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John Evans

Excellent Dictionary Apps for your iPad - 0 views

    "Reading articles and posts on your iPad necessitates having a solid dictionary app installed on it. It is definitely not practical to be frequently having recourse to an online dictionary while there are several apps that when installed on your ipad, can be integrated with the text you read and all it takes to define a certain term is tapping onto it two times."
John Evans

Reference Apps On The iPad For Everything Imaginable -- AppAdvice - 2 views

    "Virtual dictionaries have made old-school dictionaries obsolete. Why flip through tissue-thin pages and skim tiny text to find a definition when you can get it in an instant on your computer? The iPad has great reference apps for everything. From your standard dictionary to more niche science apps, you'll find everything here."
John Evans

Free Technology for Teachers: Five Visual Dictionaries and Thesauri for Students - 1 views

    "Like all teachers I have found that the right visual aids can make all the difference between students understanding a term or walking away shaking their heads. This pattern is carries over to learning new vocabulary words and or seeing the connections between similar words. Here are five visual dictionaries and thesauri that can help your students learn new vocabulary words."
John Evans

Twittonary | A Twitter Dictionary - 0 views

    The Twitter Dictionary aka Twittonary provides explanations of various Twitter related words. You can search the entire Twitter Dictionary or by single word using their letter of the alphabet in the list below:
John Evans

And the Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year Is...'Selfie' - 0 views

    "Oxford Dictionaries announced "Selfie" as the international Word of the Year 2013, noting its frequency in the English language has increased by 17,000% since last year. "
tech vedic

Online tech-support solutions- By- Techvedic: HOW TO : Get iOS Style Pop-up Dictionary... - 0 views

    HOW TO : Get iOS Style Pop-up Dictionary on Android
John Evans

Memidex - free online dictionary/thesaurus - 0 views

    Memidex is a free online dictionary/thesaurus with extensive cross-referencing, complete inflections, simple interface, and frequent updates. It's fast too. Use the Find box for exact matching or browse using the complete index.
John Evans

Redefine the dictionary - wordia - 0 views

shared by John Evans on 21 Sep 08 - Cached
    A growing dictionary consisting of video clips recorded by users
John Evans

definr - incredibly fast dictionary - 0 views

    Dictionary at lightning speed
John Evans

Abbreviations and acronyms dictionary: Find definitions for over 4,219,000 abbreviation... - 0 views

    Acronym Finder is the world's largest and most comprehensive dictionary of acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms.
John Evans

Wiktionary, the free dictionary - 0 views

    Wiktionary, the free dictionary 1,029,147 entries with English definitions from over 295 languages
Tom Stimson

Word Source - The Social Dictionary - 0 views

    The first online social dictionary. Upload photos, tag, and rate your favorite words. Search for definitions simply by adding the word after the url - example:
Neil O'Sullivan

Find Similar or Opposite words at WordHippo - 2 views

    Word hippo gives another word or the opposite of words dictionary.
John Evans

Creating a Visual Dictionary on the iPad | Langwitches Blog - 6 views

    "te apps to use on my iPad. It creates great looking Scrapbook pages of multiple images in no time."
John Evans

7 Great Dictionary and Thesaurus Apps - 1 views

    "Words on the go… this has to be one of the best uses for smart phone apps out there. Having words, definitions, pronunciations, and synonyms at your fingertips is one of the marvels of the modern age. Check out the following list of some of the best ones you'll find."
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