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What Teachers Can Learn From Mothers of Children With Autism. - 1 views

    Harte, Helene Arbouet. "What Teachers Can Learn From Mothers of Children With Autism." Teaching Exceptional Children 42.1 (2009): 24-30. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. This article is about how parents can help teachers at school with their autistic children. Parents are using a research method called photovoice. Photovoice pairs participant-generated photographs with interviews. This helps teachers learn activities they participate in at home, how the parents engage with the children, and goals and needs of parents for helping their children. This article also explains how children react with these research methods, and how it helps them develop and learn.

Transition from High School to College for Students with Learning Disabilities: Needs, ... - 0 views

    Levinson, Edward M., and Denise L. Ohler. "Transition from High School to College for Students with Learning Disabilities: Needs, Assessment, and Services." The University of North Carolina Press, Oct.-Nov. 1998. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. This article talks about how the number of students going to college with learning disabilities is at an all-time high. It talks about requirements for colleges to help these students out. The article stresses how the transition is often a difficult one for these students. It also provides information about how the universities can best help the students with the transition. The article says one of the main causes for the problems students with learning disabilities face is the abundance of free time.

Gender and Literacy Learning: Implications for Research in Adult Literacy - 1 views

    Hayes, Elisabeth, and Jennifer Hopkins. "Gender and Literacy Learning: Implications for Research in Adult Literacy Education." (1996): ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. This article is also a research article about adult literacy. It touches base on gender roles as it applies to literacy. It establishes that the lack of focus on gender roles and literacy effects the success in that area of knowledge. It states that the development between women and men is different pertaining to literacy, menaing it is an unequal development. Lack of attention on this issue and resistence to accept this social role causes problems when learning about writing.

Discriminating children with autism from children with learning difficulties with an ad... - 3 views

    O'Brien, Justin, et al. "Discriminating children with autism from children with learning difficulties with an adaptation of the Short Sensory Profile." Early Child Development & Care 179.4 (2009): 383-394. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 9 Nov. 2010. In the autistic spectrum, there are two groups of responders to sensory stimuli. One is hyper-sensitive and the other is hypo-sensitive. Autistic kids who are hyper-sesitive often have habits of flicking the ear, clapping or moving the hands in front of the eyes, and grinding the teeth. Some studies have shown that kids with autism have greater sensory symptoms than children with regular learning disabilities, although some say that they have vey similar symptoms. From the studies, autistic children showed more impairment in auditory hyper-sensitive and visual factors compared to the learning disability group or the control group.

Understanding and Facilitating Reading Comprehension in Children with Autism. - 1 views

    Gira, Kathy. "Understanding and Facilitating Reading Comprehension in Children with Autism." Illinois Reading Council Journal 38.2 (2010): 27-34. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. Autism is found to be four more times common in boys than girls. People diagnosed with ASD either are high functioning or low functioning. The people who are considered high functioning are categorized as having Aspergers Syndrom in the autism spectrum. People diagnosed with AS are being placed in regular classrooms because typically they have average intelligence, or above average intelligence. Children with autism have difficulties understanding important information, literal thinking styles, comprehending and thinking abstractly, and have difficulties with their organization skills. Because of their inability to think abstractly, they have a difficult time learning how to read. Autistic children don't have a great attention span, they have trouble learning the rules of grammar, and they lack the motivation to learn to read. Hyperlexia is a term used to describe some autistic people. It means they have an understanding of the pronunciation and recognition of a word, but they lack the comprehension of the meaning of the word.

'I felt like I did something good'... - 1 views

    Jones, Val. "'I Felt like I Did Something Good'..." EBSCOhost. Web. 18 Nov. 2010.

    - This article talks about the importance of peer interaction for Autistic students. It displays how tutors can help Autistic children not only learn, but also develop their social skills. It talks about the importance of the mainstream tutors to be encouraging to the Autistic students. This would be a good strategy to talk about in a paper. The use of average, mainstream students may make the Autistic students not feel as excluded and the encouragement from the "regular" children could generally make the Autistic student happier and, therefore, more motivated to learn.


Making the Transition from High School to College for Students with Disabilities - 1 views

    Lewis, Colleen. "Making the Transition from High School to College for Students with Disabilties." National Center for Learning Disabilities, 2008. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. This article addresses the transition from high school to college for students with learning disabilities. It gives the differences between receiving help in high school and receiving help in college. For example, in college one has to actively seek help. Also one must proof with documentation that they indeed to have a learning disability. The article informs the reader what what the student with a disability should do once accepted into college. It gives helpful information to make the transition as smooth as possible

Different, Not Better: Gender Differences in Mathematics Learning and Achievement. - 3 views

    Geist, Eugene A., and Margaret King. "Different, Not Better: Gender Differences in Mathematics Learning and Achievement." Journal of Instructional Psychology 35.1 (2008): 43-52. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. Within this article they go through data, literature and research on the gap of the gender. They question if boys are really better at math compared to girls. Yes, there is a gap between the genders that they have found by it is not caused by what we think. The assumption is that there is a biological difference but with the studies they figured out that males learn differently compared to females which is causing this gap. The education systems need to take this in to consideration so that the needs of both genders get met.

Educational and social late effects of childhood cancer and related clinical, personal,... - 1 views

    Barrera, Maru, Amanda K., Shaw M., Kathy N.,Elizabeth Maunsell, Lisa Pogany. "Educational and social late effects of childhood cancer and related clinical, personal, and familial characteristics." Cancer 104 (2005) n. pag. Web. 15 Nov. 2010. This article notes the effects that childhood cancer had on adults. It gives percentages of how many had to repeat a grade along with how many had learning disibilities. The article also explains the socail problems they had as children leading to them not having a very close friends through school. Also it reports how their medical problems let to them physically having problems that interfied with their learning (i.e. tumors).

Windows into Children's Thinking: A Guide to Storytelling and Dramatization - 1 views

    Wright, Cheryl, et al. "Windows into Children's Thinking: A Guide to Storytelling and Dramatization." Early Childhood Education Journal 35.4 (2008): 363-369. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. This article talks about how promoting storytelling in the classroom helps promote children's creativity and originality. The teacher should encourage stroytelling acitivities and to prompt the kids to tell their made up story without influencing the content. Teachers should aslo send home copies of their stories so they can tell their story again at home. It is good for the kids to learn at school and then take what they have learned home with them, like with storytelling.

Instant Messaging: Friend or Foe of Student Writing? - 2 views

    This article acknowledges the growing prevalence of instant messaging and text messaging in today's society. It reveals the two different beliefs of how these new forms of communication affect writing. One belief is that it has caused a "breakdown of the English language" from the use of abbreviations and lack of punctuation. The second is that students have been encouraged to write more and that it is helping them practice their literacy skills. These technologies can be used as learning tools, but the problem is that students have a hard time distinguishing when to use informal and when to use formal writing. The challenge now is how to teach children how to use this new tool for literacy.

Enhancing Student Learning Through Arts Integration: Implications for the Profession. - 1 views

    Gullatt, David E. "Enhancing Student Learning Through Arts Integration: Implications for the Profession." High school Journal (2008): 12-25. EBSCO. Web. 15 Nov. 2010. This article discusses how student learning can be enhanced by the arts. There is an analysis of how schools in America are doing this in comparison to other countries. It looks at how much the arts influence education presently. In addition creates ideas of how schools should integrate the arts in the future. The piece looks at how art affects cognition and benefits many areas of thinking.

Teaching Music to Children with Autism: Understandings and Perspectives - 1 views

    Hourigan, Ryan, and Amy Hourigan. "Teaching Music to Children with Autism : Understandings and Perspectives." EBSCOhost. Web. 18 Nov. 2010.\n\n- This study focuses on Autistic students that primarily learn from audio or music (auditory). It starts by briefly explaining what Autism is again. It then goes on to list similar disorders that are under the same "umbrella" as Autism. It lists many concerns that Autistic students have, so that you can relate to them easier. It also talks about how to teach Autistic children music. This would be a good example for a teaching method in a paper.\n\nTHIS SOURCE IS SCHOLARLY.

Effects of Test-Taking Strategy Instruction on High-Functioning Adolescents... - 1 views

    Songlee, Dalhee, Susan P. Miller, Tincani Matt, Nancy M. Sileo, and Peggy G. Perkins. "Effects of Test-Taking Strategy Instruction on High-Functioning Adolescents..." EBSCOhost. Web. 18 Nov. 2010.\n\n- This site is about an experiment. Baiscally, Autistic students were attempted to be taught a new test-taking method. The children stayed after school and were monitered while taught using proven strategies. They were then given tests and observed. The children proved that Autistic children can indeed pick up new methods of learning when properly taught. Find the link on EBSCOhost summary page.\n\nTHIS SOURCE IS SCHOLARLY.

Internationalizing the Curriculum: Improving Learning Through International Education: ... - 1 views

    Guerin, Stephen H. "Internationalizing the Curriculum: Improving Learning Through International Education: Preparing Students for Success in a Global Society." Community College Journal of Research & Practice; Aug2009, Vol. 33 Issue 8, p611-614, 4p Still in view of international education, this article looks at how the education being received by the students here, although thought to be globalized, is actually really only nationalized. They did a survey of the curriculum's of various schools which have a strong international student base and found this to be true. All in all it proves its point that the notion of an international education actually most times does not do much in the way of preparing the students for an international or global education.

Can Learning be Virtually Boosted? An Investigation of Online Social Networking Impacts - 1 views

    Yu, Angela Yan, et al. "Can Learning be Virtually Boosted? An Investigation of Online Social Networking Impacts." Computers & Education 55.4 (2010): 1494-1503. Electronic Journal Center. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. This article discusses the impact of social networking (mostly Facebook) on students who attend college or universities. It also talks about how university students are using Facebook to get feedback on educational assignments and thus are improving their web-based learning performance. It also explores the concept that social networking sites such as Facebook are helping college students become socially accepted in the university setting.

Achieving Teaching and Learning Excellence With Technology - 4 views

    Marcoux, Elizabeth. "Achieving Teaching and Learning Excellence With Technology." Teacher Librarian 37.2 (2009): 14-22. Academic Search Complete. Web. This article deals with the idea of enhancing the ability to learn and comrehend teachers by using technological literacy. It includes teachers' responses on how they feel about technology in the classroom. It makes sense to expose a child to technology at a young age, because studies show that they will then be able to comprehend as opposed to later in life. However, not everyone agrees with this statement and the idea that technology should be able to be used in the classroom.

Teaching music literacy in the townships: building partnerships and a culture of accoun... - 1 views

    Barker Reinecke, Marguerite. "Teaching music literacy in the townships: building partnerships and a culture of accountability." OhioLINK. Web. 19 November 2010 The learning of music can transform the lives of young school children and youths in a Johannesburg township. This article describes the background to the pioneering work of the South African Music Education Trust (SAMET) in its attempts to kindle interest in musical literacy, to fund its projects, and to create a culture of trust and partnership between donors and recipients, some of whom are learning about fund management and accountability for the first time.

Don't Give Me a Fish; Teach Me How to Fish: A Case Study of an International Adult Lear... - 1 views

    Mohammed, Methal R. "Don't Give Me a Fish; Teach Me How to Fish: A Case Study of an International Adult Learner." Adult Learning 21.1/2 (2010): 15-18. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. The article is about the experiences of graduate students who have some language difficulty and how that can be a huge barrier to overcome especially in graduate studies. talking about his own experiences in learning in a different language, and what of kind of methods he used to adapt with the new learning environment. He also give the reader a lot on information on how to adapt even faster with the the environment and the Academic life.

Thie Importance of Learning a Second Language in America - 4 views

    K., Lisa "The Importance of Learning a Second Language in America." Associated Content from Yahoo! - 2008 18 Mar. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. Question: What do you call a person who speaks more than one language? Answer: A Bilingual. Question: What do you call a person who speaks only one language? Answer: An American. This "joke" holds some truth because as the world shrinks and countries become increasingly interdependent, experts predict that within the next twenty years it will be necessary for everyone to speak a second, or even a third language. This is an area where the U.S. lack behind in other parts of the world. Learning another language is important in interacting with others and will help to accept and appreciate the different ways of life of people around the world.
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