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Vicki Davis

Technology in the Middle » Blog Archive » 1:1-Digital Citizenship - 1 views

    Patrick Woessner's post on Digital Citizenship\nLast week I began unfolding the four "themes" that will guide our 1:1 Tablet PC implementation:\n\n * Information Management and Research\n * Digital Citizenship\n * Communication and Collaboration in a Global World\n * Creativity, Critical Thinking, and Design\n
    Excellent post discussing the elements of digital citizenship.
    Excellent blog post about the elements of digital citizenship from an educator. This makes a case about what should be done and how.
Anne Bubnic

Virtual World Digital Citizenship for Middle Schoolers - 0 views

    This documents students using Google Lively to teach other students about digital citizenship
    For our project, we chose to create a virtual room, called Digiteen World, on Google Lively. Our main objective of this project is to get people more aware about Digital Citizenship. We will be allowing kids from our school to get on Lively, and react in the virtual world. We have created nine superheroes. Each superhero has a lesson to teach abut the nine aspects of Digital Citizenship. By teaching the lessons in a virtual room, the kids get to have a great time and still learn very important lessons. The goal of this project is to educate people on how to act online. In allowing kids to be a part of this project, we hope that they will learn how to be good digital citizens.
Anne Bubnic

Understanding Digital Citizenship - 4 views

  • it seems that digital citizenship is about using technology appropriately, and not misusing or abusing technology.
  • The item I am most interested in is the “digital rights and responsibilities”. Up until now, most of what I have seen related to digital citizenship relates only to safety, literacy and etiquette and the strategies we use in teaching these to children.
  • A fully literate citizen is at once critically self-reflexive and critically reflexive of his/her collective and position within it.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • I can say that digital citizenship can be extended to include; 1) A responsibility to critical interpret our place in the collective, especially in terms of power, authority, influence and position, and 2) An obligation toward bettering our (digital) communities through critical, ethical and moral decision-making.
    Brilliant and meaty post from Alex Couros about what "digital citizenship" encompasses and really means for pedagogy.
Anne Bubnic

Citizenship in the Digital Age: Comparison of Five Models of Instruction - 4 views

    A comparison of five Digital Citizenship models: ISTE NETS, Bailey & Ribble, IKeepSafe/C3 Framework, Digital Citizenship & Creative Commons, Protecting Students in the 21st Century. The chart can be downloaded here.
Anne Bubnic

Digital Citizenship: Using Technology Appropriately - 0 views

    This web site was developed by Mike Ribble, co-author of Digital Citizenship in the Schools. He covers the 9 areas of Digital Citizenship that are outlined in the book and offers many examples of how educators can begin the process of teaching their students how to use technology more appropriately. These resources can be used by any anyone who is interested in helping students or others better understand appropriate technology use.
Anne Bubnic

Thirteen lesson plans on Digital Citizenship Topics [pdf] - 2 views

    Thirteen lesson plans on Digital Citizenship Topics. Each follow the ISTE NETS and the 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship, as defined by George Bailey and Mike Ribble.
Anne Bubnic

NCDC Digital Citizenship Survey Results released - 5 views

    NCDC conducted a survey of International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) members last April to gain insight into educators' understanding of digital citizenship and classroom needs. Results were released this week and are summarized here. Also see the Microsoft digital citizenship curriculum site at:
Anne Bubnic

Digital Citizenship: Monitoring Technology Use & Abuse [pdf] - 0 views

    THE JOURNAL (arcticle) by Mike Ribble and Gerald Bailey. Provides a five-step program for creating a digital citizenship program in your school.Over the last two years, it has become evident that a behavior pattern of misuse and abuse with respect to technology is \nbeginning to emerge in our society. This outbreak of \ntechnology misuse and abuse is documented in continual news \ncoverage on TV, in newspapers and on the Internet - both \ninside and outside of schools. The endless list of misuse and \nabuse includes hacking into school servers, using e-mail to \nintimidate or threaten students, illegally downloading music, \nplagiarizing information from the Internet, using cellular \nphones during class time, accessing pornographic Web sites, \nand playing video games during class. Therefore, if you are \nusing technology in your district, you must begin to deal with \ndigital citizenship in a significant way. \n
Steven Knight

K12 Digital Citizenship - home - 15 views

    This site provides k12 curriculum on digital citizenship and professional development for adults working with K12 students on digital citizenship.
Anne Bubnic

Digital Citizenship Week | Middle School - 8 views

    A well-documented week of middle school activities in celebration of Digital Citizenship Week.
Margaret Moore-Taylor

Five-Minute Film Festival: Teaching Digital Citizenship | Edutopia - 7 views

    This playlist is intended to offer tools to make the case that it's critical to teach digital citizenship. There are links to videos that can be used when teaching digitalcitizenship
    thanks you.
Megan Black

Teaching and Modeling Good Digital Citizenship | MindShift - 17 views

    Great article on Digital Citizenship resources to use. 
Anne Bubnic

BrainPOP Spotlight: Digital Citizenship - 6 views

    Free Brainpop video on digital citizenship. Free Brainpop video on digital citizenship. Four other free videos are included in the series: BLOGS, CYBERBULLYING, DIGITAL ETIQUETTE and ONLINE SAFETY.
Anne Bubnic

MICDS Digital Citizenship Program - 1 views

    Sample Matrix for a middle school digital citizenship program.
Anne Bubnic

Digital Citizenship Includes Rights as Well as Responsibilities - 8 views

    Larry Magid discusses the rights of a child and freedom of expression as components of digital citizenship.
Anne Bubnic

Is the "Business" of Digital Citizenship Preventing Progress? - 3 views

    Thoughtful post! As long as internet safety and digital citizenship are presented as a business, with products to be purchased to prevent problems, curricula that purport to immunize children, and professionals required to deliver messages, it's no wonder that parents and teachers are paralyzed by the prospect of helping children negotiate their lives online. At the Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) Annual Conference, held in Washington, DC last week, there was a striking confluence of those who view digital citizenship as an extension of our daily roles as citizens, and those who have a vested interest in keeping the alarm bells going in order to draw parents and teachers into their camp for speaking engagements, stand-alone curricula, web-tracking, web-blocking, or mobile phone tracking services.
Anne Bubnic

Digital Citizenship - [PowerPoint Slide Shows] - 0 views

    Locate and download Digital Citizenship PowerPoint presentations created by others.
Anne Bubnic

Panwapa Island: Global Citizenship Initiative from Sesame Street - 0 views

    Panwapa, which means "here on this earth" in the Tshiluba language, aims to foster the foundation for global citizenship and community activism in young children, ages 4 to 7. Featuring an entirely new group of Muppet characters, Panwapa consists of an interactive website, a DVD, and print materials that are available to children around the world in five languages -Arabic, English, Japanese, Mandarin and Spanish. Sponsored by Sesame Street & Merrill Lynch.
Anne Bubnic

Digital Citizenship Presentations on Slide Share - 5 views

    Find presentations that other educators have made on Digital Citizenship topics.
Anne Bubnic

Digital Citizenship: iKeepSafe partnership with WoogiWorld - 1 views

    iKeepSafe partnered with Woogi World to reach children and educators directly. Children will learn more effectively about digital citizenship including cybersafety, security, and ethics through the moderated kid to kid interaction, the online challenges or "episodes", and parental/educator involvement. Marsali Hancock, iKeepSafe Coalition President, says, "Woogi World allows us to create content which organically combines cybercitzenship education, play, and academic learning in a way that is exciting for kids."
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