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John Evans

iPads in Primary Education: Part 2: Raising Standards in Boys' Writing using the iPad for Gaming: Outcomes and Ways Forward By Mr Williams - 3 views

    "A group of children took part in a series of literacy lessons centred around the popular game Bike Baron by Qwibooand Mountain Sheep as outlined in detail at The aim was to raise standards in writing. The work is based on the success of the Controllable Vehicle project which demonstrated that the iPad can significantly enhance pupil understanding and interest in a topic leading to accelerated progress in speaking, listening and writing."
John Evans

Omnifer adds Braille, makes iPad useful for the blind | TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog - 2 views

    "Here's an interesting concept for a case meant to make the iPad usable for blind and visually impaired customers. The Omnifer almost covers the iPad completely, save for a small portion of the screen, and adds raised Braille buttons. What's really cool is that the Omnifer is more than Braille buttons slapped onto a case. Instead, gas stored inside the case raises and lowers the Braille characters, making different ones available, depending on what's on the iPad's screen. The gas pockets are filled with a chemical that expands when exposed to light. The portion of the screen beneath the buttons will light up as needed to raise the proper characters. In this way, a user could "stream" text for reading via Braille."
John Evans

Be More Chef: What I Wish For Every Kid - A.J. JULIANI - 2 views

    "Be more chef. It is a mantra I've adopted and taken to heart these past few months as my brother lay in a hospital, seemingly impacting the world more from that bed, then many of could do with bodies that were not full of tumors and cancer. My brother was a chef in every sense of the word. He took the circumstances that life gave him and turned them into something wonderful and new and beautiful. When my brother passed away a few weeks ago, my thoughts turned to my own four children. How could I help raise them to be chefs? How could I raise them to not follow the recipes of life, but instead make their own recipes for their life? But, it is not just my kids, it is all of our kids. The question is, "Are we raising/preparing/teaching our students/children to be chefs or cooks?""
John Evans

Apps Aimed at Kids Raise Privacy Concerns | MindShift - 0 views

    "The number of mobile apps marketed to kids is growing at a rapid pace, yet a recent report by the Federal Trade Commission raises new concerns about child privacy and the lack of disclosure about the personal data being collected."
John Evans

Raise Your Students' Digital IQ - A Plan for Your Classroom - The Tech Edvocate - 2 views

    ""More than half of 8-12 year olds are exposed to cyber-risks," according to a 2018 report. These risks can include cyber-bullying, online sexual behaviors and video game addition. The threat is easy to see. Kids today spend hours a day online on computers and phones, much of it unmonitored. To protect your students from online threats you need to raise their Digital IQ. What is Digital IQ? According to the DQ Institute, an international think tank that aims to ensure every child acquires the skills they need to be informed users of digital media, "Digital Intelligence is the sum of technical, mental and social competencies essential to digital life." It's not only skills at coding and working with technology, but also avoiding the risks that technology exposes children to."
John Evans

Free Technology for Teachers: Three Random Name Selectors - 3 views

    "If your students are like mine, at one point or another you've asked for volunteers and not had any students raise their hands. In that situation using a random name selection tool is an easy way to choose students to call on. And for those times when all of your students raise their hands for something fun like being the line leaders, the a random name selector is a convenient tool to have at your disposal too. Here are three good random name selection tools."
John Evans

30 days of financial fitness: 3 cool resources to raise financial literacy in kids - teach mama - 1 views

    "As a parent and educator, I know it is super important that my kids learn how to make smart financial decisions now, before they go off into the real world.  But I know that raising money confident kids isn't always easy. It involves planning. It involves understanding ourselves how to be money confident-and that can be scary, even as adults. So when I was asked by the good people at T. Rowe Price to take a look at the Money Confident Kids® resources they have for school and home, you bet I was ready. The more I learn, the more I can help my children become financially fit. I really love the range and creativity of these resources, and you will, too."
Phil Taylor

Here's the Secret to Raising a Safe, Smart Kid | Common Sense Media - 2 views

    "Kids of media mentors were less likely to access porn, chat online with a stranger, and impersonate an adult "
John Evans

There's millions in those Minecraft blocks - 3 views

  • 35 million copies, with nearly 100 million players worldwide,
John Evans

How Public Libraries Balance Thorny Issues Raised by 3D Printers | MindShift - 0 views

    "At hundreds of libraries across the U.S., 3-D printers can sometimes be heard whirring in the background, part of an effort to encourage interest in the new technology and foster DIY "maker spaces." In some libraries, officials have begun to set restrictions on the 3-D printers amid concerns about how they'll be used."
John Evans

Can the Maker Movement Infiltrate Mainstream Classrooms? | MindShift | KQED News - 0 views

  • Dougherty hopes that if students raise their voices, parents demonstrate support and passionate teachers are willing to champion the cause at individual school sites, maker spaces could become a fixture of school. They don’t have to include the fanciest 3D printer, they just have to be spaces for exploration, hands-on learning and a playful attitude towards discovery.
    "Dougherty hopes that if students raise their voices, parents demonstrate support and passionate teachers are willing to champion the cause at individual school sites, maker spaces could become a fixture of school. They don't have to include the fanciest 3D printer, they just have to be spaces for exploration, hands-on learning and a playful attitude towards discovery."
Oscar Marin

8 Fun-Filled Craft Activities for Little Hands - 0 views

    Read out this blog entry for easy craft ideas for toddlers. These are very much helpful in raising their imagination power and develop ability to work independently.
    Read out this blog entry for easy craft ideas for toddlers. These are very much helpful in raising their imagination power and develop ability to work independently.
Phil Taylor

Raising Modern Learners - - 0 views

  • Guiding our kids into their fast-changing futures
Phil Taylor

Twitter is my Village and I am one of the many being Raised in it. « Dukelyer - 0 views

  • in a nutshell is why Twitter, for Educators, works – sharing is part of the culture
John Evans

Beyond Q+A: Six Strategies That Motivate ALL Students to Participate | Edutopia - 1 views

    "Do you have students who rarely raise their hand when you ask a question? When I think back about kids in my classroom who didn't participate at first, I remember Jared and Maya (whose names I changed). Jared was polite, listened to his classmates, and did his homework. But when I asked questions or set up class discussions, Jared remained silent. Maya was really creative and an avid reader. She also didn't participate, frequently had her head down in class, and was reluctant to start work. Some of our students might sit quietly through each lesson or be visibly disengaged. Maybe they don't understand the lesson, are embarrassed, or hesitantly wait for another peer to share. Jared and Maya certainly aren't unique. "
John Evans

27 Ways To Increase Student Engagement In Learning - 9 views

    "Historically, student engagement has been thought of in terms of students "paying attention": raising hands, asking questions, and making eye contact. Of course, we know now that learning can benefit from learner self-direction and self-initiated transfer of thinking as much as it does simple "engagement" and participation. That being said, increasing engagement and sheer participation is not a wrong-headed pursuit in and of itself, and in pursuit of that is the following infographic from Mia MacMeekin: 27 ways to increase student engagement. 27 Ways To Increase Student Engagement In Learning"
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