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Amy M

Badges in Social Media: A Social Psychological Perspective | Yahoo! Research - 0 views

shared by Amy M on 05 Jun 12 - No Cached
  • gamifying
    • Amy M
      An important concept in badging.
    An article about the social psychology of badging.
Irene Watts-Politza

E Pedagogy - 2 views

  •   E-Pedagogy: Does e-learning require a new pedagogy?  5 The emergence of e-learning  As part of the technological revolution, the use of e-learning, or blended learning, isincreasing. This is particularly true of Higher Education, which offers most programmespartly or wholly online. In the future, e-learning is likely to be more widely used in thetertiary and school sectors. Another driver for e-learning is life-long learning, whichrequires on-going training and re-training of the adult workforce.In many cases, e-learning is delivered through a virtual learning environment (VLE),which is a custom built environment designed for online learning. VLEs, such as  Blackboard and Moodle , typically provide all of the software tools required for onlinelearning such as communication and file sharing facilities. These environments are oftenmodelled around the traditional campus, providing ‘virtual staff rooms’ and ‘onlinecommon rooms’. E-portfolios provide the digital equivalent to the traditional paperportfolio; these typically provide online storage for a range of media types (such asdrawings, photos and videos). Dedicated e-assessment systems, such as Questionmark ,facilitate large-scale online testing, providing many of the question types that arefamiliar to teachers.Some academics have pointed out the potential of e-learning to improve current practice.Garrison and Anderson (2003) write:“E-learning has significantpotential to alter the nature of theteaching and learning transaction.In fact, it has caused us to face upto some of the current deficienciesof higher education, such as largelecturers, while providing somepossible solutions or ways tomitigate these shortcomings. Seenas part of pedagogical solution, e-learning becomes an opportunity toexamine and live up to the ideals of the educational transactiondescribed previously.” New learning opportunities The changing environment facilitates new kinds of learning. Teachers have traditionallyfocussed on content; indeed, many consider the identification and delivery of learningmaterial to be their prime role. But it has been argued that the traditional skill of contentcreation is redundant in the information-rich learning environment. Some of this contentis very high quality, even world class, and certainly superior to a hurriedly producedhandout of the type often used by busy teachers.It has been suggested that the contemporary teacher should be more “guide on the side”than “sage on the stage”. The ready availability of information makes  facilitation moreimportant than direction . The pedagogic issue is not too little information but too much:the contempora
  • changing learning landscape poses fundamental epistemological questions about thenature of knowledge and how it is acquired. Dede (2008) writes: “In the Classicalperspective, knowledge consists of accurate interrelationships among facts, based onunbiased research that produces compelling evidence about systematic causes […]Epistemologically, a single right answer is believed to underlie each phenomenon […]The epistemology that leads to validity of knowledge in Web 2.0 media such as Wikipedia  is peer review from people seen, by the community of contributors, as having unbiasedperspectives. Expertise involves understanding disputes in detail and proposingsyntheses that are widely accepted by the community
  • hatever new theory of learning emerges in thenext decade, it will likelybuild upon thesepedagogie
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • George Siemens introduced this theory in his paper Connectivism: Learning as networkcreation (2004) to address “the shortcomings of behaviourist, cognivitist andconstructivist ideologies”.Connectivism conceptualises knowledge and learning as a network, consisting of nodesand connections. Knowledge, at any point in time, is a particular (probably temporary)configuration of nodes and connections (a sub-network). Learning creates newconnections between existing nodes (changes to existing knowledge) and/or creates newnodes (entirely new knowledge). Learning, therefore, is about network (node andconnection) creation.His theory differentiates between data, information, knowledge and meaning: •   Data : raw elements •   Information : data with intelligence applied •   Knowledge : information in context and internalised •   Meaning : comprehension of the nuances, value and implications of knowledge.“Learning is the process that occurs when knowledge is transformed into something of meaning.”Connectivism embraces eight principles:1.   Learning and knowledge rest in diversity of opinion.2.   Learning is a process of connecting specialised nodes or information sources.3.   Learning may reside in non-human applicances.4.   Capacity to know is more important that what is currently known.5.   Maintaining connections is needed for continual learning. (function() { var pageParams = {"origHeight": 1276, "origWidth": 902, "fonts": [3, 1, 2, 4, 0], "pageNum": 9}; pageParams.containerElem = document.getElementById("outer_page_9"); pageParams.contentUrl = ""; var page = docManager.addPage(pageParams); })(); Scribd.Ads.addBetweenPageUnit(9);   E-Pedagogy: Does e-learning require a new pedagogy? left: 3830px; top: 276px; color
  • Rote learning of factual information, which typifies behaviourism, isvalueless when students are one click away from Google and Wikipedia. The “teacher-knows-best” idiom of cognivitism is questionable in a time of “the wisdom of the crowd”.The constructivist approach (and, particularly, social constructivism) appears to be abetter fit for 21st century learning – but needs to be updated to embrace the modernlearning environment that includes virtual worlds such as Second Life. ‘Connectivism’,‘E-moderating’, ‘E-Learning 2.0’ and ‘Assessment 2.0’ may not provide the answer – butdo highlight the problems with the status quo and emphasise the need for a newapproach to teaching, learning and assessment
    "Does e-learning require a new approach to teaching and learning?" This is an interesting paper about pedagogical approaches to e-learning and e-teaching. Do you believe we need a new approach for online learning? What is your pedagogical approach to e-learning and e-teaching?
    What is your pedagogical approach to e-learning and e-teaching?
Melissa Pietricola

Mini-multitaskers: For young people, a tendency to multitask may impoverish learning, p... - 0 views

  • 81 percent of young people report "media multitasking" at least some of the time.
  • esearch suggests that it slows children's productivity, changes the way they learn and may even render social relationships more superficial
  • People who multitask actually take longer to get things done.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Plus switching itself takes a toll: As you're switching, says Meyer, you're not concentrating on either task. And you need a mental warm-up to resume the suspended task.
  • igital media play an important role in the social development of the 800 young people she and her team interviewed. T
  • "The entire culture is starting to look like what you see in attention deficit disorder, where there's a difficulty in focusing and distractibility,"
  • working short times on many different things at one time."
  • In particular, people with divided attention may not deeply integrate new information and may have trouble applying it later as a resul
  • e could lose qualities like empathy that are probably stimulated by face-to-face interaction."
    multi-tasking leads to superficiality of relationships and learning
Anne de la Chapelle

A Twitter Timeline of the Iran Election | Newsweek International | - 0 views

    In some ways, social media defined the protests surrounding Iran's election. Here are the most noteworthy events, as told through tweets.
Francia Reed

Socialnomics website - 0 views

    This is the home page for Eric Qualman, the creator of the social media video we viewed. He lists the references/resources for the data he quotes in the video
ian august

Social Media - Nextgov - 0 views

    technology and the business of governement

Transparent Learning: Creepy Treehouse vs. Walled Garden - 3 views

  • The "Creepy Treehouse effect" which has been discussed in-depth by Chris Lott and Jared Stein is used to describe what happens when teachers join student social areas - such as Facebook or MySpace. Based on the information session I had with our college students last semester it was obvious how much they did not want us (and I define us as any authority figures) in their space. What they are they most afraid of is the "cyber-stalking" that they expect from their peers, but repel from their parents.

Minds on Fire: Open Education, the Long Tail, and Learning 2.0 (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUC... - 3 views

  • global “platform” that has vastly expanded access to all sorts of resources, including formal and informal educational materials. The Internet has also fostered a new culture of sharing, one in which content is freely contributed and distributed with few restrictions or costs.
  • Web 2.0, has blurred the line between producers and consumers of content
  • the Web 2.0 is creating a new kind of participatory medium that is ideal for supporting multiple modes of learning
    • Maree Michaud-Sacks
      In addition to supporting multimodal learning, the participatory nature fosters student engagement.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • social learning is based on the premise that our understanding of content is socially constructed through conversations about that content and through grounded interactions, especially with others, around problems or actions.
  • , “We participate, therefore we are.”
    • Maree Michaud-Sacks
      Some people say that if you are not participating in social media, then you "don't exist". I think it is interesting to see that idea brought up in an educational context.
  • We are entering a world in which we all will have to acquire new knowledge and skills on an almost continuous basis.
    • Teresa Dobler
      Lifelong learners.
  • culture of sharing,
    • Teresa Dobler
      Community of Inquiry connection.
  • Students in these groups can ask questions to clarify areas of uncertainty or confusion, can improve their grasp of the material by hearing the answers to questions from fellow students, and perhaps most powerfully, can take on the role of teacher to help other group members benefit from their understanding (one of the best ways to learn something is, after all, to teach it to others).
    • Teresa Dobler
      There are clear benefits of cooperative learning and knowledge construction.
  • seeking the knowledge when it is needed in order to carry out a particular situated task
    • Teresa Dobler
      I have been intrigued about the idea of just in time education. It would seem more authentic for students to learn skills or information as it is needed to complete some bigger task - perhaps in a problem based learning situation? This is definitely something I want to consider more.
  • thereby enabling a new kind of critical reading—almost a new form of literacy—that invites the reader to join in the consideration of what information is reliable and/or important
    "thereby enabling a new kind of critical readingâ€"almost a new form of literacyâ€"that invites the reader to join in the consideration of what information is reliable and/or importan"
Heather Kurto - 0 views

    • Heather Kurto
      Although most adults are aware of their own  increasing use of computers, mobile technology, and  the Internet as more than 70% of adults in general  and 80% of Generation X adults use the Internet each  day (eMarketer, 2004, 2011), many are surprised at  the use of the Internet and social media sites by  young children. Time spent on the Internet among 2- to 11-year-olds increased 63% from 2004 to 2009  (Nielsen, 2009).
    • Heather Kurto
      They worry about the lack of resources including  technology, time, and technology support; school  leadership and professional development; their own  knowledge and skills; and their own fear of  technology. However, even with these concerns,  digital and media technologies are evolving and  necessary to prepare students to understand and  adjust to the new literacy demands of the present and  future (Barone & Wright, 2008)
Joy Quah Yien-ling

A Vision of Students Today - Some Additional Thoughts from Michael Wesch - Open Education - 1 views

  • What is the relevance of comparing reading books with reading e-mails and Facebook profiles?”
    • Joan Erickson
      the relevance is that it involves what human nature prefers. It is in our nature to gravitate toward light-hearted, less taxing mind activities. Also, some people do prefer reading books to reading social websites. Is it right to make such broad generalization?
  • Surely it (higher education) can’t be as bad as the video seems to suggest
  • I had become convinced that the video was over the top, that things were really not so bad, that the system is not as broken as I thought
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • the classroom environment. It speaks directly to those who propose the move from a ’sage on the stage’ teacher style to that of ‘guide on the side
  • Scanning the room my assistants also saw students cruising Facebook, instant messaging, and texting their friends. The students were undoubtedly engaged, just not with me. “My teaching assistants consoled me by noting that students have learned that they can ‘get by’ without paying attention in their classes.”
  • Last spring I asked my students how many of them did not like school. Over half of them rose their hands. When I asked how many of them did not like learning, no hands were raised. And there’s the rub. We love learning. We hate school. What’s worse is that many of us hate school because we love learning
    • Joy Quah Yien-ling
      This was my experience. I loved to learn. But I always felt the learning in school had absolutely no personal relevance to me. Sad. I only began to enjoy school when I entered college, and learning things that were personally meaningful.
  • Some time ago we started taking our walls too seriously – not just the walls of our classrooms, but also the metaphorical walls that we have constructed around our ’subjects,’ ‘disciplines,’ and ‘courses.’ McLuhan’s statement about the bewildered child ….. still holds true in most classrooms today. The walls have become so prominent that they are even reflected in our language, so that today there is something called ‘the real world’ which is foreign and set apart from our schools
    this article tracks Michael Wesch's progress with his media work and his teaching, after the "students today" gained popularity
ian august

New Media Literacies - 1 views

  • On the other hand, the one life perspective says it is time to help students blend their two lives into an integrated, meaningful approach to living in the digital age.
  • It says that the technology that kids use is too expensive, problematic, or distracting to integrate into teaching and learning. It says that issues concerning the personal, social, and environmental impacts of living a digital, technological lifestyle are tangential to a school curriculum. Above all, it says that kids will have to figure out how to navigate the digital world beyond school on their own and puzzle through issues of cyber safety, technological responsibility, and digital citizenship without the help of the educational system.
  • It says that if we don't understand that schools are exactly the place for kids to learn how to use technology not only effectively and creatively but also responsibly and wisely, then heaven help us all.
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  • Should we consider students to have two separate lives--a relatively digital free life at school and a digitally saturated life away from school--or should we consider them to have one life that integrates their lives as students and digital citizens?
    should we embrace technology in the classroom and teach kids how to use it?
Heather Kurto - 0 views

    • Heather Kurto
      Web 2.0 has driven pedagogy so that teachers need to know, not only how to use the Web 2.0 tools for personal purposes but how to use them to support and enhance their students' learning
    • Heather Kurto
      Over the last few years, Web 2.0 applications, and especially blogs, wikis, e-portfolios, social media, podcasting, social networking etc., have received intense and growing educational interest, with uses including diverse learning groups, from primary and secondary education (Tse, Yuen, Loh, Lam, & Ng, 2010, Sheehy, 2008; Woo, Chu, Ho, & Li, 2011; Angelaina & Jimoyiannis, 2011) to higher education (Bolliger & Shepherd, 2010; Ching & Hsu, 2011; Deng & Yuen, 2011; Roussinos & Jimoyiannis, 2011; Yang, 2009; Zorko, 2009), vocational training (Marsden & Piggot-Irvine, 2012) and teachers' professional development (Doherty, 2011; Wheeler, & Wheeler, 2009; Wopereis, Sloep, & Poortman , 2010).
    • Heather Kurto
      Existing literature, regarding the integration of ICT in schools, shows that despite governmental efforts and directives, the application of ICT in educational settings is rather peripheral acting, in most cases, as an 'add on' effect to regular teacher-centred classroom work. It remains a common practice, for most teachers, to use ICT primarily for low-level formal academic tasks (e.g., getting information from Web resources) or for administrative purposes (developing lesson plans, worksheets, assessment tests, etc.) rather than as a learning tool to support students' active learning (OFSTED, 2004; Jimoyiannis & Komis, 2007; Tondeur, van Keer, van Braak, & Valcke , 2008).
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • Heather Kurto
      The theoretical framework presented and the empirical research phase of the paper addressed some of the critical issues arising around Web 2.0 in school practice. TPACK 2.0 and authentic learning can develop and support a coherent pedagogical and instructional framework for future teacher professional development programs aiming to help educators: * to adopt Web 2.0 not as a matter of acquiring new ICT skills but in terms ofspecific pedagogical and instructional dimensions; * to move beyond oversimplified approaches which treat Web 2.0 as a 'trend', a 'special event' or an 'extra tool'supplemental to their traditional instruction; * to understand how Web 2.0 technologies change both pedagogy and learning practice; * to consider, in their instructional design, Web 2.0 technologies, Content and Pedagogy not in isolation, but in the complex relationshipssystem they define.
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