CodeProject: Fast, Scalable, Streaming AJAX Proxy - continuously deliver data from acro... - 0 views
Frederik Van Zande on 30 Apr 08Due to browsers' prohibition on cross domain XMLHTTP calls, all AJAX websites must have a server side proxy to fetch content from external domains like Flickr or Digg. From the client-side JavaScript code, an XMLHTTP call goes to the server-side proxy hosted on the same domain, and then the proxy downloads the content from the external server and sends back to the browser. In general, all AJAX websites on the Internet that are showing content from external domains are following this proxy approach, except for some rare ones who are using JSONP. Such a proxy gets a very large number of hits when a lot of components on the website are downloading content from external domains. So, it becomes a scalability issue when the proxy starts getting millions of hits. Moreover, a web page's overall load performance largely depends on the performance of the proxy as it delivers content to the page. In this article, we will take a look at how we can take a conventional AJAX Proxy and make it faster, asynchronous, continuously stream content, and thus make it more scalable.