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Maroc - Programme d'Appui aux Collectivites Territoriales (PACT) - 0 views

    The objective of the Local Government Support Program Project for Morocco is to set up a lasting program to provide local governments in the project area with access to decentralized support services and assistance to institutionalize inter municipal cooperation. There are three components to the project, the first component being de-concentrated Local Governments (LG) support centers. This component will design and pilot a support mechanism, through local single window support centers for LGs in the project area that will provide LGs with technical assistance to prepare and manage projects. These may include infrastructure projects, the improvement or introduction of a new public service or the contracting of a public service to the private sector. Based on the results of the pilot, the support mechanism is expected to be rolled out at a national level. This roll-out is outside the scope of this project. The second component is the inter-municipal cooperation and institutional reform for local service delivery. This component will include specific consulting services and incentives towards accelerating the formation of inter-municipal cooperation structures and the creation of new public asset companies on a pilot basis in the project area that the inter-municipal cooperation structures will establish for planning and financing their infrastructure investments. Finally, the third component is the program management.

Banque mondiale Rwanda AMI Services d'assistance technique - 0 views

    The objective of the Governance for Competitiveness Technical Assistance Project is to strengthen the institutional capacity of selected institutions to improve competitiveness in selected sectors in Rwanda. There are four components to the project, the first component being support to priority Institutions under Strategic Capacity Building Initiative (SCBI). The objective of this component is to strengthen the institutional frameworks of the project selected priority institutions to better deliver on their respective mandates, in support of improved competitiveness and the implementation of Rwanda's Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS) and National Export Strategy (NES). The second component is the support for implementation of the NES. The objective of this component is to support the implementation of the NES's two key growth sectors: tourism and horticulture. It will: (a) provide assistance for the review and development of tourism and horticulture strategies and plans related to competitiveness; and (b) provide technical assistance to guide the implementation of these competitiveness strategies. The third component is the improved public-private dialogue for competitiveness. Finally, the fourth component is the project coordination. This component will support the coordination of the project under the Single Project Implementation Unit (SPIU) under the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MINICOM).

UNIDO and EU to further support vocational training centres in Côte d'Ivoire - 0 views

    ABIDJAN, 17 September 2015 - The European Union (EU) will contribute an additional EUR 16.8 million in support of the efforts by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) to rehabilitate and make fully operational 11 vocational training centres and agricultural schools in Côte d'Ivoire. The financial contribution was confirmed today during a signing ceremony held in the capital, Abidjan. The project, worth in total EUR 29 million and being implemented by UNIDO, supports the vocational training system reform in Côte d'Ivoire. Since its inception in 2012, UNIDO, in cooperation with the Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs and Vocational Training, has provided over 4,000 young people with certified training in line with the demand of the labour market, and helped with the capacity-building of governmental officials and management personnel in pilot vocational centres. Jean-Francois Valette, the EU Ambassador to Côte d'Ivoire, highlighted the importance of expanding this project in order to further decentralize employment and vocational training, as well as support the participation of women in vocational training. "By helping improve the vocational training system and supporting the professional and social integration of the trainees, this project will pave the way for a reform of professional education in the country," said Marlen Bakalli, who manages the project from UNIDO's side.

NEWS: "Memorandum of Agreement" of future collaboration between UNESCO and BIBB - 0 views

    On May 28, 2013 a ''Memorandum of Agreement'' has been signed between UNESCO-UNEVOC and the BIBB. Present were, amongst others, Dr. Shyamal Majumdar, Director of the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre in Bonn, Mr Borhene Chakroun, Director of TVET in UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, and Dr Eckart Lilienthal, Desk Officer BMBF and Professor Dr Reinhold Weiss, Vice President, BIBB. To honour this event, a reception was held at the UN premises in Bonn. The purpose of the Memorandum of Agreement is the prospect of a synergetic collaboration in projects pertaining to the fields of "Greening TVET" and knowledge management, which is supported by sending two experts from the BIBB to work at UNESCO-UNEVOC. The event was inspired by the rising interest worldwide in Technical and Vocational Education and Training cooperation with Germany. The need for closer cooperation, usage and strengthening of the UNEVOC network, consisting of 280 training institutions worldwide, has been emphasized as a primary aim. Mr Lilienthal stressed the great need for support of UNESCO-UNEVOC's effort to promote the areas of Youth & Skills and Greening TVET in the area of Technical and Vocational Education and Training in and outside of Germany. The two experts, who will support those areas, Dr Uta Roth and Ms Dagmar Winzier, are intended to be deployed to UNESCO-UNEVOC for one year initially.

Support de formation en maintenance des motopompes de petite irrigation - 0 views

    Ministère de l'Agriculture / Direction Régionale de l'Agriculture d'Agadez Programme de Lutte Contre la Pauvreté Tahoua Nord (LUCOP TAN), GIZ Ce support a été préparé dans le cadre de la mise en place et animation d'un dispositif d'appui conseil agricole dans quatre communes de l'Aïr par Monieur Illiess Boubacar, électromécanicien pour le compte de la Direction Régionale de l'Agriculture d'Agadez et sur financement du Programme de Lutte Contre la Pauvreté Tahoua Nord (LUCOP TAN), GIZ (Mai 2012).

EOI - Cote d'Ivoire - Junior consultant to support the operationalization of the "jobs ... - 0 views

    Brief description of the Assignment: The objective of this assignment is to support the operationalization of the Jobs for Youth in Africa Strategy, elaborated as a response to Africa's youth unemployment and underemployment crisis. Specific objectives include the development of a strong pipeline of projects under the umbrella of the Bank's Job creation initiative for at least 15 Bank's Regional Member Countries. The scoping exercises aims to learn lessons on best and scalable practices at country level. The junior consultant will also support other activities which has a focus on job creation. The junior consultant will work closely with the Department for Human and Social Development and will further help coordinate at Bank wide level and across the Bank's task force on 'Jobs for Youth'

Third Call for Proposals under the Intra-ACP academic mobility scheme | EuroAfrica-ICT.... - 0 views

    "The third Call for Proposals under the Intra-ACP academic mobility scheme has been launched, with a deadline of 10 June 2013. The intra-ACP academic mobility scheme supports higher education cooperation between countries in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP). The scheme aims to promote sustainable development and poverty alleviation by increasing the availability of trained and qualified high-level professional manpower in the ACP countries. The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) is responsible for the managing this programme, with the support of the African Union (AU) and the Africa Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP), and under the supervision of the Directorate-General for Development and Cooperation-EuropeAid. More… "

Supporting youth in agriculture networking through social reporting - 0 views

    There is a general perception that youth in agriculture, perhaps like their counterparts in other fields, often find themselves on the fringes of regional and global agricultural development discourses due a number of factors - among which are limited access to resources and platforms that can aid their active participation. To address this concern, several governments and development organisations working with youth have, in the past years, developed strategies to engage youth in agriculture, encourage their participation in agriculture development discussions, and stimulate their energies towards contributing to finding solutions to some of agriculture's problems - especially in the developing world. The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) has been one of the organisations at the forefront of this provision of support to youth in agriculture. Drawing on its Youth Strategy, which defines its engagement with young people in the field, CTA has made and continues to make significant contributions to the appeal of agriculture as a profession for youth and the development of young people engaged in the field.

Support de formation : Champs école maraîcher - 0 views

    Ce support de formation (power point) livre un aperçu complet des objectifs et des étapes de mise en œuvre d'un champ école maraîcher (CEM). Facile à lire, il présente notamment l'histoire des champs école paysan, les objectifs et les acteurs de mise en œuvre des CEM ainsi que les différentes étapes de mise en œuvre d'un CEM. Il contient également un rappel sur l'utilisation des engrais, pesticides et semences.

Junior Consultant - Assist with the preparation of the approach paper for the new Agric... - 0 views

    The Agriculture and Agro-Industry Department of the African Development Bank Group (OSAN) is responsible for Bank's assistance in Agriculture and natural resources management in the Regional Member Countries. This assistance includes environmental concerns, promoting agro-industries development, enhancing production, productivity and competitiveness. The Department provides technical and managerial services as well as technical quality assurance to ensure development effectiveness of Bank financed interventions in Agriculture and related areas on the continent . In 2010, the African Development Bank Group started implementing its current Agriculture Sector Strategy (AgSS) covering the period 2010 - 2014. The strategy aims primarily at contributing to the broader development objectives of greater and sustained agricultural productivity, food security and poverty reduction. The strategy was designed with the view of enhancing Bank interventions through more focused, selective and innovative activities. These activities covered areas such as: i) rural infrastructure, including water management and storage, and trade - related capacities for access to local and regional markets; and ii) natural resource management. The strategy also supported selected research initiatives and a wide range of capacity building programs, with distinct features of gender sensitivity, with particular emphasis on fully mainstreaming gender appropriat ely on more than 50% of projects, and ensuring that a similar scope of beneficiaries are women. The Bank recently concluded a Mid-term Review of the AgSS (2010-2014), and will soon commence work on the new Agriculture Strategy to cover the period 2015-2019,and it will be formulated in line with the Bank's Ten Year Strategy ( TYS:2013-2022).OSAN therefore seeks to recruit a junior consultant to assist in : data collection,analysis, research,results reporting and support for the preparation of an approach for the new Strategy.

Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) -- Finalizat... - 0 views

    RUFORUM announces a call for applications for research scholarships to support the finalization of PhD research, data analysis, thesis write-up, publication, and dissemination of findings. Scholarships will be awarded on a competitive basis to Intra-ACP Academic Mobility students registered in one of the five African programmes listed in the announcement, and who are finalizing their studies. The deadline for applications is 30 September 2015.

Renforcement des capacités en conception sur des supports de communication - 0 views

    "ETD, partenaire d'exécution des projets PASA (Programme d'Appui au Secteur Agricole) PADAT (Projet d'Appui au Développement Agricole au Togo), PPAAO (Programme de Productivité Agricole en Afrique de l'Ouest) du PNIASA (Programme Nationale d'Investissement Agricole et de Sécurité Alimentaire), participe à Tsévié, du 22 au 28 janvier 2015 à un atelier de formation sur la conception des supports de communication. La cérémonie d'ouverture de cet atelier a été présidée par Monsieur BATAKA Koutera, Secrétaire Général du Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Élevage et de la Pêche (MAEP), le jeudi 22 janvier 2015"

Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) -- Youth Agripreneurs Project | YPARD | Yo... - 0 views

    "The Youth Agripreneurs Project (YAP) is a pilot project to support young agricultural entrepreneurs, or "agripreneurs." YAP will select young agripreneurs from all over the world for their projects related to the agriculture supply chain, production (i.e., crops, livestock, fisheries, forestry, agro-forestry), value-added services, or market access. The program will provide US$5 thousand to facilitate the start-up of the selected projects. Additionally, GFAR will fund the travel and accommodation of the selected agripreneurs to attend the Third Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development in Johannesburg, and support to integrate them in the YPARD (Young Professionals for Agricultural Development) mentoring program. The deadline for applications (English, French, Spanish) is 15 March 2016."

Agricultural research 'must support local innovation' - SciDev.Net - 0 views

    "[KUALA LUMPUR] New approaches to agricultural research and development (R&D) that support local innovation are needed in order to tackle global poverty, say agriculture experts. At a conference, Re-imagining Agricultural Research in Development Dialogue, held in Penang, Malaysia last month (29-31 January), experts from the agricultural sector convened to discuss how agricultural research could best be used to benefit the 870 million people still living on less than US$1.25 a day. "The [conference] was motivated by the realization that agricultural research was not benefiting the poorest of the poor," Boru Douthwaite, Knowledge Sharing and Learning theme leader for the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS), tells SciDev.Net. "

Inter-réseaux Développement rural Groupe de travail - Filières et marchés - 0 views

    "Recueil de supports de formation et d'animation sur la thématique de la commercialisation des produits agricoles"

Tunisia - Agriculture Support Services Project (English) | The World Bank - 0 views

    "Ratings for the Agriculture Support Services Project for Tunisia were as follows: outcomes were moderately unsatisfactory, risk to development outcome was significant, Bank performance was moderately unsatisfactory, and Borrower performance was moderately unsatisfactory. Some lessons learned included: the benefits of a comprehensive project design can be outweighed by complexity, difficulty in implementation, and resources being spread too thin, even in a middle-income country like Tunisia. The effectiveness of complex projects implemented by multiple actors can be undermined unless the project management unit (or its parent agency) has sufficient authority to proactively coordinate key implementation agencies. Attempts to move from public to private provision of services can be undermined if there is not sufficient attention to beneficiary, needs, perceptions, and incentives, both for producers and service providers. Lack of ownership of producer associations by farmers limits their utility in providing farmers with inputs, access to services and inserting their interests into agricultural policy."

Togo - Secteur Agricole Projet de Support : mission conjointe de la Banque Mo... - 0 views

    "Togo - Secteur Agricole Projet de Support : mission conjointe de la Banque Mondiale et du FIDA pour la supervision des projets - 7 au 18 Octobre 2013"

Etude de faisabilite Alimentation Scolaire Basee sur les Achats Locaux (op00028123) - 0 views

    "Agence de financement: Banque Mondiale Acheteur: MG-Emergency Support to Education for All Langue d'origine: Français Missions Étude de faisabilité Texte original REPOBLIKAN'I MADAGASIKARA Fitiavana ? Tanindrazana - Fandrosoana -------------------- UNITE D'APPUI TECHNIQUEAU PROGRAMME EDUCATION POUR TOUS (UAT-EPT) --------------- PROJET D'APPUID'URGENCEA L'EDUCATION POUR TOUS (PAUET) ----------- Financement Don GPE TF015607"
    "Agence de financement: Banque Mondiale Acheteur: MG-Emergency Support to Education for Al Langue d'origine: Français Adresse de contact Adresse : Please login Téléphone Please login Adresse électronique : Please login Missions Étude de faisabilité Texte original REPOBLIKAN'I MADAGASIKARA Fitiavana ? Tanindrazana - Fandrosoana -------------------- UNITE D'APPUI TECHNIQUEAU PROGRAMME EDUCATION POUR TOUS (UAT-EPT) --------------- PROJET D'APPUID'URGENCEA L'EDUCATION POUR TOUS (PAUET) ----------- Financement Don GPE TF015607"

Zambia - Support to science and technology education project (SSTEP) - 01 2015 - 0 views

    The Government of the Republic of Zambia has received a loan from the African Development Fund to finance the Support to Science and Technology Education Project (SSTEP). The principle objectives of the Project are to:  Increase access and improve quality and equity of science and technology in the three Higher Education institutions, namely University of Zambia, Copperbelt University and Mulungushi University, and  Increase access and improve quality and equity of science and technology in the Trades Training Institutions, namely Northern Technical College, Nkumbi International College, Choma Trades Training Institute and Lukashya Trades Training Institute, in line with Zambia's Vision 2030 priorities on Skills Development.

Decentralization: overcoming challenges, achieving success - 0 views

    "Kenya organized a national policy seminar to discuss IIEP research findings In the past few years, IIEP has coordinated extensive research on the implementation of decentralization in the education sector in Eastern and Southern Africa, in particular in Kenya, Lesotho, and Uganda, with a focus on one actor - the District Education Office - and one policy - school grants. The research has been conducted with technical and financial support from UNICEF, and in collaboration with Ministries of Education and national research institutions. While the research findings have been discussed during policy seminars organized at the regional level (Entebbe, Uganda, in February 2010, and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in March 2012), the next step is to hold in-depth discussions with the main stakeholders at the national level. "
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