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Mary Huffman

Socratic Questioning - 0 views

    discussion tips
alexandra m. pickett

Reflections on Online-Teaching and Learning - 0 views

  • teaching online can make you a better f2f teacher
    • alexandra m. pickett
      you might be interested in this: online teaching as a catalyst for classroom based transformation : }
  • By pushing myself to interact better I can learn to teach interaction to my students.
  • I have learned that interaction is essential to teaching and learnng.  Learning is a social activity.  I feel I have been brave enough to include a discussion forum in each module of my course.  It was easy really to do.  the questions I have posed are big questions-they are not lower level thinking questions.  in order to elicit the rich content from my students in the discussion i need better instructions and to create that rubric-i will do.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • can’t believe how far I’ve come.  So, I guess that’s the most suprising thing that i have learned.  I can do this tech. stuff.  well, another thing that strikes me as suprising is that this course has helped me to become a better f2f teacher.  i can no longer hide behind my fear for interaction in the f2f class.
    • alexandra m. pickett
    • alexandra m. pickett
      jess: you not only can do it. you did do it! yay!!
  • i suppose i can.  
  • I am proud of myself and patient with myself.
  • As I grow as a teacher, there is no doubt, that I will be rocky road.
  • I know that I have learned, for god’s sake I created an online course! 
  • change the world!
    • alexandra m. pickett
      one person at a time! : )
  • I felt scared and now I feel empowered. 
alexandra m. pickett

Ian August etap 640 SuMmEr 2011 - 1 views

  • Student centered learning
    • alexandra m. pickett
      question your assumptions! why do you assume that "student-centered" means "teacher-less"?
  • why do I need to pay for this if I am on my own. 
    • alexandra m. pickett
      well... if this were true, you could walk into a library and "BAM" - you would know it all! digg into your assumptions here... it is about role and expectations and where the focus is. Is it on the student or on the teacher? see my blog post "if i do all the work, who does all the learning?" : )
    • Kimberly Barss
      I wish I could walk into a library and know it all! I sometimes (jokingly) tell my students to put their textbooks under their pillow at night in hopes that learning-by-diffusion may come true!
  • leaders. 
    • alexandra m. pickett
    • alexandra m. pickett
      missing from every post! check the rubric!
    • ian august
      i did not even realize, :O
  • ...26 more annotations...
  • could not locate a link for diigo but I contacted Mimi for more info
    • alexandra m. pickett
      excellent! : )
  • But the last article I read after the, yawn, diffusion one, yawn, was about digital natives. WOW .
    • alexandra m. pickett
      I am glad that Prensky "engaged" you, but in the long run the other article would help you to better understand and serve the fauclty you work with. Theories help us frame and understand probelms systematically. I need you to think about this and to think about what "engages" you and why. So here is something to engage you. Prensky is WRONG!!! I was hoping you would find find this on your own: - Steve is a friend of mine and a well-known and respected blogger. Digg into this controversy! And then come back and tell me what you think!
    • Diane Gusa
      I so agree. I use the polling option in my online course and was told I was the first to ever try. I believe that part of the problem is that online learning is coming from the top down, with little support.
    • ian august
      how do you use the polling option diane, for what type of assignments? Prof. Pickett has been telling me to let the student decide on many things, like Bill Pelz course, where the students approve each others final essays. when you say top down do you mean the teacher ruling the classing room? Because that seems to be the norm, how f2f classes run as well.
  • They use the basics like read this article and write this paper or take this quiz.
    • Diane Gusa
      I am a visual person and find that I don't still have a mental map of this class. I wander around quite a bit. I have developed a few shortcuts, but it is definitely a work in progress.
    • ian august
      The map of the class has definitley gotten better since the start, I dont know if you used angel, but we use it at our college, I dont think I can send pics through here but I will send them to you another way.
  • t took me a minute to figure out the moodle system.
    • Diane Gusa
      Do you like moodle better than Angel? I am disappointed in Angel's blog, so I will need to send my students to edublogs.
  • These ideas are the modern theories in action,  of the students new role in the classroom, whether online or f2f. Professor's have said in the past "this is our class", but these ideas I have mentioned are really creating an "our class" type of atmosphere where the teacher and students are more equal participants in the learning process than the traditional model of the teacher being the boss, and the student being the subordinate.
    • Kimberly Barss
      I agree. This is certainly a benefit of online learning. You don't have to worry, as an instructor, about who's paying attention or talking in the back or being the "disciplinarian" you can all just focus on coming together and learning as a community.
  • Randy Pausch
    • alexandra m. pickett
      love him. saw his last lecture a few years ago on youtube.
  • wikis's
    • Donna Angley
      I'm going to include a student project that also has them create and work within a Wiki. It looks to be the perfect environment for collaboration on a single document (a short story).
  • This also shows the teacher asking the student to be an active participant in their own learning,
    • Donna Angley
      Yes, that's what the online environment is all about...student centered social learning.
  • Every one of the teachers in Exempler courses for observation talked about they way analzye their course, sometimes when its over sometimes during, to see what worked and what did not work
    • Donna Angley
      We are already learning this through our use of "self assessment." I would imagine it takes a few runs through the course to work out all the kinks, and if it's a subject like science or technology where the information changes constantly, it's ever-evolving.
  • That was the role of student.
    • Donna Angley
      In the wake of new technology, the role of the student is changing very quickly to one of self-directed learning.
    • Diane Gusa
      Ah this is a philosophical stand. Many times we teach by the way we learn; however, this may not be the best for our students.
  • The Angel LMS that I am familiar with even gives he teacher the option to shut off news posts in a discussion forum so the student has only one option and that is to reply to a previous post.
    • Donna Angley
      That's an interesting idea, especially when there are too many discussions going on.
  • build a wiki together
    • Donna Angley
      I was going to have my students do the same, however, I just noticed that the course shell has an option for a Wiki...did anybody else see that? Anybody know how it works? I have since decided to give my students a choice other than to "write" a short story in small groups within a Wikispace. I'm going to allow them to recreate or interpret a short story in a multi-media fashion. Howard Gardner influenced. :-)
  • don’t show them how you do it, let them find out how it is done on their own
  • leave it up to the student to choose,
    • Donna Angley
      I think they will surprise you!
  • I guess I can guide, so when the students get off course I can say hey you should check this guy out, or this writer out.
    • Kimberly Barss
      I had an instructor last semester (Jason Vickers, if you get a chance to take a class with him, he's great! Also, he's a PhD student) who would do this exactly. He would scarcely add to our discussions as he said that oftentimes that can shut them down, but when he did it usually was to suggest that we check certain authors/theories/articles out that might help put us back on the right track.
    • Donna Angley
      I remember Alex suggesting something to me during the first week or two when I was a little lost. She pointed me in the right direction and that was good because I was able to focus my energies.
  • Case Study
    • Donna Angley
      Very good idea, because you're seems like a very large amount of information that you're trying to cover. Case studies might work better.
  • Hopefully they will read the author I provide them with and than on their own they will read more articles by that author because they like him.
    • Donna Angley
      Perhaps you can assign one particular article, and then actually provide them with the links to 1-3 other article they might find of interest.
  • Another issue I am having is questioning if I have too much for the student to do. I really wanted them to do a group project but it seems like too much work.
    • Donna Angley
      Have you gone through the learning activities for each module and guesstimated how long it would take them to do? That might give you a better idea of whether it's too much. Just a suggestion.
  • letting the student do the heavy lifitng. Professor Pickett told me that it is a hard concept to implement as a teacher and I am seeing that.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      letting go of control of someone else's learning is a constant struggle. just keep telling yourself that it is NOT about you and what you know. It is about your students and catalyzing the passion for the topic of your course in them... they are the only ones that can do that... remember... if you do all the work, who does the learning? you have to let go and trust them to learn. That does NOT mean you are not there or that you have chaos.... you have to design it and facilitate it so that it works that way. It is a LOT of work : )
  • I am so glad I took this class. I learned so much, I feel so much more confident in my job as an instructional designer, and I feel more confident to take my skills to a new job envirnment. ANYONE HIRING OUT THERE?
  • I learned about some really important concepts for teaching online, like; -supply the students with a lot of information, module overviews, due dates, contact info, detailed explanation of how to complete assignments, rubric describing what type of work constitutes a Grade of A, B, C etc, -show your teacher presence in the course, by answering questions fairly quickly, posting in the discussion to guide, engage, provoke the student to do more research, asking for student input and using it, -Let the students do as much as possible instead of giving them everything ona silver platter. -Let students play the role of teacher in some of their assignments
  • After the first two weeks of this course, the first module, I learned so much, and grew so much more confident in my ability to work with faculty developing online courses.
Diane Gusa

Teaching Creativity - 0 views

  • Most five year olds are totally confident that they can draw, sing, and dance.  Tragically, within three or four years this child, if she is typical, will experience a crisis of confidence
  • She will no longer feel competent or creative. 
  • When allowed to do what we want to do, we are most likely to revert to whatever we previously found enjoyable and/or successful.
    • Diane Gusa
      I have experienced this with my students, but now I also understand that they need more confidence to be risk-takers
  • ...11 more annotations...
  •   In order to force a new idea to the surface, an artist might reverse the order of work, change the medium, change the scale, forbid a certain common component in the work, and so on.  These are limitations to jog or jump start the creative impulse.
  • In creative teaching, assignment limitations provide a way to change the student's habits of work
  • people have developed problem solving habits that lack confidence in their own ability to bring any life experience or judgement to the situation.
  • a society that values conformity above indiviual creativity and choice making probably should teach drawing as a series of prescribed symbols rather than teaching actual observation, thinking, feeling, and interpretation skills.
  • Teach creativity by giving TIME FOR THE CREATIVE PROCESS Assign HOMEWORK OF THE MIND
  • When we show an end product in order to help explain something, we risk that students will not be challenged to think creatively
  • To teach process, we avoid posting charts that gives answer unless the students themselves have invented the charts.
  •   The scientific method says that questions must be answered experimentally and the results are repeatable.
  • the scientific method takes more time in the short run, but if a student learns that they can design experiments to solve their own problems, they have learned not only the scientific method, they have learned one of the important components of artistic thinking and artistic behavior. Ultimately, time is saved because students have learned to figure out how to answer their own questions. They are empowered.
  • True creativity happens when intuitive imagination brings forth the previously unknown and unimagined
  • The creative process includes preparation, incubation, insight, elaboration, and evaluation.
Diane Gusa

Learning-Centered Syllabi - 0 views

  • Learning-Centered Syllabi Workshop
  • Creating and using a learner-centered syllabus is integral to the process of creating learning communities.
  • students and their ability to learn are at the center of what we do
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • we focus on the process of learning rather than the content, that the content and the teacher adapt to the students rather than expecting the students to adapt to the content, that responsibility is placed on students to learn rather than on professors to teach.
  • facilitate student learning rather than to act as "gatekeepers" of knowledge
  • A necessary first step in creating a learning-centered syllabus, according to most sources, is to spend some time thinking about the "big questions" related to why, what, who and how we teach.
  • thoughtful discussions with ourselves and our colleagues about our teaching philosophy and what it means to be an educated person in our discipline
  • We also need to think about how we encourage responsibility for learning in our students.
  • students should progress from a primarily instructor-led approach to a primarily student-initiated approach to learning.
  • participate in planning the course content and activities; clarify their own goals and objectives for the course; monitor and assess their own progress; and establish criteria for judging their own performance within the goals that they have set for themselves, certification or licensing requirements, time constraints, etc.
  • Your first objective is to facilitate learning, not cover a certain block of materia
  • According to Johnson, "course objectives should consist of explicit statements about the ways in which students are expected to change as a result of your teaching and the course activities. These should include changes in thinking skills, feelings, and actions" (p. 3)
  • Don't use words that are open to many interpretations and which are difficult to measure. Make sure that all students understand the same interpretation.
  • here are three primary domains of development for students in a course
  • The Cognitive Domain is associated with knowledge and intellectual skills. The Affective Domain is associated with changes in interests, attitudes, values, applications, and adjustments. And the Psychomotor Domain is associated with manipulative and motor skills
  • An effective learning-centered syllabus should accomplish certain basic goals (Diamond, p. ix): define students' responsibilities; define instructor's role and responsibility to students; provide a clear statement of intended goals and student outcomes; establish standards and procedures for evaluation; acquaint students with course logistics; establish a pattern of communication between instructor and students; and include difficult-to-obtain materials such as readings, complex charts, and graphs.
  • Students need to know why topics are arranged in a given order and the logic of the themes and concepts as they relate to the course structure
  • Clarify the conceptual structure used to organize the course.
  • Does the course involve mostly inductive or deductive reasoning? Is it oriented to problem-solving or theory building? Is it mostly analytical or applied? In answering these questions, acknowledge that they reflect predominant modes in most cases rather than either/or dichotomies.
  • Identify additional equipment or materials needed and sources.
  • "Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact me privately to discuss your specific needs. Please contact the Disability Resources Office at 515-294-6624 or TTY 515-294-6635 in Room 1076 of the Student Services Building to submit your documentation and coordinate necessary and reasonable accommodation."
  • Use a variety of methods.
  • "A learning-centered syllabus requires that you shift from what you, the instructor, are going to cover in your course to a concern for what information and tools you can provide for your students to promote learning and intellectual development" (Diamond, p. xi).
  • Critical Thinking
  • Critical thinking is a learned skill. The instructor, fellow students, and possibly others are resources. Problems, questions, issues, values, beliefs are the point of entry to a subject and source of motivation for sustained inquiry. Successful courses balance the challenge of critical thinking with the supportive foundation of core principles, theories, etc., tailored to students' developmental needs. Courses are focused on assignments using processes that apply content rather than on lectures and simply acquiring content. Students are required to express ideas in a non-judgmental environment which encourages synthesis and creative applications. Students collaborate to learn and stretch their thinking. Problem-solving exercises nurture students' metacognitive abilities. The development needs of students are acknowledged and used in designing courses. Standards are made explicit and students are helped to learn how to achieve them.

Evaluating Flipped Classrooms - 0 views

    Flipped Classrooms provide students with lecture before entering the classroom. This article provides feedback for teachers on how to implement a flipped classroom but also asks thought provoking questions about the practice.
    Flipped Classrooms provide students with lecture before entering the classroom. This article provides feedback for teachers on how to implement a flipped classroom but also asks thought provoking questions about the practice.

Designing and Developing Online Teaching - 0 views

    This book answers questions and concerns for teaching just starting to develop an online course. It also offers suggestions on what to include to help students learn best
    This book answers questions and concerns for teaching just starting to develop an online course. It also offers suggestions on what to include to help students learn best

Problem-based learning: As authentic as it gets - 0 views

    In order for teachers to facilitate problem based learning, they must ask the right questions!
    In order for teachers to facilitate problem based learning, they must ask the right questions!

Amber's Secret | OER Commons - 0 views

    • sschwartz03
      This case study is amazing! It discusses pregnancy and relates to my students because Amber is just out of high school. It gives some great guiding questions and has great resources at the end. This activity could be used online but I think I'd rather do it in class. I would love to hear my students discuss the questions, debate, and listen to their classmates differing opinions. 
    • alexandra m. pickett
      this looks like a great resource, Sam!

Socratic Teaching - 0 views

  • We model an inquiring, probing mind by continually probing into the subject with questions.
  • A Socratic questioner should: a) keep the discussion focused b) keep the discussion intellectually responsible c) stimulate the discussion with probing questions d) periodically summarize what has and what has not been dealt with and/or resolved e) draw as many students as possible into the discussion.
Alicia Fernandez

Teaching critical thinking through online discussions - 1 views

    Using the right questions to promote critical thinking in OAD.

Using Socratic Questioning to Promote Critical Thinking Skills through Asynchronous Dis... - 0 views

    Socratic questioning to enhance students' critical thinking
alexandra m. pickett

Instruction by Design - 5 views

  • I was a bit surprised
    • alexandra m. pickett
      why surprised? It is no longer a question of whether is is as good as f2f instruction. There is a now a significant body of evidence that online instruction done well surpasses f2f instruction:
  • I have been pushed to find out and learn about topics relevant to me!
  • I believe that using questions that allow my students to explore areas that are relevant to their unique situations will help them to be successful.
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • After reading that statement, I felt as though many things clicked for me. The course design and teaching practices are closely linked. The social, cognitive, and teaching presence are related and depend on each other. What does this mean for my course? For me it translates to making sure my course design contains a careful balance to establish the community of inquiry, and that my teaching practices are supported by my course design.
  • First that instructors must give control over the learning to the students, and second that instructors must be skilled at guiding discussions in order to help students learn what is necessary through interactions with others. I especially liked an analogy that Luke used in one of his discussion posts, “Yoda (the teacher) guided Luke (the student) in the ways of the Force, he pointed him where he needed to go but had Luke do the work.” I think this is very relatable for those of us who are star wars fans. Yoda is this incredibly wise mentor, who says very little. The statements he makes are brief but have a lot of meaning. I do see how this relates to effective teaching online. I had to help facilitate a discussion in a past online class, and always felt hesitant to jump in. My sense was that you only want to add something when the thinking stops. You only want to ask enough questions, or statements to get the thinking going again.
  • When I think about my own learning in this course, I realize that even though I may not have direct contact with my classmates or the instructor, I am following those interaction patterns in this course.  I am working with the concepts and ideas introduced in each module, researching, relating, and making connections.  Then I bring my work back to the community to share.  My classmates or the instructor will absorb my contributions and perhaps push it further with suggesting alternate views, or things I have not considered.
  • Now we are discussing how we are using text based environments to create intimacy in learning environments.  Perhaps, it is not all that different
    • alexandra m. pickett
  • I now believe that a teacher is someone who can create an environment where students are able to gain knowledge through interaction and experience.  This may be through reviewing materials or engaging in activities, but that seems less important to me now.  The crucial part is now designing the interactions. 
    • alexandra m. pickett
      Eureaka!! it is NOT about content : ) brilliant!
  • my workshop is really about the journey rather than the destination
  • I realized that although you may think you are engaging students in your course, it may be trickier than you expect
  • I really appreciated that the course was able to allow me to reach these conclusions in my own way, rather than just telling me “the line between direct instruction and facilitation of discourse can be blurred”. 
  • I have been able to make the big connections, and form ideas in a way that previously has been difficult for me. 
  • I feel as though the reflection assignments have provided the context for my brain to think in a different way.  This not only gives me confidence for the future, but it also helps me to discover the connections I have made unconsciously!  It seems kind of strange to say that, but it is true!  I am hoping to continue to use blogging as a tool to document my insights and learning after the course ends.
  • I definitely was struggling with motivation when I felt the connection to my classmates and the instructor fading.
    • alexandra m. pickett
  • Through ETAP640, I have really learned how important reflection is for deep learning. It is through my blog posts that I have been able to tie all the ideas together in my head and makes sense out of the information. The course manual suggests that you ask your students why they are taking the course within the ice breaker.
  • Now I understand that asking the students to articulate what they want to get out of the course is an important start to getting them to reflect on their learning and progress throughout the course.
    • alexandra m. pickett
  • Maree (4)
Maree Michaud-Sacks

Constructivism | Funderstanding - 0 views

  • The purpose of learning is for an individual to construct his or her own meaning, not just memorize the “right” answers and regurgitate someone else’s meaning.
    • Maree Michaud-Sacks
      We can shift the learning from "teacher centered" to "student centered". I see too many students who memorize the facts to regurgitate on an exam, rather than working towards understanding the information.
  • Constructivism is a philosophy of learning founded on the premise that, by reflecting on our experiences, we construct our own understanding of the world we live in
    • Maree Michaud-Sacks
      Rationale for adding discussion to an online course? Through discussion a learner can construct personal meaning from new concepts.
  • Teachers also rely heavily on open-ended questions and promote extensive dialogue among students.
    • Maree Michaud-Sacks
      Open ended questions allows for learners to connect their experience to the concepts and explore what it means to each individual. Dialog between students encourages furthering of the conversation and adds new ideas and information to the discussion.
alexandra m. pickett

Mary Huffman: ETAP640 reflections blog - 0 views

  • IEP’s unless they are GIEP’s.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      what does that mean?
  • I do wonder why the gender percentages are so different,
    • alexandra m. pickett
      ok. so this is a perfect opportunity to do some research. You have your thoughts, assumptions, ideas maybe about why, but can you find research to support our findings? If you have a question, answer it!!
  • Since Latin is offered alongside other languages such as German, Spanish, and French, I assume that students who choose to take Latin are doing it for a reason, and are interested in a challenge.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      example sticky note in diigo
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • I think I will learn a lot about the students’ thought processes and understand which concepts they are grasping (or not).
  • “I think that we take for granted the huge amount of information that we pass on to our students in a F2F classroom just by our presence and interaction with them (bathroom passes, appropriate conduct with each other, respect for the work and management of time) the aspects of education that never finds its way into our lesson plans. In many ways in learning to teach online we are having to learn how to teach again, to focus on the minutiae that is generally accepted we do, to take nothing for granted, assume nothing and to take the entire content of our and every moment of that course (every moment of 8+ weeks) and place it in text form in a virtual environmen
  • them.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      don't forget your self-assessment.
  • It isn’t easy to write a good discussion question, but it is essential for a productive discussion.
  • I understand how and why I did it, and I could do it again. 
  • One cool thing about this course is the ‘meta’ quality. 
  • what is best for the students.  How can we serve our students?  Are we doing the best we can to teach them? Are we teaching appropriate and relevant courses? Are we being interactive, engaging, are we even able to keep up with our students technology-wise?  Do we adapt and change our methods to keep up with their demands, or try to force our students to adapt to our methods? 
Celeste Sisson

Homework or Not? That is the (Research) Question. | District Administration Magazine - 0 views

    Article will some research on giving homework and affects of homework in a flipped classroom.
alexandra m. pickett

Reflections - 0 views

  • I am finally breathing!
    • alexandra m. pickett
      Glad to know that you are still breathing : )
  • Then I realize I am learning I just do not know it. Whenever I answer a discussion question I am learning, whenever I do an assignment I am learning and whenever I just ask a question I am learning.
  • This just goes to show sometimes you think you know but there is always more to know.
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  • I need to stop focusing on the fact that I am not a teacher and just do what I have learned and what I do know and then I should be able to get my online course module all created.
  • ‘I am a teacher and I can do this’.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      : ) !!
    • alexandra m. pickett
      yes you are and yes you can!!
  • This course has taught me that I am a teacher!
Liz Keeney

EBSCOhost: The Academic Bookshelf. - 0 views

    Learner-centered assessment: asking the right questions
Diana Cary

Facilitating Interaction in Computer Mediated Online Courses - 0 views

  • In order to change to a learner-controlled instructional system and to maximize interaction, I had to change my role from that of a teacher at the front of the classroom and the center of the process to that of facilitator who is one with the participants and whose primary role is to guide and support the learning process.
  • The result was a course designed as a learner-centered system based on dialogue and cooperation among students (1992, p. 61).
  • Such a move engenders a radical shift in the power and interaction structures in the classroom as the students must accept the responsibility for their own knowledge creation, and the instructor must relinquish a certain amount of control over the process.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • control
  • From oracle and lecturer to consultant, guide, and resource provider From passive receptacles for hand-me-down knowledge to constructors of their own knowledge Teachers become expert questioners, rather than providers of answers
  • Students become complex problem-solvers rather than just memorizers of facts
  • Teachers become designers of learning student experiences rather than just providers of content Students see topics from multiple perspectives
  • Teachers provide only the initial structure to student work, encouraging increasing self- direction Students refine their own questions and search for their own answers
  • Teacher presents multiple perspectives on topics, emphasizing the salient points Students work as group members on more collaborative/cooperative assignments ; group interaction significantly increased
  • From a solitary teacher to a member of a learning team (reduces isolation sometimes experienced by teachers) Increased multi-cultural awareness
  • From teacher having total autonomy to activities that can be broadly assessed Students work toward fluency with the same tools as professionals in their field
  • From total control of the teaching environment to sharing with the student as fellow learner More emphasis on students as autonomous, independent, self-motivated managers of their own time and learning process
  • More emphasis on sensitivity to student learning styles Discussion of students’ own work in the classroom
  • Teacher-learner power structures erode Emphasis on knowledge use rather than only observation of the teacher’s expert performance or just learning to "pass the test" Emphasis on acquiring learning strategies (both individually and collaboratively) Access to resources is significantly expanded
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