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John Evans

Splash Math Summer Program: Summer Slide Prevention | Class Tech Tips - 0 views

    "As teachers and families kick off summer vacation it's important to think about how students will continue to grow their skills over their break from school.  Splash Math offers an online summer program designed to help students maintain their math gains and prepare for the upcoming school year.  Their award winning eight week review program includes a Common Core aligned diagnostic assessment before and during the program and a personalized practice schedule for each student based on the diagnostic assessment."
John Evans

Should all kids learn to code? - Daniel Donahoo - ABC Splash - - 3 views

    "Computer coding is promoted as a must-learn skill for 21st Century students. Dan Donahoo questions what's driving this view. Learning to code has become something of an edtech focus over the last 12 months. Venture capitalists are seeding places like Code Academy, and any number of mobile, apps and computer games to teach us and our students the language of computation. But, do all students need to learn to code?"
John Evans

Home - - 3 views

    Learning resources from the Australian Broadcasting Corp.
John Evans

40 Most Awesome iPad Apps for Science Students - - 7 views

    "The iPad has found its way into hospitals, retail stores and homes across the nation, but it's also making a big splash in the classroom, even with some of the best online colleges. With a great selection of apps focused on everything from word processing to keeping in touch with classmates, the tablet computer can be an invaluable tool for learning - no matter your age. Online science students haven't been left out, of course, and there are a wide range of applications offering help with chemistry, biology, astronomy and even the math that comes along with certain fields. If you're a college student looking to supplement your science studies, these apps are some of the best for learning, sharing, researching and just plain having fun."
John Evans

App Review: 5th Grade Math-Splash Math Worksheets « Ask a Tech Teacher - 4 views

    "Every Friday, I share a website (or app) that I've heard about, checked into, been excited to use. This one is a math app. Since 'math' is by far the most popular search term of readers who seek out my blog, I know you're going to enjoy this review."
John Evans

Kindergarten Diva: Instagram-Inspired Project-Based Learning - 0 views

    "If you've read my previous post about how we've been using Instagram in kindergarten, you'd know that we've been avid Instagrammers for the last couple of months. #mathphotoaday and #eduphotoaday have provided the basis for many terrific mini-lessons, and captioning photographs has provided authentic early writing practice. I've been amazed at how successfully my students have used Instagram and supporting apps such as Pic Collage, InstaCollage, and Color Splash. Last week, we were viewing our Instagram pictures on our SMART Board, and the kids were commenting on how beautiful a lot of them were. One little boy put up his hand and said, "Mrs. Caldwell, our Instagram pictures are so beautiful. I think that we should print them out and sell them and make money for our new playground." And just like that, a new project was born! Why does this always happen at the end of the school year when we have a million and one other things to do? But their enthusiasm was contagious and I agreed that it was a fantastic idea! And when a 6 year-old shows entrepreneurial spirit like that, who am I to stand in his way?"
Tom Stimson

SplashURL - 0 views

    Splash the URL of the page you're currently viewing in a browser as a large font minified URL or QR code, so that audience members can easily write down/visit the URL
John Evans

Take better smartphone photos with these great photography apps - CNET - 3 views

    "The cameras on iPhones and Android phones (some of them, anyway) are pretty good. But sometimes we need a little more, like a way to get rid of that dreaded red-eye, crop out a nemesis, or splash some funky filters onto an otherwise mundane lunch. Or perhaps we're looking to get more out of the cameras in our pocket, nabbing DSLR-lite tools or turning a clunker into something usable. Whatever the case, chances are there's an app out there for you -- here are a few of my favorites."
John Evans

NASA's 'All About That Bass' parody is all about that space [VIDEO] - 2 views

    "The space nerds at NASA have officially hopped on the Meghan Trainor parody train with their ode to the Orion spacecraft, "All About That Space." The Pathways Interns of NASA's Johnson Space Center recorded and filmed the parody song to encourage further public interest in Orion, which saw its first successful test flight on Dec. 5. The spacecraft orbited Earth twice during its flight and traveled 60,000 miles before splashing down into the Pacific Ocean as planned. NASA's parody isn't the first space-themed "All About That Bass" parody - a group of geeky ladies penned a similar, Star Wars-themed parody in November."
nathalie stirland

MentorMob - Great Minds Share Alike - MentorMob - 5 views

    Create user-based playlists of videos on relevant topics for use in the classroom.
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