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Contents contributed and discussions participated by gerhard_r

LC Stuff

How do you remove a hightlight or unhighlight? - 1223 views

started by LC Stuff on 27 Feb 11 no follow-up yet
  • gerhard_r
    In Firefox with Diigo toolbar appears a pen above the highlight when I move the mouse over it.It has a drop down menu with a "Delete"-Option.
jc perl

security warning in IE8 - 144 views

workaround security warning in IE8 Internet Explorer 8 Internet Explorer 7
  • gerhard_r
    Workaround 1+2 works only if you allow "mixed content" for all web-pages (zone "Internet") not only for trusted zones.
    This is rather unsafe.
  • ...1 more comments...
  • gerhard_r
    This is a show-stopper for me to.
    Uninstalled diigo toolbar and stoped using diigo!
  • gerhard_r
    I don't have problems to trust diigo. But the workaround 1+2 works only if I allow mixed content for all web-sites (not only for the trusted

    The alternative method choosing "don't show annotations" would be fine for me, but it does not work.
    I choose it: (Screenshot ) but I still get warnings from internet-explorer when I open a website with https.
  • gerhard_r
    I tested Diigolet - no problem with security warnings there. But the missing option "privat as default" is a pain.
Rob McPherson

Toolbar communication causes Security Warnings in IE - 88 views

suggestion toolbar ie Internet Explorer 8 Internet Explorer 7
started by Rob McPherson on 09 Aug 10 no follow-up yet
  • gerhard_r
    I have the same problem.
    Uninstalling diigo toolbar and then reinstalling does not help.
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