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John Evans

27 Ways To Promote Intrinsic Motivation In The Classroom - 4 views

    "We've talked about the definition of intrinsic motivation in the past. We've also talked about some basic ways to improve student motivation. This time, it's Mia MacMeekin's turn to speak to you about the same, but through gridded, blocked, and easy to read infographics. The graphic starts with a definition for both intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation, then offers 27 verbs that can help promote that magic stuff that is characterized by curiosity, effort, engagement, and academic success. Some were a little iffy-"praise" and "milestones" seemed a little closer to extrinsic motivation. But the vast majority are useful to consider as you design units, lessons, and activities this school year."
John Evans

Sunday Night Teacher: 5 Videos To Motivate Students - 4 views

    "This week's edition of Sunday Night Teacher focuses on motivation-specifically motivating students by helping them see the big picture. These videos are all charged with hyperbole, rhetoric, and emotion. While the tones, themes, sounds, and visuals make powerful cases for motivation, what you're motivating them for and towards is on you. Yes, ideally motivation comes from curiosity and self-awareness, not rah-rah speeches you show them from YouTube-so let's use both. Prime your inquiry-based learning unit with a video, offer then a basic model, then unleash them and watch them fly."
John Evans

Personalize Learning: Continuum of Motivation: Moving from Extrinsic to Intrinsic - 2 views

    "Motivation has a great impact on the learning process. While some people learn more by outside influences, others may achieve more by their personal aspirations. Whatever the situation, everyone involved in any learning process should know how motivation affects learning. The Continuum of Motivation graphic below is a snapshot of what moving from extrinsic motivation to intrinsic might look like as learners progress from teacher-centered to learner-driven environments."
John Evans

27 Strategies to Motivate Students in Class ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 2 views

    "Looking for ways to motivate your students? Mia from Anethicalisland has 27 strategies for you to use in class to get your students motivated.These strategies cover both types of motivation: intrinsic motivation (an inner drive to engage in an activity for its own sake because it is interesting and satisfying in itself), and extrinsic ( a drive to engage in an activity because of a reward to engage in the activity or a punishment for not engaging). Check them out below and share with us what you think of them."
John Evans

The Secret of Effective Motivation - - 3 views

    "THERE are two kinds of motive for engaging in any activity: internal and instrumental. If a scientist conducts research because she wants to discover important facts about the world, that's an internal motive, since discovering facts is inherently related to the activity of research. If she conducts research because she wants to achieve scholarly renown, that's an instrumental motive, since the relation between fame and research is not so inherent. Often, people have both internal and instrumental motives for doing what they do."
John Evans

10 Awesome Apps to Get Students Motivated to Learn ~ Educational Technology and Mobile ... - 0 views

    "iPad provides endless learning possibilities for students. From apps to help with learning math and science to apps for doing 3D anatomy and virtual field trips, you name it, the educational app store has probably an app for it. The theme for our list today is motivation. We believe that motivation is the backbone of learning and with motivation comes engagement and better performance. To this end, we are sharing with you some excellent iPad apps with huge motivational potential. You can use these apps with students to engage them in hands-on learning activities across different disciplines. We have particularly focused on creation apps that allow students to create learning materials using a mixture of multimedia content."
John Evans

Student and Teacher Motivational Needs in the School Setting | User Generated Education - 0 views

    "As someone who has been passionate about and studied human motivation for decades, I propose an integration of these motivational theories. I developed this framework to put a greater emphasis on growth and actualization needs in the school environment. A ladder and steps are used as the metaphor as I prefer a more physical-oriented depiction than a hierarchy or pyramid, which is difficult to impossible to climb. Including both a ladder and steps symbolizes that there are multiple ways to climb to high levels. (Note: This framework is appropriate for grades 2nd/3rd up.)"
John Evans

5 Reasons to Read for Reluctant Readers | Edutopia - 3 views

    "Teachers may offer up a killer classroom library and carve out class time for silent reading, but these two things do not guarantee prolific reading, or even moderate reading from your students. One of my goals when I was teaching high school was this: to have students fall in love with reading while they were in my classroom (or at least like it a little more). So how do you motivate secondary students in a deeper, lifelong reader way? It's not just about helping a student find that right book, as teachers often see as the ultimate mission, but it's about giving reasons for reading -- and really good ones. Because let's face it, there's plenty of stuff we all have to read that we may not be crazy about, but we know it's good for us. The following motivators are inspired by educator Kelly Gallagher's book, Reading Reasons: Motivational Mini-Lessons for Middle and High School."
John Evans

Teachers as Technology Trailblazers: Great Resource from Kathleen Cushman: The Motivati... - 0 views

    "Kathleen Cushman, author of Fires in the Mind (and Edcamper!), has done countless studies on motivation and engagement. In many ways, her findings echo Daniel Pink's work in his text, Drive. Kathleen has just released a FREE eBOOK called The Motivation Equation. In the brief text, she describes design methodology that will help ignite students' passions. It's definitely worth a look!"
John Evans

What Schools Can Learn from Google About Nurturing Creativity | Edudemic - 4 views

    "What motivates people to work? Most people would say money, and those people would only be partially correct. In Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, author Daniel Pink writes about radical practices implemented by Australian software company Atlassian and search engine giant Google that have taught us a lot about what really motivates human beings to work. Hint: it is not the proverbial carrot on a stick."
John Evans

10 Specific Ideas To Gamify Your Classroom - - 3 views

    "In today's classroom, educators are constantly required to mold their teaching methods to give students the best opportunity to succeed. It is not only imperative for students to learn the required material, but also critical that students gain a sense of confidence toward their work, and find motivation to expand their learning. However, this can be difficult for some students, who may struggle in traditional, lecture-based class styles. For some students, finding the motivation to complete homework or prepare for class can be a constant struggle, especially when every effort is met with a poor grade or frustration from teachers and parents. Therefore, teachers must become more and more creative when motivating students to learn."
John Evans

7 Tips on how to Drive Students Motivation ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 0 views

    "Here is another awesome back-to-school  resource. This is basically a graphic from ASCD featuring seven reminders on how to drive motivation. These reminders are quotes from popular thinkers which provide some smart tips on how to ignite learners motivation. Below is a round-up of these 7 reminders and you can download this free poster from this link. "
John Evans

7 must-read books on work and productivity, from Dan Pink | - 1 views

    "In 1962, Princeton psychologist Sam Glucksberg performed an experiment based on the classic candle problem test. He presented two groups with the same task, but with different rewards: One would receive monetary rewards based on speed, while the other was told only to complete the task as quickly as possible. The results were counterintuitive. The latter group performed the task on average three and a half times faster than the first. Why? As career analyst Dan Pink (Watch: The puzzle of motivation) has learned, traditional motivators like money can be far less effective than intrinsic motivators like autonomy, mastery and purpose. Indeed, productivity itself is a mystery we still struggle to unravel. Below, find seven must-reads (and a playlist) that look closely at how work works, provided by Pink for his TED Talk."
John Evans

5 Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Unmotivated Students | Cult of Pedagogy - 0 views

    "When I ask teachers what their biggest struggles are, one issue comes up on a regular basis: student motivation. You are able to reach many of your students, but others are unreachable. No matter what you try, they have no interest in learning, no interest in doing quality work, and you are out of ideas. For a long time, I had no solutions; the problem was too complex. I have had my own unmotivated students, and I never had any magic bullets for them. Still, the issue kept coming up from my readers. So I decided to do some research, to try to find what the most current studies say about what motivates students. This is what I found:"
John Evans

10 Motivational TED Talks to Watch With Breakfast | - 2 views

    "One of my favorite innovations in recent years is the idea of TED Talks. Whether you attend a session in person or watch online, you can learn and gain inspiration and see and hear people tell their stories and share their expertise firsthand. It's accessible, substantive information on virtually every topic imaginable. If reading the news first thing in the morning is bringing you down, why not save that task for a bit later in the day? Instead, take in one of these great TED talks with your breakfast. Since they're under 20 minutes, it's the perfect amount of time to spend with your breakfast and coffee--and you'll start the day informed, motivated, and ready to go do great things."
John Evans

Six Powerful Motivations Driving Social Learning By Teens | MindShift | KQED News - 0 views

    "In order to see a rise in the proportion of students who class themselves as engaged in school, we must build a better understanding of how they are learning outside school and take account of that in our learning and teaching practice. There are (at least) six powerful motivations fueling learning socially. I call them the Six "Do-Its" and explain them as follows."
John Evans

21st Century Learning: Need Motivation? - 0 views

    Some motivational videos that support the shift we need to see in education.
John Evans

16 Apps That Will Motivate Even Your Most Resistant Readers - 5 views

    "For every kid who is caught hiding beneath his covers with a flashlight and a novel at midnight, there is another who has to be begged and pleaded with to read.  And the latter might need a little extra-shall we call it encouragement?-to become a great reader. To help, we've rounded up a list of the top apps that not only teach essential reading skills but also motivate kids-even the most book-phobic-to read, read and read some more."
John Evans

4 Ideas For Motivating Adolescent Male Readers - 4 views

    "It's no secret that state and national assessments continue to indicate that boys lag behind girls in the area of reading. The gap tends to grow larger as students enter adolescence. It's also no secret that many teenage boys dislike reading - in class or at home. Just ask a high school teacher…or a teenage boy. While it's not true that all teenage boys dislike reading, there is a growing trend of many becoming unmotivated readers. Obviously, students who are resistant to reading are unlikely to get better at it. Here are four ideas for motivating adolescent male readers."
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