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Kirsten G

The Past, Present, and Future of Media Literacy Education - 3 views

    Hobbs, Renee and Amy Jensen. "The Past, Present, and Future of Media Literacy Education." Journal of Media Literacy Education 1.1 (2009): 1-11. EBSCO. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. There is information relating to the past, present, and future uses of technology in this article. The coming of age and declaration of this integrated use had changed and effected many lives. A selection of students were chosen to be a test group. The study was researched to determine if technology has an effect on kids and their learning abilities.
Kirsten G

Critical Issue: Developing a School or District Technology Plan - 1 views

    "Critical Issue: Developing a School or District Technology Plan." North Central Regional Educational Laboratory. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. In this was described a plan for technology to be integrated into a school system. The plan was to give a school access to technology through their curriculum. The school systems wanted to make sure doing this would benefit everyone. Technology is proven to affect people, but negatively or positively is what they wanted to find out.
Colleen Y

Raising Pupils' Self-Esteem through Leadership Activities in Art. - 1 views

    Hickman, Richard. "Raising Pupils' Self-Esteem through Leadership Activities in Art." International Journal of Art and Design Education 25.3 (2006): 329-340. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. This article describes how art can motivate students. Hickman discusses the detachment students sometimes feel from their studies and how art can help engage them. The article specifically examines leadership activities in art. It consists of observations of these activities being carried out. The piece proves how these activities ultimately build confidence in individuals.
Angela D

The Struggle Over Media Literacy - 1 views

    Lewis, J. and Jhally, S. "The Struggle Over Media Literacy." 1998. Journal of Communication, 48: 109-120. Wiley. Web. 17 Nov. 2010. Media literacy is an extremely important thing for an informed person to attain. It is growing more and more important with the increase in media we as consumers see everyday. This article talks specifically about the differences in what media literacy means. Media literacy can mean seeing an image and realizing what it is telling you. But it can also mean seeing an image and realizing why it is there and that is the type that most people are illiterate in.
Angela D


    Chambers, Karen L., and Susan M. Alexander. "MEDIA LITERACY AS AN EDUCATIONAL METHOD FOR ADDRESSING COLLEGE WOMEN'S BODY IMAGE ISSUES." Education 127.4 (2007): 490-497. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. Women are all exposed to images in the media of thin, perfect looking models and are almost always under pressure to look like them. As a result, some women develop an eating disorder to become thin like these models they see in the media. However, not all women do develop an eating disorder. This article discussed the possibility that this is because some women are taught to analyze these images and messages and so they are not as effected by them. Through this media literacy they can overcome what they are shown and they do not hurt themselves and have a healthy self image.
Angela D

Beauty in the "I" of the Beholder: Effects of Idealized Media Portrayals on Implicit Se... - 2 views

shared by Angela D on 22 Nov 10 - No Cached
    Gurari, Inbal, John J. Hetts, and Michael J Strube. "Beauty in the "I" of the Beholder: Effects of Idealized Media Portrayals on Implicit Self-Image." Basic & Applied Social Psychology 28.3 (2006): 273-282. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. This article discusses the results found in a study of people about how they feel about their self images. It shows that there is a difference between how the subjects reacted and they are measured with explicit reactions and implicit reactions. Both of these styles of reactions show similar results as previous studies showing that the level of beauty stressed in media caused children, especially girls to have a lower self esteem and makes them have more emphasis of their own personal appearance.
Ahmed A

"International students: a vulnerable student population". - 0 views

    Sherry, Mark, Thomas Peter and Wing Hong Chui. "International students: a vulnerable student population". Higher Education; Jul 2010, Vol. 60 Issue 1, p33-46, 14p. The article takes a study of students at University of Toledo right here in Ohio, examining the problems they face as well as how they are helped in overcoming them, from social to economic to language barriers.
Ahmed A

"In America's Interest: Welcoming International Students" - 0 views

    NAFSA: Association of International Educators, "In America's Interest: Welcoming International Students". Report of NAFSA's Strategic Task Force on International Student Access. January 14, 2003. This report was released to show how amidst all the recent terror attacks, efforts are being made to still allow much access to international students, while at the same time being very mindful of security threats to the U.S. It has various statements from important personnel's such as Koffi Anan and U.S Secretary of Defense.
Ahmed A

"NAFSA Opinion Article: Toward a New Foreign-Student Strategy" - 0 views

    Johnson, Marlene. "NAFSA Opinion Article: Toward a New Foreign-Student Strategy". The Chronicle of Higher Education. July 28, 2006, Volume 52, Issue 47, Page B16. This opinion about the article states how the governments of some countries actually have strategies in place to attract a given amount of international students to their nations every year, most times to meet a certain goal. It states how they spend millions of dollars to make the nations more attractive to these students, and I'm guessing they do this because they know of the added benefit that having these students will have to their own nations.
Ahmed A

"Developed world is robbing African countries of health staff" - 0 views

    Coombes, Rebecca."Developed world is robbing African countries of health staff". BMJ, Volume 230, p.923, April 23, 2005. This article talks about how developed nations are draining all the healthcare professionals out of the developing countries, and that this sort of drain is causing very strained health services in these regions, since most of them have very few to no doctors or nurses in most of the areas. This helps in quickening the depletion of health services and thus health in general, in these developing nations.
Ahmed A

"Who Plans (Not) to Study Abroad? - 0 views

    Stroud, April. "Who Plans (Not) to Study Abroad? An Examination of U.S. Student Intent." Journal of Studies in International Education; 11/01/2010, Vol. 14 Issue 5, p491-507. This journal examines international education, specifically on how the U.S is taking steps to increase its students knowledge about the rest of the world, by increasing its study abroad programs and locations, as well as also changing schools curiculum and material, or bestly by passing federal Regulation to enforce all of this.
Michelle O

Trends in gender differences in mathematics and science (TIMSS 1995-2003). - 1 views

    Neuschmidt, Oliver, Juliane Barth, and Dirk Hastedt. "Trends in gender differences in mathematics and science (TIMSS 1995-2003)." Studies in Educational Evaluation 34.2 (2008): 56-72. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. There has been a study the gender gap in math and science in the 8th grade from 1995 to 2003. Throughout the years the gap a narrowed but only in science. We have seen an improvement within physics and chemistry. They did see that there had been a change in math but not by much. The education systems want to change this gap so that everyone is on the same level. After this study, they found that the information was helpful.
Michelle O

Different, Not Better: Gender Differences in Mathematics Learning and Achievement. - 3 views

    Geist, Eugene A., and Margaret King. "Different, Not Better: Gender Differences in Mathematics Learning and Achievement." Journal of Instructional Psychology 35.1 (2008): 43-52. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. Within this article they go through data, literature and research on the gap of the gender. They question if boys are really better at math compared to girls. Yes, there is a gap between the genders that they have found by it is not caused by what we think. The assumption is that there is a biological difference but with the studies they figured out that males learn differently compared to females which is causing this gap. The education systems need to take this in to consideration so that the needs of both genders get met.
Michelle O

Preservice Teachers Examine Gender Equity in Teaching Mathematics. - 2 views

    Newman, Maureen D. "Preservice Teachers Examine Gender Equity in Teaching Mathematics." Teaching Children Mathematics 13.7 (2007): 388-395. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. This article talks about how the teachers of America want to change the gender gap. Between 1990 and 2007 there has not been much change in the gender gap in math. Teachers have goals of changing this so that both genders are on the same level. There are programs out there that are teaching current and future teachers of how to teach to both genders. Also they are teaching early childhood teachers how to make sure that the gap does not start so early.
Michelle O

In England, Girls Are Closing Gap With Boys in Math. - 3 views

    Whalen, Jeanne, and Sharon Begley. "In England, Girls Are Closing Gap With Boys in Math." Wall Street Journal - Eastern Edition 30 Mar. 2005: A1+. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. In England they are talking about changing how they teach math within the classroom. They want to close the gender gap in math by changing how teachers teach their lessons. The school boards want to switch from a simple lecture and memorizing to a more hands on so that may the girls could have a better chance of catching up. Harvard is looking into if this is a good idea to do because they are having a hard time figuring out why males excel in math compared to females.
Michelle O

Gender Differences in Growth in Mathematics Achievement: Three-Level Longitudinal and M... - 1 views

    Ai, Xiaoxia. "Gender Differences in Growth in Mathematics Achievement: Three-Level Longitudinal and Multilevel Analyses of Individual, Home, and School Influences." Mathematical Thinking & Learning 4.1 (2002): 1-22. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. This is a study done to see what affects the gender gap with mathematics. They focus on the grades 7 through 10. They use a three step program to see the growth with the students. Also they control what goes on the in the class room and talk about what they discovered. Results show that home resources, individual behavior problems, and attitude toward mathematics were related to growth in mathematics. It also talked about how if a student started in a higher level math class there was not much growth difference.
Michelle O

Closing the Gender Gap - 1 views

    Beckman, Mary. "Closing the Gender Gap." Science Now (2005): 1-3. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. With new research done with monkeys, they have found that there is a gender gap in math but mainly in early childhood and that the gap could be closed. With a little extra training the female monkeys can catch up to the males. That extra work can close that gap. Monkeys and humans are similar so if we try the same ideas they did with the female monkeys, maybe as humans we could close the gender gap within math.
Michelle O

Gender, Culture and Mathematics Performance - 3 views

    Hyde, Janet S., and Janet E. Mertz. "Gender, culture, and mathematics performance." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106.22 (2009): 8801-8807. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. This article talks about if there is a relationship between gender, culture and mathematics performance. They go through three questions the want to answer -Do gender differences in mathematics performance exist in the general population? Do gender differences exist among the mathematically talented? Do females exist who possess profound mathematical talent? The article talks about how some countries have closed the gap such as England but the USA has not. They go to answer all of the questions through the research they do and have charts/graphs.
Michelle O

Narrowing of Math Gender Gap - 1 views

    "Narrowing of Math Gender Gap." Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association 12.3 (2009): 9. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. The University of Wisconisn- Madison did research on the math gender gap and this was due to a article "Culture, Not Biology, Underpins Math Gender Gap," published in "ScienceDaily" on June 2, 2009. With more math education they think that we can close the gender gap. Also they found that women with job opportunities are helping close the gap too.
Peter W

DUI & DWI in Ohio - 0 views

    this is a government web site that gives all the facts for DUI and DWI's. the DMV talks about the harsh penalties that one will receive if caught. they also talk about the risks of drunk driving and how many people die from it. "Ohio DUI & DWI Laws & Enforcement - DMV Guide." The DMV Made Simple - Web. 10 Dec. 2010.
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