Learning Conversations | David Truss :: Pair-a-dimes for Your Thoughts - 0 views
Not the Knowing, but the Process of Inquiry. Not covering the curriculum, but ‘uncovering’ the curriculum. A focus in innovation and creativity… how do we model this… every day? Maureen also spoke of the 5 needs that we (students/teachers/learners) have: The need to feel confident, The need to feel like we belong, The need to be potent- feel you have made a difference, The need to feel useful, and The need to have a sense of optimism
From the site: "Not the Knowing, but the Process of Inquiry. Not covering the curriculum, but 'uncovering' the curriculum. A focus in innovation and creativity… how do we model this… every day? Maureen also spoke of the 5 needs that we (students/teachers/learners) have: The need to feel confident, The need to feel like we belong, The need to be potent- feel you have made a difference, The need to feel useful, and The need to have a sense of optimism"