irrelevant messages.”
  • “Self-selection means subscribers willingly receive emails that are in the categories they asked to get,” Stemborowski said, adding that it’s vital to keep the screening short so users don’t abandon the process.
  • More than ever, people are reading emails on their mobile devices. Mobile email usage increased 36% in 2010, according to comScore.
  • The first line of your email should never read, “If you are having trouble reading this email click here,” he adds. “Remember, the first line of the email is what shows up as the preview on smartphones. For this reason, the first line is premium real estate and, with this in mind, you should put your most important message first for a well-crafted call to action.”
Pedro Gonçalves

A List Apart: Articles: A Modest Proposal - 0 views

  • a prudent client—the kind you really want—will choose a web partner on the strength of the entire package. Doing otherwise, selecting on a matrix of numbers, dates, and line items, is an exercise in foolishness, akin to buying a car without knowing the make and model. Relationships, even in business, are founded on and strengthened by mutual compatibility. Proposing to work together on a project is remarkably similar to proposing marriage (despite the obvious and important differences): it ought to be a decision based on both emotion and reason, supported by a high degree of trust. In writing a proposal, you are making the case for the appropriateness of your new life together. These early, hesitant steps toward knowing one another better are crucial.
  • At some point later in the document, include the contact information for a few of your best clients. References reassure the reader that you are who you claim to be. You might also wish to provide a brief overview of some previous projects similar to the project on which you are bidding. Business is as much (if not more) about people as it is about dollars and cents, deliverables and timelines. If your company is difficult to relate to because your proposal is generic, it shouldn’t surprise you when you are inevitably forgotten.
  • Meticulously evaluate every client before issuing a proposal. Once you do, don’t panic if they walk because you stuck to your philosophical guns. You just saved yourself bucket-loads of stress and misery.
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  • Under-promise. Don’t commit to anything you can’t deliver. It’s better to lose a project by leaving yourself room to over-deliver than to boast of your prowess only to find yourself in the weeds later. Managing expectations is critical to having happy clients.
  • Have a template, but don’t be a slave to it. Reuse language about your company, but focus on making the parts unique to this project shine. Proposals ought to be preceded by a period of getting to know the client. Use that knowledge to shape the language, tone, approach, and content. This proposal may be shown to people you haven’t met personally, so make sure it conveys who you are without your presence.
  • Shorter is better. Superfluous examples, references, and blathering on about “capabilities” are easily identified as boilerplate and possibly even a bit desperate. Make the client feel special.
  • Why should you be selected for this project? Because you’re the cheapest? The quickest? Because you promise to do more than the other guys? Maybe. Sometimes those are the reasons, but they’re also the levers you least want to rely on pulling. Website design and development are services and not, on the professional level, commodities. Providing a commodity is an exhausting, unsatisfying, deadening experience.
Pedro Gonçalves

kuler - help - 0 views

  • For Adobe Creative Suite® 4 and 5 components: Find Kuler panels in Photoshop®, Illustrator®, InDesign®, Fireworks®, and Adobe Flash® Professional software by choosing Window > Extensions > Kuler.
  • Q: I saved kuler themes with the CS4 kuler panel, using the Save Theme button. How do I move them to my CS5 applications? A: When you install CS5, there will be a one-time migration of CS4 themes saved in this way, to CS5. Beyond that CS4 applications will not see new themes saved using CS5, and vice versa.
Pedro Gonçalves

Azure (color) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

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