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John Evans

Writing up a science experiment with Book Creator - Book Creator app | Blog - 2 views

    "Originally, we used Book Creator in English lessons, where children enjoyed producing more creative and interactive pieces, using the various tools, such as images for scenes in their stories or to link with the subject of their non-fiction work. It also helped our younger years' classes, both with writing and speaking and listening because the children were able to record their sentences, using the microphone tool. Moreover, we have a significant number of children who speak English as an additional language, so Book Creator provides excellent support for them too because they are able to practice both their written and speaking skills simultaneously. Book Creator can really work in the science classroom, according to @MrW_BVPS CLICK TO TWEET The hypothesis Realising the potential of Book Creator, I wanted to see how effective it would be in other subject areas. In this instance, we used it in Science. The children were investigating the importance of surface area when thinking about floating and sinking. I felt this would be a good fit because it would help to immerse the children in the experiment."
John Evans

How to dictate a book in Book Creator - Book Creator app | Blog - 1 views

    "When working with young students, typing can be quite a difficult thing for them to do. In Book Creator, you can easily make a voice recording of the child telling the story but often having the written text there can make that story even more powerful. Just recently, I was training some assistant teachers on how to use Book Creator. I run a lot of workshops, and Book Creator is one of my most used apps on my iPad. I love it when I learn something new. So I just had to share this with you."
John Evans

Book Creator - Teaching with Technology 2.0 - 0 views

    "Book Creator for the iPad by Red Jumper Studio is an app that allows users to create ebooks on your iPad with ease. It provides features that allow anyone to easily create ebooks from users with epub experience to students who are just starting out using mobile device to create a story. The simple interface allows the user to add text and photos with ease. Book Creator also provides the option to add background music as well as audio hotspots to add speech to support the text. It also allows user to add video clips. Books created in Book Creator are easily shared with friends via email, dropbox, or even save to iTunes. "
John Evans

Moving at the Speed of Creativity | Share iPad-created eBook with DropBox - 0 views

    "Teachers in my "Mapping Media to the Common Core: Part 2″ course this semester (offered through Montana CSPD and the University of Montana) have learned how to create enhanced eBooks on their iPads using the fantastic app, "Book Creator" by Red Jumper. In this post, I'll describe how you can share an eBook created with Book Creator via a free DropBox account and the DropBox app, along with a free KidBlog website and the KidBlog app for iPad. The KidBlog and DropBox apps are free. Book Creator has a free app which allows users to create 1 eBook, the commercial version is $5 and allows unlimited numbers of eBooks to be created. Apple Volume Purchase Plan (VPP) discounts are available for Book Creator."
John Evans

Book Creator + student designed curriculum = iTunes U - Book Creator app | Blog - 0 views

    "I think Book Creator is now one of my favourite creation apps!  Several of my Health Without Borders project groups are using Book Creator to develop their final product to teach elementary kids health concepts. They were pretty excited to get to use the new drawing option, as many found it difficult to find free for re-use images in Creative Commons or Wikimedia Commons  that were appropriate for their topic and target age group. They found the app very easy to work with and really had no questions for me at all.  They loved that they could AirDrop the book between group members so different people could contribute easily.  The voiceover option is also simple to use and works well with just the microphone on the iPad.  I was so impressed with their final product!"
John Evans

With Book Creator 2.5 Released With a Fantastic New Sharing Option | iPad Apps for School - 0 views

    "Book Creator is currently my favorite iPad app for creating multimedia books on your iPad. The app costs $4.99 (less with volume purchasing), but it is well worth it. The latest updates to Book Creator allows you to export your books to ePub 3.0 format. The exported file can be opened an read in the Chrome web browser using the free Readium browser extension. This is a great option as it allows a parent who doesn't have an iPad at home to view his or her child's work at home"
John Evans

Control Alt Achieve: 360 Degree Learning with Google Tour Creator - 1 views

    "Google has a rich history of creating map-related tools that can be used across all subject areas for engaging, immersive learning experiences. Some of these include Tour Builder, Earth, Expeditions, My Maps, and many more (see my slideshow on Google mapping tools). Recently Google has launched a new tool called Google Tour Creator. This tool allows you and your students to create 360 degree tours, which can then be shared with and viewed by others. It is very much like creating your own Google Expeditions. Don't have a 360 degree camera? That's ok! Although you can use a 360 degree camera to take pictures for Tour Creator, you can also just use the images from Google's Street View, or you can use a free mobile app such as Cardboard Camera to take the photos."
John Evans

Create Your Own Narrated iBooks With Book Creator | iPad Apps for School - 0 views

    "A couple of weeks ago I wrote about using Little Story Maker to create your own short books on your iPad. After publishing that post a bunch of people asked me to review Book Creator too. Book Creator is not a free app ($4.99 as an individual and less with volume purchasing) but I think that it is well worth the money that I spent on it."
John Evans

Made in Book Creator on Pinterest - 7 views

    "A showcase of some of the 6 million books already created on Book Creator for iPad and Book Creator for Android."
John Evans

From Book Creator to printed book - Book Creator app | Blog - 2 views

    "I have been making printed versions of books made with Book Creator on an iPad for many years. The app produces a really decent file for hard copy printing. First thing to realise is that your video and sound files won't work on paper. I know that sounds silly but people sometimes get upset when they first realise this. What you do get is a paper book which looks like it was purchased from a bookstore - it looks so professional."
John Evans

Book Creator and the SAMR model - Book Creator app | Blog - 0 views

    "For the purpose of offering a reliable cadre of apps that teachers can plan around instructionally, Waukesha One offers all students and staff a set of apps called the Core Apps. In selecting these apps, the team looked for apps that integrate well with Google Apps for Education, are flexible and not content/subject specific, promote thinking and doing aimed at the highest levels of Bloom's, are easy to use, and can output easily for publication to the world. Book Creator fit all of those descriptors, was stable and reliable, and set the stage for teachers and students to do many different things with it once they became comfortable with the tool."
John Evans

Creating sign language books in Book Creator - Book Creator app | Blog - 2 views

    "The inspiration - History ebook Back in April 2014 I worked with Hill Country Middle School in Austin on a collaborative ebook between 8th grade and 3rd grade students. 8th grade students composed books using Book Creator and Scrap Pad based on historical topics covered in the year. The books took on a familiar repetitive children's storybook theme to make the concepts easier to digest and comprehend for their 3rd grade audience. Once the framework of the book was set, 8th grade students used a Google Doc to provide 3rd grade students with a list of images they would need to complete the book. On the day of the field trip, the whole project really came together. >> Watch the video of the History Book collaboration  American Sign Language book The History ebook project became the inspiration for another collaboration."
John Evans

Building Collaborative eBooks on an iPad via DropBox and Book Creator App | Exploring D... - 4 views

    "Right now I'm lucky enough to be collaborating with the amazing educators, Michelle Hiebert and Jason Graham. They've invited my class to work on creating a collaborative book. The idea is for one class to write a bit and then pass it on to the next class who in turn adds a bit and then passes it on etc. We've decided to use the Book Creator app on the iPad to create our book. My kinder students have had success in creating books with this simple to use app. We have decided to use DropBox as a way to share the book back and forth with each other. (I recently learned this process from @KLirenman, another awesome educator.) What I thought I'd do is provide a simple how-to on this process. "
John Evans

Moving Students From Consumers To Creators To Contributors - TeachThought PD - 3 views

    "The oft-shared John Dewey quote "Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself." is one that resonates with progressive educators around the world. Our education system however, seems to have missed all of those tweets and Pinterest pins. In a recent podcast (listen below) with Getting Smart's Emily Liebtag, I mentioned moving students from consumers to creators to contributors. Justin Tarte had said this in my TeachThought Podcast with him earlier this year and I appreciated that language. It certainly is a great step to shift our teaching and learning from having students just consuming information to the top of Bloom's taxonomy where they are creating. That next step, however, where their creations are at least potentially adding value to their community and perhaps the world at large is powerful. While it's true that our students are indeed the future, there are real reasons why we need to remember that they are also a big part of our today and our teaching and learning should reflect that."
John Evans

Moving at the Speed of Creativity - Why Every Teacher Should Become an App Creator by C... - 4 views

    "These are my notes from Chris Thompson's breakout session, "Why Every Teacher Should Become an App Creator" at the 2012 Mobile Learning Conference in Phoenix, Arizona, on April 11, 2012."
John Evans

Zig Zagging : Welcome to the "Book Creator is Awesome" Club - 0 views

    "Yesterday was a Flex Day in our district, so my teaching partner and I had a very small group of first grade students to do some very focused instruction. It was a great day, but was made even better through a mid-morning surprise! Our kiddos discovered that both classroom's praying mantis egg sacs had hatched new baby praying mantises! We were so excited, and disappointed at the same time, because not everyone was there to see it! We needed to set them free quickly because they can actually eat each other if you don't get them a food source quickly enough. I suggested that we try out the Book Creator app, since it's on my "To Purchase" list for school iPads, to document our investigation and release."
John Evans

7 Apps for Student Creators | Edutopia - 3 views

    "Creation-based tasks promote higher-order thinking, encourage collaboration, and connect students to real-world learning. Whether you're teaching in a project-based learning classroom, engaging students with authentic assessments, or committed to pushing students to analyze and synthesize, providing opportunities for creation is a must. Students who are "making" to demonstrate their learning can produce content that is shareable and valuable. Their creations can be geared toward a specific audience and viewed outside of the classroom. The sense of purpose that students have as creators can be leveraged to increase engagement and get learners of all ages excited about content."
John Evans

Finally! A Book Creator App | Langwitches Blog - 14 views

    "A few days ago, I ran across Dan Amos on Twitter, announcing his soon to be released app called Book Creator (Released on September 15, 2011). When I contacted him to find out the possible educational uses of the app, he was so kind to extend a promo code for me to give a test run."
John Evans

App Store - eBook Creator - 1 views

    "eBook Creator' is the simplest and easiest ebook creation application. Its interface is designed for all ages and skill levels so that young kids are able to make ebooks using the app." Free for very limited time!
John Evans

Amazon Unveils Kindle Textbook Creator -- Campus Technology - 0 views

    "Amazon has launched a new segment of Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), KDP EDU, targeted at educators and authors of textbooks and other educational content. Publicly available as a beta, Kindle Textbook Creator is designed to allow authors to use PDFs "easily prepare, publish and promote e-textbooks and other educational content for students to access on a broad range of devices," according to a news release. Once created, the resources can be uploaded to KDP for use by students anywhere in the world on Kindle Fire tablets, iOS and Android devices, Macs or PCs."
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