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alexandra m. pickett

Class Size - 0 views

  • Smaller class size seems to result in higher achievement among students who are economically disadvantaged. Students with lower academic ability seem to do better in smaller classes than in larger ones. It may be that class size affects student attitudes more significantly than it affects achievement. A direct effect of large class size is to lower the morale and increase the stress of teachers. There is typically little to be gained from reductions in class size that do not bring class size below 30.
  • Smaller classes are beneficial for children at the primary level, particularly in math and reading.
  • The most positive effects of small classes on pupil learning occur in grades K-3 in reading and mathematics.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Little, if any, increase in pupil achievement can be expected from reducing class size if teachers continue to use the same instructional methods and procedures in the smaller classes that they have used in larger classes (Robinson, p. 82).
  • Teachers with small classes must not only be trained to be effective in such settings, but they must also be committed to try new skills and procedures.
  • Robinson, Glen E. “Synthesis of Research on the Effects of Class Size.” EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP (April 1990): 80-90.
  • The most recent comprehensive review of existing research was completed by Robinson (1990), and used a cluster analysis approach. Studies were “clustered” into categories considered important for class size decisions such as grade levels, subject areas, student characteristics, student achievement, student behavior, and teaching practices. The results of part of Robinson’s analysis appear below.
  • Effective schools research has extended its research agenda by focusing on an expanded number of variables that are presumed to be related to student achievement. Schools are now perceived as a cultural entity where the complex interplay of multiple variables affect the lives of all who learn and teach in those institutions. As the metaphor for American schools has shifted from an assembly line to that of a caring, learning community, the class size research agenda has also shifted to include such variables as instructional method, teacher morale and stress, teacher work load, student behavior and attitudes, content areas, student characteristics, and grade level. Bennett (1987), in a review of more recent research, found broad agreement among researchers on the following general conclusions:
    • alexandra m. pickett
      hey ;just demoing diigo to faculty
    • alexandra m. pickett
      another demo of a comment
Donna Angley

Learning Objectives - 0 views

    There are really TWO categories of learning objectives based on their purpose. One type of learning objective is for internal use-the design team, client and subject matter expert. The other type is for the audience members. If designers would write different learning objectives for each category, the world would be a better place. This is because internal learning objectives tend to be too technical and non-motivating for your eLearning audience.
Donna Angley

A Constructionist Approach to Online college Learning - 0 views

    The key elements of online course design and pedagogy suggested by research as promoting effective learning are discussed through the lens of constructivist epistemology. Presentation of content, instructor-student and student-student interactions, individual and group activities, and student assessment are each addressed, in turn. The focus is on learning and recognition that, from time-to-time, all students are teachers as they bring diverse expertise, experiences, and worldviews to the task of learning. Reflection on past experiences, interaction with other members of the learning community, immediate instructor behavior, authentic group activities, and diverse assessment tasks with timely and detailed feedback are underscored.

Flow Theory | - 0 views

  • ygotsky, a Russian psychologist (1896–1934), and Jean Piaget, a Swiss psychologist (1896–1980), contended that learning best occurs when people engage in activities that are at the peak of their abilities, when they have to work to their full potential to accomplish a task. However, the study of the experience of optimally challenging activities and the method of study are unique to flow theory.
  • when individuals find the activities challenging
  • o describe the experiences of intrinsically motivated people, those who were engaged in an activity chosen for its own sake
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • One benefit of flow theory is that it presumes that motivation, cognition, and affect are situational
  • have the skills to accomplish them
  • Flow Theory Print Collect It! var shared = false; if(!window['loadedCollectionJS']) { window['loadedCollectionJS'] = true; Asset.javascript('/js/moo/collections/collections.js'); } var scripts = $$('script'), thisScriptTag = scripts[scripts.length - 1], el = thisScriptTag.getPrevious('.collect-button-wrap'); if(el) {'collectPath', "") } var switchTo5x=true;stLight.options({publisher:'d0d0d8a8-d1f8-49ff-9318-fed5383cff80',doNotHash:true,NotCopy:true,hashAddressBar:false});Email var sharedemail = false; (function() { stLight.options({ onhover: false, clickCallBack: function(){ if(typeof window.sharedemail != 'undefined') { new Request({ method: 'post', url: '/service/service.'+'php?sn=sharelog&f=ase&'}).send(); sharedemail=true; } } }); stWidget.addEntry({ 'service':'email', title:"Flow Theory", summary: "", url: "http://www.ed"+"", element: document.getElementById("sharethis-7167") }); })(); if(!window['plusoneloaded']) { new Asset.javascript(''); window['plusoneloaded'] = true; } function plusone_vote( obj ) { //track in Google Analytics _gaq.push(['_trackEvent','plusone',obj.state]); //track in Omniture if((typeof(window.Omniture) != 'undefined')) { var params = {evars:{5:obj.state}}; if(obj.state == 'on') = [6]; Omniture.fireEvent(params,'Google Plus One Click'); } } By Amy Schweinle | Andrea Bjornestad Updated on Dec 23, 2009 MAJOR RESEARCH METHODS FACTORS INFLUENCING FLOW AND MOTIVATIONAL CONSEQUENCES IMPLICATIONS FOR TEACHERS Flo
  • not only do activities with high challenge matched with high skill offer the best opportunities for learning, but they also provide an optimal environment for positive affect and intrinsic motivation.
  • eachers must provide optimal challenge and support for competence (or skill)
  • (a) provided immediate, constructive feedback, (b) encouraged students to persist, (c) encouraged cooperation rather than competition, (d) supported student autonomy, (e) ensured that new challenges were tempered with support to match students' skill, (f) emphasized the importance of the material, and (g) pressed students to understand the principles rather than memorize algorithms.
    talks about the relationship between flow and the zone of proximal development
    This article has a good definition of flow and explains how it can be applied in your classroom
Gary Bedenharn

Teacher Presence: Using Introductory Videos in Online and Hybrid Courses by Paula Jones... - 1 views

    This e-magazine article provides researched-based information on the importance and components of teaching presence in the on-line learning environment. Blog format with related topics.
    Article on online learning courses and the use of technology.
Irene Watts-Politza

Online Teaching Effectiveness: A Tale of Two Instructors | Gorsky | The International R... - 0 views

  • We propose, as have others (i.e., Shea, Pickett, & Pelz, 2003), that the community of inquiry model (Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 2000) reflects the principles of good practice in undergraduate education and can accurately quantify them.
    • Irene Watts-Politza
      Go, Dr. Pickett!
  • issues of pedagogy, dialogue, and interaction
  • guide the coding of transcripts.
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • Social presence is the perceived presence of others in mediated communication (Rourke, Garrison, & Archer, 1999), which Garrison et al. (2000) contend supports both cognitive and teaching presence through its ability to instigate, to sustain, and to support interaction. It had its genesis in the work of John Dewey and is consistent with all theoretical approaches to learning in higher education.
  • Teaching presence is defined as “the design, facilitation and direction of cognitive and social processes for the purpose of realizing [students’] personally meaningful and educationally worthwhile outcomes” (Anderson et al., 2001, p.5). Vygotsky’s (1978) scaffolding analogies illustrate an assistive role for teachers in providing instructional support to students from their position of greater content knowledge. Although many authors recommend a “guide on the side” approach to moderating student discussions, a key feature of this social cognition model is the adult, the expert, or the more skilled peer who scaffolds a novice’s learning
  • Shea, Pickett, & Pelz , 2004
  • Each category of a tutor’s presence is vital to learning and to the establishment of the learning community; tutors' behavior must be such that they are seen to be “posting regularly, responding in a timely manner and modeling good online communication and interaction” (Palloff & Pratt, 2003, p.118). Without an instructor’s explicit guidance and “teaching presence,” students were found to engage primarily in “serial monologues” (Pawan et al., 2003). Baker (2004) discovered that “instructor immediacy, i.e., teaching presence (Rourke et al., 1999), was a more reliable predictor of effective cognitive learning than whether students felt close to each other. Studies have demonstrated that instructor participation in threaded discussion is critical to the development of social presence (Shea, Li, Swan, & Pickett, 2005; Swan & Shih, 2005) and sometimes not fully appreciated by online faculty (Liu, Bonk, Magjuka, Lee, & Su, 2005). Shea, Li, and Pickett (2006) proposed that teaching presence – viewed as the core role of the online instructor – is a promising mechanism for developing learning community in online environments.
  • students ranked instructor modeling as the most important element in building online community, while instructors ranked it fourth.
  • Shea (2006), who completed an extensive study of teaching presence and online learning, concluded that two categories (“design” and “directed facilitation”) sufficed to define the construct.
  • Kalman, Ravid, Raban, and Rafaeli (2006) argued that interactivity is an essential characteristic of effective online communication and plays an important role in keeping message threads and their authors together. Interactive communication (online as well as in traditional settings) is engaging, and loss of interactivity results in a breakdown of the communicative process.
  • Research indicates the existence of a relationship between learners’ perceptions of social presence and their motivation for participation in online discussions (Weaver & Albion, 2005).
  • Northrup (2002) found that online learners felt it was important for instructors to promote collaboration and conversation. When interactive activities are carefully planned, they lead not only to greater learning but also to enhanced motivation (Berge 1999; Northrup, 2002).
  • Researchers have suggested that timing of messages can serve as a proxy for a sense of social presence (Blanchard, 2004), as an indication of attentiveness (Walther & Bunz, 2005) or respect (Bargh & McKenna, 2004), and as a clue to the sociability of a community (Maloney-Krichmar & Preece, 2005). As such, the frequency of messages may serve as a signal for how engaged participants are with the community.
    • Irene Watts-Politza
  • Eom found that the most significant factors for increasing student satisfaction with online classes are paying attention to students and responding to their concerns.
  • The highly esteemed instructor was especially active from semester midpoint to semester end; she more than doubled her active participation in both teaching presence (especially discourse and instruction) and social presence (all three categories).
  • the lack of specific, progressively structured inquiry tasks and/or the lack of facilitation skills (teaching presence/facilitating discourse) may have contributed to the relatively limited occurrences of cognitive presence.
  • something else accounted for the extreme satisfaction and dissatisfaction experienced by students in the two forums. The something else may be the two exceptional events that occurred during the third month: The instructor held in low esteem became nearly dysfunctional, while the highly esteemed instructor exhibited very high teacher presence and social presence (see Table 3 and 4).
  • Shea, Pickett, and Pelt (2003) found that students’ perceived teacher presence also correlates with perceived learning as well as with students’ satisfaction with the forum. This correlation points to the tentative conclusion that teaching presence affords learning by setting a convenient climate.
  • we suggest that students’ perceived learning in course forums has a significant impact on their participation
  • the table is suggestive of the eventual possibility of having an “objective” tool for evaluating the quality of a given forum.
  • (Anderson et al., 2001).
  • Teaching effectiveness may be defined as how an instructor can best direct, facilitate, and support students toward certain academic ends, such as achievement and satisfaction. Teaching effectiveness has been investigated extensively in traditional classrooms for more than seven decades (for a meta-analysis of empirical studies from 1995-2004, see Seidel & Shavelson, 2007). Over the past five years, research has become directed toward teaching effectiveness in online or virtual classes. As a preface to our study, we discuss findings and conclusions concerning teaching effectiveness in traditional classrooms.
  • Journal Help ISSN: 1492-3831 Journal Content Search All Authors Title Abstract Index terms Full Text Browse By Issue By Author By Title User Username Password Remember me Article Tools Abstract Print this article Indexing metadata How to cite item Review policy Email this article (Login required) Email the author (Login required) Post a Comment (Login required) Font Size Make font size smaller Make font size default Make font size larger SUBSCRIBE TO MAILING LIST 5,591  subscribers Select Language​▼ function googleTranslateElementInit() { new google.translate.TranslateElement({ pageLanguage: 'en', autoDisplay: false, layout: google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.SIMPLE }, 'google_translate_element'); } Home About Register Archives Announcements Resources Submissions
  • One of the most widely cited sources for teacher effectiveness in traditional classrooms is Chickering and Gamson (1987), who suggested seven principles for good practice in undergraduate education.
  • encourages student-faculty contact, encourages cooperation among students, encourages active learning, gives prompt feedback, emphasizes time on task, communicates high expectations, respects diverse talents and ways of learning.
Shoubang Jian

Lines on Plagiarism Blur for Students in the Digital Age - - 0 views

  • a student reprimanded for copying from Wikipedia in a paper on the Great Depression said he thought its entries — unsigned and collectively written — did not need to be credited since they counted, essentially, as common knowledge.
    another related article on plagiarism
Michael Lucatorto

The Legend of Cliff Young: The 61 Year Old Farmer Who Won the World's Toughest Race - E... - 0 views

  • Latest Usain Bolt Breaks 200m World Record at Olympics Usain Bolt Wins Olympic Gold with 100m World Record Olympic Start Gun Gives Advantage to Runners on Inside Lanes
  • When the race started, the pros quickly left Cliff behind. The crowds and television audience were entertained because Cliff didn't even run properly; he appeared to shuffle. Many even feared for the old farmer's safety
  • Today, the "Young-shuffle" has been adopted by ultra-marathon runners because it is considered more energy-efficient. At least three champions of the Sydney to Melbourne race have used the shuffle to win the race. Furthermore, during the Sydney to Melbourne race, modern competitors do not sleep. Winning the race requires runners to go all night as well as all day, just like Cliff Young
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • All of the professional athletes knew that it took about 5 days to finish the race. In order to compete, one had to run about 18 hours a day and sleep the remaining 6 hours. The thing is, Cliff Young didn't know that! When the morning of the second day came, everyone was in for another surprise. Not only was Cliff still in the race, he had continued jogging all night.
  • Cliff kept running. Each night he came a little closer to the leading pack. By the final night, he had surpassed all of the young, world-class athletes. He was the first competitor to cross the finish line and he set a new course record.
Catherine Strattner

How Different Types of Knowledge Are Assessed - 0 views

  • Procedural knowledge is knowing how to do something; it involves making discriminations, understanding concepts, and applying rules that govern relationships and often includes motor skills and cognitive strategies
  • Declarative knowledge is knowing that something is the case
  • Problem solving may involve domain-specific strategies, suggesting that different strategies are employed when solving problems in different content a
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • The ability to solve problems builds on declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge.
  • eas, such as math versus writing
  • problem solving involves a sequence of steps, beginning with establishing a representation of the problem, then selecting a strategy that seems appropriate for resolving the problem, followed by evaluating the results of employing that strategy
  • Declarative knowledge involves information one can state verbally. Therefore, tasks will require students to state, explain, discuss, or declare in some other way what they know
  • He described declarative knowledge as a network of propositions, whereas procedural knowledge represented productions. While declarative knowledge involves knowing that something is the case, procedural knowledge involves knowing how to do something
  • To assess problem solving, students are presented a problem to solve or a situation from which they must infer the problem that needs to be solved. Typically, any number of strategies might be used to successfully solve the problem. When scoring student performance where the focus of the assessment is on problem solving, proficiency with particular strategies or other types of procedural (or declarative) knowledge generally is not scored. What is scored are qualities such as the establishment of a clear and appropriate problem representation and sense of goal, the selection of a strategy that is reasonable given the goal to be achieved, and the adequacy with which outcomes from using the selected strategy are evaluated.
    this item discusses different kinds of knowledge, their connection to Bloom's taxonomy, and how to assess each
    Different types of knowledge and how to write performance objectives in line with each.
b malczyk

Paulo Freire and informal education - 0 views

  • emphasis on dialogue
  • informal education is a dialogical (or conversational) rather than a curricula
  • should not involve one person acting on another, but rather people working with each other. Too much education, Paulo Freire argues, involves 'banking' - the educator making 'deposits' in the educatee.
    • b malczyk
      This is in line with our module reading that describes knowledge as being joint constrcuted rather than a top down approach where an expert or textbook guide the instruction.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • action that is informed (and linked to certain values).
  • enhancing community and building social capital and to leading us to act in ways that make for justice and human flourishing.
    • b malczyk
      This is comprable to Brown and Adler's learning to be rather than simlpy learning to know
  • great significance to those educators who have traditionally worked with those who do not have a voice, and who are oppressed.
  • developing consciousness, but consciousness that is understood to have the power to transform reality'
    Description of Paulo Freire and his work. He was an influential educator and sought to use education as a means of helping individuals develop a critical consciousness about their life situations. His work was geared towards groups who were oppressed and lacked opportunities.His most famous work was a book titled "Pedagogy of the Oppressed."
Amy M

Linear and non-linear learning | Ken Carroll - 0 views

  • Textbooks, curricula, and our educational system itself are the products of a mechanistic past.  School knowledge is pre-determined by a centralized authority, and delivered in a linear format to a mass audience. The system is standardized, mass produced, scheduled, etc. In the classroom, the emphasis has been on teaching - it is expected that the learning will simply follow. The act of teaching, then, is seen as transfering information in a controlled sequence, a process that eliminates context 
  • If there is a metpaphor for learning in the natural environment it may be the network rather than the line: our neural networks 
  • Age of Networks,
    Focus on non-linear learning
Donna Angley

Constructionist Learning Environment - 1 views

    Moving from constructivist philosophy, psychology and epistemology to the characterization of constructivist learning environments presents the challenge of synthesizing a large spectrum of somewhat disparate concepts. An appropriate analogy for the way in which constructivist concepts have evolved is that of a prism with many facets. While the facets reflect the same light and form one part of a whole, they nonetheless each present distinct and finely delineated boundaries.
Donna Angley

New Learning Environments for the 21st Century - 0 views

    As the pace of change in the 21st century continues to increase, the world is becoming more interconnected and complex, and the knowledge economy is craving more intellectual property. In this environment, it is critical that we shift our focus from education to life-long learning. Fortunately, the increasing availability of learning resources on the internet is coinciding with the growing importance of continuous learning. If we are willing to view learning from a new perspective, we are no longer resource constrained.
alexandra m. pickett

Instruction by Design - 5 views

  • I was a bit surprised
    • alexandra m. pickett
      why surprised? It is no longer a question of whether is is as good as f2f instruction. There is a now a significant body of evidence that online instruction done well surpasses f2f instruction:
  • I have been pushed to find out and learn about topics relevant to me!
  • I believe that using questions that allow my students to explore areas that are relevant to their unique situations will help them to be successful.
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • After reading that statement, I felt as though many things clicked for me. The course design and teaching practices are closely linked. The social, cognitive, and teaching presence are related and depend on each other. What does this mean for my course? For me it translates to making sure my course design contains a careful balance to establish the community of inquiry, and that my teaching practices are supported by my course design.
  • First that instructors must give control over the learning to the students, and second that instructors must be skilled at guiding discussions in order to help students learn what is necessary through interactions with others. I especially liked an analogy that Luke used in one of his discussion posts, “Yoda (the teacher) guided Luke (the student) in the ways of the Force, he pointed him where he needed to go but had Luke do the work.” I think this is very relatable for those of us who are star wars fans. Yoda is this incredibly wise mentor, who says very little. The statements he makes are brief but have a lot of meaning. I do see how this relates to effective teaching online. I had to help facilitate a discussion in a past online class, and always felt hesitant to jump in. My sense was that you only want to add something when the thinking stops. You only want to ask enough questions, or statements to get the thinking going again.
  • When I think about my own learning in this course, I realize that even though I may not have direct contact with my classmates or the instructor, I am following those interaction patterns in this course.  I am working with the concepts and ideas introduced in each module, researching, relating, and making connections.  Then I bring my work back to the community to share.  My classmates or the instructor will absorb my contributions and perhaps push it further with suggesting alternate views, or things I have not considered.
  • Now we are discussing how we are using text based environments to create intimacy in learning environments.  Perhaps, it is not all that different
    • alexandra m. pickett
  • I now believe that a teacher is someone who can create an environment where students are able to gain knowledge through interaction and experience.  This may be through reviewing materials or engaging in activities, but that seems less important to me now.  The crucial part is now designing the interactions. 
    • alexandra m. pickett
      Eureaka!! it is NOT about content : ) brilliant!
  • my workshop is really about the journey rather than the destination
  • I realized that although you may think you are engaging students in your course, it may be trickier than you expect
  • I really appreciated that the course was able to allow me to reach these conclusions in my own way, rather than just telling me “the line between direct instruction and facilitation of discourse can be blurred”. 
  • I have been able to make the big connections, and form ideas in a way that previously has been difficult for me. 
  • I feel as though the reflection assignments have provided the context for my brain to think in a different way.  This not only gives me confidence for the future, but it also helps me to discover the connections I have made unconsciously!  It seems kind of strange to say that, but it is true!  I am hoping to continue to use blogging as a tool to document my insights and learning after the course ends.
  • I definitely was struggling with motivation when I felt the connection to my classmates and the instructor fading.
    • alexandra m. pickett
  • Through ETAP640, I have really learned how important reflection is for deep learning. It is through my blog posts that I have been able to tie all the ideas together in my head and makes sense out of the information. The course manual suggests that you ask your students why they are taking the course within the ice breaker.
  • Now I understand that asking the students to articulate what they want to get out of the course is an important start to getting them to reflect on their learning and progress throughout the course.
    • alexandra m. pickett
  • Maree (4)
Amy M

Educational Technology Research and Development, Volume 49, Number 4 - SpringerLink - 0 views

  • The purpose of this study was to analyze a five-week graduate-level education course taught entirely at a distance via the Internet using the Blackboard.comSM e-learning system, with emphasis on exploring the dynamics of sense of classroom community. Subjects were 20 adult learners, evenly divided between males and females, who were administered the sense of classroom community index at the beginning and end of the course in order to measure classroom community. Findings indicated that on-line learners took advantage of the “learn anytime” characteristics of the Internet by accessing the course seven days per week, 24 hours per day. Sense of classroom community grew significantly during the course. Females manifested a stronger sense of community than their male counterparts both at the start and end of the course. Additionally, female students exhibited a mostly connected communication pattern while the communication pattern of males was mostly independent.
    classroom interaction can lead to retention
Lisa Martin

Future Shock. Too much change in a too short period of time - FT Careers Blog - 0 views

  • Subjectively, we feel this acceleration of time, we grew up in a slower paced world and it was easier for us to adapt to change. Today we are bombarded with information, products, events and it’s sometimes hard to keep up. It may be easier for some, harder for others
    • Lisa Martin
      "You can't teach an old dog new tricks?" I don't know that I've ever fully believed that. I think its more along the lines of old dogs don't necessarily want to learn new tricks.
  • Think about the news, communications and mass media. Since the internet became mainstream the way information is shared has changed radically. News one day old is already OLD. News is being produced in real time; worldwide communications are in real time too. Even more, there is more news everywhere. And it’s not that some years ago nothing happened. It’s that it’s become easier to broadcast them, allowing us to dramatically increase the information that can be distributed to the world.
    • Lisa Martin
      Prior to the world being so "wired", most people didn't even know who the pope was.
  • The younger generations have a less daunting task, mainly because they were raised in this wired/online world. They are accustomed to it.
    • Lisa Martin
      I feel like as a 30 year old, I fall between the older generations and younger ones. There was no computer at my mother's house until my senior year of high school and I didnt have a cell phone until my third year in college.

elearn Magazine: Transition from Tradition: 9 Tips for successfully moving your face-to... - 1 views

  • Try and make similar assignments as regular as possible, but don't try and fill up every day.
  • erms of what would fit on a phone screen for students to read while they're waiting in line for a latte.
  • Short virtual lectures of 10 minutes or less used to orient students to the course, to introduce a module, or to demonstrate how to solve a particular style of problem are efficient teaching tools that students can access again and again.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • reate assignments that are challenging yet relevant to them
  • give it early and often
  • As the first activity in your course, create a short orientation video using one of the programs mentioned above to show them how and where to find materials, calendars, quizzes, assignments, discussion boards, e-mail, announcements, drop boxes, etc.
  • Create a mandatory orientation module that has your syllabus, orientation video, and short exercises that let them practice turning in assignments, similar to what they'll see later down the road
  • . Let students help each other out
Aubrey Warneck

Essay & Poster Contest: Building a Classroom Community - 0 views

  • “Together we are even better: Great things happen when my class is like a community”. The goal of this essay contest is to promote discussion in Ontario classrooms about the meaning of a sense of community and the ways that students and teachers can create a positive classroom community of learners.
    • Aubrey Warneck
      Maybe having students do an on-line poster contest or essay contest describing/depicting what makes a classroom community work is a good place to start with community building exercises int he online classroom. It will also create teaching presence in that the students will be teaching one another about what they think creates a successful community.
    Building classroom community.
JJ Wagner

JOLT - Journal of Online Learning and Teaching - 0 views

shared by JJ Wagner on 29 May 09 - Cached
    I learning about this web site from an instructor that I am currently enrolled in.
  • ...1 more comment...
    A database (you can create an account for free) containing articles on technology, higher education, and on-line education.
    The Journal of Online Learning and Teaching for Higher Education Good articles about plagiarism and online learners.
    Higher Education resource for online learning and teaching.
Kristen Della

Carl Rodgers - 1 views

    ...Like Maslow, Rogers believes that, if left to their own devices, animals will tend to eat and drink things that are good for them, and consume them in balanced proportions. Babies, too, seem to want and like what they need. Somewhere along the line, however, we have created an environment for ourselves that is significantly different from the one in which we evolved. In this new environment are such things as refined sugar, flour, butter, chocolate, and so on, that our ancestors in Africa never knew. These things have flavors that appeal to our organismic valuing -- yet do not serve our actualization well. Over millions of years, we may evolve to find brocolli more satisfying than cheesecake -- but by then, it'll be way too late for you and me...
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