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Shambles Termly Newsletter Feb 09 now online - 22 views

shambles newsletter web2 teaching lerning international

Shamblesguru Smith

Shambles Newsletter May 2011 .. now online - 15 views

    Shambles Newsletter May 2011 .. now online and it lives at or use the short url It only comes out three time a year ... designed specifically for k-12 educators The Content in this issue includes - launch of ShamblesPad (built on EtherPad) - Facebook instant OpenSIM VW - IB in LinkedIn - CPD courses and conferences - iPad School Timetable App written by a student - SAGE: Speakers, Authors, Guests, Experts - PLANA Australia New Zealand CPD Portal - #21CLHK #learn21cn #TechEx2011 #barcampcm4 #rscon3 - iDevices Apps #mlearning #Apps #edapp - The Relationship Manifesto - Digitise the Text Book Industry - The TED-Ed Brain Trust - Generation Y: Who, What, How - Flipped Classroom I'd appreciate your help to spread the word by forwarding this email to education colleagues or by Tweeting or through Social networks. It might be more convenient to use the url which has a sign-up form and also contains archives back to 2002. The next edition out in November (enjoy the summer hols) Many thanks Chris Chris Smith (shamblesguru) (over 10,000 visitors a day) Bio Follow me on Twitter @shamblesguru I hope you are already signed up for the free Shambles newsletter … only 3 a year

La mitad de intereses internacionales en empresas españolas procede de la UE ... - 0 views

    • soniacalonso
  • SociedadRedes SocialesBlogs Viajes Virales ViralesJuegos y Tests Multimedia MultimediaÁlbumesVídeosEspaña is not SpainEl día en 24 fotos Vanitatis Servicios El ConfidencialCERRAR BuscarNewsletterInicia sesiónRegístrateACCEDER A LA COMUNIDADSALIR 685067 Facebook 546955 Twitter 3593 Google plus 4290 Youtube 1657 Instagram email contacto moderador elconfidencial <div cla

MailChimp » Email Newsletters and Email Marketing | - 0 views

    MailChimp helps you design email newsletters, share them on social networks, integrate with services you already use, and track your results. It's like your own personal publishing platform. MailChimp makes it easy to design exceptional email campaigns, share them on social networks, integrate with web services you already use, manage subscribers and track...

gr8 tools to unelash the power of your documents #edtech20 #pln - 0 views

    You can also subscribe to 1st monthly Curation newsletter
Gary Edwards

Welcome to the next tech revolution: Liquid computing | InfoWorld - 7 views

  • In a nutshell, what Handoff -- and liquid computing in general -- portends is a world where both data and activities move around as needed. The device isn't the center of the universe, as it has been since the first computer.
  • The journey to liquid computing
  • everal years ago, Google showed us a different way: the cloud as the new center. With Google Docs (now called Drive), you created your documents on its browser-accessible servers and worked on them there, usually through a browser but also via native apps on iOS and Android. You didn't have to sync your data, because it was accessible from pretty much any device. Unfortunately, Google's Web-based apps don't work that well versus what you can do on a smartphone, tablet, or PC native app, so most of us still start with the device and use the cloud as mostly a convenient file share.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Apple's iCloud Documents took the same idea but tied it to specific apps, moving us away from the notion of a common file pool to a common activity pool: text documents or spreadsheets or photos.
  • Apple's initial iCloud Documents approach was too tied to its apps, though, so it hasn't really expanded beyond Apple's own applications. (Apple is moving to correct that mistake in iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite.)
    "I was typing an email on my iPad, and I got distracted. Some time later, I set the iPad down on my desk, and an icon on my Mac appeared. I clicked it, and in seconds the Mail app was running with that partially entered email in front of me. That's the Handoff feature in action, part of the iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite updates that will ship this fall. It's a sign of a change in computing that Google and Microsoft are also pursuing, not just Apple. Liquid Computing Welcome to the next tech revolution: Liquid computing Liquid computing: The next wave of the mobile experience Apple Watch: The Internet of things' new frontier iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite are both in beta, so I can't really talk about the details of Handoff yet. But I can say it works just as Apple showed off at its recent WWDC conference's public keynote. Handoff is the first big step into a future where the notion of a device will go through a radical transformation. [ Mobile and PC management: The tough but unstoppable union. | Subscribe to InfoWorld's Consumerization of IT newsletter today. ] At first blush, what Apple is doing is blurring the lines between mobile and desktop devices. That's true, but it's only part of the actual transformation under way. There's no real name for this transformation yet, so I'm calling it liquid computing until someone else comes up with a better name. In a nutshell, what Handoff -- and liquid computing in general -- portends is a world where both data and activities move around as needed. The device isn't the center of the universe, as it has been since the first computer. Think back to the early PC era, when people first started getting PCs at home, not just at work. Remember the effort we all spent in making sure we copied our files to a disk for use at home? We had to bring our data with us or else use a network connection to a file share. That model has persisted to this day, which is why the biggest loss of corporate data remains the lost or stolen thumb drive or

30+ Best new web development tools in 2016 - 0 views

    In 2016 the web development tools are very exciting and make your working on HTML CSS and other platforms or languages of website very easy, like animations, transition, library, newsletters, boxes, games, wire frames and other important thinks now very easier than easy to do in very short time and short efforts, so every designer should also learn trends of web design in 2016 and this best new tools of web design in 2016.

Letterpop - 1 views

shared by anonymous on 28 May 07 - Cached
    making best indexing in goggle and bing. RADJASEOTEA is a master of backlinks. You want indexing in goggle and bing. LOOK THIS
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Best Penny Stock Picks - 0 views

shared by penny stocks on 22 Aug 12 - No Cached
    When will I receive my first newsletter? Our goal is to send you one of our best penny stock picks every two weeks. However the market can be up & down. We may sometimes take a little more time in order to make a smart decision.
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Mass Mailing Companies - 0 views

    Get highest email deliverability and return of your email marketing investments with globally backend mass mailing technology from iCubes.
Katy L

Use Twitter in PowerPoint | Poll Everywhere - 0 views

    How to use Twitter as a presenter.

Web Design Toronto, Toronto Web Design Experts - Magenta Design - 1 views

    3 important questions to ask before choosing a web design company in Toronto? Your website is often the first touch point your customers will have with your business. You need a website that will impress visitors and convert them into customers. That's why choosing the right web design company in Toronto is crucial. Some initial research will go a long way in ensuring you choose the right agency. Once you have a list of prospective agencies you want to consider, be sure to ask them the right questions to help assess if they are a good fit for your goals and requirements. Assess their answers to each of these questions. The way they handle the question, the level of transparency they showcase when answering, are all equally important aspects that will help you weed out the bad agencies from good web design companies. Here are three crucial questions that can help you choose the right web design company in Toronto. How many rounds of revisions would you offer? When it comes to revisions and edits, it's important to know your limits. Would you be allowed to make changes at every stage of the web design project? How many rounds of revisions are you allowed? The right answer: Here at Magenta Design, we offer unlimited revisions. We keep making edits and revisions until you are happy. We are confident our format works and are happy to offer unlimited revisions. Do you offer a satisfaction guarantee? It's important to know that your agency can deliver the solution you expect. What if you are not happy with the work your web design company in Toronto delivers? What if you are not even happy with the mock-ups they come up with? What sort of resolution would they offer? The right answer: Many of our clients come to us after a bad experience with their web designer. That's why we offer a satisfaction guarantee. How does it work? When you come to us with a brand identity or a website that scores a 4 on a scale of 10, we aim to deliver a solution that at least sco
Lethabo Mkhize

What is web 2.0 in Search engine optimization? - 1 views

As someone who often hesitates to buy clothes online, the LookSize blog on online trial rooms has been a game...

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Turn Visitors into Advocates: The Essential Guide to Understanding Referral Traffic - 1 views

&nbsp;Turn Visitors into Advocates: The Essential Guide to Understanding Referral Traffic Understanding Referral Traffic Referral traffic refers to visitors who arrive at your website by clicking ...

SEO Referral_traffic article

started by techguiders on 22 Jul 24 no follow-up yet
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