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Confessions of an Aca/Fan: Archives: A New Culture of Learning: An Interview with John ... - 0 views

  • . In fact we encourage that kind of exploration. It is how children explore and gain information about the world around them.
  • Can you share some of what you learned about student-directed learning
  • What we are essentially doing when we move to student-directed learning is undermining our own relatively stable (though I would argue obsolete) notions of expertise and replacing them something new and different.
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  • One of the key arguments we are making is that the role of educators needs to shift away from being expert in a particular area of knowledge, to becoming expert in the ability to create and shape new learning environments. In
  • You get to see students learn, discover, explore, play, and develop, which is the primary reason
  • We take it as a truism that kids learn about the world through play.
  • known that at that age, play and learning are indistinguishable. The premise of A New Culture of Learning is grounded in the idea that we are now living in a world of constant change and flux, which means that more often than not, we are faced with the same problem that vexes children. How do I make sense of this strange, changing, amazing world? By returning to play as a modality of learning, we can see how a world in constant flux is no longer a challenge or hurdle to overcome; it becomes a limitless resource to engage, stimulate, and cultivate the imagination. Our argument brings to the fore the old aphorism "imagination is more important than knowledge." In a networked world, information is always available and getting easier and easier to access. Imagination, what you actually do with that information, is the new challenge
  • users are not so much creating content as they are constantly reshaping context
  • how we learn is more important than what we learn.
    great article on models and theories of teaching in the new media technology age

Boudreault - The Benefits of Using Drama in the ESL/EFL Classroom - 0 views

    • Luke Fellows
      Student centered learning
  • Drama puts the teacher in the role of supporter in the learning process and the students can take more responsibility for their own learning.  Ideally, the teacher will take a less dominant role in the language class and let the students explore the language activities.  In the student centered classroom, every student is a potential teacher for the group.
    • Luke Fellows
      Student centred learning
  • Students are encouraged to express their own ideas and contribute to the whole
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  • 'Improvisation, then, is an organic experience where skills are constantly being refined.  In particular, students develop an increasing facility to meet changing or unknown stimuli with immediate responses.  Ideally, improvisation leads to a blending; the students create the personality traits as he/she simultaneously identifies with the character as it evolves
  • we sometimes do not spend enough time on encouraging our students to use their imagination
  • It is with imagination that the ordinary is transformed into something significant.

Embodied Learning - 0 views

  • It is useful to think of embodied learning (“M-BOD”), as Gee conceives it, as a dimension of EL since the pedagogy constructs learning as active and interactive, but it would be a mistake to conflate the concepts. M-BOD is a framework, a set of principles, for understanding how people become motivated to engage and re-engage cognitively challenging tasks--to "practice" at something--but this is not thinkable as an operation of (again in Fenwick's words) an "autonomous rational knowledge-making self, disembodied, rising above the dynamics and contingency of experience." Condensing and simplifying some of Gee's ideas, I came up with the hypothesis that practice is pleasurable when it involves people in making choices that reward them somehow--choices about who to be: (imaginative projection: some participation in story-telling or drama) what the rules are (game recognition: the mental labor of identifying problems and how to solve them) how to adapt (or improvise on) the rules to suit a particular context (game elaboration: some kind of recoding of some elements of the game)
  • Far more than books or movies or music, games force you to make decisions. Novels may activate our imagination, and music may conjure up powerful emotions, but games force you to decide, to choose, to prioritize. All the intellectual benefits of gaming derive from this fundamental virtue, because learning how to think is ultimately about learning to make the right decisions: weighing evidence, analyzing situations, consulting your long-term goals, and then deciding…. Those decisions are …predicated on two modes of intellectual labor that are kept to the collateral learning of playing games. I call them probing and telescoping (41) Probing: you have to probe the depths of the game’s logic to make sense of it and like most probing expeditions, you get result by trial and error, by stumbling across things, by following hunches (42-3) Telescoping is managing…simultaneous objectives… you can’t progress far in a game if you simply deal with the puzzles you stumble across; you have to coordinate them with the ultimate objectives on the horizon...Telescoping is about constructing the proper hierarchy of tasks and moving through the tasks in the correct sequence. It’s about perceiving relationships and determining priorities (54-55).

Framework: 16 Habits of Mind by Costa and Kallick - 0 views

    1. Persistence 2. Managing Impulsivity 3. Listening to Others with Understanding and Empathy 4. Thinking Flexibly 5. Metacognition 6. Striving for Accuracy and Precision 7. Questioning and Posing Problems 8. Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations 9. Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision 10. Gathering Data through All Senses 11. Creating, Imagining, and Innovating 12. Responding with Wonderment and Awe 13. Taking Responsible Risks 14. Finding Humor 15. Thinking Interdependently 16. Learning Continuously

Our Big Idea: Open Social Learning | blog@CACM | Communications of the ACM - 0 views

  • I was charged with explaining my "innovative approach to open social networks for learning"
  • Access. In 1996, Sir John Daniel estimated we would need to create a major university every week to educate the 100 million students qualified to enter a university who have no place to go. Fifteen years later, universities have simply not kept pace with the staggering demand for college education
  • 2007 Silent Epidemic study funded by the Gates Foundation, I had what my students would call (pardon their French) a WTF moment. Eighty-eight percent of high school dropouts have passing grades. Huh? Nearly half say they are bored and classes are not interesting.
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  • Technology doesn't help either. They find video lectures and Powerpoints boring, and they read less with e-textbooks than with traditional textbooks. These kids aren't failing out of school; they are simply disengaging.
  • What, then, engages this generation? Social media, for one. They spend 10-15 hours a week on Facebook
  • Open Social Learning. Imagine a Facebook where the point is to study together, not trade pictures and jokes. Imagine a World of Warcraft where students earn levels and points by helping each other learn. Not a video game that teaches physics; instead, let's create an educational experience that is social and game-like.
  • we built a site called OpenStudy , the first large-scale social network that enables students to connect, get help, study together, and earn social capital through game-like rewards.
  • It is a vibrant community of students and teachers, teenagers and adults, people from more than 150 countries engaged in a single activity: learning.
  • OpenStudy is built on three core ideas: open, peer-to-peer, and community of learning.
    a big idea, in online learning, social community peer facebook type tool build around learning

Unshielded Colliders: Poverty and Education - 0 views

  • For example, Mel Riddile points out that when one conditions on various measures of poverty, instead of trailing other nations, the U.S. actually comes out on top! He concludes that "when it comes to school improvement, it's poverty not stupid." Poverty causes educational deficiency.
  • or example, Mel Riddile points out that when one conditions on various measures of poverty, instead of trailing other nations, the U.S. actually comes out on top! He concludes that "when it comes to school improvement, it's poverty not stupid." Poverty causes educational deficienc
    For example, Mel Riddile points out that when one conditions on various measures of poverty, instead of trailing other nations, the U.S. actually comes out on top! He concludes that "when it comes to school improvement, it's poverty not stupid." Poverty causes educational deficiency. Now, I like to actually have data to play around with, in part because people have been known to lie about politically charged issues and in part because I like to have nice graphs (which are not provided by Riddile). Anyway, it turns out that international poverty data is pretty hard to come by and fraught with interpretational difficulties. On the other hand, the National Assessment of Educational Progress provides test data for most of the states in the U.S., and the U.S. Census Bureau provides data on the percentage of people in poverty by state. I took the NAEP data for 8th grade science achievement and regressed on the percentage of people below the poverty line for the measured states. The two are negatively associated: as poverty increases, science achievement scores decrease according to the relationship in the plot below. (Alaska, Kansas, Nebraska, and Vermont did not meet NAEP reporting guidelines and are not included in the plot above.) The association is highly significant (p=9.98*10-6). I also took pilot NAEP data for 8th grade mathematics achievement and regressed on the percentage of people below the poverty line for the measured states. (Evidently, the NAEP has only just started testing for mathematics achievement, and only eleven states were included in their pilot.) Again, the two are negatively associated. The slope of the relation turns out to be almost exactly the same as for science achievement. The association is not as significant, but it is still significant (p=0.0186). (My guess is the association is less significant in this case because fewer states were measured.) Clearly there is an association between poverty and achievement in science and mathem

Asynchronous and Synchronous E-Learning (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | - 0 views

  • Almost every sentence in the asynchronous discussions of the smaller group, and a vast majority of sentences in the larger group, were classified as content-related.
  • This is a remarkable result—imagine if learners on campus spent more than 90 percent of their time discussing issues related to course content

one small step for blogging…one giant leap for me - 4 views

  • Someone please explain to me the whole “hashtag” thing. PLEASE!  I feel so out of the loop!
  • I guess I just assumed that she was the exception,
  • I realize now that I was taking this, as well as all of my other skills, for granted.
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • Twitter
  • not getting feedback on my course profile or course information documents. 
    • alexandra m. pickett
      I am still trying to figure out how to not be overwhelmed with the volume of interaction in this course. : )
    • Lisa Martin
      I realized since I wrote that how much more you have to do than usual...I can't imagine!
  • I also realized that my ideas come from a desire to incorporate social networking more into online courses. 
    • alexandra m. pickett
      take a look at this - i think you are thinking about a social networking site. In the future you may want to consider this as a companion to your course.
    • Lisa Martin
      Thanks Alex!
  • ~I continue to be astonished every week with how much I am growing and learning in this course.  Not only am I learning how to be an effective online instructor and everything that it entails, but I am also learning a lot about myself.~
  • I lose track of time and hours have gone by without me even realizing it. 
    • alexandra m. pickett
      that is the definition of "engagment"
  • “What young children perceive that their teachers do plays a more significant role in their socio-emotional outcomes than what teachers report they do” (p. 30).  We have an EVEN bigger impact than we thought!
  • “Am I providing a bridge for my students from their prior knowledge to where I want them to be and where THEY want to be?” “What am I doing to facilitate their growth not only in building a positive self-image, but also as learners in general?” “Am I REALLY taking into consideration their interests, passions and motivations?” And finally, “What Would Alex Do?”
  • “I really like how you tell them you are there for them.  A lot of my teachers give us confusing assignments and I never feel like I can ask them questions.” 
  • When she was done going through everything she said, “Are you actually going to teach this class? Can I take it when you do?” 
  •   I was spending so much time figuring out the tools that I felt like I wasn’t spending time on content.  I realize now that I needed to spend that time and those tools were part of the content of this course. 
  • I LOVE learning in general!  I liked learning before…well I never disliked it anyway…well unless it was math…or science…I had no idea what it was like to truly LOVE learning.  Its sad to me that it took me 30 years to experience this.  Did I work A LOT in this course?  Did I give up much of my social life?  Did I stay up too late?  YES, YES and YES.  Was it worth it? Absolutely!  Did I mind? NOT ONE BIT…Reflecting on the fact that I worked so hard and so much on something and not only wasn’t bothered by it, but enjoyed every moment was a HUGE wake up call to me. 
  • You just have to have passion and a belief in yourself.
  • This was the only course I have EVER taken in which I will walk away having truly internalized knowledge.  I know that I internalized what I have learned because when I was reviewing my classmate’s courses I didn’t have to refer to a book or a checklist, it was all in my head.  When I look back at my undergrad education, I have always said that I didn’t feel like I actually “learned” anything until I student taught and learned by DOING.  That’s exactly what happened in this course, I learned by doing.  This is only course that has ever provided me with this type of experience and it has shown me what quality education should be, not only online but in a face-to-face situation as well.
  • We(myself, my classmates AND Alex) worked together in this course to contribute to the construction of our knowledge. 
  • It wasn’t until this summer when I turned 31 that I finally experienced being a student in a student-centered, constructivist environment that actually got me to THINK.  Not just think, but think critically…It took 31 years for me to experience a true community of learners!  I don’t want other students to have to wait 31 years to experience what its like to REALLY LEARN!
  • I want to CHANGE someone the way that Alex, ETAP 640 and all of you have CHANGED me.
    I'm posting the link to my blog so that I can practice adding bookmarks to diingo

Catherine's Reflections » Blog Archive » Week 7: Teaching Presence and Establ... - 0 views

  • It is through design that teachers set the stage for a community of inquiry, but it is through the facilitation and experience with that design that the community is actually established.
    • Lisa Martin
      Great point!
  • imagine the design as being the outline of a painting.  As the community is established and evolves its members fill the outline with color.  Together they create a picture of learning.  The more active and engaged the participants, the more the picture will evolve.  Ultimately, my goal is for the community to paint a picture with detail, depth, subtlety, and nuance.  I want my students to take the picture with them after the course and bring it into a new community and continue to share and develop it.   In turn, I will take the picture I am left with at the end of the course and look for pieces where my design succeeded in encouraging color with detail, depth, subtlety and nuance as well as pieces that maybe weren’t colored in as much or as well.  I will adapt my design based on the influence of the community in an attempt to maximize its potential to create a high quality picture of learning.
    • Lisa Martin
      Wow! What a GREAT way to look at it!

Words & Place - 3 views

    • Tina Bianchi
      Provides a glimpse into Southwestern Native American culture
    • alexandra m. pickett
      How will you use this resource in your course, tina?
    • Tina Bianchi
      Right now I see it as a supplemental resource for getting a glimpse into the very important aspect of Native culture which is oral storytelling. Somewhere along the way we'll look at oral tradition and I imagine there may be at least one student who will pursue the topic in their research.
  • The speakers also talk about the relation of their oral tradition to their native communities. Five programs are recorded in native Indian languages with English subtitles so that students have an opportunity to experience the beauty and complexity of these languages.
    • Tina Bianchi
      Students who choose some aspect of Native American culture (oral traditions of storytelling, for example) could benefit from seeing/hearing songs and stories relayed in native language
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Andrew Natonabah Through a unique blend of imagery and sound, this website captures the complex oral traditions of Native American communities in the American Southwest. Songs are sung and stories told within the landscapes which inspired them.

Educating Nurses: A Call for Radical Transformation | Carnegie Foundation for the Advan... - 1 views

    "Educating Nurses: A Call for Radical Transformation"

Notes to Self - 1 views

  • I think if I could focus on a few people’s posts, I could make more quality contributions. 
    • alexandra m. pickett
      i am kinda torn about the small group thing. i hate taking choice away - it seems to me that you can self select your own small groups. why don't you just do that? scan all the posts and then decide who you want to engage and then just pick them to interact with. Read all interact with a select few. In the discussion for this module (2) i have it split into several discussions. i am wondering if splitting it by topic like that will feel different to you. Let me know. ok? I have toyed with the idea of reducing the number of posts required... and just doubling your score on them. what would you think about that? i have never had so many people in the course. It is designed for a more intimate number of students. I am trying to come up with ways make my work more efficient yet still intimate, personal and effective. Work in progress. i am learnking too. : )
    • Lisa Martin
      Alex - Seeing that module 2 was split into several discussions was a HUGE relief to me! It seems much less overwhelming and easier to be organized :-)
    • Tina Bianchi
      Now that some more time has passed, I actually have done what you're suggesting here...reaking all and interacting with a select few. With this approach, it became more manageable. I haven't done my first post for module 2 yet (just finished the readings) but I do think the split into several discussions will make a huge difference. I can only imagine the work you have cut out by having read/rate ALL THESE POSTS! It seems overwhelming, and I am considering the implications of it as I think about designing my course. Thanks for the feedback!
  • We could still have been required to complete the same number of posts, but perhaps had fewer count toward our grade on this first run.  I
    • alexandra m. pickett
      hmmm. i don't count them all. the first couple with my feedback are the grace period... "if i were to rate this it would be a ..."
    • Tina Bianchi
      I understand what you're saying here...I don't know what I missed and where I missed it, but I "assumed" (there's that pesky word again!) that all posts, beginning with the initial introduction, would be rated. I did fewer posts than I should have considering this. There were a few (though admittedly not of high quality as they were early in the Module and I hadn't yet gotten the hang of things) that weren't scored, so what I thought my score would be for discussion in the first module was not even close to my actual score. Live and learn...
    • alexandra m. pickett
      : ) welcome to social learning!
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • As we continue to interact with content and then share that learning with each other, we construct our own meanings and apply what we’re learning in a variety of contexts.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      E U R E A K A !!! brilliant!! : )
  • is imperative that I stop thinking about how to transform my F2F materials to suit the online environment.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      it is impossible to duplicate the f2f environment online. to try to do so is folly. you must reconceptualize. you have to leverage the options and mitigate the limitations of any environment in which you teach.
  • I hit “Publish” only to find half of my post showed up and no way to retrieve what was lost.  Therefore:
  • I am very interested in the hyper-content design. I like the idea that with this model, students determine the order of their own learning activities. In this model, there may be a few things that could be tricky; for example, setting up group activities might be left to the students to manage since they wouldn’t all be completing the same activities at the same time.
    • Lisa Martin
      I've been thinking the same things about this model. I think it's so hard for me to envision because of my lack of experience with it. I also have a hard time applying some of the things we've learned in this course to that design.
  • Whatever it takes.
  • Yet, as I continued reading I realized that my grasp of the content was continuing to evolve.  I feel that I have a deeper awareness of what teaching presence looks like, not only in an online course but also in a traditional classroom, as well.
  • Perhaps it’s time I move from measuring in coffee spoons to taking in the big picture.
    • Maria Guadron
      Love your "How To" section! Can't wait to see your screencasts.
  • Even though the course won’t start until January, I know it’ll be here before I know it.
  • has led to me a realization–the course I’ve created will never (and should never) be finished!  It makes sense.  I never teach the same lesson twice in exactly the same way, so it should go without saying that every time I look at this course and eventually start using it, I will continue to add, remove, and change what’s there.

Educational Leadership:Teaching for Multiple Intelligences:Integrating Learning Styles ... - 0 views

  • Learning-style theory begins with Carl Jung (1927), who noted major differences in the way people perceived (sensation versus intuition), the way they made decisions (logical thinking versus imaginative feelings), and how active or reflective they were while interacting (extroversion versus introversion)
  • Most learning-style theorists have settled on four basic styles. Our own model, for instance, describes the following four styles: The Mastery style learner absorbs information concretely; processes information sequentially, in a step-by-step manner; and judges the value of learning in terms of its clarity and practicality. The Understanding style learner focuses more on ideas and abstractions; learns through a process of questioning, reasoning, and testing; and evaluates learning by standards of logic and the use of evidence. The Self-Expressive style learner looks for images implied in learning; uses feelings and emotions to construct new ideas and products; and judges the learning process according to its originality, aesthetics, and capacity to surprise or delight. The Interpersonal style learner,1  like the Mastery learner, focuses on concrete, palpable information; prefers to learn socially; and judges learning in terms of its potential use in helping others.
  • Student Choice: Assessment Products by Intelligence and Style
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  • In integrating these major theories of knowledge, we moved through three steps. First, we attempted to describe, for each of Gardner's intelligences, a set of four learning processes or abilities, one for each of the four learning styles. For linguistic intelligence, for example, the Mastery style represents the ability to use language to describe events and sequence activities; the Interpersonal style, the ability to use language to build trust and rapport; the Understanding style, the ability to develop logical arguments and use rhetoric; and the Self-expressive style, the ability to use metaphoric and expressive language.
  • In MI theory, I begin with a human organism that responds (or fails to respond) to different kinds of contents in the world. . . . Those who speak of learning styles are searching for approaches that ought to characterize all contents (p. 45).
  • Learning styles are not fixed throughout life, but develop as a person learns and grows.
  • The following are some strengths of learning-style models
  • They tend to focus on how different individuals process information across many content areas.
  • They recognize the role of cognitive and affective processes in learning and, therefore, can significantly deepen our insights into issues related to motivation.
  • They tend to emphasize thought as a vital component of learning, thereby avoiding reliance on basic and lower-level learning activities.
  • Learning-styles models have a couple of limitations. First, they may fail to recognize how styles vary in different content areas and disciplines.
  • Second, these models are sometimes less sensitive than they should be to the effects of context on learning.
  • Emerging from a tradition that viewed style as relatively permanent, many learning-style advocates advised altering learning environments to match or challenge a learner's style. Either way, learning-style models have largely left unanswered the question of how context and purpose affect learning.
  • But learning styles emphasize the different ways people think and feel as they solve problems, create products, and interact.
  • The theory of multiple intelligences is an effort to understand how cultures and disciplines shape human potential
  • Though both theories claim that dominant ideologies of intelligence inhibit our understanding of human differences, learning styles are concerned with differences in the process of learning, whereas multiple intelligences center on the content and products of learning. Until now, neither theory has had much to do with the other
    This article discusses integrating learning styles with multiple intelligences

Poetry Out Loud | OER Commons - 3 views

    • Luke Fellows
      Could possibly use these to place actor in position of character: "How would you say this poem if you felt...bullied, pressured, etc."
    • Luke Fellows
      Add questions for character analysis: "What do you think the character was thinking when they spoke the poem?" "What do you imagine when you hear it?"
    • alexandra m. pickett
    For "Voice" module
  • ...1 more comment...
    I really like this one these are very famous people. How will you use these videos in your online course?
    Diana, In my voice module I use a poem as a way to have students show vocal expression. thought these might work as good examples.
    Luke Great site, I got chills listening to Emily Dickenson. Thanks for finding this. Excellent learning tool for your class. I hope you get to use it.

university of phoenix | University of Phoenix - 0 views

  • from your phone
    • Arnaldo Robles
      Gees! I can only imagine the frustration of completing the Modules.

Experience the world like a hawk, rat or bee in 3D game - tech - 06 December 2013 - New... - 0 views

  • Schmidt-Morand is especially curious about horses' vision: since their eyes are at the side of their head, they can see what's in front of them, beside them and behind them. Although it would be difficult to recreate this on a screen, it could be possible in a virtual reality room. "It's impossible for me to imagine what this view would even look like," says Schmidt-Morand.

Managing the Platform: Higher Education and the Logic of Wikinomics (EDUCAUSE Review) |... - 0 views

  • Wikipedia and other social networking sites provide a space or platform upon which all kinds of activities can flourish, with the idea of a platform transcending any particular technology or application and referring to either virtual or physical worlds. Collaboration among many users upon such a platform often produces unplanned and emergent
  • results—results frequently unattainable in a command-and-control management setting
  • the logic of commons-based peer production, and the logic of platform management transform the idea of the university and the very activities—teaching and learning, research, and publishing—that lie at the heart of this enterprise
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • But at its heart, the university was born to provide a structure to govern the student-teacher relationship.
  • development of Wikiversity (, an initiative from the Wikimedia Foundation
  • materials are produced by Wikiversity participants, who are, like their counterparts in Wikipedia, motivated volunteers. In addition, the Wikiversity course materials, unlike those made available by MIT, are editable by users
  • . Instead, students are invited to work together, to engage in discussion, to solve problems, and to otherwise “construct their knowledge.”
  • Put another way, the role of the teacher in a constructivist setting is like being a “procedural author,” as defined by Janet Murray when discussing virtual reality spaces.9
  • transformed into a kind of platform where students were invited to explore/create/construct knowledge. Peer production is very much a part of the constructivist classroom setting.
  • are more theme-parks than sandboxes,” meaning that learning is made as uniform and as controlled as possible (under the name of “standardization” and “outcomes-based” assessments).
    • Melissa Pietricola
      This is a great analogy-we have our kids waiting in line to have them produce cookie-cutter results..
  • In contrast, a sandbox conjures up images of unstructured, unplanned, emergent play that is determined by the players. Imagine a university organized and managed like a sandbox, where teachers and students are invited to play and create in an unstructured environment—or, rather, in an environment structured by their own actions, choices, and decisions.
  • Concerns would surely be raised about the quality of these credentials, similar to the debates about the quality of the articles in Wikipedia
  • To what degree will such informal learning and “credentialing by reputation” be legitimated and accepted by society?
  • emerge from the decisions, the edits, the additions, and the deletions of a number of people, all bound by the rules and protocols of Wikipedia
  • The wiki-ized university will probably not displace the traditional university but will likely exist alongside it, albeit in direct competition.

Asynchronous and Synchronous E-Learning (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | EDUCAUSE - 0 views

  • In the [asynchronous discussions] it is easier to find some more facts, maybe have a look in a book and do more thorough postings.In fact, according to Kock’s estimate,18 an exchange of 600 words requires about 6 minutes for complex group tasks in face-to-face settings, while exchanging the same number of words over e-mail would take approximately one hour.
  • Almost every sentence in the asynchronous discussions of the smaller group, and a vast majority of sentences in the larger group, were classified as content-related. This is a remarkable result—imagine if learners on campus spent more than 90 percent of their time discussing issues related to course content. These results can also be interpreted as troublesome, however. If e-learners seldom meet face-to-face and teachers mainly rely on asynchronous e-learning, students might feel isolated and not part of learning communities, which is essential for collaboration and learning.15
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