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Andreas Auwärter

Google Calendar CalDAV support - Google Calendar Help - 0 views

    Weil es für die AG interessant sein wird, hier die URL zum Unterstützen der CALDAV Funktion in unserem Kalender. Im Anschliss ein Auszug aus der Einleitung von Googles Hilfe: "Google Calendar CalDAV - Welcome to our information center for Google Calendar CalDAV support. The tabs above contain information to help you start syncing events between Google Calendar and Apple iCal or Mozilla Sunbird. If you're interested in syncing your iPhone or iPod Touch with Google Calendar via CalDAV, visit this article for additional information. Introduction Find out the information you should know before getting started with CalDAV. Get Started If you're setting up CalDAV for the first time, you'll need to: Decide if CalDAV is right for you by checking out the current list of known issuesView the system requirements. Enable Google Calendar in Apple iCal or Mozilla Sunbird.Troubleshooting Click here for assistance with common problems when using CalDAV with Google Calendar. Known Issues View the list of known issues.
Andreas Auwärter

Classroom 2.0 LIVE! - Home - 0 views

    Classroom 2.0 LIVE is an opportunity to gather with other members of the community in real-time events, complete with audio, chat, desktop sharing, and sometimes even video. You are invited to join us for our weekly Saturday show with co-hosts Peggy George, Kim Caise and Lorna Costantini!
Andreas Auwärter

apophenia: when teachers and students connect outside school - 0 views

    when teachers and students connect outside school In my last entry, I made a comment about the value of "cool" teachers interacting with students on social network sites. I received some push-back from non-educators. Most of the concerns revolved around teachers' ethics and their responsibilities with respect to legal structures like the Federal Rights and Privacy Act. There were also concerns that teachers who would interact with students in these environments would be putting themselves at risk.
Andreas Auwärter

Tech Learning TL Advisor Blog and Ed Tech Ticker Blogs from TL Blog Staff - TechLearnin... - 0 views

    (Michael Gorman) Welcome to a post that covers those other ten Word Cloud Generators and some are pretty amazing!  While Wordle is the king of Word Cloud Generators here are some other word cloud tools that have some outstanding capabilities that are worth investigation.  Each tool provides a unique way  that can be used in  the classroom to facilitate the creation and study of word clouds. I especially was impressed with a few tools that actually helped students analyze a group of text using more than just the generated cloud, another that allows the user to be creative with the cloud shape, and still another that connects words in the cloud to web pages! Thanks for the visit, and as always please feel free to follow me on Twitter (mjgormans), I will follow back and we can learn from each other. Also, be sure to visit my 21centuryedtech Blog and check out all of the free resources at my 21centuryedtech Wiki! - Have a great week and enjoy the read! - Mike
Andreas Auwärter

Making the Switch from Coda to Espresso - 0 views

    During the last of our IM discussions related to the theme upgrade, I told Preshit that I worked my bit of the upgrade entirely using MacRabbit's Espresso. He was surprised, to say the least. Everyone knows me as a Coda fanboy, so did I ditch it just like that? I've always seen Espresso as sort of the underpowered in comparison with Coda. Coda is feature rich, has a splendid user interface, so why switch to something sub-standard? Lately though Coda has been showing its age, especially improvements in the world of HTML and CSS, and its user interface felt a little too heavy, given the current trend towards minimalism. Moreover, with Espresso's 1.1 update, things were looking good for this new kid on the block. So I gave it a serious run-through by doing the theme upgrade entirely in Espresso.
Andreas Auwärter

Microphone Round-up! (Visual Lounge) - 1 views

    I struggle with audio especially when I'm out of a controlled environment. I often like to make videos on the road at events - usually in a noisy conference hall with high ceilings. This is a less than ideal recording situation. So, I thought I'd round up a bunch of different microphones at work and compare them for you. Matt Pierce, the Training Manager, and I headed to our soundbooth and tested 6 different microphones. We used Audacity to record the audio at 44,100Hz. We tried to have as much consistency as possible, but we had to adjust the audio levels on each microphone. You will see in the screencast what level we recorded at. Also, I made the links a hotspot in the video, so you can click them if you'd like more info about the microphone. The screencast is short - running 1:30.
Andreas Auwärter

Welcome | Teaching Copyright - 0 views

    There's a lot of misinformation out there about legal rights and responsibilities in the digital era. This is especially disconcerting when it comes to information being shared with youth. Kids and teens are bombarded with messages from a myriad of sources that using new technology is high-risk behavior. Downloading music is compared to stealing a bicycle - even though many downloads are lawful. Making videos using short clips from other sources is treated as probably illegal - even though many such videos are also lawful. This misinformation is harmful, because it discourages kids and teens from following their natural inclination to be innovative and inquisitive. The innovators, artists and voters of tomorrow need to know that copyright law restricts many activities but also permits many others. And they need to know the positive steps they can take to protect themselves in the digital sphere. In short, youth don't need more intimidation - what they need is solid, accurate information.
Andreas Auwärter

David Truss :: Pair-a-dimes for Your Thoughts » Blog Archive » Shifting Le... - 0 views

    An other awesoem answer about future of education, by da truss. So he told in his Blog: "… and it occurred to me that what I should be looking at when talking about 'Shifting Learning' is the direction we are shifting to in the future, more-so than now. I tried to do as George asked and represent this in something other than words. I spent a couple hours playing with a slide show of images and now I'm just going to salvage the title page to share with you as a frame for what I'll write about. This isn't a crystal ball look into the future, instead it is my perception of some key trends that will have a powerful impact on how learning will be shared in the future." Worth to read many times.
Andreas Auwärter

Ubercaster + NiceCast + ShoutCast Server - utilize your - 0 views

    ubercaster + nicecast + shoutcast server april 13, 2009 1:10 pm                 today i got around to dabbling with ubercaster and the ability to bring in skype callers for multi input/source live podcasting. after i got that bit working i then fired up my nicecast shoutcast 50 slot server from tidyhosts and set up some targets for it to capture the audio from. i then gave out my shoutcast url for people with itunes or winamp (pc) to tune into - it went really well and we found that in ubercaster playing music/samples played back to the skype users that were logged into the conversation.
Andreas Auwärter

IEEE Xplore - Login - 0 views

    "The research described in this paper is the investigation of interactivity between learners and system in the context of remote access to educational field explorations (field trips). The concept is described generically as remote access field trip (RAFT). The interactivity framework proposed for assessing RAFT considers it within the context of live distance education and needs to be judged in terms of set interaction criteria, e.g. learner & learner, learner & instructor, learner & content and learner & interface. This paper proposes that criteria for distance learning interaction assessment should consider also how the leaner interacts with a pervasive interface. This is particularly relevant in this context because the system involves participants interacting with a pervasive system within a live field trip experience, and creates a unique human-system interaction in the educational domain."
Andreas Auwärter

Technology and Education - Box of Tricks - 0 views

    "Ten tried and tested internet tools for teachers Apr 25th 2009 18 Comments Over the past academic year, my students and I have been experimenting with the use of a number of web based applications (often known as Web 2.0 tools). My aim has been to enhance our schemes of work by providing our students with new and exciting learning opportunities." Summary. Collected Tips and Tricks for ten tools and their use in Education!
Andreas Auwärter

News : NDS - 0 views

    "A new task force to ensure our universities become the first choice across the world for on-line distance learning was announced today by Higher Education Minister, David Lammy.The task force chaired by Lynne Brindley, the Chief Executive of the British Library will advise on a wider strategy to build on our past and present successes and ensure we do not lose pace on increased demand in expanding and new markets.It will be backed by a new Open Learning Innovation Fund aimed at helping universities build on their existing world class reputations to access and engage future markets that are expected to value around £15bn in the future. This is a competitive match funding initiative, with up to £10m from HEFCE and therefore worth up to £20m in total, aims to encourage universities to work collaboratively with each other and the private and third sectors, to bid for money to develop projects to help transform the way people can get a degree." Thanx to cris Sharing this! Awesome, seeing public investment in the right direction!
Andreas Auwärter

Podcast on Podcstock with Kevin Honeycutt | Learning is Change. - 0 views

    I had the unique opportunity to talk with Kevin Honeycutt about his amazing unconference, Podstock. Please listen and know the movement that he is working for (and that we may be all working for in our different ways).
Andreas Auwärter

ScienceDirect - Computers in Human Behavior : Providing remote accessible field trips ... - 0 views

    RAFT (Remote Accessible Field Trips) provides the possibility for students to participate in field trips from remote locations. This paper reports on two studies to test the RAFT concept. The first study used video-mediated communication (VMC) to allow students to communicate with experts. The second study tested students' experiences of using off-the-shelf technologies to transfer data while assigned with specific roles. Participants were school students aged 11-18 years. The findings showed RAFT resulted in high levels of interest and was both positive and engaging for students. An increase in student interest in topic (p < 0.05) was reported in the second study. It is argued that these aspects of RAFT are of benefit to students and further developments are discussed.
Andreas Auwärter

Skype call recording with bookmarked, mind-mapped notes - 0 views

    I've been perfecting a very specific efficiency aspect of my workflow: taking notes during Skype calls. I use a Skype-in number as my primary phone number, and -- with permission -- record client calls for future reference. I can't tell you how many times this has come in handy. On long calls, though, going back and finding a specific point where something was mentioned can be a time-consuming hassle. What I wanted was the ability to record a Skype call while taking notes, and to then be able to reference my (abbreviated) notes back to the exact point where they were taken in the conversation.
Andreas Auwärter

Audience With the Podfather - 0 views

    Podcasting pioneer Adam Curry is taking online enthusiasm for home-grown audio onto satellite radio. Xeni Jardin sits down with him to talk about resurrecting the "theater of the mind."
Andreas Auwärter

YouTube - danah boyd on Teenagers who are Living and Learning with Social Media - 0 views

    danah boyd on Teenagers who are Living and Learning with Social Media
Andreas Auwärter

eLearning Reviews: research on elearning - reviewed for you - 0 views

    elearning-reviews provides those interested in research on elearning with concise and thoughtful reviews of relevant publications. The most important goal is a well-balanced selection of seminal publications as well as interesting up-to-date publications from the various disciplinary perspectives. read more online · download flyer
Andreas Auwärter

Pontydysgu - Bridge to Learning - Educational Research - 1 views

    I found this video on Jim Groom's website set up to support a course on storytelling. Jim says "Here is a fascinating and quick seven minute video that features interviews with a variety of scholars, theorists, activists, and participants in the changing nature of storytelling. How do they frame social media and participatory culture in this equation?" It is particularly good to see that Jim has put the whole course up on an open Wordpress blog. There's lots of explore there - Open Learning at its best!
Andreas Auwärter - Collaborative mind mapping in your browser - 0 views

    Collaborative mind mapping in your browser Isn't 42 the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything? Well, in this case it means FOR TWO and indicates the collaborative character of mind42. Manage all your ideas, whether alone, twosome or working together with the whole world - collaborative, browser-based and for free.
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