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Andreas Auwärter

IEEE Xplore - Login - 0 views

    "The research described in this paper is the investigation of interactivity between learners and system in the context of remote access to educational field explorations (field trips). The concept is described generically as remote access field trip (RAFT). The interactivity framework proposed for assessing RAFT considers it within the context of live distance education and needs to be judged in terms of set interaction criteria, e.g. learner & learner, learner & instructor, learner & content and learner & interface. This paper proposes that criteria for distance learning interaction assessment should consider also how the leaner interacts with a pervasive interface. This is particularly relevant in this context because the system involves participants interacting with a pervasive system within a live field trip experience, and creates a unique human-system interaction in the educational domain."
Andreas Auwärter

ScienceDirect - Computers in Human Behavior : Providing remote accessible field trips ... - 0 views

    RAFT (Remote Accessible Field Trips) provides the possibility for students to participate in field trips from remote locations. This paper reports on two studies to test the RAFT concept. The first study used video-mediated communication (VMC) to allow students to communicate with experts. The second study tested students' experiences of using off-the-shelf technologies to transfer data while assigned with specific roles. Participants were school students aged 11-18 years. The findings showed RAFT resulted in high levels of interest and was both positive and engaging for students. An increase in student interest in topic (p < 0.05) was reported in the second study. It is argued that these aspects of RAFT are of benefit to students and further developments are discussed.
Andreas Auwärter

The History of European cooperation in teaching in learning - 0 views

    This book tell the story - one could almost call it an adventure - of how a 'Europe of education and 'training' has gradually been constructed. In so doing, and by focusing on this one specific area of policy, it also provides a concrete example of the process of building Europe itself. European integration may often seem a technocratic business, in the hands of remote institutions responsible for mainly macroeconomic policies whose benefits are not immediately felt by the public at large. The principal merit of this book is to remind the reader that, over the years, a different 'Europe' has also been created, one which connects with its citizens and reaches out directly to a great many people. How widely is it known, for example, that almost 1.5 million students have received an Erasmus grant since the programme began?
Andreas Auwärter

Collecting Data on Field Trips &#8212; RAFT Approach - 0 views

    The ability to relate abstract knowledge to real-world experiences is indispensable in the modern society. Therefore the construction of knowledge from real-world contexts is a major issue of education. This issue is not supported by the current learning management systems. In the RAFT project we develop a system to support remote accessible field trips. One of its applications, the mobile collector, facilitates constructivistic learning processes in real-world contexts.
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