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John Evans

Reach for the APPS Brings iPads to Children With Autism - 3 views

    " Apple has long touted its device's assistive technology as a powerful tool for the educational development of physically and mentally disabled children. The iPad's touch screen makes it easier to manipulate than more traditional educational tools. For children with autism, "the iPad is not a toy, but a tool that works best when there is a 'team effort' between parents and therapists encouraging its proper use," said Marc Reisner, co-founder of Reach for the APPs. "Our goal is to provide schools with iPads so they can reach every child on the autistic spectrum." Reach for the APPs built their site with an initial donation from Managed Digital. Now, they're seeking out donations of money and/or iPads from both individuals and corporations to propel the program forward. According to reports from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 1-in-88 children have some form of autism, up 78 percent from just a decade ago. The demand for augmentative communications devices is growing. But the schools can't meet the demand, so the children are losing valuable time during critical developmental years. Lois Brady, a speech language pathologist and assistive technology specialist, said apps can help develop fine-motor skills, which will in turn make functions like writing and manipulating small objects easier for the students. "I have spent years working with the most challenging students that are considered profoundly disabled," she said. "And I have seen some small miracles when I introduce the iPad into our therapy, as the children have made huge gains in attention, focus, communication, language and literacy skills." Some experts also say that the iPad can lessen symptoms of autistic disorders, helping children deal with life's sensory overload. Brady will be contributing content to the Reach for the APPs website to inform therapists about the latest-and-greatest apps for children all over the autistim spectrum. Apps must be tailor
David McGavock

13 More Tips to Help You Record Narration Like the Pros » The Rapid eLearning... - 0 views

  • You don’t need to be a professional audio engineer to record narration.  However, you do want to pay attention to what you’re doing and do the best job possible.  Last week, we looked at some basic tips to record high-quality audio.  Those tips leaned more on the technology.  Today we’ll look at what you can do to get the best narration.  I also added some tips from last week’s comments section.
    You don't need to be a professional audio engineer to record narration. However, you do want to pay attention to what you're doing and do the best job possible. Last week, we looked at some basic tips to record high-quality audio. Those tips leaned more on the technology. Today we'll look at what you can do to get the best narration. I also added some tips from last week's comments section.
John Evans

Professional learning - a journey | Alice Leung - 1 views

    "Many faculties at my school purchased iPads to be used as student devices this term. Our aim is to use these iPads in combination with the other ICT tools we have already (1:1 laptops, interactive whiteboards, flip cams, etc) to further move into 21st century leaning."
Nigel Coutts

Politics, Education and Lessons from 2016 - The Learner's Way - 3 views

    It is difficult to have not noticed that the Presidential Election in the United States of America has been somewhat controversial. The same conclusion can be drawn about 'Brexit'. The implications of these events will keep historians, political analysts and indeed educators busy for many years. Regardless of your political leanings there are genuine implications for educators in these events and a considered response now and in the coming months (even years) will be required. 
International School of Central Switzerland

Glogster Learning Stations & iHybrids « techchef4u - 0 views

    "Asked to develop a technology-integrated lesson for 5th Math, I naturally leaned to using the iPad. However, the lesson is being developed as a district resource and not every campus has iPads or iPods. Thus, I created a hybrid lesson. Since the elementary math specialists already had a bank of word problems that they had used in a "Words to Symbols" matching activity, we only had to spruce up some of the text and make it applicable or relevant to the apps we planned on using."
John Evans

Apps in Education: 12 Apps to Assist Students to Study - 9 views

    "Many students struggle with the skills of organising homework and studying for exams. There are a number of apps that have been designed specifically for these situation. Some are flashcard apps that work really well for dates and facts, others are apps that attempt to create some organisation around assignments and upcoming examinations. I must admit I tend to lean towards those apps that use a bit of fun to help students learn. So if you have a students needing that bit of extra help what apps could you suggest."
John Evans

Do you have 'text neck'? And five ways to deal with it if you do... - Daily Genius - 1 views

    "By definition, you are reading this on an electronic device. More than likely a tablet or a phone. And if that's the case, then it's more than likely that you're hunched over a little, head forward. Did you just sit up straighter? Thought so… The noises from medical researchers are increasingly shrill on the damage done to us by technology  and the back pain it causes - slumped postures, 'text neck' caused by leaning over our devices is causing wear and tear from the extra pressure the unnatural postures put on our spines. The warnings are, more and more, that this is reaching 'epidemic' proportions, with 'significant' numbers looking like they will need corrective surgery. So are you going to give up your mobile and tablet? No, of course not, that would just be silly, wouldn't it? So instead, try some corrective actions:"
John Evans

ISTE | 6 Minecraft lessons offer a motherlode of learning - 1 views

    "News that Microsoft is buying MinecraftEdu and beefing up the classroom version of the insanely popular game got us thinking about all the great ways educators use Minecraft to teach everything from math and social studies to team building and cell biology. "As an educational tool, Minecraft is a wonderful platform for learning," says Pam Simon who runs an after-school program called Fidgets2Widgets that has incorporated Minecraft since 2013. "You have to have mathematical understanding to build sound structures. Architecture and design features allow for innovation. Redstone in the game acts as the electrical circuitry system, so you can run minecarts, light torches, and create pressure plates." Read these six articles to get ideas for using Minecraft to engage students in deep leaning in your classroom, school or program."
John Evans

The Science of Learning (and technology's impact on how we learn) - A.J. JULIANI - 0 views

    "I leaned over the shoulder of a student in the library. She was quietly working with headphones in, and completely focused. What caught my attention is that she would continually lift her phone up over the textbook, and then jot something down on the paper to her left. It was a motion and process that she repeated at least seven times before I headed over to see what was going on. As I got closer I could see that it was a math textbook, and her paper was filled with equations, problems, and steps. I thought to myself, that sure doesn't look like my math homework, which was always a mess of numbers and lines and eraser marks from messing up! What happened next caught me by surprise. Not because I couldn't believe it, but because it changed the way I viewed math forever."
John Evans

How do I spot fake news? | University of Toronto Libraries - 1 views

    "The creation of fake news continues to generate a lot of discussion and it's no surprise that post-truth was Oxford English Dictionary's 2016 Word of the Year. Although many news sources have some inherent bias or political leaning, there are news outlets that are more credible than others."
John Evans

Teaching Social Justice: 25 Books To Encourage Students To Change The World - - 3 views

    "What are the kinds of ideas that convince people that they can change the world? What about students-what kinds of inspiration or knowledge or confidence or vision do they need to believe they can affect real change in their community? This is, at its heart, a matter of critical literacy-the kind of knowledge that empowers students to change their world. Social activism often appears in light of political leaning, but is first a matter of people gathering for a common cause in pursuit of change."
John Evans

Does Reading for Pleasure in Schools Really Make a Difference? | - 4 views

    "I asked my students to give reading a chance this year.  I promised them that if they liked reading, I would do my very best to protect that love.  That if they disliked it, or even hated it, I would try to create an experience that would perhaps change their perception even a little bit. I polled them at the beginning of the year and was frankly horrified at what I found.  Out of 130 students, 53.6% of students reported that on a scale from 1 to 10, reading was a 4 or less.  That's 70 students. 70 students that despite their previous teachers best intentions have already decided that reading is really not for them.  Out of those 70 students, 35 students reported that they hated it.  Hated it.  Not just dislike.    But hate. So what do you when you are faced with such insurmountable odds?  What program do you lean on?  What curriculum do you implement? For us; none. It turns out it is much simpler than following a curriculum. What made the biggest difference to all of my reading hating students?"
John Evans

The Value of Mailing Encouraging Notes to K-12 Students | Edutopia - 2 views

    "Looking for positive things to say about every student helps teachers develop an asset-based approach to teaching-and helps students lean into their strengths."
Phil Taylor

Deeper Learning Isn't about Technology - 6 views

  • Deep Learning Isn’t about Technology
  • Powerful learning begins to manifest when students take responsibility and ownership for their learning — when they become co-creators of their learning experience, rather than their education being something that is done to them. True student empowerment and engagement begins when we cross the threshold of co-creation.
John Evans

The Innovative Educator: A Friendly Guide to Deploying iPads at Your School - 0 views

    "There is also a lot to like about iOS. It's a lean, mean operating system. It's use of sandboxing keeps it relatively clutter free. iOS doesn't do a lot, but it's pretty good at what it does do. That said, deploying iPads at any kind of scale is just short of maddening. While the process of tapping around to install one app on one iPad isn't too bad, installing a dozen apps on hundreds iPads isn't a particularly appealing way to spend a month. If you are going to deploy iPads at scale, you need a strategy. You need a battle plan. In addition, you will also need to stay hydrated. I don't think I've discovered the silver bullet, but I'll share some of my experiences with you in order to, hopefully, shorten the learning curve."
Phil Taylor

Broadband, Social Networks, and Mobility Have Spawned a New Kind of Learner -- THE Journal - 5 views

  • the near ubiquity of mobile computing is producing a fundamentally new kind of learner, one that is self-directed, better equipped to capture information, more reliant on feedback from peers, more inclined to collaborate, and more oriented toward being their own "nodes of production."
  • "We've all got audiences now on Twitter and Facebook," Rainie said. "Everybody can be a publisher and broadcaster; students in particular are taking advantage of tha
John Evans

CamStudio - Free Screen Recording Software - 0 views

  • CamStudio is able to record all screen and audio activity on your computer and create industry-standard AVI video files and using its built-in SWF Producer can turn those AVIs into lean, mean, bandwidth-friendly Streaming Flash videos (SWFs)
    Free Streaming Video Software
John Evans

26 Internet safety talking points | Dangerously Irrelevant - 8 views

  • Why are you penalizing the 95% for the 5%? You don’t do this in other areas of discipline at school.
  • There’s a difference between a teachable moment and a punishable moment. Lean toward the former as much as possible.
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