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Rhondda Powling

Latest Study: A full-time school librarian makes a critical difference in boosting stud... - 2 views

    "This study adds to the evidence that all K-12 students need and deserve quality school library programs with full-time certified staff. Students are more likely to succeed when they have library programs that are well staffed, well funded, technologically well equipped, well stocked, and more accessible. And, the neediest learners may benefit the most from trained librarians and quality library programs."
Mansel Wells

New York Statewide Summer Reading Program:Explore New York reading list:New York State ... - 0 views

    Summer Reading Program--New York State History Reading Lists To commemorate the New York State Hudson-Fulton-Champlain Quadricentennial, the New York State Library, as part of the 2009 Summer Reading Program, has created four selected reading lists that celebrate the history, culture, and diversity of New York State. Each of the four lists covers one reader age group: Picture Books; Elementary; Tween; and Teen and up.
Rhondda Powling

schoollibraries2011 - checklist for parents - 1 views

    There are no facts and figures about the school library on the My Schools website, yet the library and the teacher librarian play a vital role in your child's education. So are Australian children and young people getting the best deal? ASLA research shows that a strong library program that is adequately staffed, resourced and funded can lead to higher student achievement regardless of the socioeconomic or educational levels of the adults in the community This is a 10-point checklist designed for parents to investigate if their school is investing where it counts.
Cathy Oxley

12 Reasons Teachers should use Diigo - 1 views

    Diigo stands for "Digest of Internet Information, Groups and Other stuff." It is a social bookmarking program that allows you to save your 'favourites' online, so that they can be accessible from any computer with an internet connection. However, Diigo does much more than this.
Rhondda Powling

Advocating for School Libraries - a Primer | YALSAblog - 0 views

    "AASL provides this definition: Advocacy is the ongoing process of building partnerships so that others will act for and with you, turning passive support into educated action for the library program."
Mansel Wells

Storyline Online - 0 views

    An on-line streaming video program featuring Screen Actors Guild members reading childrens books aloud. Each book includes accompanying activities and lesson ideas.
Mansel Wells

Primary Source Learning - Discover, Teach, and Learn with Digital Historical Documents - 0 views

    The features on this Web site enable educational communities to: * Browse primary sources that teachers have used with students. * Teach primary source-based learning experiences from the Teaching Materials Collection. * Design learning experiences using MyPortfolio. * Share discoveries with others through field-testing and publishing. * Use our professional development programs to uncover the breadth and depth of resources. * Learn through primary source-based online activities and samples of student projects. * Create digital documentaries using University of Virginia's Primary Access or make a handout for students.
Mansel Wells

Our Documents: Ideas for Librarians - 12 views

    Many librarians are interested in finding new ways to encourage more students and teachers to use library materials and do high level research. Their efforts are often limited by available time or unfamiliar subject matter. For that reason, librarians should be excited about the teaching possibilities available through the Our Documents initiative. This program offers school librarians ideas and materials to improve use of their collections. Here are some suggestions for using Our Documents in a school library.
Rhondda Powling

Guidelines for working with RDA and non-RDA records prior to implementation of RDA- Pro... - 0 views

    From the Library of Congress:The following guidelines were recommended by the Task Group on Hybrid Bibliographic Records (Sept. 1, 2011). The recommendations were approved by the PCC Policy Committee. The documents below include guidelines for working with RDA and non-RDA records for monographs, serials, and integrating resources prior to implementation of RDA.
Fran Bullington

The School Library Link: A Free Newsletter to Promote School LIbrary Programs to Parent... - 2 views

    A free monthly newsletter created by graduate school library student Michelle McGarry. Print it out and send home with students each month.
Candace Broughton

AMERICAN EXPERIENCE Into the Deep | Connecticut Public Broadcasting Network - 0 views

Rhondda Powling

Internet Archive Partners With 150 Libraries to Launch an E-Book Lending Program - 2 views

    The Internet Archive, in conjunction with 150 libraries, has rolled out a new 80,000 e-book lending collection today on This means that library patrons with an OpenLibrary account can check out any of these e-books. The hope is that this effort will help libraries make the move to digital book lending. "As readers go digital, so are our libraries," says Brewster Kahle, founder and Digital Librarian of the Internet Archive
Cathy Oxley

Massachusetts School Library Association - Chelmsford High School's Learning Commons: F... - 0 views

    Massachusetts School Library Association
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