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Markus Eberius

digg stops shouting | - 0 views

    digg stops shouting Since today digg doesn't allow shouting anymore. What was a "shout" ? If you submitted an article or you find a good article at digg you could share this article with your friends. For sharing the article you sent a "shout" to them. If you wanted to communicate with one of your friends you could sent him a "shout" (message).
Jungle Jar

Working With Digg Buttons And Badges - 0 views

    Whether you're working with adding the buttons to have your articles submitted to (dugg) using basic XHTML and CSS or using dynamic Wordpress PHP code, this article will show you how to do it while keeping your XHTML valid under the strict doctype.
my mashable : Save and Share Tweet, Facebook and Digg from Your Mobile - 0 views

    People today read latest topics and updates via mobile phones. Reading the tweet, Facebook updates and your favorite Digg is possible in phone, but still share the information is still challenging for for phone app makers. Recently i read about, it offers simple social sharing and bookmarking tool that proves especially useful for iPhone and other smart phone users.
Willis Wee

3 Possible Reasons Why Digg Has More Men Than Women - 3 views

    it's consumer perception that led to Digg being the only site dominated by the males.
Giovanni Cerri

Come Riconquistare Un Uomo - 0 views

    Come Riconquistare Un Uomo su Digg
John Wright

Digg: Amazon Manager Will Take the Helm, Try to Save Site From Tides of History - 0 views

    I look forward to seeing how it all plays out for Digg. I still see much potential for it. If they just change it to be like a Twitter just for links and make it easy for anyone to post to it, they could get back a lot of users. They do need to reinvent themselves and I think there hype capital from a few years back could still benefit them very much.

Digg / News - 0 views

shared by offerl on 16 Feb 07 - Cached
    How to make $ 40,000 in one month with very quickly. What you need. The latest American news article. Immediately visit
my mashable

Google Gadgets : "What's Popular" Find Popular Items Over Internet - 0 views

    iGoogle gadgets interact with the user and utilize the Google Gadgets API. Some gadgets developed for Google Desktop can also be used within iGoogle. The Google Gadgets API is public and allows anyone to develop a gadget for any need. iGoogle recently added a new gadget named " What's Popular". It seems to be similar to Digg, Reddit, Stumbleupon. where you can vote the web pages and add content you find interesti
Graham Perrin

Digg the Blog » Blog Archive » Google Juice & Page Views: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the DiggBar - 0 views

  • best practices
  • framed and linked directly to source content via the DiggBar
  • content-provider-friendly
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • search engines continue to count the original source
  • unmodified links
  • always represent the source URL as the preferred version of the URL to search engines
  • noindex
  • content providers have experienced
  • traffic bumps
  • symbiotic
    Intereesting reading. Thanks to Jeremy Gollehon for the reference.
Jungle Jar

3 Web Applications That Submit Your Posts To Social Bookmark - 1 views

    Submitting your content to a bunch of social bookmarking communities such as reddit, digg, and delicious by hand sucks. Below is a list I've aggregated of some pretty decent web applications to submit your website's links to social bookmarking communities with.

Digg - Use a Google Account as an OpenID! - 0 views

    Use google account as an OpenID
Frederik Van Zande

CodeProject: Fast, Scalable, Streaming AJAX Proxy - continuously deliver data from across domains. Free source code and programming help - 0 views

    Due to browsers' prohibition on cross domain XMLHTTP calls, all AJAX websites must have a server side proxy to fetch content from external domains like Flickr or Digg. From the client-side JavaScript code, an XMLHTTP call goes to the server-side proxy hosted on the same domain, and then the proxy downloads the content from the external server and sends back to the browser. In general, all AJAX websites on the Internet that are showing content from external domains are following this proxy approach, except for some rare ones who are using JSONP. Such a proxy gets a very large number of hits when a lot of components on the website are downloading content from external domains. So, it becomes a scalability issue when the proxy starts getting millions of hits. Moreover, a web page's overall load performance largely depends on the performance of the proxy as it delivers content to the page. In this article, we will take a look at how we can take a conventional AJAX Proxy and make it faster, asynchronous, continuously stream content, and thus make it more scalable.
Kim Woodbridge

12 Useful Social Networking Sites - 0 views

    Many of us know about StumbleUpon, Digg, Reddit. But here are 12 other social networking sites that are very useful and powerful.
Jeff Johnson

Online bookmarking dilemma - 0 views

    I have been facing the problem of which online bookmarking service to use for quite some time now. This is due to the fact that I have the StumbleUpon and Google toolbars installed on Firefox, and also have accounts on, blinklist and digg (and possibly some others which I can't remember right now :-). Too diversified for my own good you say. Well my thoughts exactly. So, if you have any suggestions or comments be my guest.
avivajazz  jazzaviva

AlertThingy - 0 views

    All your stuff (including Facebook, Digg, Flickr, Tumbler,, Yammer, Huddle, Jaiku, TwitPic) in one place, on your desktop. See all your contacts from many social sites in AlertThingy. Use its filters to focus on the data you care about.
Jeff Johnson

Web 2.0 Mashup: Best of the Internet Today - 0 views

    The best of today from digg, reddit, fark, delicious, stumbleupon, lifehacker, wired and more all in one page.
Aline Ohannessian

Glass Menagerie Icon Set 1 - by ArtWave Design | Design Marketing Advertising Free Tips - 0 views

    I present to you my latest icon creation! Glass Menagerie Icon Set 1 consists of 4 stunning web 2.0 icons: Twitter, Digg, YouTube & Facebook. They are free for personal use Only...enjoy and share the love :o)
Aline Ohannessian

Web 2.0 Button Icons by ArtWave Design | Design Marketing Advertising Free Tips - 0 views

    Hey hey, ArtWave Design icon creation anew! Web 2.0 Button Icons consists of 6 awesome web 2.0 icons: Twitter, Digg, Stumbleupon, Facebook, mixx and rss. They're free for your personal use :o)
Gordon Herd

5 Insightful TED Talks on Social Media - 0 views

  • 77Share digg_url = ''; digg_title = '5 Insightful TED Talks on Social Media'; digg_bodytext = 'The 2010 Technology Entertainment Design conference will be kicking off tomorrow in Long Beach, California, bringing the leading minds of many fields together to talk shop about innovation, change, and what the future holds.\n\nAs social media has become a game changer for industries across the board, you can bet the experts at this year\'s TED conf'; email share var shared_object = SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "5 Insightful TED Talks on Social Media", url: "" }, {button:false,onmouseover:false}); shared_object.attachButton(document.getElementById('st_sharethis')); shared_object.attachChicklet('email', document.getElementById('st_email')); The 2010 Technology Entertainment Design conference will be kicking off tomorrow in Long Beach, California, bringing the leading minds of many fields together to talk shop about innovation, change, and what the future holds.As social media has become a game changer for industries across the board, you can bet the experts at this year’s TED conference will have their sights set on peeling back the hype and getting at the core of what social technology has in store for this year and beyond.Perhaps the best part of the TED conferences is that videos of the talks are archived and free to view right on the organization’s website. Given the wealth of insight we’re sure to see tomorrow, we thought we’d whet your appetite by highlighting a few recent and exceptional talks from TED’s past, with a focus on social media.
    5 Insightful TED Talks on Social Media.
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