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my mashable

Friendfeed Beta More Like Twitter - 0 views

    Friendfeed introduce a new design for Friendfeed at on April 06, 2009. The newly re-designed friendfeed beta version looks a lot like Twitter. Forget the refresh button. All pages now update in real-time. You'll see your friends' photos and messages stream in as they're shared. Comments and likes also get displayed as they happen.
Mike Chelen

Add feed X to friendfeed via web - FriendFeed - 0 views

    I'd like a web page (not API call) such that if I post a feed URL to it via an HTML form, the friendfeed user will be asked where to add the feed (home feed, room, ...) and then sent back to a page I specify in another post variable.
my mashable

Facebook Clones Friendfeed's "Like" Feature - 0 views

    Facebook seems to get more similar to FriendFeed every day. The latest, the addition of an "I like this" link on News Feed items, is one of the more significant challenges to the lifestreaming service yet, as it essentially duplicates a major component of what makes FriendFeed tick - a simple, one-click display of indicating your liking of a specific item in a stream of activities and a view of all of the other people that have also liked it.

FriendFeed - 0 views

    FriendFeed enables you to keep up-to-date on the web pages, photos, videos and music that your friends and family are sharing. It offers a unique way to discover and discuss information among friends. Sign up for FriendFeed, invite some friends, and get a customized feed made up of the content that your friends shared - from news articles to family photos to interesting links and videos. FriendFeed automatically imports shared stuff from sites across the web, so if your friend favorites a video on YouTube, you get a link and a thumbnail of the video in your feed. And if your friend likes a news story on Digg, you get a link in your feed. FriendFeed makes all the sites you already use a little more social.
    A special feed for your friends to view
    wow. yes this is really amazing... i shared lots of pics and articles to my friends and relatives

20 ways to being a bigger friendfeed monster than Guy Kawasaki - 0 views

    20 key features of friendfeed and how to use them to be an aggregating social media monster!
Mysticle W

HOW TO: Connect With the FriendFeed Community - 0 views

    using friendfeed
Andrew Long

New FriendFeed: Simpler, Faster, Better (Maybe Too Fast) | Techcrunch - 0 views

    Techcrunch details features of the new Friendfeed interface rollout. In beta so check it and comment.
Michael Wuensch

spy :: visualizes the conversations on Twitter, Friendfeed, Flickr, Blogs and more. - 0 views

    Spy can listen in on the social media conversations you're interested in. What do you want to listen for? .. Twitter, Friendfeed, ...
y 9216

The Future of Search: Social Relevancy Rank - 0 views

  • Real-time Web search (of streams of activities) is a hot topic right now.
  • Solution 101: Rank by Friends and People You Follow
  • Here is an idea so obvious that it is surprising Twitter has not implemented it already: front-load search results with people you follow.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • This is not possible on Twitter today, but it already works great on FriendFeed.
  • Small Worlds and Taste Neighbors
  • As a next step, search results could rank people you may not be directly following but who are being followed by people you follow.
  • And now, as always, please tell us what you think? What would you expect from a search engine with Social Relevancy Rank built in?
  • someone who is followed by hundreds of thousands of users is likely more relevant to you than someone you don't know at all.
  • Using number of followers as a weight might be a good way to order the rest of the activity stream.
    • y 9216
  • The Quest for the Perfect Filter
  • Social Relevancy Rank will evolve over time to help us make sense of endless streams of activity. This ranking will have a profound impact on how we tap into our friends' opinions.
  • The Influencers and the Crowd
    FriendFeed has recently launched a search feature, and so Facebook search must be coming soon. Real-time Web search (of streams of activities) is a hot topic right now. Everyone, including Google and Microsoft, recognizes the value of using trusted contacts as filters. What was once called social search is now called real-time search, but this time it will really happen. First, it will be applied to streams and then to the Web in general. What we are about to get is a Social Relevancy Rank. Whenever you search streams of activity, the results will be ordered not chronologically but by how relevant each is to you based on your social graph. That is, people who matter more to you will bubble up. How does this work? Well, there will be a formula, just as there is a formula for Page Rank.
Gordon Herd

FFHolic - Friendfeed on the rocks! - 15 views

    FFHolic - Friendfeed on the rocks!
Corvida Raven

Welcome to Mail 2 FF! - 0 views

shared by Corvida Raven on 26 Jun 08 - Cached
    Post messages to FriendFeed via
Andrew Long

BREAKING: Facebook Acquires FriendFeed | Mashable - 0 views

    "Huge news in the world of social media today: FacebookFacebook has acquired online activity aggregator FriendFeedFriendFeed."
Markus Eberius

full automatically retweeting at twitter | - 0 views

    Many people ask how other twitter users can have so many updates a day. Do they have nothing else to do, only tweeting. In my article"Combine twitter, friendfeed, twitterfeed and RSS" I described how to bring your blog or webpage articles automatically in twitter. Today I will show how to automatically retweet articles.
Zohar Manor-Abel

Decentralized moderation is the chat room savior « Scobleizer: Technology, in... - 0 views

    Why gets to what friendfeed has done that's its most brilliant invention and one that very few people understand. It's so good I wonder why they haven't patented it. I call it decentralized moderation.
cysko cysko

The Nambu Network | Social Messaging Streamlined - 0 views

    Sweet Mac/iPhone desktop Twitter/Friendfeed app.
David Feng

David Feng - FriendFeed - 0 views

shared by David Feng on 02 Sep 08 - Cached
    • David Feng
      This is my friend feed
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