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Mansel Wells

The United States Copyright Law: A Guide for Music Educators. Includes rights and limit... - 0 views

  • Revised copy 2003. Presented as a service by: The National Association For Music Education (MENC) Music Publishers' Association of The United States Music Teachers National Association National Association of Schools of Music National Music Publishers' Association
    Revised copy 2003.
    Presented as a service by: The National Association For Music Education (MENC)
    Music Publishers' Association of The United States
    Music Teachers National Association
    National Association of Schools of Music
    National Music Publishers' Association
Fran Bullington

09 Wed. Beating the No U-Turn Syndrome: New Approaches to Copyright Compliance - ISTEvi... - 0 views

    Doug Johnson's NECC 2009 presentation on copyright. He says "fair use" is not a law, but a guideline. Excellent scenarios that could be used with faculty or students.
Mansel Wells

Copyright Date Sliderule - 1 views

    This identifies the copyright protection based on the year it is published.
    Used in Librarians virtual workshop.
Rhondda Powling

Copyright, Ebooks and the Unpredictable Future | Digital Book World - 1 views

Mary K

Info Literacy on the Internet Wiki - 0 views

    Resources for web site evaluation, copyright basics, and plagiarism identification and prevention
Mansel Wells

NACS: Member Resources: Q&A on Copyright - 0 views

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Mansel Wells : Learning Center : Plagiarism Definitions, Tips on avoiding Plagiarism,... - 0 views

    The Learning Center is designed to help educators and students develop a better sense of what plagiarism means in the information age, and to teach the planning, organizational, and citation skills essential for producing quality writing and research. Our site offers information about: * Plagiarism defined, in easy-to-understand terms * Tips on how to avoid both internet-based and conventional plagiarism * Guidelines for proper citation, and links to help with specific citation styles * Suggestions for developing good research and writing skills * Answers to frequently asked questions, including explanations for often misunderstood concepts like fair use, public domain, and copyright laws * Definitions for important research-related terms * Suggestions for integrating plagiarism education into lesson plans * Tips for creating assignments that discourage plagiarism and encourage original thinking * Information on the causes of plagiarism today * Help with identifying different types of plagiarism, in particular plagiarism from the internet * Printable handouts for students on plagiarism, proper citation, and paper writing
Fran Bullington

copyrightfriendly » home - 0 views

    links to several copyright friendly media sites
Mansel Wells

Copyright Exposed (Taking the Mystery Out of Copyright) (Library of Congress) - 0 views

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Fran Bullington

Thinkfinity - ReadWriteThink - 0 views

    Search results for copyright
Rhondda Powling

Judge says Google is allowed to scan all the books on earth, upload them online | Death... - 1 views

    Google has been scanning millions of books and uploading them so they can be read for free online. There are currently 20 million books that can be accessed for free through, with the company's stated goal of having every book ever printed available. The major publishers of the world have been trying to sue them to stop this from the time they began the project. "Lawsuits trying to stop Google Books have been ongoing since 2005, and Thursday, eight years later, a judge finally ruled in Google's favour. Judge Denny Chin of the U.S. district court wrote that Google's scanning constitutes fair use because it alters the form the text appears in, and also uses some clever code to prevent the material from being copied en masse by users. Google Books "advances the progress of the arts and sciences, while maintaining respectful consideration for the rights of authors and other creative individuals, and without adversely impacting the rights of copyright holders."
Rhondda Powling

Clip Art Gallery - 0 views

    Book clip art All clip art, about English and Language Arts, in Discovery Education's Clip Art Gallery created by Mark A. Hicks, illustrator. Teachers are allowed to download up to ten images if the follow the copyright directions.
Rhondda Powling

Random House Says Libraries Own Their Ebooks | LJ Insider - 0 views

    Random House (one Big Six publishers) is, to its credit, on the record saying it is granting ownership.
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