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Bertrand QUETIN

Agricultural employment trends in Asia and Africa : too fast or too slow? (English) | T... - 0 views

    "Contrary to conventional economic theories, the relationship between income growth and agricultural employment is extremely diverse, even among regions starting from similar levels of development, such as Asia and Africa. Due to its labor-intensive green revolution and strong farm-nonfarm linkages, Asia's development path is mostly characterized by fast growth with relatively slow agricultural exits. In contrast to Asia, urban biased policies, low rural population density, and high rates of population growth have led a number of African countries down a path of slow economic growth with surprisingly rapid agricultural exits. Despite this divergence both continents now face daunting employment problems. Asia appears to be increasingly vulnerable to rising inequality, slower job creation, and shrinking farm sizes, suggesting that Asian governments need to refocus on integrating smallholders and lagging regions into increasingly commercialized rural and urban economies. Africa, in contrast, has yet to achieve its own green revolution, which would still be a highly effective tool for job creation and poverty reduction. However, the diversity of its endowments and its tighter budget constraints mean that agricultural development strategies in Africa need to be highly context specific, financially sustainable, and more evidence- based"
Bertrand QUETIN

Monitoring and impact evaluation of youth employment programmes - 0 views

    Date: 23 Mar 2015 - 27 Mar 2015 The International Training Centre (ITC) of the ILO will undertake a course on "Monitoring and impact evaluation of youth employment programmes" from the 23rd to the 27th of March 2015. The course aims to improve the capacity to build rigorous monitoring and impact evaluation plans for youth employment programmes. Lieu: International Training Centre of the ILO Turin Italia
Bertrand QUETIN

Decent employment opportunities for youth in rural areas - 0 views

    NEPAD and FAO launch rural youth project at the 11th CAADP Partnership Platform 25 March 2015, Johannesburg - The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), today launched a 4-year project that aims to create decent employment opportunities for young women and men in rural areas, through the development of rural enterprises in sustainable agriculture and agribusiness along strategic value chains. The USD$ 4 million project is funded by the African Solidarity Trust Fund.
Bertrand QUETIN

BAD: Conférence ministérielle sur l'emploi des jeunes en Afrique. - 0 views

    "AfDB, octobre 2016 Le 18 octobre à Abidjan, la Banque africaine de développement (BAD) a organisé une conférence ministérielle sur l'emploi des jeunes en Afrique. La rencontre a été l'occasion pour la BAD de dévoiler sa nouvelle Stratégie pour l'emploi des jeunes en Afrique, suite à quoi les participants ont exploré les pistes de solutions durables pour promouvoir l'emploi des jeunes et l'esprit d'entreprise dans la région. Lire le compte-rendu de la conférence en français : Lire le compte-rendu de la conférence en anglais :"
Bertrand QUETIN

Chômage : Six millions de dollars pour aider des milliers de jeunes en Médite... - 0 views

    Ce soutien à l'initiative Education for Employment témoigne de l'importance qu'accorde l'entreprise à la pertinence des compétences professionnelles. Accenture (NYSE : ACN) et les fondations Accenture ont versé une contribution de six millions de dollars à l'initiative Education for Employment (EFE) afin de soutenir le lancement de son programme Training for the Future, qui propose des formations qualifiantes en ligne et en classe à plus de 25 000 jeunes défavorisés en Espagne, au Maroc et en Tunisie.
Bertrand QUETIN


    EuropeAid/136359/IH/SER/AL - Support to employment-oriented Vocational Education and Training "The overall objective of the project, of which this contract will be a part, is to increase access to VET and employment and enhance social inclusion. 1. Improvement of the VET system through the strengthening of the VET provider network and key national and regional institutions by the development of improved teaching methodologies, curricula and training programmes; 2. Increasing the access to VET providers by women, young people and vulnerable groups by the development of new curricula addressed at these groups."
Bertrand QUETIN

UNIDO and EU to further support vocational training centres in Côte d'Ivoire - 0 views

    ABIDJAN, 17 September 2015 - The European Union (EU) will contribute an additional EUR 16.8 million in support of the efforts by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) to rehabilitate and make fully operational 11 vocational training centres and agricultural schools in Côte d'Ivoire. The financial contribution was confirmed today during a signing ceremony held in the capital, Abidjan. The project, worth in total EUR 29 million and being implemented by UNIDO, supports the vocational training system reform in Côte d'Ivoire. Since its inception in 2012, UNIDO, in cooperation with the Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs and Vocational Training, has provided over 4,000 young people with certified training in line with the demand of the labour market, and helped with the capacity-building of governmental officials and management personnel in pilot vocational centres. Jean-Francois Valette, the EU Ambassador to Côte d'Ivoire, highlighted the importance of expanding this project in order to further decentralize employment and vocational training, as well as support the participation of women in vocational training. "By helping improve the vocational training system and supporting the professional and social integration of the trainees, this project will pave the way for a reform of professional education in the country," said Marlen Bakalli, who manages the project from UNIDO's side.
Bertrand QUETIN

Close Up on young rural people's economic empowerment | YPARD - 0 views

    "As part of the NEN Close Up series, the Near East, North Africa, Europe and Central Asia Division hosted a knowledge sharing event on rural youth and economic empowerment in the Near East and North Africa. Through a regional grant, IFAD is partnering with Making Cents International, a social enterprise based in Washington DC, and Silatech, a social initiative working to create opportunities for young people throughout the Arab world, to help increase the employment and self-employment opportunities of more than 18,000 young people of ages 15-35. Covering four countries, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Yemen, the 3-year joint programme, Rural Youth Economic Empowerment Programme, is seeking to test innovative financial and non-financial engagement tools for young rural people. The event provided an opportunity to learn from the programme and to discuss how the findings can inform IFAD's future engagement with young people in rural areas. Click here to read the full news on IFAD."
Bertrand QUETIN

Youth Agribusiness, Leadership and Entrepreneurship Summit on Innovation, YALESI 2016 |... - 0 views

    ""Youth employment and hunger are two key issues that have been impacted by the economic crisis. This is particularly true for youth living in developing countries, representing 85% of the world youth. In an attempt to address these issues, the Global Youth Innovation Network, GYIN, has initiated its second Global Youth Summit called the 2016 Youth Agribusiness, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship Summit on Innovation (YALESI 2016). The summit will prioritise young people's needs, considering their developmental needs, and including underserved populations, such as girls, to an effective and inclusive employment strategy."
Bertrand QUETIN

Africa Regional Forum on Advancing TVET for Youth Employability and Sustainable Develop... - 0 views

    "The UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre in collaboration with the National Board for Technical Education, Centre of Excellence in TVET (NBTE), organized a Regional Forum on Advancing TVET for Youth Employability and Sustainable Development from 17 to 18 September 2013 in Abuja, Nigeria. The meeting was organized in the context of a series of forums that UNESCO-UNEVOC is organizing as a response to the Shanghai Consensus recommendations and the outcomes of the UNEVOC International Forum (November 2012). The two-day forum aimed at sharing and discussing Promising Practices in the areas of Greening TVET (GTVET) and Youth and Skills implemented by UNEVOC Centres and other institutions in the region, as well as strengthening cooperation between UNEVOC Centres in Africa and supporting the consolidation and expansion of the Network."
Bertrand QUETIN

Employment and mobility of graduates from African agricultural colleges and universities - 0 views

    17 - 19 August 2015. Accra, Ghana. FARA Secretariat. A three-day workshop on the eCapacities™ facility was held with the main objective of equipping representative staff from the demand-side (of labor markets) partner organizations with the know-how for effective management and administration of the eCapacities™ platform.
Bertrand QUETIN

IFAD social reporting blog: Youth in Agriculture - 0 views

    "The role of young people in the agricultural sector have been debated extensively, and for good reason. Youth unemployment is a huge challenge with potentially severe consequences, and the agricultural sector is the biggest employer in most developing countries. Currently, the global population of young people aged 12-24 is around 1.3 billion, and projected to peak at 1.5 billion in 2035. The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) estimates that globally, around 55% of young people reside in rural areas. In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and south Asia, this number increase to as much as 70%. In SSA alone, youth (aged between 15 and 24) comprise as much as 36% of the labor force. With food production having to increase with 60% by 2050 in order to sustain expected food demands (FAO, 2011), adequate integration of young people in the agricultural sector can be a vital factor of reaching those targets.."
Bertrand QUETIN

Education Indicators in Focus 13 - How difficult is it to move from school to work? - 0 views

    In some countries, an increasing number of young people are neither in employment, nor in education or training (NEET). A high proportion of NEETs is an indicator of a difficult transition between school and work.
Bertrand QUETIN

Neighbourhood - South 2012 - 0 views

    COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 4.12.2012 on a Preparatory action "New Euro-Mediterranean initiative for youth employment promotion" financed from the general budget of the European Union
Bertrand QUETIN

WSIS 2016 Session: Accelerating ICT for Agriculture Entrepreneurship to Promote Youth L... - 0 views

    "An increasing number of young innovators and entrepreneurs in developing countries now develop ICT for agriculture solutions to strengthen agri-food systems in their respective countries, and to provide employment and livelihood opportunities for themselves and other young people."
Bertrand QUETIN

Les agripreneurs africains à l'honneur - Banque africaine de développement - 0 views

    "« ENABLE Youth » (dont l'acronyme vient de l'anglais Empowering Novel Agri-Business-Led Employment for Youth) est un programme dédié aux jeunes (18-35 ans) Africains désireux de créer leur entreprise dans le secteur agricole, né dans le sillage de la Conférence de haut niveau de Dakar sur la transformation agricole en Afrique et qui bénéficie du soutien de l'Institut international d'agriculture tropicale, qui a son siège à Abuja, au Nigeria. Il entend promouvoir, valoriser et moderniser l'entreprenariat agricole en Afrique. Pour ce faire, la Banque offre son appui au renforcement des capacités, promeut les professionnels opérant dans l'agriculture et finance les projets portés par des jeunes dans le secteur. Pour le président de la Banque, Akinwumi Adesina, qui prononce l'allocution de clôture de l'événement, il faut « voir grand » pour les agri-preneurs en Afrique (voir cette vidéo tournée en avril 2016)."
Bertrand QUETIN

Une étude de Med Culture sur l'emploi des jeunes dans quatre pays méditerranéens - 0 views

    Le programme Med Culture, financé par l'UE, vient de publier une étude intitulée « Employabilité dans les secteurs culturels et créatifs dans les pays arabes méditerranéens : les cas de la Palestine, de l'Égypte, de la Tunisie et du Maroc » (Employability in the cultural and creative sectors in Arab Mediterranean countries: The cases of Palestine, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco) dans laquelle il aborde les enjeux et les défis associés à l'employabilité dans les industries culturelles et créatives dans ces quatre pays.
Bertrand QUETIN

Hot topics at YALESI 2016: Youth, entrepreneurship and innovation in agriculture - 0 views

    Agribusiness and entrepreneurship are two critical areas which have a strong potential to increase employment opportunities for youth and to boost economies in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. Similarly, the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) is modernising the agricultural sector and providing more opportunities for youth. In particular, young farmers who apply ICT tools and skills to their farming businesses generally have higher yields, incomes and social status.
Bertrand QUETIN

Innovate for Agriculture (Report) - 0 views

    Increasing agricultural productivity in developing countries and promoting youth employment and entrepreneurship are important recommendations of the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in 2015. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) play an important role. Young entrepreneurs using ICT innovations are particularly suited to contribute to increased agricultural productivity and sustainability given their inventiveness, energy and capacity to take risks.
Bertrand QUETIN

L'agriculture familiale - épine dorsale du développement rural durable ? - 0 views

    "Les Nations unies ont déclaré l'année 2014 Année internationale de l'agriculture familiale. À juste titre, déclare Eve Crowley, conseillère principale pour les questions de genre, d'équité et d'emploi rural (Principal Advisor for Gender, Equity and Rural Employment) à la FAO, car les exploitations agricoles familiales jouent un rôle clé dans de nombreux domaines de la vie rurale. Mais cela ne veut pas dire qu'elles ont un impact positif en soi ; il importe d'examiner de manière très approfondie le soutien à leur accorder."
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