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fishead ...*∞º˙

Dark Roasted Blend: Utterly Irresistible Robot Sculptures - 1 views

  • When are robots NOT required to be efficient, super-smart, or uniquely useful? When robots are art, of course. More and more robots are being created from used and found parts all over the world for sheer viewing and cuddling pleasure of general public and lucky collectors. Here are some of them:
    Hahaha.... very cute designs! =D
Aasemoon =)

Gallery | Iran - Kish - Sea Side - 0 views

  • More photos of different parts of the shore @ Kish.
    9th batch of Iran photos... more from Kish sea side. =)
frank smith

SurfaceScapes Gameplay Session on Vimeo - 0 views

    "Excerpts of a gameplay session on the current build of our proof of concept for a Dungeons & Dragons experience on the Microsoft Surface. The actual session was about 20 minutes long. Created by the SurfaceScapes team at the Entertainment Technology Center at Carnegie Mellon University. Work in progress. More to come next semester. "
Aasemoon =)

Ancient Statues Found in Egyptian Temple : Discovery News - 0 views

  • A team of archaeologists unearthed two large red granite statues in southern Egypt at the mortuary temple of one of the most powerful pharaohs, who ruled nearly 3,400 years ago, the Culture Ministry said Tuesday. A ministry statement said the team discovered a 13 foot (4 meter) statue of Thoth, the ancient god of wisdom and the top part of a statue of Pharaoh Amenhotep III standing next to another god. Both were found buried in the pharaoh's mortuary temple on the west bank of the Nile in the southern temple city of Luxor.
Aasemoon =)

IEEE Spectrum: Genome as Commodity - 0 views

  • For the price of a sports car, you can have a pint of your blood drawn and a month later receive your entire genome—all 6 billion base pairs—encoded in a 1.5-gigabyte data file. That means the price has dropped to 1/50 000 of what it was less than a decade ago (the first genome, after all, cost US $3 billion). Yet the price is expected to fall to 1/1000 of the current price in the next four years. The cultural ramifications of a $100 genome—which is where we’re headed, whether it takes 4 years or 10—are as wide and deep as those of any other recent innovation, including search engines and cellphones.
    Oh my world....
Aasemoon =)

Say hello to PALRO - 4 views

  • In what comes as a bit of a surprise, Fuji Soft Inc.’s new humanoid robot platform for hobbyists and researchers has been given the name PALRO (pal + robot).  Naturally we feel this name is a superb choice!  Sales to research institutions will begin on March 15th, 2010 with a general release following later in the year.  The robot combines Fuji Soft’s software prowess with an open architecture which will give developers plenty of room to experiment. PALRO stands 39.8cm (15″) tall and weighs 1.9kg (3.5 lbs), and here’s the good news: it costs 298,000 JPY ($3300 USD).  Considering PALRO has 20 DOF, a camera, 4 directional microphones, a speaker, LED arrays in its head and chest, 4 pressure sensors in each foot, 3-axis gyro sensor, an accelerometer, and an Intel Atom 1.6GHz CPU, it is priced very competitively.  A comparative robot kit like Vstone’s Robovie-PC for example, costs $1100 USD more and doesn’t have such a fancy exoskeleton.
    Hello Palro! Unlike Dr House, Palro doesn't seem to talk while walking. But his head and arms do move pretty well...
    Haha.... I wouldn't mind seeing the android version of Dr. House. =)
    Palro is using Universal Sign Language. He's saying "Resistance Is Futile."
fishead ...*∞º˙

We're in trouble… « Bits & Pieces - 3 views

  • We’re in trouble… The Population of this country is 300 million. 160 million are retired. That leaves 140 million to do the work. There are 85 million in school. Which leaves 55 million to do the work. Of this there are 35 million employed by the federal government. Leaving 20 million to do the work. 2.8 million are in the armed forces preoccupied with killing Osama Bin-Laden. Which leaves 17.2 million to do the work. Take from that total the 15.8 million people who work for state and city governments And that leaves 1.4 million to do the work. At any given time there are 188,000 people in hospitals. Leaving 1,212,000 to do the work. Now, there are 1,211,998 people in prisons. That leaves just two people to do the work. You and me. And there you are, sitting on your ass, at your computer, reading jokes. Nice. Real nice.
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... oh this is soooooooooo priceless! =D
Aasemoon =)

Gallery | Iran - Tehran - Random [I] - 3 views

    First batch of my photos from Iran are finally online, here! [many more to come! =)]
    yay! but now we need a voice-over to explain them all.
    Haha... yeah that's true. =) Some of them do have a tiny explanation underneath them... the rest are just random places in Tehran.
Aasemoon =)

The Only Immortal Animal on Earth  | Environmental Graffiti - 2 views

  • A jellyfish’s lifespan usually ranges from somewhere between a few hours for the smallest species to several months and rarely to a few years for the bigger species. How does the only 4-5 mm long Turritopsis nutricula (let’s call it T’nut) manage to beat the system? Well, T’nut is able to transform between medusa and polyp stage, thereby reverting back from mature to immature stage and escaping death. The cell process is called transdifferentiation, when non-stem cells either transform into a different type of cell or when an already differentiated or specialised stem cell creates cells outside this specialised path.
Aasemoon =)

IEEE Spectrum: Nano-enabled Coating Makes Aircraft Invisible - 2 views

  • No, we're not talking about a Wonder Woman-type of invisible plane, but rather one that becomes very difficult to detect with radar. The Israel-based Ynetnews is reporting that an Israeli company called Nanoflight has successfully run a test on dummy missiles that were painted with the nano-enabled coating and have shown that radar could not pick them up as missiles.
fishead ...*∞º˙

imagesSt.Patricks-3.jpg (JPEG Image, 300x380 pixels) - 2 views

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Aasemoon =)

YouTube - LOST - Season 6 - February 2010 - 2 views

shared by Aasemoon =) on 02 Jan 10 - Cached
    LOST season 6 - Everything Ends!
    OMG OMG.... LOST season 6 is finally here..... can't wait to see.... =D
Aasemoon =)

Icosatetraped Robot Walks On 24 Soft Legs | BotJunkie - 2 views

  • Icosatetraped does, in fact, mean “twenty-four legged.” I’m not sure how to inject “soft” into that word (icostatetrasquishaped?), but this robot does have 24 soft legs. Or rather, 8 legs are soft (and moving) at any one time, while the other 16 are pressurized to carry the weight of the bot. It can move at about 1 meter per minute, which isn’t especially fast, but who cares, look at all of those little legs go! Made from plastic medical tubing, particle board, a bunch of solenoids, a Mac Mini, and some 24 volt rotary vane compressors salvaged from Gulf War nerve gas detecting equipment, this is about as DIY as it gets, and it’s awesome.
Aasemoon =)

The Blue Talkz...: Fringe: Charlie Francis - UNDEAD?? HELLO???!!! - 2 views

    Oh wow... this is how you know Fringe has fans! My Charlie Francis post has had more than 500 visitors since I posted it last night! Wooohaaa!
Aasemoon =)

IEEE Spectrum: Avoid Microsoft Internet Explorer, German Security Agency Says - 2 views

  • The German government's Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) (or in English, the Federal Office for Information Security) is reported to have told German citizens to avoid all versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) until security flaws that are suspected to allowing Google and other companies in China to be successfully hacked are fixed.
    Hahaha... as if we didn't know already.... =))
    so in other words, avoid the use of a personal computer altogether, because your safety and security cannot be guaranteed under any circumstances, unless you are running a Mac, right?
    Well not exactly... just avoid IE as much as possible. ;)
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